Chapter 96 Why does Dai Chuchan take a bath in my house?

Lin Xian shook his head.

Get rid of this unrealistic idea.


“The inevitability of history refers to the inevitable development of a society to a certain state under certain historical conditions, and it refers to the inevitability of a general trend.”

“Small things like class reunions, kidnappings, deaths, there can be no inevitability!

Lin Xian is firm in this idea.

The future itself is unknown and can be changed by hard work.

Just like him, if there is no time and space mailbox, Liu Yiyi will not be resurrected, and he is just an ordinary single worker, how can he have the current life?

If there is so-called inevitability.

Wouldn’t it be that one day I will return to the previous state?

This is obviously impossible.

Even if his economy goes backwards, his reputation, status, and contacts still exist.

“Besides, if there is really any inevitability, doesn’t it mean that Tesla will one day surpass Fuxing Group and become the world’s number one electric car again?”

“Does that mean that the two drowning little girls I worked so hard to save will eventually drown to death?”

Lin Xian shook his head.

This is too impractical.

The two little girls are living well now, and their parents will definitely let them learn to swim. It is estimated that they will not drown and die in this life.

“Forget it, I don’t want this conspiracy theory anymore, it’s boring.”

Lin Xian once again turned his attention to the video on the USB flash drive.

The third video is the section where I will drive No. 42 bus to rescue Dai Chuchan in the future.

Lin Xian fell over and watched it again.

Because this incident was neither in his memory nor personally experienced, so he had to read the details carefully.

“I see ”

From the perspective of the video.

The driver window of bus 42 is open.

The man inside was wearing a driver’s uniform, a driver’s cap, and driving with his left arm on the window. This behavior is exactly the same as Lin Xian.


From the profile, the driver’s face is also highly similar to Lin Xian.

“Nonsense, of course it is similar! Because that was originally middle-aged me.”

Lin Xian understood Lei Haolong’s intention to save these two videos.

It’s nothing more than to expose the true face of Lin Xian’s traverser–

“Lin Xian was able to rescue the same girl twice in a row at the same bar door!

“Isn’t this obviously a preparation in advance? So, Lin Xian must have some means to know the future information in advance!”

Lin Xian can already simulate what Lei Haolong wants to say.

“Although these evidences are really nothing, they are enough to explain some problems.”

If these things are published.

Although Lin Xian’s core secret, the space-time mailbox, will not be exposed.

But there must be many people on the Internet who suspect that they are traversers.

In other words, I suspect that all the fame I get comes from self-direction and self-acting.

Lin Xian opened the slideshow PPT file again.

There is nothing dry in this, basically they are some “personal speculations” that Lei Haolong analyzed through video.

All conclusions are Lei Haolong wanting to prove that Lin Xian is a traverser from the future!


Lin Xian had to sigh.

Lei Haolong, kill well!

This person must be eliminated!

Although Lei Haolong’s guess so far is completely wrong, he is neither a traverser nor a way to know the future information.

But if it is wrong now, it does not mean that it cannot be guessed right in the future.

If Lei Haolong is left alone like this.

One day, Lei Haolong may discover Lin Xian’s secret.


Lin Xian dragged his chin to think.

Combining everything that happened today, I came to a conclusion–

[Lei Haolong is not a demon though. But the emergence of the devil must be related to Lei Haolong!]”Bi In this world, the person closest to understanding my true method is Lei Haolong.

“If Lei Haolong is not a demon, who can the demon be?,

Lin Xian racked his brains.

Have no idea.

actually …

This was a misunderstanding at the beginning.

The future self did not say to himself that the devil was Lei Haolong.

It’s just that Lin Xian “maliciously” speculated that the devil was Lei Haolong, so under this subjective consciousness, he began to imagine many things.

“Then what do the 42 phenomena that appear today really want to express?”

Lin Xian began to recall the strange events of this day.

This day is another day surrounded by 42 people.

42 appears every time.

There will always be time and space fluctuations, and strange things will happen.

“Today is really all alive! Not only will people from the future cross over, but there will also be a lot of strange things!”

