Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2141: Balance between sects

Five people, except for the respective representatives of Yun Qiantian and Tianfeng Saintess, Yunjia and Tianxiang Pavilion, the other three, before this time, almost everyone had never heard their names!

However, now, the three of them have overwhelmed numerous star-ocean geniuses and evildoers. They stood on their heads, and even at the beginning they were hailed as invincible. Yun Qiantian, who could easily crush many geniuses, was also defeated.

The sage of Tianxiang Pavilion, one of the descendants of the blood of Tianfeng in the ancient bloodline, also looked bleak in front of these three.

"The result of today's battle will be spread throughout the Star Sea region soon!"

"Yeah, who would have thought that Yun Qiantian would have lost, and the opportunity to enter the core area of ​​the Xinghai Secret Realm was almost taken away!"

Everyone is more or less fearful of Yun Qiantian.

Especially the geniuses of various sects, when they talk about Yun Qiantian, they are more or less helpless.

Not everyone can win the number one star in the sea of ​​stars! But Yun Qiantian has always let this title fall on his own head for many years and has not moved.

However, all this has changed today.

"Unexpectedly, in addition to the Heavenly Phoenix Saintess, there are actually two evildoers in the ancient bloodline in our Star Sea!

Obviously, Temujin and Yu Luoyan were now in the sight of everyone.

Especially the latter, although the victory with Yun Qiantian was reluctant and thrilling, victory is victory, and defeat is defeat! Many sects even moved their minds in their hearts!

An ancient bloodline, but a casual cultivator with no roots and no sect, if it can be recruited into its own sect, it will naturally become the key to affecting the entire Star Sea region in the future.

Not only the sects below, but the elders of Shendanzong also had their own thoughts, and even the elder Yuyun looked at the White Emperor.

The White Emperor naturally also felt the gazes of Elder Yuyun and others, and now the entire Xinghai area is respected by the three and four-rank sect families.

"The Yun family is naturally unlikely to make a solicitation. After all, there is a Yun Qiantian, and a mountain cannot accommodate two tigers!"

"Tianxiang Pavilion is respected by women! Although it also recruits male disciples, its status is not high. The pride of the ancient blood inheritance, 1≌1≌1≌1≌, naturally is not willing to condescend!"

"Only Shen Danzong is most likely!"

"Shen Danzong has already recruited a pervert like Li Ye, and there is another silly big man with ancient blood next to him. If you recruit this Yuluoyan again, I think the Yun Family and Tianxiang Pavilion will be troubled."

Normal sects want to compete with Shen Danzong, so naturally there is little chance.

However, the Yun Family and Tianxiang Pavilion are also unlikely to sit and watch Shen Danzong make a big move.

The White Emperor hesitated for a while, but suddenly made a choice that Elder Yuyun and the others could not understand. He did not express any intentions of solicitation.

"Smart choice."

Li Ye can be regarded as one of the few who understand why the White Emperor chose this way.

Only Temujin seemed to be puzzled, "Young Master, I don't quite understand."

"It's very simple, Shen Danzong, Tianxiang Pavilion, Yun Family, the three legs stand together. But these three are also strong and weak. Undoubtedly, the Yun Family is the strongest, Shen Danzong and Tianxiang Pavilion are the second. If you want to maintain this three-legged situation, any A slight change is enough to change everything."

Although Li Ye didn't know much about the original structure of the Star Sea Region, now he gradually constructed the entire power distribution structure clearly in his mind.

In fact, it was similar to a famous era in his previous life, with three legs standing on top of each other, the Yun family is powerful, Shen Danzong and Tianxiang Pavilion are faintly teaming up with each other, but each has secret plans and plans.

If nothing happens, such a situation is difficult to break, unless someone turns out to break the deadlock.

Originally Yun Qiantian was the most likely person! But there was a Heavenly Phoenix Saint in Tianxiang Pavilion!

Shen Danzong was naturally impatient, so the appearance of Li Ye made the White Emperor and the others pay so much attention! There is even an extra surprise!


In this way, it is equivalent to the situation of the three-legged tripartite once again returning, at least until they grow up, at least before they step into the Martial Emperor Realm, it is unlikely that changes will occur.

However, Yu Luoyan! The body of ancient blood! If Shen Danzong gets it, it will definitely break this balance in the near future!

"When the balance is broken, it is not what Shen Danzong wants to see, so the White Emperor chose the doctrine of the mean. He would rather give up a genius of ancient blood, rather than face the combination of Yun Family and Tianxiang Pavilion in the future Shen Danzong!"

Tie Muzhen scratched his head, still confused, "But the young master, if Yu Luoyan becomes a disciple of the Shen Danzong, with the young Lord and his abilities, the Shen Danzong will not be able to stand first in the three sects in the future, and even Do you unify the entire star sea area?"

Li Ye glanced at Yun Qiantian not far away, but shook his head, "If I were the White Emperor, I might have made the same choice! Sometimes, one bite can't be a fat man! On the contrary, if Yu Luoyan joins Shen Danzong, but it may bring unprecedented danger to Shen Danzong!"

The Yun Family, Tianxiang Pavilion, would never allow that situation to happen! Once Yu Luoyan is recruited by Shen Danzong, that Li Ye is at least 90% sure that after this time, the Yun Family and Tianxiang Pavilion will directly join forces! Before the rise of Shen Danzong, all threats were completely strangled in the cradle!

This world itself is so cruel.

"But Young Master, I don't understand. Since the Yun Family was originally powerful, Tianxiang Pavilion will join hands with them to deal with the Shen Dan Sect? The Shen Dan Sect is destroyed or its vitality is severely injured, and is it not for the Yun Family to take advantage of the situation to sit up?"

"For the Tianxiang Pavilion, whether it is the Yun Family or the Shen Danzong growing, they are not what they want to see. Yun Family, there is only one Yun Qiantian, even if the Shen Danzong is destroyed, Tianxiang Pavilion does not mean that there is nothing to fight back. force."

There is one sentence that he did not explicitly say, whether it is him, Yu Luoyan, or even Temujin, giving them this kind of enchanting time does not need a hundred years, or even ten or twenty years, and it will completely change the current Xinghai Region. pattern!

In fact, there is one more, even if Shen Danzong decides to take a risk, Li Ye doesn't think Yu Luoyan will agree!

Even if the intersection between the two is not much, but I don't know why, Li Ye can guess Yu Luoyan's choice.

Perhaps that is a kind of telepathy that only people at their level have.



Shendanzong, Wulaofeng.

People from all major sects are now arranged at the foot of the mountain under Wulao Peak. In order to arrange the major sects, the Shen Danzong even withdrew all the disciples of the Shen Danzong who had been practicing nearby.

One of the other courtyards is where many female disciples and elders of Tianxiang Pavilion rest and stay.

"Feng'er! You are confused!"

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