Valkyrie Bloodline

Chapter 2135: Lose again

In this way, even if Yun Qiantian was arrogant, he would naturally not refuse.

But Yu Luoyan frowned slightly and looked at Kong Huan.

"Amitabha Buddha, the benefactor of Yu has already fought a battle just now. If it is worse than this one, the little monk will do it for him."

There was a smile on Kong Huan's face, and the slightly squinted eyes made people unable to see his inner thoughts, but since he took the initiative to challenge, he naturally had a certain chance of winning.

Unlike just now, after Yun Qiantian suffered losses on Li Ye and Yu Luoyan one after another, he is now a good student, and regardless of his status, he directly shoots with all his strength!

Nine true dragons, directly soaring into the sky!

Canglong must be, Canglong nine changes!

In the entire Yun family, except for the ancestor of the Yun family who cannot be seen from the world, Yun Qiantian alone has cultivated to the Nine Changes of Canglong, transforming the realm of Nine Dragons!

Even compared to just now, in Kowloon, the world has changed color, the sun and the moon are dark!

"The Blue Dragon of the Yun Family must be!"

"Nine Dragons come out! Yun Qiantian wants to make a quick battle!"

Everyone changed their faces, and Guizi and the others flashed in their eyes again and again, as if they were judging, if they were facing the Nine Dragons of Yun Qiantian at this time, how many chances of victory would they have.

However, Guizi and the others quickly became extremely ugly, because they had no choice but to find that even if they used all means, the odds of winning were less than 30%, even if Yun Qiantian had no other means to be useful.

Any genius or even evildoer has extremely high self-esteem and will not easily admit that he is inferior to others. But over the years, Yun Qiantian has been like a nightmare for all geniuses, lingering, no one can beat it.

This is a shame for them!


Suddenly, a large swath of golden Buddha light appeared in the void, like a Buddha descending. A golden palm passed directly through the depths of the void and turned into a huge mountain like a mountain, firmly blocking the roar of Kowloon.

Yun Qiantian's complexion changed, and Canglong had cultivated to the highest level, and it was even rumored that the cultivator could directly transform the dragon! Although he has only cultivated to the point where the Nine Dragons are all out, he asked himself that he has no rivals in the same realm. Even facing an ordinary martial emperor, he has the power to fight!

But Jiulong was blocked, making him angry!

A dragon chant turned into a violent impact, and Jiulong breathed out at the same time, instantly causing the golden palm of his hand like a mountain to shatter.

"Even the real Buddha can only be shattered in front of my Kowloon!"

The people of the Yun family have always been arrogant and arrogant, and Yun Qiantian has brought the Yun family's character to the extreme!

It’s just that although the golden palm was broken, Kong Huan’s face didn’t have much panic. Once again, a Buddha's horn was announced. Under the golden light of the sky, a Buddha statue appeared. When the directly pressed Jiulong roared again and again, there was a trace of wailing when he listened carefully. .

But Nine-Dragon is a real dragon after all. Although it is not a real dragon and beast, it also carries a trace of pride that is unique to a beast! He directly wanted to lift the Buddha statue that suppressed them.

"Naughty animal, don't you want to die soon!"

The Buddha statue suddenly opened his eyes, a Buddha palm directly slapped one of the dragon's foreheads, and instantly the dragon transformed into the most primitive heaven and earth aura and dissipated.

Yun Qiantian let out a muffled hum, and it was obvious that turning into a Kowloon is closely related to him, and any damage would be reflected on him.

Only with this palm, although a real dragon phantom was shot, it also made the Buddha statue shattered by the other eight dragons uniting and hitting it. After all, it was just a condensation of Buddha light, and in the end it was unable to support it in the roar of the eight dragons.

The two people fought with each other, but when everyone saw it, they almost grew their mouths!

"Paralysis, dazzling, right?"

"It shouldn't. How sacred is this little monk, who can actually tie Yun Qiantian, who is really angry?"

If it is said that Yu Luoyan relied on the last move to turn defeat into victory, and was suppressed from beginning to end, then Kong Huan clearly showed his terrifying side at this time!

On the front, Yun Qiantian, the number one genius in the Star Sea Region, did not lose the wind at all!

"See what school and school?"

Elder Yuyun asked in a low voice, but the other elders shook their heads slightly, and one of them said clearly, "The inheritance of Buddhism and Taoism has long been shattered, and now some of the remaining are not true inheritances. The old man cannot see. ."

"Yes, the line of Buddhism and Taoism has almost cut off its inheritance since that one ten thousand years ago. Perhaps this little monk is lucky to have the inheritance left by a certain ancient Buddha."

Not only the Shen Danzong, but the older generations of powerful sects are speculating, but they have no clue.

At this moment, in the void, the remaining eight dragons took advantage of the victory and wanted to end the battle directly, but suddenly the brilliance of the Buddha appeared!

"The Buddha said, if I don't go to hell, whoever goes to hell."

With a sound like a Sanskrit sound that came from nine days away, the eight dragons wailed in an instant. At the same time, in the depths of the void, the illusion seemed to be surrounded by endless golden Buddha light, just like the true gods and Buddhas in the legend, lightly patted out with a palm.

Very gentle, like the Buddha's kindness to the world, but in Yun Qiantian's eyes, it is like a mountain of five fingers, pressing towards him!

"Break it for me!"

The eight dragons roared in unison, as if to pierce the palm of the Buddha. But everyone was shocked to find that under the palm of the Buddha, the eight dragons were like eight loaches, even if it turned the sky, they couldn't break through.

Yun Qiantian finally changed his face, showing a trace of panic for the first time, then he bit the tip of his tongue, and the next moment he spouted a mouthful of blood!

In an instant, the eight dragons were completely integrated and turned into a black dragon!

The black dragon and the golden Buddha's palm were almost at odds with each other, and no one could help others, which directly formed a deadlock.

Seeing this, almost everyone's faces revealed a hint of incredible.

Yun Qiantian just lost Jingzhou only carelessly. Now he can no longer have any reservations, but he still cannot break the deadlock.

"It's going to change."

An elder of the Five-Rank Sect murmured to himself, and the others were silent and lax.

First, there was Li Ye. Just now an unknown soldier came with blood from ancient times. Now, there is another little monk who is even more perverted.

What's wrong in this world?

Many geniuses and the older generation of powerhouses have such an idea in their minds.

"It's time to tell the winner!"

Suddenly, Li Ye's eyes flashed sharply, and even a trace of surprise appeared!

Sure enough, the zombies in the void changed. Although Yun Qiantian spit out his blood, Kong Huan directly pressed the other hand at the same time!


The black dragon directly wailed and turned into stars in the sky, and at the same time Yun Qiantian spouted a mouthful of blood, and the whole person fell from the void.

Yun Qiantian, defeat again!

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