Chapter 97 Lin Xian found Dai Chuchan’s ring! Can’t explain it! (Reward plus more)

The rapid development of things really made it difficult for Lin Xian to adapt.

He cast doubtful eyes on Liu Yiyi.

Ask what is going on.

Liu Yiyi laughed~ explained to Lin Xian:

“The guest I’m talking about is—referring to school sister Chu Chan!”

“Well, you ran away after the commendation conference, and I didn’t answer the phone or WeChat. I was about to cry!”

“Chu Chan always stayed with me, comforted me, and asked the driver to take us home. We made hundreds of calls to you and you didn’t answer. Chu Chan was afraid that I was afraid by myself, so he stayed with me. .”

That said.

Lin Xian knows everything.

It turned out that the reason why Dai Chuchan appeared at his home was to accompany Liu Yiyi.

After all, I was attracted by the “future messenger”.

Tracking and mute all the way.

I neglected Liu Yiyi’s side.

Did not report her safety.

Therefore, in the eyes of the two, they are alive and dead!

Dai Chuchan was worried that Liu Yiyi was alone, so he stayed and accompanied Liu Yiyi all night.

And after they contacted Liu Yiyi and the two knew that they were all right, they both let go of their hearts and prepared to go to sleep.

Liu Yiyi’s hair still smelled of shampoo.

It seems that she took the lead in taking the shower.

Then Dai Chuchan went to take a bath.

The sound of the flower and wine faucet in the bathroom just now was that Dai Chuchan was taking a bath.

Lin Xian smiled at Dai Chuchan:

“Welcome, thank you for staying with Yiyi for me.

Dai Chuchan smiled, and motioned Lin Xian to be welcome!

Lin Xian is so kind to her.

I should do something for him.

Liu Yiyi walked over and wiped Dai Chuchan’s wet hair with a bath towel:

“Chu Chan, why don’t you blow your hair!”

Dai Chuchan pointed to the hair dryer in the bathroom:

“I just came out to ask you why the hair dryer didn’t respond?

Liu Yiyi listened.

Retreat to the door.

Then press a switch:

“I forgot to tell you that the socket where the hair dryer is plugged in is controlled by an external switch. It can be used now.”

Dai Chuchan gave it a try.


The hair dryer is blowing at high speed!

So she nodded, closed the bathroom door, and concentrated on blowing her hair


After the bathroom door is closed.

The sound of the hair dryer was blocked and it was much smaller.


Dai Chuchan couldn’t hear the conversation between the two outside the door.

Lin Xian looked at Liu Yiyi.

He reacted at this moment

The two were completely chatting across servers just now!

It’s not the same thing at all!

“Yiyi, you just said those things to me. Was it because Dai Chuchan bowed to me when she was dancing at the last curtain call, so you think she likes me?”

Liu Yiyi nodded confidently:

“That’s right. Isn’t it the same thing you want to tell me?”

“I’m a woman, I have long seen that Dai Chuchan likes you. It’s just that the way people like you is very careful, basically it belongs to the kind of worship and respect. Chuchan is not bad, and she has a very kind heart. I didn’t say anything about it.”

“That’s why I said that you don’t need to explain to me about this matter, and you didn’t do anything wrong? As for the curtain call at the end of the stage, don’t say you can’t think of it. I didn’t expect her to be so bold! But I just said it, In fact, I am also mentally prepared.

Lin Xian is really

My heart is embarrassed!

Sure enough, I guessed right!

He and Liu Yiyi are simply “cross-server chats”!

The conversation between the two of them just now seemed to be discussing the same thing, but in fact they said different things, but it just happened to be a coincidence!

Everything is a misunderstanding.

Lin Xian wanted to explain.

It’s [Future Dai Chuchan] KISS’s own business.

He felt that whether he was to blame or not for this matter, at least Liu Yiyi himself should be clear.


Liu Yiyi is very confident that what she wants to tell her is one-

[Modern Dai Chuchan] has a crush on him, so when the stage curtain call, he did such ridiculous things.

The two said that it is not the same thing at all

But because the protagonist is Dai Chuchan, and also did a ridiculous thing

So this one comes and goes.

Although the donkey’s lips are not the same as the horse’s mouth, the dialogue is very cleverly connected.

Thinking of this.

