Chapter 92 42 is not necessarily correct! Lin Xian gets a wedding ring!

The [Sanitary Supplies Room] here does not have any windows, only a dehumidification dryer runs in the corner.

The door is also thick opaque wood.

Therefore, there is not a trace of light in the whole room.

Lin Xian’s eyes can’t see anything.

One side is pitch black.


The mouth is blocked.

No sound can be heard.

But Lin Xian also closed his eyes and relaxed completely~

If the person in front of you

It is the words of Liu Yiyi from the future, then-everything makes sense.

She comes from the future and naturally knows everything that happened today, so she can use [Perfect Accidental Killing] to kill Lei Haolong.

At the same time, the future Liu Yiyi has married himself.

The pair of wedding rings on the ring finger of the left hand is ironclad proof.

Now that the two are married, KISS must have gone through thousands of times a long time ago.


Lin Xian did not resist either.

Go with the flow



Lin Xian can breathe.

Two separate

Lin Xian can also taste the sweetness of lipstick.

This is the fresh lychee flavor

He suddenly wanted to laugh.

did not expect..

Even if he is in his thirties, Liu Yiyi still likes to use such a naive lipstick.

However, in a blink of an eye.

Lin Xian began to have mixed flavors in his heart.


Shouldn’t it be a betrayal of Liu Yiyi, right?

In theory, it certainly doesn’t count.

After all, the Liu Yiyi in front of me, although from the future, is indeed Liu Yiyi himself, like a fake replacement!

That’s right.

Liu Yiyi, who is in his thirties, and Liu Yiyi, who is in his twenties, are the same to themselves, they are the same person!

They are all their own wives!

Naturally, it is not a betrayal!


Didn’t do anything deviant

Just got kissed

Think of it this way.

Lin Xian instantly lost his psychological burden

After separation

The atmosphere is a bit quiet.

Lin Xian wiped the corners of his lips

Don’t know what to say.

Will it be a bit embarrassing if you keep silent?


Just when Lin Xian hesitated

The woman spoke first.

The woman in the dark glanced at the electronic watch, and said:

“I only have 4 minutes left in my time. If you need to ask me anything, I will tell you everything.”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

Does time pass so fast?

I just said that there is still half an hour left

But if the topic is opened up, it becomes easier to talk.

“In 4 minutes, where are you going? Do you want to go back to your future?

In the darkness, the woman just smiled without answering.

“Then are you from 2041?”

Lin Xian asked curiously.

Previously, on the 42nd bus, the middle-aged self in the future took himself to take a stroll in Donghai City in 2041.

There has been turned into ruins.

The middle-aged himself also told himself that it was precisely because he had awakened a “demon” who should have died in the Chiga Opera House in the process of resurrecting Liu Yiyi.

That’s why the world becomes that way.

Humanity was a complete failure.

So naturally, Lin Xian felt that the woman in front of him should also be from 2041.


Lin Xian felt her shook her head:

“No, I’m from May 7, 2040.


Not 2041?

Lin Xian felt surprised.

So he continued to ask:

“So how is the world in 2040? How is Donghai City? Is it still good for Donghai Pearl?”


The ridiculous man in his arms laughed.

“What you said is really interesting, of course Dongfang Mingzhu is good?”

“Although most countries in the world have already fallen, Donghae City, as the last fortress of mankind, is fine. This is the reason why you have been fighting in the future. Otherwise, Donghae City would have long been unable to defend it. !”

Lin Xian listened.

Squeaked in my heartHow

Doesn’t it match what you saw in 2041?

Lin Xian took his thoughts.

This woman is from 2040. At that time, Donghai City was okay, and Donghai Pearl did not collapse.

However, after 2040, after a lapse of one year to 2041, the world has undergone earth-shaking changes.


Even the future self failed to defend the last fortress of mankind-Donghae City. Let it fall, and the Oriental Imitation Pearl has also collapsed.

Lin Xian shook his head lightly.

