Chapter 90 Create a perfect accident! The messenger kills Lei Haolong!

At this moment.

The audience is dark!

All lights are off.

Only the green energy-storage lights showing [Safety Exit] at each exit still emit a faint light.


In the venue where nearly 10,000 spectators gathered, there were a lot of discussions:

“What’s the matter? Is there a power outage?”

“It should be a sudden power outage, it’s so dark! I can’t see anything!”

“Hey, why is there a power outage at this time? Someone must be held accountable for such an important meeting.

“The construction of the new district still can’t keep up. When do I have to call? Is the commendation meeting going on?”

The two hosts hurriedly went to the stage and shouted:

“Dear viewers! All viewers, please sit there and wait, don’t walk around at will!”

“The backup power is turned on immediately! The circuit conversion only takes less than 2 minutes! Please stay calm and keep order!”

Because the microphone is out of power.

Even if the two broke their throats and shouted, they still couldn’t let the audience of nearly 10,000 people hear them all.

At this time, Director Liu ran out of the backstage.

He holds a rechargeable loudspeaker in his hand:

“Visitors, don’t walk around at will! Be careful of stepping on it! It takes 2 minutes for the backup power line to switch! The call will be coming soon! The commendation ceremony will continue later!”

With the blessing of big speakers.

The sound spread throughout the venue.

The venue also became quiet.

Everyone sat there honestly, took out their phones to kill time, anyway, the backup circuit was switched after 2 minutes, and so on.


On stage, Director Liu looked at Lei Haolong apologetically:

“Sorry, Mr. Lei, please forgive me for this incident.”

Lei Haolong nodded.

Staring at Director Liu in the dark:

“Director Liu, did my U disk plug in the jin? I called in a while, can the contents play normally?”

Director Liu nodded hurriedly:

“Plug in! Plug it in! Don’t worry, after a while, everything is normal! The slideshows and videos on your USB drive can be played normally.”

Lei Haolong smiled:

“That’s good, then I’ll just wait here.”

Now, almost all viewers are chatting and playing mobile phones.

The entire dark venue was reflected by the mobile phone screen into a starry sky.


Only Lin Xian didn’t take out his phone

His spirit is highly concentrated.

Think about the meaning of all this.

Lei Haolong itself is a huge variable.

He happened to be sitting in seat 42 again, and the time he started speaking was also exactly 21:42

This must not be a coincidence!


The two statements made by Lei Haolong just now also confirmed his conjecture one-

Lei Haolong really wanted to expose himself!

Let yourself be ruined!


“Ha ha.”

Lin Xian smiled silently in the dark.

“You are gone.

Lin Xian will not bother Lei Haolong’s “debunking” of himself.

Instead, he would sit here honestly and patiently watch Lei Haolong’s so-called “evidence.”

He wants to see.

Where is he showing his feet?

What is wrong with the negligence and being discovered by others?

Knowing this, you can not only avoid it in the future, but if it is serious, you can also write to your past self to make up for these “oversights”.

Also, the most important thing is

I need to study the intelligence obtained by Lei Haolong, and wonder, who is his enemy? Which force is it?

Until now, Lin Xian still didn’t know what he was fighting again!

Moreover, the [last letter] from my mouth in the future is too late, making myself passive all the time.

“As long as I know who the enemy is and what methods I use, I can attack!

Lin Xian embraced his arms and knocked Erlang’s legs, looking at the dark stage.

He is waiting

Waiting to see Lei Haolong’s performance.

After Lei Haolong’s performance is over

Tonight is his death date!

Lin Xian would use a causal weapon like the space-time mailbox to make Lei Haolong die before today.


After I get up tomorrow.

The history of the commendation ceremony will still not change. Liu Yiyi and Dai Chuchan will still perform “The Wedding in a Dream”, and they will still take the stage to accept the award and express their opinions.

Only the list of “Top 10 Outstanding Young People in Donghai City” will change.

The name of Lei Haolong will be omitted from the above, and an insignificant name will be added.

None of his reputation and status will be affected.

“Hehe, come on Lei Haolong, start your performance.”

at this time.

At the safety exit on the far left of the stands.

A service worker in dark overalls.

Raise your wrist.

She looked at the blue watch screen on her wrist.

Then press the button on the side of the watch.

Di di di

With her jog.

The ring on the ring finger of the left hand also saw a long blue light.

She raised her wrist at the level of her right eye.

Then close his left eye.

Aim somewhere above the hall–


call out–

Two blue dots, so tiny that they are invisible to the naked eye, sink into the dark dome.

Then she turned her head again.Aim somewhere directly above the stage.

call out–

call out–

Two blue light dots flew out again and went into the upper part of the stage.

