Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2142: See the saint

As a sect that sits on the same level as Shen Danzong, Tianxiang Pavilion is naturally treated differently from other sects. It is directly arranged on the mountainside, surrounded by green mountains and green waters, and the scenery is pleasant.

But at this time, an angry voice came from the other courtyard.

"Junior sister, don't be so angry, the matter has not been confirmed."

Another Wei Wei seemed to be persuading her with a mature voice.

"Senior Sister! I can't look at Feng'er because that brute ruined my future!"

This time in Tianxiang Pavilion, the three elders led the team. Although the leader is Elder Jinghua, one of the other two middle-aged women is the senior sister of Elder Jinghua, but it is obvious that among the three is still Jinghua. The elders are the main ones.

At this moment, in front of the three, the Heavenly Phoenix Saint's face was calm, but she was surrounded by the three elders.

In addition, several candidate saints were on the side, with a sneer on Wei Wei's face, only a few of them, with a slightly worried look in their eyes, looked at the heavenly saint.

"You guys, will Junior Sister Tianfeng be punished?"

"Difficult, although the elders from the sect master and the elders are very caring for Junior Sister Tianfeng, but this time they have violated the sect's great taboo! Some elders may really use the sect's criminal law."

"Isn't it possible? Senior Sister Tianfeng is appointed by the Sect Master. Even the elders are not qualified. But this time, I didn't expect Junior Sister Tianfeng to have an old relationship with an external man. This is the most intolerable taboo in Tianxiang Pavilion. what."

As the disciples of Tianxiang Pavilion, several female disciples talked in whispers.

After all, in that battle not long ago, even a fool could see the relationship between the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess and that Li Ye, let alone the people in Tianxiang Pavilion who were very sensitive to this aspect?

On this side, as the nominal master of the Heavenly Phoenix sage, Elder Jinghua was angry and hated, "Feng'er, you are a teacher, what is the relationship between you and that Li Ye?"

The older one of the other two elders also persuaded, "Feng'er, your master is also worried about you. If you just meet in peace, and you can't move your Dao heart!"

However, in the face of the persuasion of Elder Jinghua, Heavenly Phoenix Saint did not reply, neither admitted nor denied.


This attitude made Elder Jinghua even more angry!

But although she is nominally the master of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, everyone knows that the Heavenly Phoenix Saint was appointed by the Lord of the Xiangge Pavilion today, only to let her be an apprentice on her behalf, and her identity is a bit embarrassing.

"Junior sister, the elders are also kind. You are the heir of the next pavilion master of our sect. You can't ruin the future of the entire sect just because of a personal relationship between your children."

There was a hot and cold ridicule, although it sounded like an exhortation, but fools all heard the ridicule.

Elder Jinghua and the three of them all looked ugly, but the oldest woman looked as excited as Elder Wu Jinghua, and sighed, "Junior Sister, I think this matter may not be as we thought. It’s so serious. And I think Feng'er should have a sense of measure."

Heavenly Phoenix Saint Goddess's color remained unchanged, a closer look revealed that she was already out of the sky, she was not listening to the nagging of the three elders in front of her.

This scene happened to be seen by Elder Jing Hua, and he suddenly felt a little in his heart!

She was a person who came by, and she naturally saw what Nizi's reaction represented in front of her, and her face changed instantly!

The other two elders also glanced at each other and saw the seriousness in each other's eyes.

Elder Jinghua was about to speak again, but was dragged away by the two.

Seeing the three elders leave, the others also dispersed.

In another wing room of the other courtyard, Elder Jinghua was angrily, "Senior Sister, why are you pulling me away?"

"Junior sister, haven't you noticed that now Feng'er's Daoist heart is clearly loosened, even if you persuade, what's the point?"

"Yes, Senior Sister, I think this time, it's a bit tricky!"

The three of them went out of the same school. The sisters and sisters of hundreds of years naturally knew the bottom line. Both of them knew why Elder Jinghua was so excited, because she had also experienced it when she was young.

"It's all caused by that animal! No, this matter must be resolved!"

"How to solve it? Now that Li Ye is a direct disciple of Shen Danzong Meihuang, and now, Shen Danzong will never allow him to have any accidents."

"Can't you just watch Feng'er's Dao Xin being ruined?"

Elder Jinghua's face was uncertain, and he didn't know what he had thought of, he said with a slight hatred, "If you have a teacher, you will have an apprentice!"

The two looked at each other and both smiled bitterly.

What Elder Jinghua said, how do they not know?

"I did not expect that Li Ye would actually be Ye Wuming's disciple. Is this a joke from God?"

"Back then, he lost Senior Sister Jinghua. For him, Senior Sister even lost the opportunity to compete with the saint under the sect's criminal law. Now, his disciple is again with Feng'er... alas."

A trace of hatred flashed across Elder Jinghua's face. Not many people knew about this, but what happened back then was naturally a nightmare she could not forget for hundreds of years.

The female disciples of the entire Tianxiang Pavilion only knew that of the elders, she was the most staid and strictest elder, but she never knew that the elder Jinghua back then was also a young girl who was in love with her, and the girl Huaichun is no different from those young female disciples today.

Just as the three of them felt embarrassed about this matter, there was a voice they most unwilling to hear at this time.

"Zi Li Ye, come to visit the seniors of Tianxiang Pavilion and the sage of Tianfeng!"

Li Ye!

The trio's complexion changed, and they appeared outside the courtyard in an instant.

At this time, Li Yezheng was alone.

"Li Ye!"

Seeing that it was really Li Ye, Elder Jinghua had an ugly face and didn't give any trace of face at all, "Li Ye, you don't want to stay in Wulaofeng to practice, what are you doing here?"

Regarding the elder Jinghua of Tianxiang Pavilion, Li Ye had obviously done some homework before he came, and even her indifference, which was thousands of miles away, had been guessed in advance.

"The Son and the Heavenly Phoenix Saint are the old days, I want to..."

"Li Ye! Could it be that you think that you can think of my Heavenly Fragrant Pavilion saint after you have now worshipped the Emperor Meihuang of Shen Danzong?"

With an angry shout, Li Ye was directly interrupted, and Elder Jinghua looked angry, even with a hint of chill.

He sighed slightly. In fact, before coming here, Li Ye had some psychological preparations in his heart about the reaction of the three elders of Tianxiang Pavilion, but what he didn't want was the scene before him.

It's just that when he came here, he naturally had a purpose, and he wouldn't leave obediently because of Elder Jinghua's prevention.

"If this is the case, then Shuzi dare to offend the three seniors!"

As soon as these words came out, the three Elder Jinghua's expressions changed!

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