After all, this woman has passed from 2040 to the present. I don’t know what happened in 2041, and we can’t blame her.

He thought for a while and continued to ask:

“You came to the present through time and space, are you here to kill Lei Haolong?”

The woman in the dark nodded:

“Yes. According to you in the future, it is Lei Haolong who caused the devastation of mankind! But it was too late to stop Lei Haolong. So to prevent the tragedy from happening and save the world, we can only send the [messenger] By the past 2021, that is now, kill Lei Haolong!”

Lin Xian was even more puzzled:

“These words are from the future me?”

“Yes, you guessed that the devil is Lei Haolong.”

“But if the devil is Lei Haolong, even if you don’t participate, I’m going to kill him, you don’t need to send a messenger over!”

The woman shook her head:

“No way, Lin Xian. You don’t have a God’s perspective, no future intelligence, you can’t kill Lei Haolong. It will cause a lot of trouble, and an unstoppable butterfly effect.”

“So, Lei Haolong! It can only be killed by us in the future!”

Then, the woman pulled out a U disk and solid state drive from her body and stuffed it into Lin Xian’s suit pocket.

“There is evidence of him investigating you, you will understand when you go back and look at it.”

“Don’t worry, I have already destroyed all the other evidence that Lei Haolong has hidden. Where we walked today, the camera was also decayed and shielded by me. Everything is safe.”

Lin Xian nodded.

There is too much information at a time, and it is a bit difficult for him to digest.

But somehow

He always has a strange feeling.

feel …

What is wrong, what is wrong!

If the “demon” I call in the future is really Lei Haolong’s words

It was on the 42nd bus.

Why didn’t he tell himself directly?

Is it necessary for myself and myself to play a dumb riddle? This does not involve the unspeakable things like 42.

This is the point that Lin Xian can’t figure out the most.

Since the future self is so convinced that the “devil” is Lei Haolong, then on the rainy night of the 42 bus, he should tell himself that it is right!

The more I think about this, the more wrong it becomes.

Seeing Lin Xian frowned.

The woman smiled, she stretched out her hand and rubbed Lin Xian’s brows:

“Don’t worry, after 2 minutes, pushing Lei Haolong’s surgical cart, it will pass by this door.

“At that time I will rush out and kill Lei Haolong completely! In this way, the future will change and everything will become very beautiful.”

“As long as I kill the current Lei Haolong, according to your future calculations, starting from today, the future will change! The devil will not be born, the world will not fall, and we will live a happy life in the future. ”

“So don’t frown~ I always feel that my beloved boy does not need to carry such a heavy mission. Be happy~ I will help you solve everything!!

The laughter of women made Lin Xian very heartwarming.

But what she said

The more Lin Xian listens, the more something is wrong!




Full of contradictions!

Half a month ago, I met my future self on the 42nd bus in Donghai University Town.

The middle-aged self in the future took him to Donghai City in 2041.

Then the middle-aged himself said that there was a “demon” that turned the world into ruins and made humanity a complete defeat.

That person is [the future self] after all.

Lin Xian believed what he said.

But this woman in front of me–

If what she said is true–

If the devil is Lei Haolong!

Then after Lei Haolong’s death today, there should be changes in the future, and the world in 2041 will not become a ruin!

The “messenger” in 2040 will pass through to kill the “devil” Lei Haolong in 2021, then the world in 2041 should become a beautiful world early!


Here comes the problem!

The world in 2041 is still in ruins!

this …

what’s going on?

Seeing Lin Xian kept silent, the woman smiled. She thought that Lin Xian received too much information at a time and her mind was down.

She checked her watch.

Stand up.

After touching Lin Xian’s face reluctantly, the woman turned around and came to the door of the room.

She held the doorknob in her hand, ready to open the door at any time.


Lin Xian suddenly felt cold in his back.

He thought of a worst result!

Will it…

Did you guess wrong in 2040?

Made a wrong decision!