The first time I saw 42 today, it should be on Lei Haolong’s seat number.

Then when the future Dai Chuchan wanted to kill Lei Haolong.

790 Lin Xian’s 42 next to him is like an explosion, and the crazy feng appears!

“So… at the time, what did you mean by that? This Lei Haolong, should I kill or not?”

For the future self, the last piece of advice to yourself is one-

“42 is not necessarily correct, you need to judge by yourself”

But the problem is!

Lin Xian doesn’t even know what 42 wants to express!

Regardless of whether 42 is correct or not, I have to let me understand its meaning before I can judge, right?

That’s right.

This is the most difficult point for Lin Xian.

I don’t understand the meaning of 42.

It was like when Dai Chuchan wanted to kill Lei Haolong in the future.

Various 42 appeared around.

What this means is, should it be killed, or should it not be killed?

I’m very confused.

“I am afraid that only after Liu Lu has thoroughly studied and understood 42 can he truly understand what 42 wants to express.

“Anyway, so far, apart from bringing me a fright, 42 hasn’t really helped me any time. It just scared me.”

Lin Xian unplugged the USB flash drive from the center console.

Think again and again.

The decision should be ruined.

These videos and slides PPT are meant to “disclose” oneself.

Keep it, isn’t it because there are many dreams in the night?

Lin Xian got out of the car with the U disk, wandered around, and found a brick.

Place the USB flash drive on the ground after leaving it.




The three bricks were smashed and the U disk was broken directly, exposing the memory chip inside.

The data of the U disk are all stored in these flash memories.

As long as these storage flash memories are destroyed, the data will be lost forever.




Lin Xian used the corner of the brick to smash the black flash memory to smash it to pieces.


Lin Xian collected these smashed storage flash fragments and wrapped them in a few sheets of toilet paper.

The lighter is lit.


The flame ignited.

After dozens of seconds, everything was burned out..

A gust of wind blew by.Blow the ashes of toilet paper and burnt flash memory particles into the artificial lake below

In this way, the corpse is perfectly destroyed.

“The rest is to check what’s in Lei Haolong’s solid-state drive after going home.”

Solid state drives are not the same as USB flash drives.

It cannot be directly plugged into the USB port for recognition.

The information can only be read on the computer by opening the mainframe box, connecting the power cord of the mainframe computer, and the SATA cable of the mainboard.


This U disk can be burned, but the solid state drive can only be taken home to find out.

After getting in the car.

Lin Xian did not rush home.

He still has two things that he hasn’t sorted out:

[1. How many messengers are there in the future? Who are they?][2. In the future, what happened to the ring left by Dai Chuchan after his death?]

Take advantage of the silence at night, and the mind is in a state of high-speed thinking.

Lin Xian decided to sort out these two things before going home.

At present, I have met two [future messengers]

Although the first encounter was the future Lin Xian, in fact, from the perspective of the future timeline, he was actually the second messenger.

“A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. Let’s write it down to aid thinking.

Lin Xian opened the armrest box, took out the notebook and pen from it, opened a page and started writing:

[The first messenger: Dai Chuchan][From: May 7, 2040)

[Purpose: Kill Lei Haolong in an attempt to change the future and save the world (unsuccessful)][Survival time: 6 hours]


At this point, Lin Xian stopped writing and began to think.

“Actually, I don’t really know much about her, that’s all.”

Lin Xian focused on the [attempt].

“Hey …

He sighed.

Because of the future self, a wrong intelligence was calculated and believed that the devil was Lei Haolong himself.

That’s why Dai Chuchan was sent as the first messenger to travel back and kill people.


Nor can it be said that the future self is completely wrong.

It can only be said that he “is not completely right.”

Lei Haolong definitely has a problem, and it must be related to the devil.

But unfortunately, he is not the devil himself.

Therefore, even if the future Dai Chuchan travels to the present and kills him, it still does not change the fact that the future will become ruins and humanity will be defeated.

“I still have to thank the future Dai Chuchan.”

