Chapter 95 Lei Haolong’s USB flash drive shocked Lin Xian’s video! History is inevitable!

Toot one

Toot one-


“pick up!!!!”

Lin Xian gritted his teeth.

Dai Chuchan, who was watching the future, died in front of her eyes, even though she knew that she came from the future, death was inevitable.

But Lin Xian still suffered from colic in his heart.

after all..……

This is my future wife

Lin Xian licked Tian’s mouth.

Only the salty and astringent taste of sweat.

It’s weird!

Just now! It clearly has the creaminess of lipstick and the fresh lychee flavor!

But in a blink of an eye, there is nothing left!

He wants to understand all this!

And the only person who can understand all these weird phenomena is Liu Lu!


Beep one by one


“Hey, Lin Xian, why is it so late?

Lin Xian is delighted!

At this time, Liu Lu was able to answer the phone, and he was happier than winning the lottery!

“Liu Lu! I’m going to discuss a mathematical problem for you now! A scientific problem! Academic problems involving time and space travel, relativity, calculus, quantum mechanics, etc. messy academic problems!”

Discuss academic issues as soon as you listen!

Liu Lu, who had just been awakened over there, immediately became energetic!

“Okay! Say it!”

“Liu Lu, listen to me seriously.”

Lin Xian swallowed and spit, trying to remember what happened between the electric light and flint:

“There was a woman who was in front of me, as if she was stared at by Medusa and was directly petrified! That kind of feeling is hard to describe, but her whole body, in a very short time, became translucent. Blue crystals!!

“Then, in the next second, there was a bang, breaking into countless small blue particles. Those particles flickered and flickered, and finally dissipated in the air, leaving no traces! There really wasn’t any at all. ! Completely disappeared! What the hell is going on?”

On the phone, Liu Lu was uncharacteristically speaking, speaking extremely fast:

“Obviously! This is a quantum superposition phenomenon! If what you say is really good, it doesn’t matter if you are watching a movie or dreaming. From an academic point of view, this phenomenon can be explained by quantum mechanics. of.”

“The woman you assume has become a quantum state all over her body, even including clothes and jewelry. But you also know that the quantum state is not stable, and it may collapse at any time! The blue crystals and tiny shimmering particles you see are The phenomenon of quantum state collapse. So this woman is dead

Lin Xian calmly listened to Liu Lu’s analysis.

Lin Xian was not surprised by the death, he could also see it.

If people who cross over in the future can only come in a quantum state, then don’t think about the 42nd bus, the future self must have collapsed and died long ago.

Figured this out.

Lin Xian asked a question that he cares most:

“I have one more question.”

“Then why is her whole person collapsed in quantum and nothing is left. But the ring on her hand hasn’t disappeared? Her whole person has disappeared, but this ring exists intact!”

Liu Lu thought over there for a long time.

It seems to have encountered a problem.

But in the end, he thought of the answer:

“Lin Xian, I thought about it. There is really a situation where this ring will not disappear.”

“Say it!”

Lin Xian listened respectfully.

Liu Lu paused there, then slowly said:

“If this person really comes from the future and travels to the present in 2021, but the ring has not disappeared.”

“That can only mean-this ring itself belongs to 2021!”


Liu Lu’s words are like five thunders!

For an instant.

Lin Xian feels.

Everything becomes reasonable!

Everything in 2040 will be transformed into a quantum state and disappear in 2021, because everything does not belong to 2021.

But the ring is different!

Especially the wedding ring is one generation.

Therefore, the reason why this ring has not disappeared. Just explain–

This ring itself is something for 2021!

In other words

“Could it be that Dai Chuchan and I will get married in 2021?

Lin Xian tremblingly put down the phone and looked at the date.

It is July 17, 2021.

He and Dai Chuchan were fully budgeted, and they had only seen less than 5 sides.

In 5 months, two people who have only met five sides can get married?

This is too much!

“Huh? Lin Xian, what did you say?”

Just now Lin Xian whispered to Xi, Liu Lu did not hear clearly.

“Oh, it’s okay. You should rest early. Research on 42 should be done!”

After Liu Lu answered, he hung up.

Lin Xian walked out of the house.

Just in time for the security guard and the dean to run all the way.

