Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2137: Buddha Sword Controversy

Three swords in a row, one sword is scarier than the other!

After all, the opponent this time was an unprecedented strong enemy, even before he started, Li Ye didn't even have a trace of victory in his heart.

Empty fantasy! Since he first stepped out of Jiangnan Road that year, he had never seen this ordinary looking monk.

Now, it can be regarded as the first time the two have met in a real sense!

Head to head!

Whether it was the phantom Buddha image or Li Ye's earth-shaking sword intent, everyone watching this confrontation couldn't help but twitch their hearts!

They found that their judgment of the two enchanting evildoers who turned out before them is still far from reaching the real level.

Even Yun Qiantian, who had just lost to Kong Huan, was full of unwillingness.

However, when seeing Li Ye and Kong Huan's fight at this time, his face paled slightly.

"He actually hid his strength just now!"

Many people took a sigh of relief, because in the void, the terrifying Buddha statue is like a real Buddha descending to the world, and the huge golden Buddha palm prints are like to completely cover the entire world, and its power is more powerful than just fighting Yunqian. God, it was even more terrifying.

Who could have imagined that facing the evil evildoer of the Yun Family who is known as the number one young man in the Star Sea, this little monk hadn't used all his strength?

Everyone was shocked, but behind the shock was a horrified exclamation to another person!

Kong Huan, even in the face of Yun Qiantian, he did not do his best! At this time, even more terrifying power broke out, but only to deal with one person!

Li Ye!

A person who can let Konghuan express his expectation to fight with him, but also burst out his real strength!

Sure enough, when Li Ye's three swords were cut out, everyone's expressions changed!

The first sword, as if it really split the mountains, rivers, and the earth, split the huge golden Buddha seal with a sword with an incomparable astonishing sword intent!

Even Yun Qiantian and Nine Dragons came out, but they just barely managed to do it, but Li Ye's sword is so easy!

But there is more to it!

The Buddha seal was split, but there were several identical Buddha seals that followed immediately!

"Buddha Suppression!"

A high sanskrit sound in the void seemed to carry a strong mental impact, enough to make people with a weaker mood affected by it. Even some of the older generation's strong faces changed slightly, and they hurriedly resisted, and even directly blocked their hearing!

First of all, Li Ye was completely enveloped by this series of Sanskrit sounds, like tens of thousands of monks chanting Buddhist scriptures aloud, trying to fully understand him.

With a cold snort, a black shadow appeared in front of Li Ye's eyes, shrouded in a black robe like a **** of death.

As soon as the black shadow came out, the Sanskrit sounds could not be approached in an instant, and it even seemed that the two were natural rivals. As soon as it appeared, a terrifying storm spread towards the surroundings.


Elder Yuyun's expression changed a lot, and he shouted, and at the same time, the people of Shen Danzong retreated immediately.

The reactions of the other sects were somewhat slow, and suddenly they only saw many direct ghosts crying and howling wolves with weaker cultivation bases, and some people showed relief expressions on their faces, but their expressions were different, but the seven orifices began to shed blood!

That was the internal injury caused by the strong impact of Shenxun!

Fortunately, this is after all just the aftermath of two enchanting evildoers fighting each other, not a positive endurance, but even so, almost all of them fainted below the realm of the king!

Even the king, all their faces were pale to the horrible level, like white paper.

Everyone couldn't help but took a breath!

"These two people are too abnormal?"

"They are really the same as us, just disciple-level?"

Some geniuses suddenly felt that all the pride and arrogance that had been used were crushed at this moment. In front of these two people, what qualifications do they have to call them geniuses?

Not to mention them, even the devils Shui Yuntian Du Lone Group and others, their expressions became extremely silent.

Yun Qiantian was already a goal they could not surpass, but the two people in front of them were even more terrifying than Yun Qiantian!

As if afraid that the scene just now happened again, everyone hurriedly backed away, suddenly pulling a long distance away. After all, just a moment ago, at least many people were injured, who knows what the result will be next time.

At this time, the fight on the void is not over yet!

Although Li Ye's first sword broke the first Buddha seal, it was immediately shattered under the three Buddha seals.

But then the second sword intent came to a halt, instantly shattering the Buddha statue, and the few Buddha seals turned into golden light spots like stars in the sky.

have equal shares! At least two moves in a row, neither of them will win or lose!

Kong Huan might not have thought that Li Ye had such attainments in kendo, the smile on his face stopped for a moment, and then his eyes finally opened!

"Ten Thousand Buddha Dynasty Sect!"

Undoubtedly, this is Kong Huan's strongest move. Judging from the look on his face, this move doesn't even seem to be used by himself!

A statue of Buddha appeared directly in the void, and everyone saw it almost stagnated at that moment.

One, two, and the appearance of dozens of Buddha statues in an instant changed the complexion of everyone!

Just a single Buddha statue is so terrifying. Nowadays, there are dozens of Buddha statues appearing, how can you keep everyone from shaking?

Kong Huan’s face is slightly tired and pale. Obviously, he has not yet fully practiced this trick to the extreme. At least, the Ten Thousand Buddhas Dynasty Sect has only now only a few dozen Buddha images, far from reaching this trick. The limit.

But even so, Li Ye's face became extremely solemn.

One sword! Stars!

This sword is almost the strongest sword Li Ye can display today!

Incorporating the Earth Sword Art and the Ten Thousand Sword Art as one, the strongest sword!

A statue of Buddha was shattered suddenly, but in the same way, the power of this sword was quickly consumed.

When in the end a Buddha statue was crushed directly by the sword intent, Li Ye's sword finally exhausted all the sword intent and turned into nothingness.


Seeing this scene, many people are a little enthusiastic, especially those small sects and casual cultivators. After all, whether it is Li Ye or empty fantasy, they are not born in the big sects, and they can even be regarded as nowhere. It seems that they have found a sense of belonging and pride!

On the contrary, those people from large families have ugly faces.

However, Yun Qiantian, who represents the strongest Zong Sect family today, was defeated just now. Who else can they compete with these two?

"Amitabha Buddha, Donor Li is indeed an unprecedented opponent that the little monk has met. In that case, the little monk will move next, please be careful! If Donor Li can stop it, the little monk surrenders."

Suddenly, Kong Huan said, but a group of people were surprised!

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