Lin Xian was a little bit dumbfounded.

Liu Yiyi saw Lin Xian did not speak

I thought I was too straightforward and embarrassed Lin Xian.So he hurriedly comforted him:

“Oh, oh, don’t look like that! I don’t mean anything else when I say this to you. As I said just now, Dai Chuchan likes you, but you have done nothing wrong! You really don’t want to look like this. Guilty expression

“Besides, there are so many girls who like you! Why don’t you miss Dai Chuchan! The hero saving the United States is easy for people to like. So ~ laugh~ Don’t frown! I don’t care about it. I didn’t care, what do you care about!”

After that, Liu Yiyi pulled Lin Xian’s hand away, hugged him, and said with a happy face:

“The person I like is like the Monkey King stepping on colorful auspicious clouds. There will definitely be many girls who like it. I can understand this.”

“Besides, you are the person I love the most, and the person I trust the most. Sister Chu Chan is also a good person who knows right and wrong. I know you two must be innocent, hehe, I believe you!”




This sentence stuck into Lin Xian’s heart like three knives!


Trust you

Lin Xian looked at the closed bathroom.

The roar of the hair dryer was coming from inside.

never mind …

Lin Xian thought, since there are guests at home today, it is inconvenient to continue talking with Liu Yiyi.

It’s better to find a way to tell Liu Yiyi when the two people are alone in the future.

Actually Lin Xian is also a bit embarrassed.

I really don’t know how to speak about this matter.

If you tell Liu Yiyi [future Dai Chuchan] about the time and space travel, it is inevitable that you will have to give Liu Yiyi the whole mind about the time and space mailbox, his own secrets, the killing of Lei Haolong, and the truth in the future.

This is too contrary to the original intention, right?

Lin Xian shook his head.


For the sake of Liu Yiyi’s safety.

This matter still cannot be confessed to Liu Yiyi.


Let’s be a “scumbag” for the time being.

Anyway, the matter was not too big, but it was KIS by Dai Chuchan in the future, and there was no other deviance.


What Liu Yiyi said is right, he and [the present Dai Chuchan] are indeed innocent! There is no collusion at all!

After doing his own ideological work, Lin Xian’s psychological pressure has also eased a lot.

He smiled.

Touching mo Liu Yiyi’s still a little damp hair:

“Don’t worry about me, how could I betray you? Me and her–”

Lin Xian specifically pointed to [Dai Chuchan in the bathroom now]

“–Innocent, no problem at all!!

Liu Yiyi sneered after listening.

“You are not talking nonsense! From Monday to Friday, Chu Chan and I are together every day. On Saturday and Sunday, we are together again every day. If you two have problems, it will be a ghost!”

“Besides, don’t bother Chu Chan’s crooked mind, my father is amazing! You dare to touch my baby girl, the underground emperor of the East China Sea won’t interrupt your leg!”


Lin Xian who said this is not happy.

Anyway, I still eat it at Dai Shuangcheng.

the most important is

Before history changed…

I have already been treated as a prospective son-in-law by Dai Chuchan’s mother and Aunt Li Ruoying!

Every time I give Lin Xian delicious fish.

Give him enthusiastic food.

And let him stay at home

Even if Dai Shuangcheng really wanted to interrupt his leg, the expectant mother-in-law would have to help stop her!

Of course, such words cannot be said.

These things did not happen in this time and space after the historical change.

But the words cannot be said, and the dignity of a man cannot be lost!

Lin Xian pinched nie Liu Yiyi’s nose and smiled:

“I’m not even afraid of the well-known richest man in Hangzhou, and I am still afraid that President Dai of the East China Sea will fail? As long as I can marry you home, let your father interrupt these legs!”


Fist punch!

Liu Yiyi said shyly:

“What are you talking about? My dad is not that kind of person! If he dares to break your leg, he has to step over my corpse first!

After speaking.

Liu Yiyi lightly punched the powder punch again:

“You really have changed, now you are full of sweet talk!”

“Follow the short videos in the future, I’m afraid it will affect your IQ–”


The bathroom door was pushed open.

Dai Chuchan, who was drying her hair, walked out of the bathroom and just saw this shy and sweet scene

“Squirting, the concentration of this dog food is too high!”

Seeing Dai Chuchan coming out, Lin Xian was still a little uncomfortable, but Liu Yiyi was already used to it.