After everything is done.

She put her wrist down and walked to the backstage control room



With a sound of high-voltage current cutting in.

The whole venue is brightly lit!

The audience instantly became lively:

“There is an incoming call! It’s finally an incoming call.”

“Sure enough, such large venues all have backup lines. Even if there is no backup line, there must be generators.”

“Fortunately, the power went out for two minutes, and the commendation meeting should be able to continue /々.”

“The host has come up, and it is estimated that Lei Haolong will continue to give a speech.

“Speaking of this, this winner’s speech is very interesting. Does he want to use traversal as an entry point to lament the great changes in our country?”

“It must be like this. It is estimated to be a story-telling speech. It is quite novel and I am looking forward to it.

The two hosts came on stage and apologized:

“Guests, I’m sorry. There has just been a line failure and it has now been fully recovered. Then, let our second winner, Mr. Lei Haolong, continue to deliver his speech!”

Bang!! Bang!!

At the moment when the host’s voice fell–

The two automatic fire extinguishing devices above the stage suddenly burst!




A large amount of water column enveloped the stage!

The two hosts began to panic.

This is sure that the sensor of the automatic fire extinguishing device is malfunctioning!

Generally, only when the temperature is too high is detected, the temperature sensor of the automatic fire extinguishing device will explode, and then a large amount of water jet will be sprayed to extinguish the fire like rain.

But now, there is obviously no fire!

“Mr. Lei, please go back to your seat and wait!”

Lei Haolong nodded and walked off the stage. Follow the aisle to the stands.

Walking and walking one-

“Mr. Lei!”


Lei Haolong stopped, turned his head to see who was calling himself–

Boom!!!!! !!!

The spotlight of the giant came down from the dome of the hall!

Just 1 meter in front of Lei Haolong!

Falling to the ground! Smashed to a smash!!

The surrounding audience can’t help but pointy!

“Yeah!!!!!! The spotlight fell from above!!”

“I’m going! It’s horrible!! Fortunately, the host called the winner! Otherwise, he would be smashed to death!”

“It’s so thrilling!! Which cut corner construction team built this broken hall? It was powered off, leaked, and smashed things from the sky! It’s deadly!”

“Fortunately, the host called Lei Haolong, otherwise he would really be smashed to death!”

Lei Haolong’s expression panicked for a moment.

But then, with a grin again, he turned his head and stared at Lin Xian on the seat, chuckled twice.

Then turn back to ask the host:

“What’s wrong? Call me something?”

The host was scared silly!

Hurriedly ran over:

“Mr. Lei! Are you not injured?”

Lei Haolong shook his head.

The host then handed a piece of wet paper to Lei Haolong:

“That’s good. That’s good. I just forgot to take one page of your speech, so I asked you to take it.”


Lei Haolong shrugged and motioned that his hands were empty:

“I don’t have a speech. I have a good memory. I don’t need this thing.”

Now the host was stunned and scratched his head:

“Then this is”

The two of them looked at the content on this page of the speech, and then they realized that this speech was left by Lin Xian!

So the host hurriedly shook the speech transcript towards Lin Xian and shouted:

“Mr. Lin Xian! You forgot to take a page of your speech!”

Lin Xian looked at the speech in his hand. There were three pages in total, and the last page was indeed missing.

That’s right

That page of speech is indeed his.

There is no stapler at home, so he didn’t staple it when he came, so he took it loosely.

It seems that he forgot to take one when he stepped down from the stage just now.

Lin Xian got up, stepped across the mess on the ground, and walked to the host and Lei Haolong.

The host handed the speech transcript to Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, take a look.”

Lin Xian took it and nodded:

“Sorry, it is indeed mine. I didn’t bind it, and I missed a page when I stepped down.”

The host breathed a sigh of relief, patted his chest and said with emotion:

“Oh, maybe this is fate! Look, if it wasn’t for Mr. Lin Xian forgot to take this manuscript, I would not call to Mr. Lei, Mr. Lei would not stop, and would definitely continue to move forward. Then I was smashed to death by the falling spotlight!

Lin Xian looked up at the dome dozens of meters high in the Great Hall.


The spotlight that fell from such a high height, if he followed the route that Lei Haolong walked just now, it would definitely smash his head into blossom!

Died on the spot!

The host wiped his sweat and then smiled:

“It’s okay, in short, it’s okay, hahaha, you two are also considered to be fate, Mr. Lei, thank you for shooting Mr. Lin!”

“Then you talk, I’ll go ahead.”

After speaking, the host ran to the stage.

Leave Lin Xian and Lei Haolong looking at each other in this broken part

Lei Haolong still didn’t smile, turned his head and gestured for a look at the stage, then sneered:

“Mr. Lin, you are lucky this time and you have escaped.”