The dean was surprised when he discovered Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin Xian, why are you here?”

As for Lin Xian, who has repeatedly appeared on TV and short videos, everyone in the East China Sea is not aware of it.

Lin Xian refers to the headless corpse on the operating table:

“Lei Haolong, I was a former classmate, I came to see him, but what is going on?”

The dean didn’t think much about it.

After all, this patient was drawn from the commendation meeting, and it was no surprise that Lin Xian knew him.

“Hey, Mr. Lin, you don’t know anything. I just heard the report from the doctors and found it outrageous! They said that a blue crystal figure suddenly appeared, and then they didn’t see anything clearly, and Lei Haolong’s head was taken away. Cut it off!”

“Mr. Lin, did you see it?”

Lin Xian knew that if he didn’t see it at this time, it would be tantamount to adding suspicion to himself.

So he nodded:

“I saw it too.”

Hearing Lin Xian said that I saw it, the dean looked happy!

He hurriedly shook Lin Xian’s hand and held it tightly:

“Mr. Lin! Now that you have seen it, the big men and the police will come over in a while, you have to help us testify!

“Even if this is a supernatural phenomenon or a supernatural phenomenon! But this is definitely not our medical accident! It is definitely not our medical accident in the rescue!

Lin Xian nodded calmly.

He understands the meaning of the dean.

If this matter is classified as a medical malpractice, the consequences would be too serious, and he, the dean, must also bear heavy responsibilities.

The doctors and nurses of the hospital, after all, are under the dean, what they say is too mysterious, and they will definitely be suspected.

The credibility of a person like Lin Xian who has a reputation and status comes forward to testify.”President, let’s call all the witnesses together and wait for the arrival of the police.”

The dean hurriedly agreed, and then went to call the doctors and nurses who had just pushed the operating cart.

10 minutes later.

As the first scene of the crime, the entire corridor was closed by a cordon.

Lin Xian sat in the conference room with the dean and a dozen doctors and nurses.

Lin Xian sat in a chair.

Say nothing.

He was listening to the chats of the doctors and nurses around him, wondering how many things they shouldn’t have seen:

“My God, Director, did you see it just now? It was too scary! Suddenly a blue shadow fell from the sky! Then Lei Haolong’s head was cut off w々!”

“Huh? Did you see it coming down from the sky? I saw it came from a distance and passed directly through Lei Haolong’s body, and then Lei Haolong’s head fell off.”

“Why do you see me different from what you see? The blue lump I saw came out of the ground, and then I didn’t know what happened, so Lei Haolong’s head was cut off. NS”

“Have you seen the fracture on the neck? It’s smooth and neat. What a sharp knife can achieve! No, no, there are so many bones on the neck. This thing is not something humans can do!”

Lin Xian was silent, listening to the conversation.


Everyone sees different situations.

Although the final result was Lei Haolong’s head was cut off. But the “blue figure” and “blue lumps” appear in different places.

If according to Liu Lu said, Dai Chuchan is in a quantum collapse state, it is understandable.

When the quantum collapses, the visible state is unstable, and there are visible and invisible states. Depending on the observer, the manifested phenomena are also different.


Lin Xian thought to himself.

He didn’t know how to explain the problem that he and the “murderer” were in the same room.

But since everyone sees the situation is different, then you can just say it casually, anyway how to say

Undecided, quantum mechanics!


The dean also scratched his head when he heard that the crowd was inconsistent, and was at a loss:

“What the hell did it do? You are obviously pushing the surgical cart together, so why do you see completely different things?”

Many doctors and nurses also shook their heads helplessly.

The dean had to get in front of Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, what is the situation you saw? This is too strange, right? It doesn’t matter, you can say it boldly, we can accept it even if it is supernatural. Don’t let the public suspect that this is a medical accident. what!”

Lin Xian was expressionless and said the answer he had just thought of:

“I wanted to come to the hospital to see Lei Haolong’s situation, and then I saw a blue shadow walking into the sanitary supplies room. I went in and took a look, but found nothing. What happened later was similar to what everyone saw. I also witnessed the scene where Lei Haolong was cut.”

“By the way, the dean, why not check the surveillance cameras?”

Lin Xian asked the question he cared most.

What the surveillance cameras captured was what he cared about most.

