Chapter 78 Heshen: Thank you brother Lin Xian for giving me the opportunity! Ma Zeke’s mentality exploded!


Lin Xian stretched a big slack.

Arm pain and backache.

Turned his head and looked out the window

It’s already dark!

This short letter to Heshen took Lin Xian 3 hours to write!

“It’s so hard to write!

“Although the ancient Chinese characters seem to be not much different from the current ones, the strokes and the order of strokes are very different. It is really difficult to write.”

Lin Xian moves his wrist.

A bit low-eyed.

In fact, when writing the letter to Cao Xueqin, there was a typo Lin Xian crossed it out and continued writing, after all, Cao Xueqin could understand it.


This letter to Heshen

His personality is “the chief disciple under the constellation of Wenqu in the sky”!

to be honest.

He is the big brother of Heshen.

As the big brother of the gods, can you write typos?

That’s too unreliable!

Therefore, it took Lin Xian a long time to write this letter with no typos in order to make the trick more.

After eating the buffet at Guotai Hotel downstairs.

Lin Xian returned to the room and continued to write the letter to Chen Qing in 2008.

Not surprisingly.

He Shenhui buried 100,000 taels of gold in Cao Xueqin’s ginkgo grove before Qianlong’s death, or even earlier.

Then just tell Chen Qing and let him dig it.

But Chen Qing is a modern person, and the boss of a big company, IQ is not as good as Shen Gao, at least he will not be so foolish as He Shen.

He must let Chen Qing understand the importance of developing electric vehicles without revealing that he is a “future man.”

to be honest.

Knowing yourself and the enemy, you must first understand Chen Qing.

Lin Xian turned on his phone and started searching for Chen Qing’s interview.



There was an exclusive interview with Chen Qing in the column of “Lu Lu You Yue”, just after Wuling Hongguang MINI became popular all over the country.

The subject of the talk was Chen Qing’s views on Longguo’s electric vehicle industry.

“It just so happens that this information is exactly what I need.”

Lin Xian quickly clicked on the video to watch.

If you now know some of Chen Qing’s views, and then write it in his own tone, then Chen Qing will feel that he has met a confidant in life!”

Not only that, but Chen Qing would be shocked at how brilliant this person’s thinking is! Such an excellent! Such avant-garde! It won his heart!

“Nonsense, he thought of it himself.

Lin Xian is just a porter who does transcripts.

After the ad.

“Lu Lu You Pact” began.

Sharptoothed Bronzeya talked about Queen Lulu, and asked the most acute question when he came up:

“Mr. Chen Qing, since you have planned to make new energy electric vehicles in 2008, why have you never made any achievements, and finally let Tesla preemptively occupy the national market?”

This question is very awkward.

But no way, this is Lulu’s style.

As a Wuling Group CEO who has experienced strong winds and waves for more than half a century, Chen Qing will definitely not care about Lu Lu.


He said bluntly:

“In 2008, there was no environment for electric vehicles to survive in the “sixty or sixty” in China. People’s understanding of electric vehicles still remains at low-concept products such as electric bicycles and electric three-wheelers.””After I resigned from Wuling Group, I have looked for many venture capital angels back and forth, but no one is willing to admit the prospects of new energy electric vehicles.

“Restrictive conditions such as slow charging, short battery life, no convenience for refueling, and the need to fix charging piles have made the people and the market very low acceptance of electric vehicles.”

Lin Xian nodded.

I think what he said makes sense.

In fact, in this world, the rise of new energy electric vehicles is a matter of two or three years.

In the past ten years, basically no traditional car company was willing to try new energy vehicles.

Only Te Sla started planning tactics in 2008.

Can I not win if I enter the stadium so early?

Waiting for others to consider entering the electric car industry in 2020 is that Te Sla has been playing various technologies for more than ten years!

Is someone else chasing it?

Then Lulu asked again:

“Then you think, if you want Wuling Group to overtake the special Sla la in a curve, where do you want to make a breakthrough?”

This is another question that can completely kill the sky

The current market value of Te Sla is the world’s super giant, a small car company in Wuling.

But Chen Qing’s good quality still smiled and replied:

“I think that Tesla’s understanding of electric vehicles has taken two detours, which runs counter to my concept of electric vehicles! I have been thinking this way since 2008.”

! !!!!

