Chapter 91 Lin Xian finally eats meat! The identity of the messenger is exposed! (Reward plus more)


Lei Haolong, who was knocked into flight, hit the ground heavily.

Dust on the ground.


The roaring truck also braked hard and stopped diagonally on the road.

The crowds on both sides of the road, after a brief shock, instantly panicked:

“Oh my God!! There was a car accident!! Call an ambulance! Call an ambulance!!”

“It’s over. If you hit so hard, you will definitely not survive. Hey, I said long ago that you have to press a traffic light on this road, otherwise the big car will be so fast, and sooner or later, something will happen!

“No way, the new district hasn’t developed yet. Basically, all the big cars have passed, especially at night, all the big cars use the following national highways to save highway fees.

“It’s a shame to encounter such a thing just after receiving such a big honor. Anyway, let’s go and check it out. Hit 120!

Soon, the masses went directly to encircle Lei Haolong.

Enthusiastic people drove their vehicles onto the road and turned on the double flashes to remind the passing vehicles to give way.

Many people dialed 120, waiting for the ambulance to rescue people.

Lin Xian picked up the pencil on the ground

no doubt.

This is the murderer who “killed” Lei Haolong!

Although Lei Haolong was killed by a car, the cause was this plain pencil!

“That woman”

Lin Xian knew that when the woman placed the pencil, she definitely did it intentionally!

She knows very clearly that every step of the plot will happen next

Who would step on the pencil, how would this person react, and after a series of chain reactions, the pencil would accurately roll to Lei Haolong’s feet.

Then Lei Haolong turned around because of the movement.

I didn’t have eyes under my feet, I stepped directly on the pencil and slipped–

Run a few steps directly to the road.

Hit by an oncoming truck!

All this seemed to be a complete accident.

But it is indeed believed!

[Perfect accidental killing!]

That woman’s murder method coincides with Lin Xian’s idea!

However, what Lin Xian wanted to use was the spotlight falling from the dome of the auditorium.

And that woman only used a pencil

“That woman must have a problem!”

Lin Xian’s instinct told him.

There must be an unspeakable secret in that woman!

Is it an enemy or a friend?

He looked away from the crowd and looked at the waiting row of taxis on the side of the road.

The woman got in the first taxi.

About to disappear into sight.

It’s too late to open your own Rolls Royce!

Lin Xian hurried to the second taxi, opened the door and sat in:

“Master, keep up with the car ahead!”

Weiwei click! Om!!!

The master has a set of combo moves and puts on gear, and slams on the accelerator!

“Hao Le~~ Sit down, young man! I like your kind of passionate people!”

The soul of the taxi driver’s Akina mountain is awakened!

I stepped on the accelerator and brake clutch without moving, and flicked and slowly caught up with the taxi that was going away.


The taxi did not stop for a moment, and drove directly to the downtown area!

790 Lin Xian is chasing after this taxi.

In the end, the taxi stopped at Yuhailanting, the most luxurious residential building in Donghai City’s commercial district.

Yuhailanting is located in the bustling commercial area of ​​Donghai City.

It has a total height of 63 floors.

The average price is 270,000 yuan per flat.

It’s not the kind of rich and rich, and can’t live in this house at all.

Lin Xian just heard.

The large flat floor above the high-level, the living room area alone is more than 200 square meters! And the entire wall is full of floor-to-ceiling windows, overlooking the entire Donghai City!

Especially all kinds of powerful people like this feeling of drinking red wine in front of the huge windows.

The woman pushed the car door to get out of the car and walked directly into the Yuhailanting Building.

“That’s the master.”

Lin Xian scanned the QR code on his mobile phone and paid.

When he was about to push the door and get out of the car, he suddenly thought about it, sat back, and swept another 200 yuan for the driver.

The driver is puzzled:

“Young man, what are you doing?”

Lin Xian smiled:

“Master, this is the prepaid fare. Please wait for me at the corner over there. I have to come out in a while. It’s not easy to take a taxi at such a late hour. You can’t take someone else!”