The dean sighed:

“Mr. Lin doesn’t know something. If there is surveillance video, we don’t need to trouble you to testify. It’s just a coincidence. Just an hour ago, all the surveillance cameras in the door, hall, and corridor were All the lines are broken! The lines are seriously aging!”

“The line is aging?”

“Yes, we are not talking nonsense. There is evidence. Those are obviously newly installed wires. They are aging like they have been used for hundreds of years. The wind breaks every time the wind blows.”

Lin Xian nodded.

It seems…

Dai Chuchan’s style of doing things is very rigorous, and he is indeed guided by the “superior”.

And this expert needn’t think about it.

It must be the future self.

This kind of cautious character is only oneself

Ula Ula Ula One-

The JING car has arrived.

All witnesses told the truth about the sightings.

The surveillance video is also all broken.

I couldn’t find out anything for a while, so I had to close the scene and study slowly

After finishing a series of transcripts, Lin Xian left the Third People’s Hospital of Donghai City.

Go to the door.

Lin Xian looked back at the brightly lit main building of the hospital.

“Ha ha ”

A faint smile came to the corner of his mouth.

“Lei Haolong, you didn’t die injustice.”

Lin Xian went out and took a taxi.

I called Liu Yiyi back on the road.

More than 300 missed calls were all made by Liu Yiyi, and Liu Yiyi was crying anxiously!

She has always worried that the person who was hit is Lin Xian!

Later, after I learned that it was not Lin Xian, I let go of my hanging heart, but I couldn’t get in touch all the time, and I was very worried!

Lin Xian can only apologize.

It was said that when the commendation ceremony was held, the cell phone was muted.

Silence is true.

But it was silent when tracking Dai Chuchan in the future, for fear of being discovered.

The taxi took Lin Xian to the parking lot of the People’s Hall.

Looking at the passing truck and oil tanker, Lin Xian had a lingering fear:

“This is a broken place, no matter how high-limit poles and traffic lights are installed, I won’t be able to present any awards to me.”

Too dangerous.

The parking lot was dark.

After all, this is a remote new area without any supporting facilities. Everyone drove away after the meeting.

It is already more than 2 o’clock in the morning.

There is no one for a long time.

In the huge parking lot, there are only 2 cars left alone.

The flaming Ferrari 488 top version, and the world’s only Rolls-Royce Wisconsin.

Two cars parked east and west on both sides of the parking lot.

It’s as if their owner’s life runs counter to each other.


Lin Xian opened the door of Rolls-Royce Huiying and sat in.


Close the door tightly.


Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

The enclosed space in the car makes him feel safe and suitable for thinking.

He took out the silver Kingston USB flash drive from his suit pocket.

That was given to him by Dai Chuchan before his death in the future.

Don’t think about it, it must have been stolen from Lei Haolong.

Lin Xian smiled:

“Well, it’s time to review what happened today and figure out Lei Haolong’s true purpose!”

After returning home tonight, Liu Yiyi will inevitably be interrogated.

These two days are also weekends.

Liu Yiyi will live with herself.

At home, it is a lot of inconvenience.


Lin Xian decided to review everything today before going home.


The central control screen of Rolls-Royce Smart Film is the most advanced car computer in the world.

Although the function is flawed compared to the real computer.

But it’s okay to read the information in the USB flash drive.

Lin Xian inserted Lei Haolong’s USB flash drive into Jin.


As the system prompts.

A new icon is displayed on the screen.

Lin Xian clicked to check it and found that there were 3 videos and 1 slide PPT.

Lin Xian clicked on the first video.

“This is the broken bridge where I saved people??”

He saw it.

Although the bridge in the picture is very far and small.

But it was indeed the bridge where he saved the twins.

The angle of view of this surveillance camera is a surveillance camera from a small shop in the distance.

The video is very long.

Lin Xian jumped and watched.

Surveillance video is like this, recorded and broadcast 24 hours a day, very boring.


A figure appeared on the bridge!

Lin Xian squinted his eyes, and can roughly tell from the details of his movements that this person is himself.

At this time, the time in the lower right corner of the surveillance video shows 14:20 in the afternoon.

In the video, Lin Xian is standing on the broken bridge, looking around, watching from left to right.