“If she didn’t help me kill Lei Haolong and destroy a series of data, I am afraid it would cause me a lot of trouble.”

Lin Xian is not like people in the future. They have a perfect perspective of God. They can kill Lei Haolong silently and perfectly accidentally.

There are also high-tech means to destroy surveillance cameras.

And also stolen its information back quickly and effectively.

This is difficult for Lin Xian now.

The first messenger solved it.

Lin Xian began to write the second messenger’s message in his notebook:

[The second messenger: middle-aged Lin Xian][From: X Month X Day 2041][Purpose: Lead me to tour the world in 2041, tell me the existence of the devil, urge me to quickly figure out 42, telling me that 42 is not necessarily correct and requires my own judgment. And again at the entrance of the MX bar, rescue Dai Chuchan. 】

[Survival time: at least 5 days]


If it is really good memory, it’s not as good as bad writing.

Lin Xian found out that this second messenger was really interesting.

He has done enough things!


Survival time, unexpectedly more than 5 days!”It’s amazing why Dai Chuchan can only live for 6 hours in the future. But Lin Xian in the future can live for more than 5 days?”

After Lin Xian thought for a while, he felt that this account could not be calculated like this.


This is related to [Why Lin Xian can only sit on the 42 bus in the future].

“Can it be understood this way?”

Lin Xian thought, writing quickly in the notebook.

“Is it possible that in the future, Lin Xian thought of a way to extend the quantum state stability time at the expense of mobility.”

“For example, he can only appear within the 42nd bus, so his quantum state survival time is many times longer than Dai Chuchan.

“Forget it, no matter what the reason is, after all, this is the fact.”

Lin Xian felt that everyone was dead, and it was unnecessary to consider why he could live so long.

It would be better to put your thoughts on the [purpose] of the second messenger.

It has been analyzed before.

Soon after the death of the first messenger.

The future Lin Xian realized his [error of judgment] –

[Lei Haolong is indeed related to the devil, but he is not a real demon]


Even if Dai Chuchan had already killed Lei Haolong in 2021.

The world will not change drastically in the future

At least it didn’t turn into a beautiful world.

Even said it got worse!

“Yes! I never thought about it before. Perhaps it is because of Lei Haolong’s premature death that the future world will become worse! Donghai City has also been reduced to ruins, and the Pearl of East Defense has also collapsed.”

Lin Xian has a clear idea!

It was immediately connected!

According to the future Dai Chuchan, the world in 2040 will not be that bad.

But the future Lin Xian said that the world in 2041 is terrible!

Perhaps all of this was caused by the butterfly effect caused by Lei Haolong’s premature death.


Therefore, in the future, when mankind is completely defeated and desperate.

The middle-aged Lin Xian in the future chooses to turn himself into the [second messenger],

Crossing to July 4, 2021,

Meet yourself on the 42nd bus.

The purpose of this meeting is to bring some key information to myself.

1. While rescuing Liu Yiyi, he also awakened a “devil” who was supposed to have died in the Zhijiage shooting.

2, 42 is very important, we must figure it out as soon as possible. Moreover, 42 is not necessarily correct and requires your own judgment.

3. Wait for the [last letter], the [last letter] will be delivered when the time is right.

Each of these three pieces of information is critical.

It’s just that Lin Xian didn’t pay enough attention to it before.

Especially the first one, now that I think about it, it’s helpless

The future self must have ruled out the suspicion that Lei Haolong is a demon, but he has not completely ruled it out.

That’s why I used such a “mummy” method to tell Lin Xian–

[The devil must be related to the rescue of Liu Yiyi and the shooting of Zhijiage]

As for who the devil is.

He is not sure about it himself.

I can only ask Lin Xian now to guess.


Lin Xian also asked his middle-aged self about 42 at the time:

“Can you tell me directly?”

But the middle-aged himself shook his head.

“It’s not that I don’t want to, but I can’t do it.”


The middle-aged self said in a panic that there was no time, and disappeared after putting the last sentence.

Look at it this way.