When the driver heard that this was a good job, he hurriedly smiled:

“No problem, no problem! Don’t worry! I won’t pull anyone anymore! You let me wait here for you all night, no problem!”

Lin Xian nodded, got off the car and walked to the gate of Yuhailanting Residential Building.

Push door–


Did not open.


Lin Xian discovered that the door of this building actually needs an access card!

This is for high-end residences.

Not surprising.

But the strange thing is why does that woman have this access card?

Lin Xian scratched his head, wondering left and right.

If you can live in such an ultra-high-end residence, you should not go to the People’s Hall as a service staff.

The woman has pressed the elevator button.

There are six elevators in a row. One of them is going down at this time and is coming to pick her up.

“This is how to do?”Lin Xian is not a stalker.

But the hand [perfect accidental murder] that the woman showed just now really made Lin Xian doubt her identity.

And instinctively told her that this is definitely not this woman’s home!

She must be here for another purpose.

I remembered the woman’s naughty, tongue-out, winking eyes at herself just now

He always felt as if he had seen this face somewhere.

But I can’t remember it anyway!

“Sir, please let me.”

At this time.

A lady with a zhe teddy dog ​​wanted to swipe the access card, Lin Xian blocked her way.

Lin Xian smiled slightly.

Let go one step.

The lady first looked at him warily, but then she saw the certificate in his hand! Then she looked at his face!

“Oh my god! It’s Mr. Lin Xian!”

No one in the East China Sea knows you!

Lin Xian’s face is better than a credit card in the East China Sea!


It is facing a woman.

The noble lady looked at Lin Xian’s eyes, and little stars were about to appear!



He is still so masculine, he has a unique domineering temperament, and he is a model pacesetter of unparalleled conduct!

“Mr. Lin Xian, would you please tell me which floor you live on? I didn’t expect that we are still neighbors. It’s my honour (cafd)!”

Lin Xian smiled heartily.In this kind of occasion, the temperament must not be lost, otherwise he will definitely be suspected of being a thief:

“Excuse me, I don’t live here. I’m here to visit a friend, can I use your access card?”

The lady was flattered:

“Yes, of course!”


The door opened.

“Mr. Lin Xian, please come in!

Lin Xian helped her open the door, and politely let her who was holding the zhe dog go in.

After a glance, I saw that “that woman” had entered the elevator, and the elevator doors were closing.

no way.

That’s too late.

Lin Xian had to wait for the elevator with the lady holding the dog.

“Mr. Lin Xian, on which floor is your friend?”

Lin Xian smiled.

At this time, of course there is no way to answer.

He Yuguang stared at the elevator Zhao “that woman” was sitting on, while pretending to take out his mobile phone:

“Wait, I will look through our chat log. Your floor is too high here, I can’t remember.

The lady smiled elegantly and meaningfully:

“Indeed. The floors here are very high. If you open the windows, the wind will be very strong.”

“But the height can also be delicious. The high-rise living rooms here are all 200-meter large flat floors, and the entire wall is full of floor-to-ceiling windows. It’s unique.”

“If Mr. Lin is interested, you might as well come to my house to be a guest and drink tea. I am in Room 10 on the 57th floor. You are always welcome.”

Lin Xian nodded politely:

“Thank you, I remembered it.”

At this time, Lin Xian Yu Guang caught a glimpse of the elevator that the woman was on, and stopped on the 37th floor, and the elevator never went up or down again.

This incidates that

That woman must have gone to the 37th floor!

After Lin Xian and the lady got into the elevator, they pretended to flip to the chat log.

“Oh, it turns out he is on the 37th floor.!

After all, Lin Xian pressed the button on the 37th floor, and by the way helped the lady press the 57th floor.


The elevator doors opened.

The 37th floor is here.

The woman in charge also took Lin Xian in the elevator and took a picture together, saying what she could show off to their friends!

And he also told Lin Xian many times that he must come to his home as a guest when he has time!

After Lin Xian waved goodbye to the lady, he quietly walked out of the elevator shaft.

Boom boom boom.


Boom boom boom.

There was a clear knock on the door in the corridor on the right.

