Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2136: The final battle


The whole scene is quiet and weird. ¥℉Vertex Novel,

As if everyone hadn't recovered from the horror just now.

Finally, a Buddha horn awakened everyone.

"Amitabha, the cloud donor's Canglong definitely deserves to be a technique close to the imperial grade, and the little monk is reluctant to win."

The empty voice brought everyone back, but the expressions on their faces were exceptionally weird.

Yun Qiantian was defeated. Unlike just now, the defeat was upright this time. Even those of the sects who were close to the Yun family could not find any reason to refute this result.

Elder Yuyun took a breath and wanted to announce, but finally shook his head.

In fact, there is no need to announce at all, because the outcome is already divided by witnessing.

The century was a big upset, and Xinghai's first youngest, lost one after another in the hands of two! Counting the fact that Li Ye had taken the first place in the Tower of Trial before, many people looked at him with a strange look in their eyes.

The first youngest member of Xinghai will spend another home from now on!

Yun Qiantian himself, for a time, couldn't accept this fact, looking at the empty expression, he was somewhat confused.

Is he too weak?

Obviously no one thinks Yun Qiantian is too weak! Even among the older generation of strong, there is no one who can fight him!

Under Wu Huang, almost invincible!

However, he still lost!

It's not that he is too weak, but the opponent is stronger!

With a sigh, at Tianxiang Pavilion, Elder Jinghua and a group of middle-aged women from Tianxiang Pavilion, their faces were a little complicated.

For a long time, Tianxiang Pavilion and Shen Danzong have been suppressed by the Yun Family, whether they are top powerhouses or new generation geniuses, they have always been suppressed. It is precisely because of this that Tianxiang Pavilion will take it so seriously after finding the Heavenly Phoenix Saint! Because facing the evil evildoer of the Yun family, only the bloodline of the ancients could fight.

However, if the Phoenix Saint has not fully grown up today, the man who was regarded as undefeated by all the sects and geniuses was defeated!

And it was a one-time loss, lost in the hands of two people!

Yuluoyan, also from the ancient blood, was lucky to win!

But Kong Huan, almost using iron facts, told everyone that the evil evildoers of the Yun Family were not truly invincible! It is even more a joke to say that there is no opponent in the same realm.


Yun Qiantian suddenly spit out blood again. Compared with the injury on his body, the frustration of proud pride is more deadly!

"Standing on the altar for a long time, it's time to feel the hardship below."

Seeing him vomiting blood, Guizi and the others showed a sneer in unison.

But then their faces became more solemn.

They couldn't deal with a Yun Qiantian, and now a little monk who defeated Yun Qiantian came.

They all saw the scene just now and the process of the two fighting each other.

They asked themselves, under the Buddha's light and statues, they didn't even have a chance of winning.

"Amitabha, I wonder if the little monk can continue to challenge?"

Just when everyone thought that this challenge was over, Yun Qiantian's unexpected exit also made the pattern between the five people clear, but Kong Huan unexpectedly turned his eyes and asked aloud.

Challenge again?

Everyone felt that everything that happened today completely exceeded everyone's initial expectations.

Yun Qiantian, an undefeated myth has now been ended. And the little monk who ended him hasn't stopped?

"Who else does he want to challenge?"

"Yun Qiantian has been defeated. Naturally, the remaining people cannot be his target, and the core area of ​​the Xinghai Secret Realm can enter four people. Now it is confirmed."

Everyone is puzzled, but a few people seem to have thought of something.

Sure enough, the empty gaze directly fixed on Li Ye.

"He wants to challenge Li Ye?"

"Good fellow, this little monk has a big heart! After winning Yun Qiantian, he directly targeted that Li Ye!"

This result was unexpected, but after thinking about it carefully, it was also unexpected.

After all, the scenes between Li Ye and the Qing emperor on Dan Shang just now are still vivid.

If it is said that there is still a battle against the air fantasy who defeated Yun Qiantian, Li Ye is the only one!

Yan Erye's expression changed, and just about to stop him, he saw Elder Yuyun shook his head at him, and at the same time a soft voice rang in his ears.

"Let's go with the flow."

Mei Huang! Obviously, Mei Huang did not leave, but kept paying attention to everything.

Even Meihuang said to let the flow go, obviously putting the decision right in Li Ye's hands.

accept? Still refuse?

Li Ye used actions to tell everyone.

Standing on the ring, Li Ye's expression was calm.

"Amitabha, the little monk has been looking forward to this battle for a long time."

"I also had expectations from the beginning, but I didn't expect it to be until now."

The unreasonable dialogue between the two made everyone's expression very strange.

"Do they know each other?"

"Kong Huan has always wanted to challenge Li Ye? Did the two have contact before? Even Kong Huan lost?"

"No! They should have known each other a long time ago, but they have never played against each other. It seems that these two people are the last battle of today to determine who is the first genius of the Star Sea Region in the century war!"

Seeing two people, many people feel like two worlds.

Even people with pride in their pride don't dare to compare themselves with the two in the ring.

One is the little monk Shang Konghuan who defeated Yun Qiantian, and the other is the super dark horse that has almost created a record that no one has broken for thousands of years.

Even at this moment, Yun Qiantian's light was transferred to the two of them.

Only the two of them are the focus of everyone's attention!

There was almost no sign, the two shot at the same time!

With the golden Buddha light in the sky, a Buddha statue suddenly pressed towards Li Ye, the golden palm of the Buddha was like a mountain of five fingers, as if to hold Li Yelian and the entire void in his hand.

Everyone took a breath!

This move is exactly the one that defeated Yun Qiantian just now. Obviously, when Kong Huan made a move, there was no embellishment directly. It proved from the side that in his mind, Li Ye's weight was more important than Yun Qiantian's. weight!

Seeing this, Yun Qiantian was the most unacceptable. He spouted blood again, hurting him even more! More importantly, it is heartache!

Li Ye's complexion changed. He had naturally seen this trick just now. Even Yun Qiantian was defeated by this palm, so he naturally didn't dare to hold it big.

"One sword! Broken mountains and rivers!"

The Shocking Sword Mang was like trying to split the huge Buddha palm handprint completely, but Li Ye didn't stop his hand, just after the first sword came out, the second sword followed!

"One sword! Heaven and earth are destroyed!"

This is a terrifying sword intent that incorporates two imperial martial arts swordsmanship! The sword moves of the Earth Sword Jue and the sword intent of the Ten Thousand Sword Jue! He has even faintly reached the essence of high-grade imperial swordsmanship.

However, the real killer move is the last sword!

"Yijian! Stars!"

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