Chapter 89 Lei Haolong: Lin Xian is a traverser! I have proof!

The whole people’s hall was silent.

Everyone was shocked by this moving performance, with moist eyes.

They had prepared their strength long ago, ready to applaud!


In the end, the dancing beauty made such a serious mistake–

She thanked her when she closed the curtain!

The direction is wrong!

There is no curtain call to the big leader seat in the middle!

For a moment, everyone was stunned..

They looked at each other, not knowing if it was intentional or an unintentional mistake

Lin Xian was speechless, staring at Dai Chuchan on the stage.

He felt the tenderness in her eyes like water, and felt the moths in her soul fighting against the fire.

Their spirits are connected at this moment!

Scenes from the past appear before my eyes

Lin Xian has mixed feelings in his heart.


He has always been.

One thing I don’t want to face


It’s him for a long time.

One thing that I have been avoiding all the time

Six years ago, he was a dead wood who didn’t understand feelings, so he missed Liu Yiyi.

But now Lin Xian is 24 years old. He has long understood the love between men and women, and he has seen through the mess of love.


He could tell it early in the morning.

Dai Chuchan likes him!

That is for sure.

He is not a fool!

Even if you are a fool, you can see it!

Six years ago, at the age of 18, he didn’t understand why Liu Yiyi always brought yogurt to himself. He just thought she was pitying himself.

But 6 years later, at the age of 24, he is very clear! Dai Chuchan is not afraid of hardships and dangers, and crosses half of the world to raise the red flag and cheer for himself–

That is not to pity and worry about yourself at all!

That is love!

That’s the love of fighting against the fire and fighting against the fire

Lin Xian once thought about it.

If there is no resurrection of Liu Yiyi, then I will probably go with the flow and be with Dai Chuchan.

He doesn’t hate this beautiful girl who is always happy and lively.

Some even like it.

When he was young, he didn’t understand love at all.

Only when Liu Yiyi is pitying herself.

In this world, the first woman who really let him know what love is, not Liu Yiyi, but Dai Chu

You are always happy with her.

It’s always happy to be with her.

I want to see someone, I want to see her smile, I want to be with her.

This should be the feeling of loving someone, right?



The cruelest thing about men in this world is that.

He will always meet two women in his life.

One white moonlight, one cinnabar mole.

You can only choose between the white moonlight that contains all your youthful memories and the cinnabar mole that pierced your armor and made you thrilled.

No matter how you choose.

After all, you will regret your decision for life.

Choosing Bai Yueguang, you will never forget the cinnabar mole in your heart.

Choosing a cinnabar mole, you always miss the white moonlight.


In the United States. When Dai Chuchan exhausted all his strength, raised the Red Flag of the Long Kingdom high, and collapsed into a coma

Lin Xian could only sigh helplessly.

Good luck makes people.

The purpose of his coming to the United States was to find Wen Ling and resurrect Liu Yiyi.

And Dai Chuchan’s purpose here is to chase her love and protect her beloved man.

No one has done anything wrong.

Lin Xian has always thought that love is a game that pays attention to first come, first come.


He is a little confused now.

Dai Chuchan and Liu Yiyi, who came first and arrived later?

He doesn’t want to be a scumbag.

But the two came first, he really didn’t know the difference!

In the time and space that did not change history, Liu Yiyi died as early as 2015. It was Dai Chuchan who appeared in his life first. With a red flag and sincerity, he made an indelible mark in Lin Xian’s heart.

But in the changed time and space, in 2015, Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian formally met. For Lin Xian, Liu Yiyi broke up with his family and eloped after 6 years of hardship. Now he finally came to reap the fruits of love.

If love really has to come first, come first

So, who should I choose?

Lin Xian couldn’t choose.

He looked at the stage, Dai Chuchan glanced at Wannian’s eyes and smiled helplessly.This is a very sad thing.

The 18-year-old Lin Xian first fell in love with Liu Yiyi.

Lin Xian, 24, first fell in love with Dai Chuchan.

Nowadays, Lin Xian, who is intertwined with time and space, respects his choice at the age of 18 and chose to spend his life with Liu Yiyi.