It seems that it is not far from the elevator shaft, so Lin Xian did not rush out.

Don’t think about it, “that woman” must be knocking on the door.

Lin Xian looked at his watch

It is now 23:12.

this late.

Most families are already asleep, who will open the door for her?

Boom boom boom.


Boom boom boom.

The woman still knocked on the door persistently.

Finally one-

“Who, who, who is so late?”

There was a sound of not waking up inside the door, which must have been disturbed.

The woman said softly:

“Hello, is this Lei Haolong’s home? I’m the service staff of the commendation meeting. Your husband drank too much at the dinner, and we sent him back.”

Lin Xian didn’t say a word.

But the heart is thinking fast.

This is actually Lei Haolong’s house!!

Then don’t think about that lazy woman’s voice is Lei Haolong’s fiancee, Li Jing!

Why is that woman looking for Li Jing?

Is it…

Lin Xian not only had a terrifying idea.

Could it be that

Is this person going to kill Li Jing to death?

Thinking of this, Lin Xian is a little worried about Li Jing

In any case, Li Jing and herself have been classmates for two years.

Even if she wants to marry Lei Haolong, she can’t get bored with her. Li Jing is a very good person. Coupled with the friendship of classmates, Lin Xian is really worried about her safety.

What’s more, there is a child in her belly!

The child is innocent!

“Forget it, don’t care about it this time.”

Lin Xian thought in his heart:

“It’s a big deal. After we figure out the identity of this woman, we can use the space-time postbox to change history and save Li Jing.”

After hearing the woman’s words, Li Jing inside was panicked:

“Oh my God, is Haolong drinking too much again? I’ll open the door!”


The door opened.

“Huh? Where’s my Haolong? You!! –”

A short sharp jiao!

Li Jing’s voice disappeared.

Was it killed?

Just as Lin Xian frowned, the woman’s voice came

The voice is very small, but Lin Xian can also hear clearly–

“Don’t worry, you can’t hurt your child.

Then, the sound of footsteps faded away, and it seemed that the woman had entered the house

Lin Xian scratched his head.

Do you feel too nervous?

All signs indicate.

This woman may not be a bad person…

Even from the viewpoint of “the enemy of the enemy is a friend”, then this woman is undoubtedly his friend.

But the key question is…

Who is she?

A little bit on her body is simply more than Lei Haolong!

Especially the “perfect accidental killing” who “sees through everything”, that kind of power even Lin Xian can’t grasp.

Thought of this.

Lin Xian couldn’t help his eyes widening.

Is it…

Is this the power of “God”?

Thinking of this, Lin Xian thinks it’s better to be cautious

The elevator is not very safe here.

Need to change place.

Lin Xian saw that the door of the water meter room was not closed, so he tiptoed in and concealed the door of the water meter room.

Through the crack of the door, you can just see the entrance of Lei Haolong’s house.

Less than 5 minutes passed.

The woman came out with a laptop and closed the door of Lei Haolong’s house intimately.

Then lift the computer aloft!



The sound of the giant da surrounds the corridor, and the thin notebook is shattered!

The woman picked up the square solid state drive from the broken parts, and then went directly into the elevator.


The elevator began to descend.

Lin Xian came out of the water meter room and looked at the broken notebook.

Memory, optical drive, motherboard, battery, these things are there, sure enough, only the solid state drive is missing!

“Is there something crucial in Lei Haolong’s computer hard drive?

Lin Xian didn’t have time to think, so he got into the elevator directly, pressed down the first floor, and the elevator went down quickly.

After getting out of the elevator.

Lin Xian saw that the woman got into a taxi again and drove to the east.

He also hurried to the corner.

Sure enough, the trustworthy driver was still waiting here.

Lin Xian opened the door and sat down:

“Master, catch up with the car in front.”

Wei Wei Wei. Buzz!!!!

The driver’s master Fujiwara Takumi:

“Okay! Today, I am so full of enthusiasm for you!”

With superb car skills, this time I still did not lose track of them. Two taxis arrived at the Third People’s Hospital of Donghai City.

This is the nearest hospital to the People’s Hall of Donghai City.