His time is not very “abundant.” The reason why he can reappear on July 8 four days later must have paid a certain price.

Lin Xian continued on his notebook–

“Subsequently, on July 8, I will drive No. 42 bus again in the future to go to the entrance of the MX bar to rescue Dai Chuchan.

“This may also be part of his mission. It’s hard to imagine how Dai Chuchan would be treated if he didn’t show up that day. Maybe this innocent and lively girl would never laugh again.”

Lin Xian stopped writing and thought.

The future self, after all, married Dai Chuchan.

There must be that feeling.

In this time-space rescue, even if it is him, he will definitely save his lover.

He not only sighed.

Sometimes, destiny is so ingenious.

The future Dai Chuchan rescued Lin Xian in disguise.

The future Lin Xian rescued the present Dai Chuchan in a disguised form.

This comes and goes.

The kindness owed to each other is clear again across time and space!

Just like the example of Wenling and Liu Yiyi, it’s really amazing.

“All right.


Lin Xian turned the notebook page.

The information of the second messenger is basically summed up here and all understood.

“Next is the third messenger who hasn’t appeared yet.”

Because it hasn’t appeared yet.

So Lin Xian naturally doesn’t know any information about the third messenger, he can only guess:

[The third messenger: name unknown][From: After X, X, X, 2041 (definitely later than the second messenger)][Purpose: Send yourself the crucial “last letter” in the legend, perhaps accompanied by other purposes. 】

[Survival time: unknown]

As soon as I write this bad pen, my thoughts are instantly clear!

[The last letter] Lin Xian mentioned to himself many times in the future.

The original words are like this–

“The next time I write to you, it will be the last time I am writing to you. At that time, I will tell you the truth about everything: my identity, the purpose of sending you the mailbox, and the great mission of you and me.”

It seemed that the tone was heavy.

Today’s Lin Xian is not difficult to guess that the so-called cafd may be related to saving the world.

“Not so sure.”

Lin Xian is very clear about his character.

At the age of 24, he will not impose the creed of life on him at the age of 18.

So also, the 42-year-old will not force the creed of life on the 24-year-old.

Therefore, this mission should not be to save the world by making oneself clichéd.

Lin Xian suddenly came up with an idea

“[The major mission will it be related to 42?]”

He wrote the number 42 in his notebook.

Maybe this.

Is the final answer!




So far, everything that has happened, and everything that will happen in the future, can’t get around the number 42!


Earlier, this number was in control of everything

In 1961, Einstein calculated 42 and wrote it in a letter to himself.

In 2013, Lin Xian transferred to two high schools, but his student number turned out to be 42.

In 2041, mankind will be defeated, and 2042 will be only one year away.

And the future Lin Xian, when he died, was also 42 years old.




Lin Xian just found out.

The past, present, and future are almost all time and space, all shrouded by 42

42 is like a black sun.

Control everything in the world with one handfear.

This kind of power is terrifying!

No wonder Liu Lu said before:

“As long as you have mastered 42, you can calculate the past and the future!”

“The meaning of 42 means that there is no chance in this world at all, and chance is only inevitable!”

42 is like an unbreakable [wall of the laws of the universe].

Trapped in it, you are a toy.

Once you jump out, you are God.

Lin Xian tore off all the writing paper and burned them one by one outside the car

“Anyway, my thinking is clear now. It’s no longer like a headless fly like before.”

“Before Liu Lu thoroughly researched and understood 42, the only thing I had to do was to wait for [the third messenger], and then get the crucial [last letter].”

Lin Xian believes.

There must be a lot of key information in the [last letter].

Therefore, you need to give it to yourself at the most critical and appropriate time.

It’s too early, and it’s too late.

The importance of this letter is even worth sacrificing one’s life and letting it act as a messenger with no response.

“I don’t know when the [last letter] will be delivered.”

“Hope, hurry up.”

After all these papers were burned to ashes, Lin Xian sat back in the car without worry.

He put his hand into the inner pocket of his suit.

Take out the cold ring from inside.

