Lin Zihan looked at the situation on the field and couldn't help but rub his eyes.

What just happened? A new student named Sugu from Starry Sky Martial Arts University casually knocked out his opponent while stretching?

No, it should be said that he didn't take action at all. He just put his clenched fist on Bu Ren's path and waited for him to hit him.

Can a battle between warriors still be like this?

"Senior, was that a coincidence just now?"Following Lin Zihan, Jiang Lu, a freshman at Wangtianya Martial Arts University, asked in disbelief.

Bu Ren's ability is stronger than most of the freshmen in their class, and he himself has played against him many times, losing more and winning less. Jiang Lu never thought that

Bu Ren would be killed in such a dramatic way.


This thought flashed through Lin Zihan's mind, but then he shook his head fiercely. Get rid of this kind of thinking.

As the heir of a noble family, it is impossible for him to make such a mistake in battle.

Even if he has this kind of thinking, it will be disrespectful to the warriors on the field and make him look like a fool. mentally retarded

"The one just now was no coincidence."Lin Zihan struggled to answer his junior sister's question.

"Theoretically, when all the movements of a fighting warrior are seen through, his next three moves can be perfectly predicted."

"Can this happen?"

See through completely? And can you see through his next three steps in advance?

Jiang Lu opened her mouth slightly.

Bu Ren's overlapping steps have always been a headache for their school. They even collected data and wanted to analyze how to deal with it.

But now there is a freshman in her grade who can predict the direction of the next steps with just a glance.


Jiang Lu stared at Su Gu. How could this tired-looking guy actually do such a thing?

"Too weak." Feng Yan snorted coldly and said,"Brother Su has no interest in you. If it weren't for those people in the school asking him to do it, he would not care about you even if you came to him and asked for a fight."

"Please bring something decent, otherwise Brother Su will want to take a nap in there."

At this moment, in the environment of the"coalition" of three martial arts colleges, you can hear a pin drop.

Feng Yan's voice echoed here, but no one paid attention. Many people have not yet figured out what happened.

Bu Ren fell to the ground. , but why?

After a long time, the leader of Yiyun Martial Arts University asked with difficulty:"Who is this person? What's going on! Why didn't anyone give me his information in advance?"

After asking one of the three questions, his voice went up an octave, and in the end he was speaking completely in a roar.

"This man's name is Sugu, and he ranks first in this year's Xingwu University freshmen competition."

"We reported these things to the team leaders before, but since they found out that he was a civilian, they threw the information we collected aside with disdain, without even taking a look at it."

Soon, someone whispered in the crowd.

His words immediately changed the colors on the faces of the three team leaders from anger to embarrassment.

The family's contempt for ordinary civilians made them subconsciously ignore it. After seeing Sugu, he thought that among the new students in Xingwu University, Feng Yan was the only powerful one, but he never thought that this kind of subconscious contempt would lead to such a bitter fruit.

"Now that it has happened, holding anyone accountable will not help."The leader of Yiyun Martial Arts University said in a deep voice:

"The most urgent task now is that we need to unite together and find a way to defeat this guy!"

"Tell us all the information you can think of about this student named Sugu. We must be fully prepared for the next battle."

Listening to the sudden change of words of this guy in front of them, many people couldn't help but rolled their eyes.

But now it is really time to think about how to deal with this scary guy. Many people grabbed their hair and thought hard about being thrown away long ago. Information on the side.

And at this moment, a familiar voice sounded.

"Brother Su is good at using knives."Feng Yan said calmly.


Didn't he finish Bu Ren with his fist just now? Why does it have anything to do with the knife? And it looks like he doesn't have a sword on him.

"Don't watch it, you bunch of losers are worthy of Brother Su's sword? Have you ever seen an adult beat a child with a weapon?"

Feng Yan didn't hold back his voice at all, and he complained about the"coalition of aristocratic colleges" who were here. When these people heard Feng Yan's words, their faces turned pale and blue.

"This guy's appearance of wanting a beating has really not changed at all." Doug Lynch glared at Feng Yan and said:

"If your Feng family hadn't been considered a medium-sized family, you would have been beaten to death!"

Feng Yan stared back coldly, and the two looked at each other without mercy.

The leaders of the three schools looked at Doug who spoke out and rubbed their temples in unison.

In the end, Huangji Martial Arts The leader of the college said:"You go on the field next, Doug!"

After hearing this, Doug, who was facing Feng Yan point-to-point, nodded. Then he stared at Feng Yan with a sadistic smile on his face.

"I see you quite admire that commoner."

"I really want to see what kind of expression you'll have on your face if I beat him down in front of you."

Feng Yan listened to the other party's harsh words, as if he had suddenly heard the funniest joke in the world, and he couldn't hold it back for a moment.

He rarely did not directly retort, but looked at Doug's face and said:"That bastard, you better do your best."

Then he turned around and said to Su Gu:"Brother Su, did you hear what this guy just said? This guy has thick skin and flesh, he can take a few more hits."

After hearing this, Su Gu just waved his hand casually, as if he didn't care about this guy at all.

Doug's face turned red immediately. Compared to Feng Yan, who thought he was bound to lose, Su Gu's indifferent attitude hurt him even more.

"Bring me my sword!"

He roared immediately, and then two students helped to carry a log-like object wrapped in thick cloth.

Doug pulled the cloth apart, and a black giant sword about two meters long was exposed. The sword was extremely thick and looked like a huge black wood from a distance.

Doug carried the heavy sword on his shoulders, and then he jumped into the air and came to the fighting platform. , standing in front of Sugu

"Doug Lynch from Huangji Martial Arts University is here to challenge you."

Sugu looked at his opponent, just raised his eyelids slightly, and then ignored him.

Looking at the opponent's contemptuous look, the fire in Doug's heart burned even more.

At the beginning of the referee selection battle, At that moment, he immediately rushed forward without hesitation, stabbing Sugu straight in the face with the long sword in his hand.

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