Lin Xian is not hard to guess.

Lei Haolong, who was hit by a large truck, must have been taken to this hospital by an ambulance for treatment.

Every walk of that woman is closely related to Lei Haolong!

Lin Xian is very distressed.

After following this all the way, he couldn’t remember which woman was who.

Obviously gives people a very familiar feeling

But he really didn’t know this kind of adult woman who was much older than him!

Lin Xian got off the car and walked into the hospital.

Just lost

Although it is already 12 o’clock in the morning.

But the rescue department on the first floor of the entire hospital is in a mess!

“Quickly, quickly, take the blood bag quickly! 1CU patients need urgent blood transfusion!”

“I heard that the heartbeat has stabilized, and the whole body is fractured, but the internal organs are not too cruel. Go and prepare for adrenaline.

“Is Doctor Lu here? Only Doctor Lu can perform craniotomy for the congestion of the brain!

“Doctor Lu is already on the way, don’t rush to the operating room, and stabilize in the 1CU.

Listen to the nervous communication of these doctors and nurses.

Lin Xian knew…Lei Haolong was only seriously injured, but he was not dead!

Is it…

The purpose of that woman here

Is it just to make up for the last cut?

When Lin Xian walked to the door of [Sanitary Supplies Room]–

The door suddenly opened!

A pair of hands stretched out!

Hold Lin Xian’s body and pull him directly into the room!

“I fuck–”

Lin Xian was gagged before he could shout!


The door is closed.

The whole [Sanitary Supplies Room] has become pitch black, and nothing can be seen!

I can’t see my fingers!

No light at all!

I can only hear the breathing of the two


A soft and lovely voice came, signalling Lin Xian to be quiet.

Lin Xian can’t tell why, I always feel that the smell of this woman is very familiar

Even if he can’t see anything.

But he can still feel that this woman is “that woman”, that is the full-smelling, shu-like Shaofu.

“Lin Xian

In the darkness, the woman spoke.

“Lin Xian, my life is less than six hours, I have dedicated five and a half hours to this world

“Excuse me, there is only half an hour left, can I leave it to myself?”

Lin Xian heard the clouds in the mist.

Ask directly:

“You are ?”

“Excuse me ”

The woman’s voice became choked, as if she was crying:

“Me, can I save the last half an hour to myself?”

This grievance made people feel distressed, and hit the depths of Lin Xian’s soul.

This feeling.

Seems familiar.

But he couldn’t remember it for a moment.

The crying voice of the woman came:

“Please, please, can I?”

Lin Xian swallowed and foamed.

Although I don’t know what happened, it is still inappropriate to let a woman who is a teenager cry.

“I think it should be ok?

Lin Xian put himself in and think about it.

If this is a math problem.

Since she only has less than six hours of life, and five and a half hours have been dedicated to the world, what about leaving half an hour for herself?

what happened again?

Lin Xian nodded decisively and said affirmatively:

“I think it can!


in the dark.

Although I can’t see anything.

But Lin Xian heard it.

The woman burst into laughter.

“Really thank you, Lin Xian–”


Lin Xian’s eyes widened!

Can’t speak!

I fuck!

What kind of plot is this!

Why is A directly coming up!

Lin Xian tried to resist.

But found

He can’t do it at all!

The opponent’s actions are even familiar with each of his weaknesses!

I am in front of her, like a completely transparent teddy bear!

Completely defeated, there is no way to resist!

That’s wrong!

It was obviously the first time he and her met.

Why is she so familiar with any of her weaknesses!

What this woman knows about herself

just like

just like …

It’s as if this kind of thing has happened thousands of times!

Lin Xian tried to break free.

He recalled all the weird events since tonight,

Think of this woman being so familiar with her own weaknesses!

Thinking of the encounter with the future self on the 42nd bus.

Lin Xian struggled to break free.

He can only think of a ridiculous possibility!!

“You! Are you Liu Yiyi from the future?”

The woman was visibly taken aback, and her movements stopped.

But instead smiled:

“Yes, it’s me.”

“So leave it to me, okay?”

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