The ring at this time does not have any temperature, unlike when Lin Xian first got it, it was just a comfortable body temperature.

Lin Xian turned on the reading light in the car and looked at this delicate ring over and over.

“I can’t tell what brand it is, but the ring is usually not engraved on the ring, right? That’s too LOW.”

Lin Xian has never worn a ring.

He can only speculate based on straight male thinking.

This silver ring fits Lin Xian’s aesthetic very well. If he is really asked to pick a wedding ring, maybe he will really match this one.

The whole ring is smooth and bright, I don’t know what material it is made of

But it’s definitely not silver.

Although the color of the ring is silver, the material will never be silver!

Silver is a metal that is easily oxidized by the air when worn for a long time, and the color will not be so bright.

And the texture of silver is similar to that of gold, and both are relatively soft.

Ancient people could just use their teeth to bite a tooth mark on gold and silver ingots, so if this ring is made of sterling silver, it must have been worn out after so many years.

But now this ring.

Even if more than 20 years have passed.

But it was still very bright, without any scratches.

“Wonderful, let Liu Lu check back, what kind of material it is. It can’t be an alien material.

Thinking of this, Lin Xian couldn’t help being amused by himself.

Anyway, as long as it is made of materials on the earth, a laboratory as advanced as Liu Lu will surely be able to detect it.

Lin Xian tried to put this ring on his left ring finger.

But found that Dai can’t get in

too small.

You can only squeeze a little bit under the fingernail at most, not even the first knuckle.

“No way, this is a women’s ring.”

Wedding rings are usually a pair.

One male model and one female model.

The male model is worn by boys, and the inner diameter must be larger. After all, boys’ fingers should be thicker.

The female model, that is, the one in Lin Xian’s hand, is based on women’s slender fingers, with a smaller natural inner diameter.

Lin Xian didn’t try too much.

He pointed the internal test of the ring at the reading light, where the only two English letters on the entire ring were engraved-

“Chu Chan”

Lin Xian couldn’t help but imagine.

If the female ring is engraved with CC, then the male ring must be engraved with LX.

The women’s ring engraved with CC is in my hand.

The men’s ring with LX engraved on it was worn by middle-aged oneself last time.

But now the middle-aged self must have collapsed.Naturally, the ring did not know where it was.


“Then that”

Lin Xian scratched his head depressed

“Then why did Liu Yiyi go? Shouldn’t it be Liu Yiyi who married me?”

After all, both of them have met their parents!

It’s already a unilateral engagement.

As long as Liu Yiyi’s parents pass the test, they may be able to hold a vigorous wedding this year.

Thinking of this, Lin Xian a little bit big.

His thoughts returned to the commendation meeting again, and Dai Chuchan was in front of nearly 10,000 curators, the scene of “confession of love”.

“It’s difficult.”

The Shura field of love is even more difficult to understand than Goldbach’s conjecture.

“Forget it, go with the flow”

Lin Xian feels that in terms of life and love, it is necessary to make the decision by yourself.

Who the future self will marry, who the past self likes, it has nothing to do with him now!

“The choice I made must be worthy of who I am now!”

Mouth …

After trying to understand, Lin Xian presses the automatic start button.

The automatic headlights of Rolls-Royce Huiying turn on, turn left and drive out of the parking lot, turn on the national highway, and drive to the supermarket area

In the gloomy and quiet parking lot.

Only one bright red Ferrari 488 is left


And silent.


Lin Xian unscrewed the door and walked into the house.

Da Da Da Da Da Da.

With a rush of footsteps, Liu Yiyi was wearing pajamas and ran out of the room!

“Husband!! You are back!! This night I am almost worried to death!”

Fen fist beats chaotically.

Lin Xian couldn’t help laughing.

It’s better at home.

Liu Yiyi’s warmth is much happier than Lei Haolong’s guillotine.

At this time, Lin Xian heard the sound of a shower faucet in the bathroom.

It is estimated that Liu Yiyi is washing.

Hearing the sound of myself entering the door, I hurried over and forgot to turn off the faucet.