In my own home.

Make friends with your husband.

No need to feel embarrassed.

“Chu Chan, have your hair been blown out?”

Dai Chuchan smiled and nodded:

“It’s blow-dried, but I don’t know which bottle is to nourish the hair. Come out and ask you.

“Just the blue bottle, press-type.

“Ok, I understand!”

After receiving it, Dai Chuchan closed the bathroom door again and went in to nourish the hair.

It is so troublesome for girls to wash their hair.

Lin Xian has long been used to it.

Usually Liu Yiyi is not only troublesome to wash her hair, but also blocks the bathroom drain after washing her long hair. Lin Xian has to dredge it.


Liu Yiyi poked Lin Xian and whispered:

“Dai Chuchan likes your business, you have to pretend not to know it! This is our secret. In front of Dai Chuchan, I have never broken it.”

“After all, she is a little girl, and it is normal to have a crush on a big hero. Let’s treat it as if we don’t know, we can’t let people lose face, otherwise they should be embarrassed!’

Lin Xian smiled and nodded.

As expected of Liu Yiyi, who I like.

Gentle, considerate, and considerate.

Lin Xian didn’t think so much about the relationship between himself and the two.


let it go.

The future self also saved Liu Yiyiyi, awakened the devil, and finally married Dai Chuchan.

At that time, I also questioned my future self:

“Don’t you save Liu Yiyi?”

The future self did not speak.

But it is not difficult to guess that when he was young, he must have made the same choice as himself and rescued Liu Yiyi from the Zhijiage shooting.

no way.

Who makes Liu Yiyi his youthful white moonlight?

Any man would do the same.

As for the issue of releasing the devil

Maybe the future self will be guilty.

But now Lin Xian is not ashamed at all!

After all, the future can be changed artificially. He has rescued Liu Yiyi and has not harmed anyone’s interests so far.

“Liu Yiyi, Laozi wants to save!

“Devil, Laozi wants to kill too! The big deal will save the world!”

Lin Xian’s idea is very simple.

If saving Liu Yiyi will awaken the devil, find out the devil and kill it!

“Since the future self chooses to hand over the space-time mailbox and [Mission] to me now, it means that from this point in time, I have the hope of saving everything!”

Dai Chuchan walked out of the bathroom after applying nourishing cream to his hair.

See Lin Xian.

She was still a little embarrassed.

“Hehe, I’m sorry, Senior Lin Xian. Being at your house so late, it’s really disturbing.

Lin Xian smiled politely, took out a box of iced yogurt from the refrigerator and handed it to her:

“You are welcome, on the contrary, I want to thank you. If Yiyi is not with you, I really don’t know how she can panic.”

“She’s been like this before. She looks stable, but in fact she’s always doing things like this.

Looking at the five-dollar box of Amoxi yogurt in my hand

Lin Xian remembered the Qing Cong memories in high school, smiled, and put the yogurt in Dai Chuchan’s hands:

…0 Seeking flowers………

“You live here today, chat with Yiyi, anyway, there will be no class tomorrow.”


Dai Chuchan readily agreed.

Before Lin Xian came, Liu Yiyi talked to her about staying overnight.

They all thought that Lin Xian would not go home tonight.

After all, the commendation conference has produced such a big thing, and it must take a lot of time to deal with it.

But Dai Chuchan thought of a question instantly:

“Then Senior Lin Xian, where do you sleep? I see the bed in the room as if I can’t sleep 3 people.”


Lin Xian spouted out a sip of water he just drank.

Big sister??

Even if the next three people can sleep!

It’s impossible to sleep like this!

“I just sleep in the study room. The chair is very comfortable. When I break it back, it becomes a recliner. Sometimes I work overtime at night or when I am tired from reading, I just fall asleep like that.”

In fact, this is also good.

I have a legitimate reason to “stay in the study”.

Wait until the night is quiet.

It happens to be possible to study what is hidden in Lei Haolong’s “SSD”.

Liu Yiyi also came over, took a box of yogurt from the refrigerator, and enthusiastically told Dai Chuchan about their “yogurt love”.

“Lin Xian, it’s not too early. We talked for a while and went to bed. We have run out of the bathroom. You should go to the xi bath and rest.”