Look at the front for a while, look at the side for a while, and look down the bridge with the railing from time to time


The monitoring time came to 16:12 pm.

Two little girls were washed down along the water, and then Lin Xian on the broken bridge ran directly into the river and picked them up


Lin Xian clicked to pause the video.

Feeling shuddering

The whole body was cold.

Lin Xian slowly turned his head and looked at the car glass on the left

no one.

There are no smiling heads either.

“It’s a bit startled.”

The head that Lei Haolong stepped on last time really scared Lin Xian.

There are psychological shadows now.

Look out through the single-sided glass of the car window.

Lei Haolong’s top-fitted Ferrari 488 parked quietly in the parking lot

Its owner is dead.

I will never open it again in my life.

Lin Xian turns off the video on the central control screen

Embrace your arms.

This will make the cold self feel a little warmer.

“Lei Haolong really found very convincing evidence

Lin Xian couldn’t help frowning.

If this video is played at the commendation conference, people will doubt Lin Xian’s purpose of waiting on the broken bridge early!


This is clearly reflected in this surveillance video-

The little girl didn’t fall into the water until 4 o’clock in the afternoon.

But Lin Xian was already waiting on the bridge after 2 o’clock

Still looking around.

It’s not a prosperous area there.

It is a broken bridge in the wilderness.

How to explain this kind of thing?


Lin Xian shook his head.

If he confronted this video on the spot, it would be difficult for Lin Xian to come up with a reasonable reason.

“No wonder Lei Haolong suspects that I am a traverser, or that there is a way to know future information. It seems that he has investigated me.”

If this video is posted online.

So almost all netizens would think that Lin Xian definitely knew in advance that someone would fall into the water, and then waited there early.

“Not right”

Lin Xian shook his head again.

Most people don’t think so deeply.

They can only think–

“This is a show! Lin Xian’s bravery was performed deliberately!”

“The video is proof! This is a rehearsed script! Lin Xian let the little girls fall into the water deliberately, and then go into the water to rescue them!”

“It’s completely self-directed and self-acted! It’s ridiculous!”

People with normal minds don’t think about the perspective of the translator.

Bacheng thinks this is a farce of self-directed and self-acted.

“Anyway, this video is really bad for me.”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

This is actually not to blame for him in the past.

When he wrote to the past, he really didn’t know the specific time and place of the incident.

Before history changed.

The two twin girls died, and the milk nai couldn’t stand the blow, and went into the ICU in a coma.

Are there any witnesses around?

So no one knows the exact time and place of this tragedy!

When Lin Xian wrote to the past, he could only give an approximate time, and asked “…, go early”, so he left this handle.

“But this is a small problem.”

Lin Xian didn’t care.

Just need to go home, and then write a letter to the past self, tell him the specific time and place of falling into the water, let him not go so early, all this can be straightened out.

In addition, the reputation of being a young man will not be lost.

In fact, Lin Xian is not reluctant to bear this reputation.

It’s just that a lot of things that happened afterwards all happened with the incident of “saving the overwhelming children” as a prelude.

In order not to mess up his history.

It is still necessary to ensure that this happened accurately.

“Well, that’s it. After I go back, write a letter to me who was in the past. Tell him the exact time when the little girl drifted to the broken bridge, and told him not to go so early and not to fall behind.”

But suddenly–

Lin Xian rejected this idea.


“This past event cannot be changed. If Lei Haolong loses my handle after the change, he will not doubt me or go to the commendation meeting to expose me, so how can I kill him?”

Lin Xian figured it out.

The future self thinks that Lei Haolong is a demon. Although this conclusion is wrong in the end, there is definitely no wave without wind.

Since it can be deduced that Lei Haolong is a demon, it means that this person must have a problem!Even if there is no big problem.

There are also many small problems!

At least for himself, Lei Haolong is a threat, he must die!

“It’s better to keep this kind of history and don’t mess around. Anyway, Lei Haolong is now dead, and the dead can’t speak. I also believe that the future Dai Chuchan, she must handle this matter very cleanly.”

The kind of surveillance camera used in the commissary.

They are all of the lowest level.

The capacity is very small, basically it will be full in less than a month, and the system will automatically overwrite the earliest surveillance video.

So even if you leave it alone, the commissary’s video will be cleared automatically.