So even if this messenger is sent to cross until July 16, 2021,

To kill Lei Haolong,

But still did not save the future tragedy!

The future of mankind–

It is still a complete defeat!

So, after that.

The middle-aged Lin Xian, who realized that he had guessed wrong and that everything was irretrievable, traveled back to the earlier July 4, 2021 as a messenger in person.

His purpose is to warn himself on the 42nd bus:

[While saving Liu Yiyi, a demon was awakened!]

The reason why he said so!

Rather than the title, say the name of Lei Haolong.

That means–【the devil is not Lei Haolong at all】!!!

Although the middle-aged Lin Xian in the future determined that the appearance of the devil was related to the Zhijiage shooting, he could not guess who it was, so he reminded Lin Xian in this way.

In other words, the [timeline] of the whole thing may be like this-

[In September 2015, a person who was supposed to have died survived the shooting at the Chiga Opera Theater. 】

[And this person, for the time being named “Demon”, no one knows his identity, name, and specific information. The only clue is “survived accidentally in the shooting at the Chiga Opera Theater.”][In the future, because of the existence of this demon, the world will become a ruin, and humanity will be defeated. As a human hero, Lin Xian began to think about changing the past and then the world through “time and space travel”. 】

[In 2040, Lin Xian came to the wrong conclusion through reasoning that the devil is Lei Haolong! He believes that as long as this demon is killed in 2021, history can be changed and the future world can be saved! (Of course, at the time) Lin Xian, didn’t know that this conclusion was wrong.)】

[On May 7, 2040, a woman becomes a messenger and travels to July 16, 2021. Her purpose is to kill Lei Haolong. Of course, she succeeded easily. 】

[However, in the future world, even if Lei Haolong died in 2021, the ruins of the world and the defeated future of mankind have not changed!][At this time, Future World, 42-year-old middle-aged Lin Xian, realized his mistake. And he desperately discovered that it was too late to do anything now, but he did not give up! For the future of mankind, he decided to plant the fire of hope on his past self!][On a certain day in 2041, the 42-year-old Lin Xian in the future, let himself be a messenger, crossing to July 4, 2021, and met Lin Xian in 2021 on the 42nd bus. 】

[Middle-aged Lin Xian told the young Lin Xian that the “demon” was the survivor of the Chikago shooting! At this time, middle-aged Lin Xian had ruled out the possibility that Lei Haolong was a demon, so he didn’t know what the “devil” was Who. I can only ask the young Lin Xian to save the world. 】

Lin Xian’s thinking is clear!

He got it!

Completely understand [the timeline of the future messenger]!

If he guessed correctly–

The woman in front of you is the first messenger!

She has no idea what will happen after 2040!

Think of this here.

Lin Xian couldn’t help numb his scalp.


The woman in front of you

Everything is done wrong…

She traveled to the present with wrong information,

Did a series of wrong things,

All this will become a useless function of history.

Hear Lin Xian calling himself.

The woman turned her head.

“what’s wrong?”




The sound outside the door began to become noisy! Noisy! Panic!

…0 Seeking flowers………

The wheels of the surgical trolley turned rapidly, and the sound of the floor was smashed!

It only takes a few tens of seconds.

This surgical cart carrying Lei Haolong will pass the door of the hygiene room

Lin Xian hesitated and spoke again and again.

“[Are you the first messenger in the future world?]”

Although in the dark room, Lin Xian couldn’t see it.

But he can feel

The woman nodded naturally

“Yeah~ After I complete the task today, the future world will be saved, and there is no need to sacrifice others to be a messenger anymore.”


Lin Xian swallowed and spit.

Asked a question that frightened him the most:

“What if other messengers will come to me?”

The moment when the question is asked.

Lin Xian already knows the answer

But he couldn’t bear to say it!

This is a woman whose life is less than tens of seconds.

She traveled through time and space at the risk of death, only to perform tasks, save the world, and prevent her beloved man from overburdening missions!

How can Lin Xian bear the heart?