“However, I’m afraid you won’t have such good luck next time. I will definitely expose your secret in front of everyone!”

This sentence.

It really made Lin Xian amused.

Lin Xian chuckled:

“Lei Haolong, where is your face? If I forgot to take this manuscript today, you have to step on your brain and talk to me now.”

“But I also remind you that with this kind of luck, you won’t have another time…

The atmosphere was weird at one time.

Both are confident enough.

What Lei Haolong wanted to express was.

He was going to expose Lin Xian on the spot this time, but due to the power outage and applause from the fire extinguishing device, the speech could only be suspended.

But the next time you give a speech in a public place, or the commendation meeting is held again.

Lin Xian has no such good luck.

And what Lin Xian wanted to express.

It is more simple and rude.

He has found a way to [make a perfect accident] and kill Lei Haolong.

so …

Ha ha.

Lei Haolong, there is no chance for the next speech at all!

The staff quickly came to evacuate the scene and deal with the debris on the ground.

The two went back to their seats and sat down.

He was silent.


Lei Haolong at this time.

In Lin Xian’s eyes, he was already a dead person.

Although I wanted to keep him alive, he would kill after knowing the evidence that he was going to “break the news”.

However, the facilities of the commendation conference venue are too weak.

This is bad for a while, and that bad for a while.

It’s like there is a mysterious power to stop Lei Haolong from speaking.


Then there’s no way.

In order to avoid long nights and many dreams, and then make any mistakes

Lin Xian decided to kill Lei Haolong at [the time just now]!

He has already figured out the method.


This method does not require any responsibility!

No need to take any risks!

You can kill it through [Create Perfect Accident]!

It’s simple–

As the host said just now.

If you are serious, take away all four pages of speech.

So just now, when Lei Haolong stepped down and went to the seat, the host would not call him.

If you don’t call him, Lei Haolong will continue to move forward until–


The iron spotlight of the giant slammed down!

Smash Lei Haolong’s head into a puddle of mud!

Died on the spot!

after this.

Lin Xian can enter the background control room quietly.

Find a way to take away Lei Haolong’s U disk.

In this way, not only achieved the purpose of killing Lei Haolong, but also obtained what he called “evidence”, by which he could analyze his “enemy”.


“Three kills with one stone!”

Lin Xian sat in the seat calmly.

But I have already thought about the letter to write in the evening:

[Dear me yesterday]


[Tonight, you are going to participate in the commendation meeting, in order to understand Lei Haolong’s true purpose and unveil the “enemy”. 】

[But I’m sorry to tell you that tonight’s commendation ceremony, there were frequent dramas, power outages, water leaks, and spotlights falling from a high altitude. Lei Haolong could not give a speech at all. 】

[But don’t worry, now, let me teach you a way to get the best of both worlds. You can kill Lei Haolong and get evidence that he wants to expose us. In this way, without damaging our reputation at all, we can analyze the purpose and sphere of influence of the “enemy”!][Listen well, look at the following words carefully!][Please remember that after you finish your speech, you must! Must! Must! Take away all 4 speeches! Don’t miss any of them! This is the key! If you miss any Zhang, then our plan will fail altogether, and things will be out of control and become uncontrollable. 】

[After you finish all the speech drafts, Lei Haolong will speak on stage. After experiencing power outages, fire extinguishing decoration failure and spraying water, Lei Haolong will step off the stage and walk towards the seats. Just then one-the iron spotlight on the dome of the auditorium will fall from the sky!][That is a large laser light, weighing a full 100 kilograms, and a height of tens of meters, enough to make its head bloom! There is no possibility of survival! At this time, you take advantage of the chaos, sneak into the background control room, and unplug the thunder from the computer Haolong’s USB flash drive. 】

[I don’t need to talk about the rest? Go home and start to check and analyze the data in the U disk. Thoroughly lift the veil of the “enemy”. We are one-let the Lord dong attack!][Signature: Tomorrow’s you]

Lin Xian unscrewed the mineral water provided by the conference party.

Tactical drinking water.

But my heart is thinking crazy

After tonight, after I finish writing the letter and post this letter, the history of today (July 16) will change.

Before 21:42 in the evening, everything is business as usual.

When Lin Xian finished his speech and stepped down from the stage, he would pay special attention to whether a speech was left behind.


There are four in total.

He would definitely take them all.

After that, Lei Haolong came to the stage to give a speech. There was a power outage, a water leak, and the speech was cancelled. Lei Haolong had to step off the stage and walk towards the seats.

And the host has no reason to call Lei Haolong.

Just in the process–


Large iron spotlights fell from the sky!

