"The"Crazy Eagle Sword Technique" passed down from Lin Qi's family. The sword is powerful and domineering. It combines offense and defense. It is difficult to defeat."

"Coupled with Doug Lynch's natural power, he can use such an epee. When slashing at the opponent, you can achieve the effect of reducing ten levels with one force."

"If the front is next to each other, even if it is reloaded, it will be a bit unbearable. Lin

Zihan looked at the situation on the court and told the information about Doug Lynch collected by the school.

Then, he and his schoolmate Jiang Lu fell into silence.

"Senior, is there really no problem with the school's information?"Jiang Lu murmured.

At this moment on the court, Doug Lynch used the family-inherited"Crazy Eagle Sword Technique" and slashed at Su Gu like a madman.

Facing the violent attack, Su Gu took the initiative to meet it with both hands. His fingers were like a scalpel, accurately falling on the position of the giant blade's power node.

The seemingly gentle fingertip power would cause it to be slightly unbalanced every time it touched the terrifying giant blade. Then he always managed to seize the small opportunity he created, and his body nimbly slid past the edge of the giant blade, dodging attacks again and again. The seemingly unsolvable sword technique made Su Gu's body like chopping a feather moving in the wind. Before the knife arrived, the person was already scared away.

Every dodge looked thrilling. But if you are really careful, you can find that Su Gu's footsteps have never left the original standing position one meter away.

Doug Lynch's giant blade has a momentum that covers the sky and the sun, but Su Gu can just walk around in it like a leisurely garden.

"Senior, is there really no problem with the school’s information?"

After looking at the situation on the field again, and repeatedly confirming that the words"one force can defeat ten clubs" on the information were not wrong.

Jiang Lu looked at her senior and asked blankly:

"This is a monster." Lin Zihan swallowed his saliva and said:

"But I guess people from those three schools didn’t expect Doug to win against this monster."

"What they want is......"......

"Come on Doug, even if you can't win, you have to force out some of Sugu's trump cards!"The three leaders of the"Family College Alliance Army" clenched their fists at this moment and shouted softly in their hearts.

"It seems that this Su Gu is the strongest trump card hidden in the Starry Sky Martial Arts University! They have absolute confidence in this monster."

"In this case, we must also treat it with caution. Even if you can't win a game, you can collect enough information. In the last game, we can also win!"

The people from Yiyun Martial Arts University kept roaring in their hearts at this moment.

Everyone's eyes were on Min Xing.

The power of time!

The ability to turn the impossible into the possible, this kind of power even in the smallest Even worse, this ability is enough to create miracles!

This is their real hope of victory!!

"Even if he can't win now, Doug can still force out some of Sugu's trump cards. If you keep fighting, your chances of winning will increase."

"When the time comes, just let Min Xing put an end to this damn monster!"The leaders roared excitedly in their hearts.

They stared at the two people fighting.

Although Sugu looked relaxed now, Doug Lynch's sword skills were as continuous as the sea water. Under this kind of oppression, this Sugu will definitely act differently!

When the time comes, if he uses a combat skill or even uses a superpower, won't he have information

? Soon, the enthusiasm in their eyes began to be replaced by shock and disbelief.

How could this happen?

In the collisions, Sugu's hands were fine, but the giant sword in Doug's hand was like a sword. It was like a glassware that had been hit hard, and it began to crack.

Not only did he walk with ease in Doug's sword field, but he also destroyed Doug's sword.

If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, it wouldn't have happened at all. People believe that people in the same grade...No, there are even people in the same realm who can do this.

"Why."Feng Yan sighed slightly in his heart.

He respected Sugu, but he always compared himself with him.

He once thought that after his superpowers were completely stabilized, he could go to the family's forbidden area and then improve his superpowers to S level might be able to close the gap with Brother Su.

But seeing Doug, who was indistinguishable from him before his abilities evolved, being teased like this, he knew that he and Brother Su were wrong.

The gap between them cannot even be made up by an S-level power.

With every swing of his hand, the damage of his beloved sword increases by one point. Doug Lynch's eyes widen. His heart was bleeding.

But at the moment when he was hesitating, Sugu stepped forward and began to put pressure on his opponent.

In front of a warrior like Sugu, every wrong move would be followed by a wrong move

, not even a weapon. Using combat skills, he overwhelmed Doug just by relying on his own understanding of combat.

"Damn, damn"

"Sugu, you are going too far!"Doug let out a roar.

A violent force spread out from him. It wrapped around Doug's body and even spread towards the giant blade.

He wanted to activate his own powers, and he wanted to fight to the death!

And At this moment, Sugu raised the five fingers of his right hand to make a knife shape, and the soul power flowed between his palms.

His hand gently slashed towards the giant blade without any combat skills attached to it.

This was the first time for any sword warrior. I learned the simplest slashing action in one lesson.

It didn't look very powerful, but when Sugu's palm touched the cracked giant blade, it was like the straw that broke the camel's back.!

The huge blade with an exaggerated shape exploded in an instant. The black sword body was completely shattered, like shattered black glass flying in the air.

Doug's power had not yet fully unfolded. He was directly interrupted.

He stood there, looking at the weapon that suddenly exploded, with confusion on his face.


Sugu didn't get distracted by this battle. When the guy got a chance, he stepped forward and hit him on the neck with a knife.

Doug Lynch immediately rolled his eyes and fell to the ground, fainting.

The winner of the second game was still there. It's Sugu!

Sugu looked at his opponent who fell on the ground, and his face didn't show much joy. As a bystander, he could even feel that he was a little bored now.

The expressions on the faces of people from Wangtianya and Kaiyang schools who came over to watch were dumbfounded.

"We should have another fight, although I don't have much hope, but please don't be so boring in the next one."

Su Gu shook his head and said with a helpless smile.

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