Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2143: Saint appeared

With the strength of Li Ye now, the elders of the ordinary fifth-grade sect really couldn't stop him.

However, what stood in front of him at this time was the three elders of the Fourth Grade Sect Tianxiang Pavilion, especially the elder Jinghua who was even the last saint candidate!


Seeing that Li Ye actually wanted to rush, Elder Jinghua yelled on the spot, waved his hand, and immediately struck Li Ye directly with a powerful palm.

Don't underestimate this palm strength, faintly accompanied by the sound of wind and thunder, it is definitely not under the full blow of the ordinary powerful king!

From this point, it can be seen that the difference between the fourth-grade sect Tianxiang Pavilion and the general sect, the strength of the elders is even farther apart.

Ordinary sects, those who are strong in the heavenly realm can become elders, and the kingly realm is even the best among the elders.

However, the three women in the Tianxiang Pavilion in front of them seem to be much stronger than the ordinary kings, and they have even reached the realm of the half emperor!

"Be careful, this woman is not easy, she has at least two Dao Yun powers."

In his mind, Emperor Tianjian reminded slightly.

In fact, Li Ye could already feel that as soon as Elder Jinghua made a move, he knew that he wanted to pass her level, it was not easy!

Under Emperor Wu, mastering a kind of Daoyun power can be called the peak king! If you master both, you can be called a half emperor! Especially, the half-emperor body can already use the power of Tao Yun perfectly.

"In that case, the kid is offended!"

When Elder Jinghua took the shot, Li Ye naturally did his part!

The two directly fought a trick, but no one thought that Elder Jinghua would be shaken back several steps in succession. On the other hand, Li Ye only swayed slightly, but he did not back down even half a step!

At this time, Elder Jinghua's expression changed, and at the same time the expressions of the other two women in Tianxiang Pavilion also changed. One of them shot Li Ye directly!

Obviously, it was obvious that Li Ye could not be dealt with by Elder Jinghua alone, and the other two could not care about identity and face, and joined forces at the same time!

In this way, Li Ye had to face three people.

But at this time, Li Ye not only showed no fear, but even uttered a long scream from the sky!

"Boy teaches the triumphant tricks of the three seniors!"

Elder Jinghua and the three of them blushed, how can they be elders, but at this time they don’t care about so much. The oldest Tianxiang Pavilion elder said in a low voice, "Li Ye, don’t blame us three old guys. Nosy, but my sage saint will never have any contact with outside men! Regardless of whether you know it before, she is now the saint of my Tianxiang Pavilion, and is completely cut off from all the vulgarity of the past!"

In fact, this is already considered a step back from Tianxiang Pavilion. If it is replaced by someone else, where will I explain it to you? It is equivalent to showing that Tianxiang Pavilion is not willing to offend Li Ye, such a demon that cannot be measured by common sense.

It's just that Li Ye is not satisfied with this explanation!

Her face sank, "One cut! So one cut, have you asked her family?"


Elder Jinghua disagrees, and her voice is even more proud, "No matter whether Feng'er had family members before, but being able to become the Saintess of Tianxiang Pavilion, her family will not have any objections!"

After finishing speaking, he gave a cold snort, "Li Ye, don't think that you can interfere with my Tianxiang Pavilion without authorization after defeating Meihuang as a teacher! And what position and identity are you interfering with?"

What identity and position?

This sentence made Li Ye stunned.

He came today, in fact, after all, he just wanted to confirm whether the Heavenly Phoenix Saint was really Feng Wutian.

But at this time, he asked himself, what if he confirmed it?

Feng Wutian's feelings for him at the time were because of his hesitation and angrily ran away!

Now he has become the future heir of the Fourth Grade Sect, isn't this a huge fortune by Feng Wutian himself?

Seeing a trace of hesitation on Li Ye's face, the oldest Tianxiang Pavilion elder hurriedly cast a wink at Elder Jinghua. The three of them joined forces just now, but they did not take advantage of it. The previous scene of Li Ye and Konghuan's fight was still Vividly, they are not sure of victory in their hearts.

To deal with such a evildoer, they are still under the five old peaks of Shen Danzong, and they actually dare not mess around.

"Junior Sister, I can't do it without doing it. This Li Ye has too many methods, and this is under the five old peaks of Shen Danzong."

Although Elder Jinghua was not reconciled, he knew this was the truth, so he could only snorted secretly.

"Li Ye, you have to think carefully. My goddess of Tianxiang Pavilion has never been enamored with men, otherwise you will be deprived of the status of saints and even severely punished by the sect! If you really met Feng'er first, you can understand the whole In Xinghai Territory, only I, Tianxiang Pavilion, is her best destination!"

The so-called hard to beat Li Ye, naturally come soft, move around with reason and move with affection.

Li Ye really envied the silence, his arrival, in fact, even he himself could not judge whether Feng Wutian would like to see him.

If it is really just his wishful thinking? Didn't it hurt her?

Suddenly, Li Ye felt a look in his eyes and raised his head slightly, just to match a pair of bright eyes.

The whole body was shocked. Back then, at Tianfeng Villa, he had also looked at the owner of these eyes in the same way, but that time, the opponent left because of his ruthless anger.

Now that several years have passed, the two met again. What reason does he have to come to her?


Elder Jinghua exclaimed in a low voice, it was obviously Li Ye's arrival that alarmed the rest of the people in the other courtyard.

Heavenly Phoenix Saint and some other female disciples have already appeared, especially those female disciples, pointing to Li Ye.

"It's Li Ye!"

"Why is he here?"

"Does he really have an affair with Junior Sister Tianfeng? This time, the fun is great!"

As for the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, she didn't say anything after she came out, but looked at Li Ye that way, as if at that moment, there were only two people left in the whole world, and everyone else could not get in at all.

Seeing the appearance of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint, the three Elder Jinghua were shocked. They were all people who came by, so how could we not see the inner fluctuation of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint? It is precisely because of this that they dare not let Li Ye see the Heavenly Phoenix Saint!


A soft drink instantly broke the weird atmosphere of the two facing each other. Elder Jinghua looked stern, but it was too hard to be too strict with his beloved disciple, so he could only grimacing and whispered, "There is something here. For the teacher and your two uncles, you and your sisters and sisters go in first!"

It's a pity that Saint Tianfeng didn't go in, she still looked at Li Ye.

Those bright eyes seemed to make Li Ye slightly feel an unprecedented pressure.

Even Li Ye didn't even notice, he could not help taking a step back under the calm gaze of the Heavenly Phoenix Saint.


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