What about Lin Xian, 24 years old?

Where is Dai Chuchan?

Should it be forgotten by history?

Lin Xian never dared to ask himself this answer, until today, he never dared to think about this question

He has always used the same reason to suppress this relationship:

“Since history has changed and the [World Mathematics Masters] has not been held, Dai Chuchan in this time and space has not gone to the United States to raise the red flag for me, so I will.”

Ha ha.

It’s hard to convince yourself.

But what’s the solution?

Even if the superhero who can save the Dragon Kingdom and lead the Dragon Kingdom’s revival, the century genius who can crack the Godbach conjecture, after all, it will not be able to solve the most difficult problem in thousands of years–


“The white moonlight is shining”

“You just remembered her goodness”

“Cinnabar moles are hard to get rid of for a long time”

“Can you know”

Just like that song sang.

Bai Yueguang and cinnabar mole.

This is an inevitable regret in every man’s life

“Is it really unavoidable?”

Lin Xian asked himself sincerely.

His eyes gradually cleared, and his faith gradually became firm!

“My life, don’t regret it!”

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!

After the hall was cold for a while, Mr. Song, who was in the middle of the first row, stood up and began to applaud!

Later, Dai Shuangcheng and Guo Lao beside him also stood up and applauded!

As a result, there was the lead of a big man.

All the audience stood up!


With vigorous applause, it almost overturned the dome of the Great Hall!

Regardless of the final curtain call.

But this exquisite performance is so perfect!

Worthy of this tearful applause!

Lin Xian is also applauding.

But Lei Haolong next to him gently applauded, while leaning towards the strange yin and yang:

“Mr. Lin, it seems that Miss Dai’s family is facing this side just to bow for you?”

Lin Xian snorted coldly:

“It’s not for me, can I still give it to you?”

Lei Haolong smiled more sinisterly.

Did not say much.


After the tears of applause dissipated, two very professional hosts immediately came out:

“Thank you to the two ladies for their wonderful performances! They dedicated our respect and respect to the award-winning representatives sitting in the corner of the stands!”

“Yes! Let us thank Miss Dai for bringing us a wonderful performance, but also to express our warm thanks to her for paying tribute to the hero!!

There was another round of applause.

Subsequently, the host announced that the highlight of the commendation conference–

Award Ceremony of “Top 10 Outstanding Youths in Donghai City”!

Officially begin!

First of all, the two moderators spoke a series of words to illustrate the scope, purpose, standards, and limitations of this selection.

at this time.

A staff member in a dark uniform walked up to the stands.

Come next to Lei Haolong and Lin Xian.

Take a deep bow:

“Mr. Lei, just now Director Liu told me backstage that you plan to show slides and videos to assist the speech when you give your acceptance speech?”


Lei Haolong smiled and nodded.

This is indeed what he agreed with Director Liu backstage in advance.

The staff member smiled:

“Okay, Mr. Lei, please give me the U disk you prepared, and I will take it to the back-end computer for you and plug it in. Then, you can use the electronic pointer to operate it directly.”

Lei Haolong nodded.

Take out the USB flash drive from the inner pocket of the suit and place it in the left hand of the staff member.


Lei Haolong’s hands hurt!

I feel scratched by something.

I took a look at the belly of my finger, and a white mark was drawn by a sharp weapon, but fortunately, there was no bleeding.

Lin Xian and Lei Haolong looked at the left hand of the staff curiously.

She was found wearing a silver ring on her ring finger.

It turned out that when Lei Haolong handed the U disk, he was accidentally scratched by the bulge of the ring.

The staff member hurriedly bowed and apologized.

Although she is wearing a mask, she can feel her panic:

“I’m really sorry Mr. Lei didn’t hurt you? I’ll get you band-aids now.”

Lei Haolong rubbed his fingers, shook his head and smiled:

“No need, it’s okay, there is no bleeding, just a stroke.”

After that, he stared at the ring on her hand and smiled:

“The ring style is good. You can see that your husband is a man of good taste.”

After listening, the staff member smiled like a crescent:

“Thank you for your compliment. If my husband hears it, he will be happy.”