Smash Lei Haolong into meat sauce!

Lei Haolong, death!

Later, the past self will follow the instructions of the letter to go to the background control room to obtain a U disk.

Battle plan.

Everything is done!

This is his [Causal Weapon].

Can not only save people and change history

It can kill even more!

Even the silent [perfect accidental killing]!


Lin Xian swallowed the mineral water.

Screw the cap back on

Lei Haolong.

You have no next time.

After a while, the host took the stage and announced the emergency adjournment.

No one knows how many more equipment will fail. For safety reasons, the official decided to terminate the commendation meeting and hold another day.

Please leave the venue in an orderly manner! Evacuate from the safe passages on both sides according to the location.”Under the instructions of the staff, nearly 10,000 spectators left the venue in an orderly manner.

At this time.

The familiar dark uniform staff member walked over and bowed to Lei Haolong:

“Mr. Lei, your U disk is still inserted in the background control room. Please go there and take the U disk away before you leave.”

Lei Haolong nodded, smiled and waved to Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, we will have a period later.”

Lin Xian chuckled softly:

“It will be indefinitely later.”

Afterwards, Lei Haolong walked to the backstage control room behind the front stage.

Lin Xian also picked up the notebook and pencil distributed by the organizer, as well as his own speech draft, walked to the left aisle, and walked towards the gate.

The two are here.

Part ways

Because Lin Xian’s position is at the forefront.

So by the time he walked to the gate, most of the dual audiences had already walked, leaving only a scattered group of award-winning representatives.

The super wide road at the door.

Countless large trucks, trucks, and tankers pass through one at high speed.

Extremely dangerous.

Lin Xian was going to the parking lot on the opposite side of the road when he was about to wait for the traffic flow to decrease for a while.

At this time–

He smelled a familiar smell.

Turned his head.

It’s the familiar staff member.

The familiar beauty of shao woman, and the unique charm of Chengshu, a man will pay more attention to it.

The woman took off the mask, smiled at Lin Xian, and then directly took out the pencil issued by the organizer from Lin Xian’s notebook.

It is a very ordinary yellow pencil.

Any stationery store in Longguo can easily buy it.



Lin Xian hesitated to speak but stopped.

I don’t know what this beauty meant.

It’s just a pencil. If you ask for it, you will definitely give it (Zhao Nuo’s). Why do you want to “grab it” directly?

The woman stuck out her tongue to Lin Xian.

Then he took a pencil, walked to the left, and walked a few steps in the direction of the hall.

She placed the pencil carefully on the ground.

The tip of the pencil faces southeast and the tail of the pencil faces northwest

That kind of delicate adjustment.

It seems to be intentional

“You are…

Lin Xian just wanted to speak.

The woman smiled slightly, put her index finger to her lips, and made a hissing gesture.

Then he closed his eyes mischievously, gave a Qiubo, turned his head and walked towards the waiting taxi on the side of the road.

Lin Xian was a little confused for a while.

What is this guy doing

Just after the woman left, more than a dozen winners came in a hustle and bustle.

They all held various certificates in their arms, talking and laughing, and walked towards the parking lot across the road together.

And the one headed is the arrogant Lei Haolong!

When a group of people quickly walked to the side of the road one-



I saw one of them suddenly stepped on the pencil on the ground!

Pour straight forward!

During the fall, he reached out and grabbed the suit of the person in front of him and dragged him down together!

The people of Hou Mian were shocked!

Withdraw immediately!

But this withdrawal happened to step on the rolling pencil!


I stepped on a pencil and fell violently again!

Under the kicking force of the giant da, the pencil quickly rolled towards Lei Haolong!

Lei Haolong, who had already walked to the side of the road, heard such a big movement, turned his head to look and walked forward–

Just stepped on that rolling pencil!


He almost fell!

The body is out of balance!

Follow a few steps towards the road–

Om one-


The high-speed truck honked its horn!

But it was too late to brake!


Hit Lei Haolong directly!

Fly it tens of meters away!

Turned a few times in the air!!


The sound of Lei Haolong landing on the ground was very loud! Hearing this, I felt the bones all over his body were broken!

Lin Xian was dumbfounded and stared at what was happening in front of him!

this is one-

[Perfect accidental killing]!



The pencil that “killed” Lei Haolong fell under Lin Xian’s feet.

The side facing upward happened to be printed–



[Thanks for the 10,000 points reward from Mr. Y in the middle of the night!][Thanks to Shuai9270 for the 5000 points reward!][Thank you readers for your 588 rewards! The author keeps it in my heart, thank you very much!]

I will add another chapter to return to everyone tonight!


The out of chapter is here, and the blade must be collected.

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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