Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2157: Sword and sword

Heavenly Sword Palace!

Is it a coincidence, or a certain number?

Looking at the palace in front of him, Li Ye even wanted to enter, and he could feel the strong sword intent inside, like a beast trying to break out of the cage, but was locked in by the palace gate.

At the next moment, Li Ye appeared in the palace, and at the same time he found that the spiritual core on his body had completely shattered and turned into powder.

"Sure enough."

Looking at the powder in his hand, Li Ye's attention fell on the entire palace.

Different from the three palaces he entered just now, this place is like a self-contained world, and the bitter sword intent fills the entire palace, even in an instant, the people who are cultivated under the realm of the king are completely torn apart.

The sword energy that the sword intent turned into gave Li Ye a few more holes in an instant, but with the strength of Li Ye's physical body now, there were only a few more shallow marks on the surface of the skin, even the epidermis. rip.

"The statue of Emperor Wu!"

In the depths of the palace, a statue holding a long sword is lifelike, and even Li Ye can feel that the almost uncontrolled and violent sword intent in the entire palace radiates from this statue.

Staring at the violent sword intent, Li Ye walked step by step towards the statue, because he had a middle-intuition that all the secrets, including the origin of these hundreds of palaces, would be explained on this statue.

The closer you get, the more crazy the violent sword intent.

If it is said that as soon as entering the palace gate, those sword intent can instantly shred the strong under the king, then as Li Ye walks ten steps, at this moment, even those strong in the king can not resist. Gotta live.

On Li Ye's body, a series of openings appeared, and even a wound that could only leave a shallow mark, now it can make him feel a little pain.

At this time, there is at least a hundred steps away from the statue!

Ten steps!

Twenty steps!

Li Ye's clothes instantly turned into fly ash.

Fifty steps! Li Ye let out a muffled hum, and at the same time there were wounds on his body, and blood began to flow out.

Eighty steps!

Li Ye’s body was full of violent auras, and the horrible sword intent seemed to be glued to the sword intent in the entire palace. However, it was clear that compared to the sword intent revealed from the statue of Emperor Wu, Li Ye’s The sword intent is as fragile as a baby in the eyes of a strong adult.

Almost the moment it appeared, it was torn apart!

But Li Ye did not give up. Almost at this time, his understanding of kendo was improving at a rapid rate.

If you say that among the many techniques Li Ye cultivated before, although kendo is known as the strongest offensive in the martial arts of the heavens, it is not the one that Li Ye is best at. However, in such a short period of time, Li Ye's understanding and improvement of kendo was almost clearer than all these years combined.

With the confrontation with the sword intent in the entire palace, he is also rapidly increasing the strength of his own sword intent.

Sword, the king of a hundred soldiers! In almost the entire Yunteng Continent, anyone who practices martial arts can more or less be able to perform swordsmanship!

However, there are not many that can really be called sword repair.

Li Ye is not a sword repairer, he is better at using fists and his magic skills than swords!

Ninety steps!

There are only the last ten steps to the statue, but just like these ten steps, it is as if it is close at hand but far away.

A trace of bright red flowed from the corner of Li Ye’s mouth. After these ninety steps, he was actually injured. That terrible sword intent was eroding his body all the time. If it hadn’t been for practicing God of Fighting Art and changing anyone, it would have already been It's crushed!

Even at this level, an ordinary quasi imperial weapon would be completely broken.

Li Ye stopped because a person appeared before his eyes.

No, it's not a person, because that looming body with a strong will to death, only the resentful spirit can release this extreme aura.

A resentful spirit, a resentful spirit with a terrifying sword intent!

Li Ye's eyes narrowed slightly. Obviously, this was the last level!

Sure enough, the resentful spirit didn't say anything, just do it! The horror sword intent broke out instantly!

This is the collision between the sword and the sword, Li Ye naturally did not hesitate, the seven-star sword in his hand burst into strong stars and turned into seven stars!

"Yijian! Stars!"

This is almost Li Ye's strongest sword today, even the stars in the sky can be smashed with one sword!

However, this sword was easily shattered by the resentful spirit of the sword, and at the same time it was almost the same move, and it struck Li Ye.

The pupils contracted extremely rapidly, and three swords were cut out in succession, as if the sun, moon and stars were completely separated at that moment!

This sword has surpassed Li Ye's previous sword intent, and even faintly has approached the origin of the sword's power.

Such a terrifying power can destroy everything within a hundred li in an instant, but in the palace, there is not even any trace left.


A mouthful of blood spurted from Li Ye's mouth, but there was a smile on his face.

Because the terrifying sword spirit just now has disappeared, and the sword intent that filled the entire palace also disappeared, as if it dissipated completely as the evil spirit dissipated.

Looking closely, Li Ye was covered with blood all over, and he could hardly bear to gamble. Fortunately, those wounds are almost at a speed visible to the naked eye, and they have almost recovered in a short time.

The only thing consumed is the true vitality in the body.

In front of the statue, Li Ye could feel that the endless sword intent in the statue before him was fading, and on the chest of the statue, a jade talisman appeared.

Reaching out to hold it, the next moment Li Ye's mind seemed to have countless images rushing in.

The sky is collapsing, and the earth is shattering, like a doomsday scene.

Countless terrifying auras almost covered the entire void, those, even far beyond the strongest power Li Ye could recognize.

Emperor Wu?

At least in his sight, Emperor Wu could only be regarded as the weakest existence! A lot of even a single look is enough to destroy him!

But so many terrifying powerhouses have fallen one after another.

"Devil of Outer Space!"

In an instant, everything disappeared, but Li Ye was dripping with sweat, as if he had just been fished out of the water.

What happened in just a short moment? Obviously the memory is very clear, but it seems very vague. The only thing I remember is the blood-stained sky.

The next moment, Li Ye found that he was approaching the statue uncontrollably, and before he could react, he entered the statue directly.

When he recovered, he found that he had appeared in the valley.

The second day! For some reason, when Li Ye saw everything in front of him, there was a glimmer of understanding in Li Ye's heart.

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