After that, she bowed deeply again and ran backstage with Lei Haolong’s USB flash drive

Lin Xian scratched his head.

This staff

Isn’t it the one who welcomes guests behind the gate and calls himself “Old Lin Xian”?

Of course, this is nothing unexpected.

Lin Xian feels unexpectedly–

Lei Haolong gave his acceptance speech, still need a USB flash drive to play slideshows and videos?

Lei Haolong naturally guessed what Lin Xian was thinking.

He chuckled and said:

“Mr. Lin, aren’t you curious about what’s in my USB flash drive?”

Lin Xian ignored him.

He lifted his legs and listened to the host’s cross-talk.

Lei Haolong’s face is the thickest he has ever seen. Even if he ignores him, he has already leaned in and said:

“It’s a very important thing~ hee hee hee hee hee hee hee!”


At this time, the audience burst into applause.

The host has finished the opening remarks and raised the microphone:

“Below!! I will invite our first award-winning representative – Mr. Lin Xian!! Come on stage to receive the award!!”


There was thunderous applause again!

The live awards music rang!

Lin Xian sat up from the chair, then smiled and waved to the audience, walked quickly to the aisle, and walked towards the stage steps.

While he was on stage, the host introduced his deeds.

“Dear Mr. Lin Xian, everyone will not be unfamiliar! It is because of his righteousness that the two lovely girls can continue to study in school; it is because of his noble quality that we can get a glimpse of the “Dream of Red Mansions” The real content of the 40th round; it is precisely because he has put forward some cross-age suggestions to the Fuxing Group that he has been able to let Longguo Electric Automobile

The car has achieved a full-scale rise! Next, I will invite Mr. Song! To issue a certificate to our people’s hero! !”


In the warm applause of the audience, Song Lao walked up the stage with a red face and issued a certificate to Lin Xian.

Afterwards, the two shook hands and took a group photo facing the media booth.

After Song Lao stepped down, Lin Xian stood on the stage by himself and began to speak into the microphone:

“Dear guests, viewers in front of the TV and in the live webcast room.

“Today, I feel very honored to be recognized by everyone and awarded the title of “Top 10 Outstanding Young People in Donghai City”!”

“These days, the hot reviews on the Internet have pushed me to the forefront, publicizing my deeds and my spirit. I am also a little guilty about this. In fact, what I do is that everyone knows how to do it. It’s a very small thing.”

“As early as in our kindergarten and elementary school textbooks, the virtues of being brave, helping others, diligence and frugality, and not picking up money were written clearly. At that time, we could write the “Twenty-Four Kinds” and “Three Character Classics” The back of the melon is overripe.

“But since when did all this change? Be brave enough to be called a show by others, to help others for fun, afraid of being touched by the elderly, to be looked down upon by others for diligence and simplicity, and to be called a fool!”

“Nowadays, many trends in society run counter to the values ​​of positive energy. I think all of this.

Dai Chuchan and Liu Yiyi changed their clothes in the background.

The two heard Lin Xian’s speech clearly.

Liu Yiyi was proud and proud, and a happy smile filled his face.

Dai Chuchan also admired this hero in his mind.

“Senior Yiyi, after Lin Xian, she will definitely be a great hero for the country and the people!’

After listening, Liu Yiyi was very happy, and quickly held Dai Chuchan’s hand:

“Yes~~ I think so too! Hehe, sisters are of the same mind!”

Dai Chuchan held Liu Yiyi’s hand.

I feel a warmth in my heart

She thought that after stepping down, Liu Yiyi would ask her why she was disobedient and did not follow the etiquette to call the curtain call to the middle of the first row.

At the very least, I will ask a little bit!

After all, such an important performance was completely messed up because of his own will.

but …

Since stepping down

Liu Yiyi never asked a word.

It’s as if the farce just now never happened.

Dai Chuchan couldn’t help sighing.

This is really a gentle person.

Maybe I’ve always been playing smart

Perhaps, all the time, Senior Sister Liu Yiyi knew everything in her heart

Thought of this.

Dai Chuchan couldn’t help crying.

She clenched Liu Yiyi’s hand, her voice choked:

“Thank you for shooting you.”