“And Lei Haolong has only two copies of the information in total. One is in the USB flash drive and the other is in the solid-state hard drive. Both are with me now, so it is very safe at the moment.”

Although this surveillance video can illustrate some problems.

But there is no real hammer after all.

Brain supplement is greater than the evidence.

Not a core secret.

Lin Xian clicked on the second video.

Lin Xian has watched this video, and someone in the WeChat group also reposted it.

It was the video where Lin Xian and Lao Zhang were fighting with those classmates who wanted to kidnap her in order to save Dai Chuchan.

The location is at the entrance of the MX Bar in University Town.

“This video is unconvincing.”

Lin Xian fast-forwarded and saw that there was nothing important, so he closed it directly.

Although the hero saves the United States, it has not been made public.

But Lin Xian is not afraid to make it public, but it will help Lin Xian rise a wave of popularity.

Lin Xian shook his head.

Can’t understand Lei Haolong’s brain circuit at all.


He directly clicked on the third video, which was also the last video on the USB flash drive.

This is also a surveillance video.

The picture is also at the entrance of the MX bar.

It’s just a long distance, it’s probably also a surveillance camera in a store in the distance.

Lin Xian looked at the video time in the lower right corner.

July 8, 2021 00:17

“I should be in the imperial capital on this date? I can’t be in the MX bar.”

Lin Xian is familiar with this date.

Because he was very busy on July 7th, he met Lu Qiangdong, found Liu Lu, and sold “The Preface of The Lanting Pavilion”.

Then in the evening, I chatted with Liu Yiyi on video for a few days, and talked about seeing the parents, and went to bed early.


He was pretty sure.

I must not (Zhao Nuo’s) right at the door of MX bar on July 8.

What’s more, it’s still in the early hours of the night.

I don’t know what the loneliness of this surveillance video is.

In the video.

A Porsche 911 drove away, and then a girl walked towards the taxi

“Is this Dai Chuchan?”

From Lin Xian’s hairstyle and clothes, I can tell that this girl is Dai Chuchan!

He didn’t understand.

At this point, why is she going to the bar?

Dai Chuchan is not the kind of girl who likes to dance.


The mutation happened!

The three boys were pulling Dai Chuchan and were about to stuff them into the car!

“I fuck!”

Across the screen, Lin Xian became nervous!

This is no small matter!

Dai Chuchan, anyway

Let’s not talk about the relationship between the two now, but from the perspective of the future, the two are obviously married!

With this relationship, now seeing Dai Chuchan being [kidnapped again], can Lin Xian not be nervous?

“This is going to be cold? No one nearby can save her!

Lin Xian looked worried.

The MX bar in the wee hours of the morning is full of joy.

Even if Dai Chuchan broke her throat, no one would come to rescue her!




A 42nd bus that hadn’t turned on the lights and was shaking for a long time suddenly appeared in the video!


Directly hit two taxis and 3 “kidnapping criminals” into the air!


Lin Xian was relieved.

Seeing this, all fools understand.

He is familiar with the 42 bus driver!

To be able to appear on time at this point and save Dai Chuchan, needless to say, it must be the future self.

“According to my guess, the middle-aged me in the car should be the second messenger from the future.”

“Since Dai Chuchan can cross back to help me in the future, I can also cross back to save Dai Chuchan in the future.”

Lin Xian nodded.

This is reasonable.

Anyway, it’s all a family, helping each other.

“What is Dai Chuchan’s life? Why is he always [kidnapped]


Lin Xian felt a tingling scalp!



Why do you feel this way?

Lin Xian was cold all over, thinking of some “terrible” things


Some things will always happen?

For example, although the class reunion was delayed, it was finally held as scheduled

For example, no matter how you try to escape, the number of classmates gathering is always a constant 42 donkeys.

For example, although Lei Haolong did not die in the Zhijiage shooting, he was eventually killed by the messenger

For example, although Dai Chuchan was not [kidnapped] by classmates, he was still [kidnapped] by drunks


Lin Xian sits up straight

Feel the temperature in the car, it’s cold like winter!

He opened his eyes wide.

Connecting all these reasonable and unreasonable things, a dangerous idea suddenly emerges–

“Is this the inevitability of history?

“What should happen will always happen

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