Smashing, smashing,

The sound of wheels! Getting closer!

The noise! ​​The urging sound! More and more clear!

The surgical cart carrying Lei Haolong is near!

. Tell her the truth?

in the dark.

The woman smiled silently:

“If you can meet other messengers, it means I have failed.”

“But that is impossible!

“Because you have planned every step in the future, Lei Haolong will definitely not survive today!”


The woman slammed the door open!

The light from the corridor came in all of a sudden!

The sudden light made Lin Xian a little uncomfortable, he covered the light with his arm–

Mi raised his eyes and turned his head to the right–

Escape the glare–


This turn around!

Lin Xian felt five thunders!


There was no light just now, so I can’t see clearly

But now the light from outside came in, and he could see the numbers in front of him clearly

42Just on the cabinet that is less than 10 cm from Lin Xian’s eyes!

It says a big 42!

Cabinet 42.

There is also a sticky note on it: East 2nd Ward


At this time, the electronic watch on the woman’s wrist rang.

Lin Xian looked at her wrist.

I saw the latest time on the blue electronic screen–

00: 42

It’s 42 again!

It’s another day surrounded by 42 houses from morning to night!

Lin Xian’s heartbeat speeds up.

What this 42 phenomenon indicates that he is already nervous.

Wow, wow!!!!

The moment the electronic watch made a sound.

The doctors and nurses pushed the surgical cart, just passing by the door!


The woman standing in front of the door.

The whole body began to become transparent!

From the bottom up, the skin and flesh and blood began to turn into hard crystals!

The speed is very fast, only the blink of an eye spread from the feet to the thighs!

But the woman did not sit still!

She moved her left wrist forward, and her right hand pressed several buttons on the watch!


A sharp light curtain protrudes from the watch! Like a sharp plated knife!

Lei Haolong’s head tilted toward the room on the operating cart.

His head was covered with bandages.

But only the mouth is exposed outside.

Still smiling.


Lin Xian remembered to be on the 42 bus!

My last piece of advice from the future–

[42 is not necessarily correct)

“do not go!!”

Lin Xian hurriedly stood up and wanted to stop!

But, everything is too late!

The woman’s half body turned into a crystal.

Pounce forward!

The light curtain-like sickle protruding from the watch directly struck Lei Haolong’s neck–


The heart pressure of the giant da directly sprays blood from the flat incision!

Squirt a few meters away!

In the shocking jiaos of the surrounding doctors and nurses, the woman’s whole body turned into transparent blue crystals

Just before turning into a blue crystal

She turned her head back with all her strength

Staring at the lover who had just been warm in the room, smiled slightly.

Tenderness in the eyes

Turmeric blooms in a smile

At the last moment of her life, her lips opened silently.

It seems to have said something.

Then, wow

The crystallized she is transformed into billions, billions, billions, billions, billions of tiny quanta, which dissipate in the air in the superimposed state of visible and invisible

Lin Xian’s eyes widened.

He has seen the last silent lip shape!

At the commendation meeting a few hours ago, he had just met!

When Dai Chuchan’s “The Wedding in a Dream” finally called him, the lip shape was exactly the same

Lin Xian seemed to hear the sound that couldn’t be made just now

“I love you.”

Ten thousand years at a glance

“No way ”

Until just now, Lin Xian has never really seen that woman’s face clearly!

Before, I was either wearing a mask, or at night, or in a dark room.

But just now, when she turned her head back in the crystal.

Lin Xian really saw it clearly!

That woman is not Liu Yiyi at all!

It’s more like an old friend




Gulu Gulu Gulu one-

A silver ring fell from where the quantum state disappeared

Slowly roll from the ground to Lin Xian’s feet

Even if the surrounding nurses and doctors are in a mess!

Very noisy in the hallway!

But at this moment

Lin Xian’s heart is silent like a pool of stagnant water

He picked up the silver ring on the ground.

Shake your fingers and turn it over.

Inside the ring.

Sure enough, two English letters are engraved



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