Liu Yiyi brought out a set of pajamas for Lin Xian and urged him to take a bath and go to bed earlier.

The apartment rented by two people has only 1 bathroom.

So if you take a xi bath, you can only come one by one.

Usually when there are only Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi, they often wash together. But after all, there are outsiders who can’t be so presumptuous.

Lin Xian took the pajamas.

After the two went into the bedroom and closed the door.

He also took the clothes off into the washing machine, ready to enter the house for a bath.



When the warm water washed the skin, Lin Xian felt relaxed, as if he had washed away the tiredness and fatigue of the day.


In the few hours that have just passed, too much happened, dizzy and nervous.First, there were frequent dramas at the commendation meeting.

Then Lei Haolong was hit by [perfect accident] on the road.

Then Lin Xian followed the messenger to Lei Haolong’s house.

He ran to the Third People’s Hospital and cut off Lei Haolong’s head.

In the end, the first messenger collapsed in front of his eyes, his identity was clearly identified, unexpectedly.

So many things happened in just a few hours.

Recall now.

That nervous mood has not yet completely calmed down.




The flower wine turns the warm water into drizzle and rushes on Lin Xian, which is extraordinarily comfortable.

“It’s better to go home.”

Lin Xian smelled the sweet smell in the bathroom.

That was the various fragrant mu bath lotions, shampoos, conditioners, facial cleansers, body lotions, nutrients used by Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan when they took a bath.

As a man, Lin Xian is not so hypocritical

When I’m not in the mood or time, a piece of soap is all done.

But I am in a good mood today.

Solved a major event.

Also decrypted many questions in my mind.

It might be possible to find clues to the enemy from the solid-state hard drive in a while.

“It’s too late anyway. After sleep, just take a big shower.”

Lin Xian washed his head first.

Then apply the mu bath lotion on the body, and use a bath towel to make a full body of bubbles.

These bubbles stick to the body and make the skin moist and smooth, and will feel more comfortable after being washed away with water for a while.


Thinking of solving Lei Haolong this “little devil”.

Stopped his “debunking plan”.

Lin Xian was in a good mood, humming and rubbing bubbles.


When Lin Xian rubbed bubbles, he suddenly saw one-

On the soap box! There is a silver ring!

The soap box in the bathroom is attached to the wall.

There is a piece of fragrant soap in it.

But on the plane below the soap box, something that shouldn’t have appeared at this time!

Silver ring!

Lin Xian blinked.

Wipe off the water near the eyes with your hands to see more clearly.

“Why is there a ring here? Dai Chuchan should have dropped it, right?”

“But it shouldn’t be. This is obviously a men’s ring?”

The inner diameter of this ring is very large.

It is a circle bigger than the ring I just got, so it will definitely not be a female ring.

“Um ”

Things started to get a little weird.

Lin Xian no longer rubbed the bubbles, and directly reached out and picked up the ring, taking a serious look in front of his eyes.

“This style is exactly the same as the ring I just got today. Is it the same style?”

Lin Xian thinks it may not be impossible.

After all, the future self had saved Dai Chuchan.

If he later collapsed in front of Dai Chuchan, wouldn’t the ring be in Dai Chuchan’s hands?

咚咚, 咚咚, 咚咚.

Lin Xian started to beat his heart faster.

he does not know

If this matter is confirmed, what will it mean…

Lin Xian stared at the ring.

If your guess is correct.

CC is engraved in the female ring.

In that men’s ring, LX should be engraved on it.

When Lin Xian took the ring, there were mu bath bubbles on his hands, so now the bubbles are stuck to the ring, and nothing can be seen clearly.

Lin Xian pinched the ring with his hands full of bubbles.

Pass it to the flower wine.

Ready to flush out the bubbles–

Da Da! Da Da! Da Da! Da Da! Da Da!!!!

A rush of footsteps!!!


The bathroom door was kicked open directly–

Dai Chuchan rushed in in a hurry!

“I fuck!!”

Lin Xian is nowhere!

Directly covered with both hands, staring at the uninvited guest with wide-eyed eyes.

I saw Dai Chuchan’s face flushed.

Close your eyes tightly!

Bow violently!

“I’m sorry, Lin Xian, senior!!!”

“I, I, I, I, I have a very important thing I forgot to take!! Can I take it away first!?”

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