Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2153: Black palace

Naturally, Li Ye couldn't get away easily either, one of the resentful spirits rushed towards him directly, and the strong death aura even exceeded the two that Li Ye had just killed.

"These resentful spirits seem to have been transformed by various sect geniuses or strong men who entered the secret realm before they died."

One after another, a variety of powerful resentful spirits appeared, most of their strengths were above the realm of the Celestial Venerable, and many even reached the realm of the Venerable King.

Even if everyone was the top genius in the entire Star Sea Region, it would be a waste to meet so many resentful spirits at once.

At this time, the Qingtian trio in the north courtyard didn't say they wanted to kill Li Ye, even they themselves were hard to protect themselves!

One or two may not be a big deal, but more and more resentful spirits appeared, and some even seemed to retain the combat experience before them, which immediately made a few people dangerous.


Qingtian roared in the north courtyard, and avoided one of the wraith spirits with a palm. Regardless of the black smoke and the solitary group, he directly flashed himself into a escape light, obviously unable to support it.

But Black Smoke did not look like a pair of double swords in his hands, and several resentful spirits couldn't get close to him, but the slight sweat on his forehead exposed his anxiety and trouble.

Duguqun’s expression changed, distracted, and instantly he was slapped by the resentful spirit behind his back. All of a sudden, he saw that the entire back was shot in black. At the same time, a strong breath of death invaded his body, making him unbearable. Zhu made a scream, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out on the spot.

Among the few people, Li Ye was the one who could handle the most easily. I don't know why, he felt that his palm strength seemed to have innate restraint against these resentful spirits. Although it was not obvious, it was somewhat useful.

"Boy, don't be surprised, the true dragon clan itself is one of the sacred beasts, and the bloodline is biased towards the pure Yang line, which naturally has a certain restraint effect on the things produced by this kind of death."

That's it! Li Ye could understand that it was the effect of the dragon bloodline in that part of his body.

"Actually, if your blood is not from the line of the magic dragon from the true dragon family, but from the line of the five-clawed golden dragon, these resentful spirits will not even approach you."

As the Heavenly Sword Great Emperor said, Li Ye quickly got rid of the entanglement. Looking back, Duguqun had been injured and was losing ground, and the black smoke didn't know the reason.

Seeing this scene, Li Ye shook his head slightly.

The three of them were going to join forces to kill him, but they didn't expect that these resentful spirits helped Li Ye a favor, and even shattered their short-term alliance.

With a flash of figure, Li Ye didn't take advantage of the situation to kill the two people, because he felt that a stronger breath of death was brewing in front of him, like the tranquility before the eruption of a volcano, as if something was about to be born!

In fact, it was not just Li Ye, almost everyone in the secret realm felt it.

"It's getting started!"

Somewhere, Yun Qiantian's eyes dazzled with bursts of sharp edges, and the terrifying aura instantly shattered several resentful spirits around him, turning them into black air and dissipating in the air.

The next moment, he disappeared in place.

At this time, looking over the entire secret realm from a high altitude, you will find that in the very center, a huge palace has appeared directly, as if rising from the ground, gradually rising from the ground.

At the same time, as if affected by this, a lot of resentful spirits appeared around them, and the aura of these resentful spirits was extremely powerful, even far beyond those that everyone had just touched.

In the void, a figure flashed and stopped directly not far from the palace.

"What a strong breath of death."

Li Ye looked at the huge, uninterrupted, towering palace like a city, with a look of surprise on his face.

At the same time, before he could finish reading it carefully, several powerful breaths approached and stopped outside the palace one after another.

Take a closer look, Yun Qiantian, Heavenly Phoenix Saint, Kong Huan, Yu Luoyan and others have arrived.

Not long after, a few breaths came, and Zuo Yujie, Shui Yuntian and others also arrived.

The difference in strength can be seen from the appearance of the crowd. Of course, everyone does not care about this at this time, but one by one, looking at the huge palace that appears in front of them with fiery eyes.

The entire palace, like a city, reveals an ancient aura, even if it is only a little closer, you can feel a certain incomparable power hitting the hearts of everyone.

"Huangwei! This is Huangwei!"

I don't know who exclaimed in a low voice, and as expected, from the palace, a mighty imperial might directly rushed toward everyone.

The only difference is that this imperial prestige is full of death, making it even more gloomy.

"It turns out that the so-called core of the secret realm is this palace!"

Zuo Yujie frowned, and then suddenly realized.

When he said this, the expressions of the rest of the people became a little weird. After all, the Shen Danzong had previously decided who could enter the core area of ​​the secret realm. Everyone was still wondering, since they entered the secret realm at the same time, what exactly does this core area mean?

Looking at the huge palace in front of me at this moment, I finally understood.

But here comes the problem!

"Huh! It turns out that this is the core area! Can no one except the five of them enter?"

Guizi sneered, apparently his ambition was not just to enter the secret realm.

Ordinary people and sects may not know much, but the ghost sects are not much less than the Shen Danzong for what the Xinghai Secret Realm has!

In the palace in front of you, there is the key to becoming an emperor!

Emperor Dan!

Only by entering inside, can you have a chance to fight for the ownership of the emperor pill! As for the people who stay outside, a fool knows what will happen after thinking about it!

For a moment, there seemed to be some sort of silence before the storm was brewing among the people.

Even Yun Qiantian's expression changed slightly.

At this time everyone suddenly discovered that Shen Danzong's so-called qualification to finally enter the core area is actually a joke! To be able to enter, they still have to fight for themselves!

Suddenly, no one thought that the devil rushed towards the black palace first, the speed was ghostly, even beyond what everyone knew about him before!

"Damn it! The devil has been hiding his strength!"

Seeing this scene, even Yun Qiantian was a little surprised, of course, it was only half a beat, the whole person also turned into a pale golden light, and he wanted to enter the black palace.

The two were in tandem, and the others were naturally unwilling to lag behind.

Even Duguqun and Dong Xinghuang, who had been injured, were desperately trying to enter the black palace.

Only Li Ye did not move, but looked at the entire black palace with a strange look, as if he could see something.

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