Liu Yiyi wiped her tears and said with a smile:

“Thank me, that’s true. I have to go out for the curtain call in the end, don’t cry the makeup.

Dai Chuchan couldn’t help it anymore, tears falling like broken pearls:

“sorry ”


Liu Yiyi pressed his index finger to Dai Chuchan’s lips, hissed, and shook his head with a smile.

She motioned to her without saying anything.


Hug her tenderly

“I changed my mind. If you want to cry, just cry out loud.”

On the stage, Lin Xian’s speech has come to an end.”So, I hope that in the future life, everyone will be able to actively lend a helping hand to those who need help. As long as everyone shows their love, society will become a better world!”

“thank you all!”


Lin Xian’s speech won unfailing applause in the People’s Hall!

As the welcome lady said.

Lin Xian is in the East China Sea.

That’s “Who in the East China Sea doesn’t know Mr. 790?”

As the pride of the people of Donghai City.

They know everything about Lin Xian.

Therefore, they even more recognized that Lin Xian’s actions are fully worthy of this honor!

Until Lin Xian returned to his seat, the applause did not stop!

In the end, the two hosts came on stage, and the applause stopped.

The two hosts picked up the microphones and continued to speak:

“Mr. Lin Xian’s advanced deeds are worth learning for all of us! Then, next, we will invite our second award-winning representative to come on stage!!”

“He is, Mr. Lei Haolong, a famous young entrepreneur in Donghai City!


The audience applauded again.

The award music is also played simultaneously.

Lei Haolong stood up, waved to the auditorium, then bowed his head without a smile, and said softly in Lin Xian’s ear:

“Mr. Lin, don’t use your superpowers to kill me for a while? This is a society under the rule of law. You can’t escape if you kill me.

Lin Xian sneered:

“Don’t do bad things, don’t be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door.”

Lei Haolong also laughed:

“But I hope you can kill me even more like that.”

He looked at Lin Xian’s eyes and smiled more and more fiercely:

“It’s more proof that I am correct!”


Lei Haolong stood up straight and walked towards the stage stairs.

Lin Xian snorted

finally …

It’s the day when the veil of the “enemy” will be revealed!

Lin Xian’s mood is more excited than Lei Haolong.

Lei Haolong’s several hints and explicit provocations, Lin Xian has already guessed it. His purpose is nothing more than to reveal his “things like a god” in front of the public, so that he “destroyed”.

And the content in the U disk is likely to be the evidence he collected.

Lin Xian is not worried that his actions will damage his reputation.


He can modify the history at any time.

Lei Haolong can be erased from this world at any time.

No matter how Lei Haolong corrupted his reputation and ruined himself, he was actually doing useless work.

He only needs to go home tonight and write a few letters, so that Lei Haolong can die in this world early, preventing him from participating in this commendation meeting, and furthermore, he will not be ruined.

All history, for Lin Xian, is a building block that can be built at will.

It is precisely because of this certainty.

That’s why Lin Xian saved Lei Haolong’s life for now.

He wants to see.

What is Lei Haolong’s real purpose?

What evidence does he possess?

What forces is he doing his life for?

Is he a demon?

And all this will finally be revealed–

Lin Xian adjusted his sitting posture, and unconsciously looked at the position where Lei Haolong was sitting–


A small 42, printed on the back of Lei Haolong’s chair.

Lin Xian looked behind him again.


Is this accident? Is it coincidence?

Why is Lei Haolong just sitting on seat 42?

Lin Xian looked at his wrist.

Time display on the watch–

21: 42


42 Phenomenon surrounds itself again!

Lin Xian frowned.

This means–

There must be time and space fluctuations around!


Something strange and dangerous will happen today!

At this time, Lei Haolong had smiled and picked up the microphone, and began to speak:

“Everyone believes, are there really traversers in this world?”

The audience was in an uproar!

Lei Haolong picked up the electronic pointer, smiled, and pressed the switch to the rear Mian big screen:

“I have evidence! This one is a traverser from the future!”

Slap one by one

The moment Lei Haolong pressed the switch.

All lights go out!

The entire venue–

Total darkness!.

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