“Okay, okay, blame me, blame me, it will definitely not be the case next time.

Lin Xian blocked her pink fist and hugged her into his arms.


When Liu Yiyi saw Lin Xian go home, he felt better.

She raised her head and smiled and looked at Lin Xian’s eyes:

“Lin Xian, is our show today good-looking? Have you watched it seriously!!

Lin Xian nodded:

“Of course, look at it carefully. You are both very busy performing! You really deserve to be top students in the art department.

Thought of here

Lin Xian suddenly felt

I need to explain one thing to Liu Yiyi.

It was the incident that the future Dai Chuchan kissed herself…

Although this is not a big deal.

But now, Liu Yiyi is his true girlfriend!

He needs to be responsible to her!

If Liu Yiyi feels that this behavior is a betrayal to her and is therefore angry, Lin Xian will take the initiative to apologize and coax her.

Thinking of this, Lin Xian started to grow his head again.

If it weren’t for the darkness in the room at the time.

He would not mistake Dai Chuchan for Liu Yiyi

But now it’s too late to say anything.

Let’s explain it honestly!

Lin Xian coughed slightly and took Liu Yiyi’s hand:

“Yiyi has something, I want to explain to you

Unexpectedly, Liu Yiyi twitched his tongue out and replied first:

“Okay~~~ You don’t need to say anything! I know all about it. Besides, I don’t blame you, you certainly don’t know that this kind of thing will happen.”


Lin Xian has never been so panicked since he was little to grow up!

What’s happening here?

How did Liu Yiyi know about this?


The more you think about it, the more impossible it becomes!

Liu Yiyi has no channels to know what happened in that dark hut tonight!

Lin Xian shook his head decisively:

“No, no, Yiyi, you definitely don’t know what I’m going to say.”

But Liu Yiyi has a confident look:

“I knew!”

Liu Yiyi smiled, took Lin Xian’s arm, and asked his soul:

“Hehe, don’t you just want to tell me about Dai Chuchan!”

“I’m not a fool. Women know women best. I was mentally prepared for Chu Chan to do such a thing.”


This time it was really thunderous!

Lin Xian suddenly felt that Liu Yiyi was terrible!

The sixth sense of this woman is no longer a simple question of inefficiency and inaccuracy.

Her sixth sense is like a light speed camera!

You can clearly know what is happening in any corner of the world!

It’s like being there!

At this time, Lin Xian was at a loss.

He still couldn’t understand.

Why would Liu Yiyi know such private things?

But since you already know it, it doesn’t make sense to think about why you know it.

Lin Xian can only swallow and spit:

“You, since you know everything, aren’t you angry?”

Liu Yiyi smiled broadly:

“What’s so angry about this? People Dai Chuchan likes you, and you have done nothing wrong.”

Lin Xian’s eyes widened.

Are the women nowadays so generous?

Don’t you care about a French long mouth for so long?

“You really don’t care at all?”

Lin Xian asked again.

He was ready to give an honest explanation and coax Liu Yiyi.

As a result, Liu Yiyi was not angry at all, he was really uncomfortable!

However, I shouldn’t even think about it.

Your boyfriend and other women do not have French long mouths

Normal girls will be angry, right?

Liu Yiyi blinked and stared at Lin Xian:

“Why are you weird today? Don’t pretend to be nervous, stupid, or amnesia like that day!”

“There are guests at home today, so hurry up and be normal! Don’t show off your ugliness. Don’t throw people outside and let people watch jokes.”


When Lin Xian wondered if he could have any guests so late–


The bathroom door was unscrewed.

Dai Chuchan’s hair is wet, with a bath towel on his head and Liu Yiyi’s nightgown on him, and he walked out grinningly:

“Senior Lin Xian~ You are finally back!

[Thank you for your 10,000 points reward!][Thanks to Qiyue Shuizhi for the 5000 points reward!][Thank you for the 3000 rewards!]

Tonight, it is very late in the morning, and I will make a reward and change. Let’s watch it after getting up tomorrow morning!

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