Nine hours have passed since the three schools met with Star Martial Arts University.

At this moment, in the battle stage area of the space city, teams from three martial arts universities, Yiyun, Huangji, and Kurong, gathered together. Discussing happily about the upcoming battle

"In one hour, Xingwu University, a school that is not worthy of its virtues, can be brought to its rightful place. Just thinking about it makes people feel good."

Bu Ren from Yiyun Martial Arts University, holding a serrated dagger, said with a smile:

"People from Xingwu University choose to play one-on-one singles, and they probably have discovered it. Now in terms of overall strength alone, any of our schools will be ahead of them."

"So I came up with this idea to try to find a way out."

Dodge Ringer smiled coldly:"I think they are just struggling to death, there is nothing to worry about at all."

"Don't be too careless."The leader of Huangji Martial Arts Academy said in a deep voice:

"This year, Starry Sky Martial Arts University has recruited a new student named Feng Yan. He is the successor of Feng Yan. I believe you all know him."

"If nothing else happens, Starry Sky Martial Arts University will assign him to fight."

Feng Yan...

After hearing this name, the originally warm atmosphere became a bit colder.

This guy with a bad temper always wanted to challenge his peers whenever he saw them. Many people here have been beaten by him.

Although his temper has calmed down in recent years, he is still smelly and tough, and is somewhat famous in their circle.

There are rumors that it was because he was too strong-willed and couldn't get along well with anyone that he was sent to Star Martial Arts University. At least if he really caused trouble, their family can sort it out.

"Wouldn't it be better if Hoshikora Martial Arts University really got the upper hand? Doesn't this further prove that compared to us, those guys from civilian backgrounds have no advantage at all?"

"In the future, more resources will be directed towards us."In a dark corner, someone suddenly made a voice.

Then a man with a stooped body came out. He had unhealthy pale hair and walked very slowly.

If the facial features on his face didn't look extremely young, he would even look younger. People mistakenly thought he was an old man, and after he finished speaking, there was a brief silence, and then there was a chorus of echoes.

"Yes, Min Xing is right! You must know that Feng Yan is also the heir to the family."

"If Xingwu University really does this, it will further prove our strength. At that time, resources will be more tilted towards our family."

"And Feng Yan’s level is not up to that of Brother Min Xing! In the face of time powers, he has no power to resist. The winner still belongs to us."

While these people were chatting heatedly, a soldier wearing a black military uniform walked in and reminded their opponent that their opponent had arrived.

People from these three schools immediately walked out and looked at the two people sent by Xingkong Martial Arts University. His expression became extremely relaxed

"Sure enough, it's him, Feng Yan!"

Xingkong Martial Arts University only sent two people over, and the guy who yawned as if he hadn't slept enough was ignored by them.

"Since it’s Feng Yan, let me do it."Min Xing from Kurong Martial Arts Academy said lightly.

Just as he was about to get on the fighting stage, the sleepy guy next to Feng Yan walked up.

"Sugu from Star Martial Arts University."He announced his name.

Who? Didn't you ask Feng Yan to fight?

Upon seeing this, Min Xing immediately lost interest and walked off the stage.

"It seemed that the people from Star Martial Arts University had given up completely. Not only did they show up with two people, but they also let a young Karami whose name he had never heard come on."Bu Ren from Yiyun Martial Arts Academy said with a smile.

Then, he jumped onto the fighting platform in one step

"If you want to clean up this kind of stuff, you really don’t need to use Brother Min Xing’s sledgehammer. I’ll deal with him."

"Bu Ren from Yiyun Martial Arts University."

After the two people on the fighting stage reported each other's names, the military doctors and referees came forward and read out the rules such as not maliciously injuring people's lives.

At this time, people from the three schools walked to Feng Yan's side. Chatting with him next to me

"Why are you two the only ones here? Has your school given up completely?"The team leader from Huangji Martial Arts University frowned.

Forget it if ordinary students don't come, but the two team leaders from Xingkong Martial Arts University didn't come. Apart from giving up, he couldn't think of any other reason.

"Most people are not interested in boring battles without any suspense, so they will naturally not come here."

"Although I have no desire to watch, I have no choice but to let Brother Su come alone."Feng Yan said helplessly.

Listening to his words, these people were stunned for a moment.

Wait, what did Feng Yan call the guy on stage just now?"Brother"?

This is the word that can come out of his mouth.

Doug Linqi stepped forward, smiled and patted Feng Yan on the shoulder and said:"I didn't expect that Feng Yan, after three days of separation, you are actually much better behaved now."

"If you touch me with your pig's paw again, I'll chop you off!" Feng Yan said grimly, holding the dagger.

His tone was exactly the same as in his memory.

Doug Linqi's hand in the air froze, but he quickly pressed it down again.

"Touch you, what's wrong!"

And just when the two people were at war with each other, the leader of the Huangji Martial Arts Academy said:"Stop doing these things, the battle has already begun!"

After hearing these words, the two people stopped. Everyone's eyes turned to the fighting platform.

At this moment, Bu Ren walked slowly towards Sugu. He walked very slowly, but there were several afterimages behind him.

Aftermaths. The shadow overlaps with the real person, making it difficult for people to see the reality clearly.

"This is Bu Ren's famous move, the Shadow Step. Now it seems that this guy's ability has improved again."

Lin Zihan from Tianya Martial Arts University couldn't let go of the situation of his friend school after all, so he ran to watch the battle with Arnold.

When he looked at Su Gu, he was speechless. At this time, he was sleepy, as if he hadn't woken up at all.

"Damn it! The information I gave him clearly had information on how to deal with this situation, but he just didn't read it."

"Now when he was actually facing it, he actually gave up the fight directly like this! Lin Zihan said cursingly

"According to Buren's habit, he would wait for his opponent to reveal a flaw and defeat him with one strike. It seems that this battle will not last long."

Bu Ren suddenly accelerated, walking around Sugu, and the afterimages formed a circle to surround him. In the circle connected end to end, the effect of the overlapping shadow steps made it more difficult for him to see through.

When he looked in front of him The opponent, who was already full of flaws, yawned with a tired look on his face. The time had come! He took the serrated dagger and slashed at Sugu's neck. go

"It’s over!"


Lin Zihan and the people from the three martial arts schools sounded different voices in their hearts.

But at this moment, the voices in their hearts suddenly stopped.

Sugu still looked listless, and he opened his arms. , stretched out.

The direction of his fist was just in Bu Ren's path.


Bu Ren hit him directly, and his face seemed to hit a hard stone, which was visible to the naked eye. He was deformed and lost his teeth.

He fell to the ground and passed out. The military doctors around him immediately stepped forward to see who was victorious.

"Next one, don't bore me too much."Sugu said lazily.

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