Here comes the point!

Lin Xian hurriedly took out the pen and paper, preparing to record the next key points.

These real thoughts in Chen Qing’s mind are the key to persuasion in the letter.

After seeing the letter in 2008, he will feel–

“My life confidant! The hero sees the same thing! It’s just the roundworm in my stomach!


People have sympathy and empathy, and trust is easier to improve.

On the phone, Chen Qing began to speak to Lu Lu:

“First, I think that the special S pull too much pursues high-density batteries, super fast charging and other gimmicks than practical things. Although this is good for its stock price, but the car is used to drive, these things are too far away from the general public. It’s far away, and there may not be any major breakthroughs in battery technology in the next ten years, and energy should not be wasted in this area.”

“Secondly, the various operations of the special Sla are too dependent on smart computers. Even the simplest throttle and brakes are handed over to the computer for processing. I personally do not agree with the stability of the computer, and at this stage, there is no need to pursue automatic driving too much. Especially in the traffic environment of Longguo, autonomous driving is not realistic.”

Lin Xian took them down one by one.

In fact, these two points are also detours that Special Sra has gone through in the continuous development project.

If Te Sra could avoid these detours.

Now we must be able to make even better electric cars.

For decades, countless people have wanted to study new types of batteries and come up with a large-capacity and high-density battery to trigger a battery revolution.

But it’s a pity.

They all failed

Perhaps, human beings have come to an end on the road of traditional batteries.

No matter how good the traditional battery is, that’s it, reaching its limit.

Tesla spent 3 years in the field of battery research, but ultimately no gain.

But remember, these two impassable detours must be avoided by Chen Qing in 2008.

Lin Xian insisted on watching this episode of “A Date Between Lu Lu”.

I also wrote down a lot of key knowledge points about electric vehicles.

In fact, these knowledge points are not correct, Lin Xian is not very clear, after all, he is not doing this.


As long as Chen Qing is clear, Chen Qing in 2008 heard Chen Qing’s “high-level theory” in 2021, then he must kneel down on the ground!

A genius is born arrogant and generally only worships himself.


At the end of “Lu Lu You Covenant,” Lu Lu asked with a full smell of gunpowder:

“Excuse me, is it difficult for a relatively cheap and simple miniature electric car like Wuling Hongguang MINI to be built in 2008?

Chen Qing shook his head decisively:

“As long as the national policy allows and allows on the road, then there is no problem at all!”

Lu Lu smiled softly:illustration

“Then Mr. Chen Qing, if an electric car like Wuling Hongguang MINI really appeared in 2008, what do you think?”

Chen Qing laughed after listening:

“Hahahaha, in that case, what’s the matter with Tera?”

This is of course a joke.

The show ended with a chat and laugh between the two.

“Okay, I understand.

Lin Xian checked the information of Sela Company again

The company was funded in 2008 and established in 2009.

In 2013, the first electric car was launched (overhead world is more true).

Then it skyrocketed to ninety thousand li.

If Chen Qing works hard, he will start to seize the market in 2008

With a five-year lead, and can bypass two impassable detours, you can definitely get ahead of the United States S La!

Lin Xian took out his pen and paper, and started to write a letter:

[Dear Mr. Chen Qing]

【Hello. 】

[Not surprisingly, today is the day when you fail to compete for the boss and propose to resign. Don’t be discouraged, I have heard your thoughts from many investment channels. 】

[My opinion is different from theirs. I think that new energy electric vehicles are the future development direction. Although traditional gasoline vehicles are more convenient, inexpensive, and have a long service life. However, everything has to be looked at in the long term][I like your ideas and I am willing to invest in you! I also hope that you have the dream of rejuvenating the country through industry and rejuvenating the country, and you are really doing practical things for the people, so that Longguo can also master some core technologies in the cutting-edge field. 】

[Okay, stop talking nonsense. For some unspeakable reasons, I cannot show my face to meet with you, but this does not affect our cooperation. I would like to invest you 2 billion to build new energy vehicles, which is enough as your start-up capital to produce your first electric vehicle. 】

[These money, I will invest in you in the form of gold. I have buried it in the ginkgo grove at the southeast of Shuangquan Temple in the Shijingshan Scenic Area of ​​the Imperial Capital, and found the ginkgo tree with the word’text’ on its bark. 2 feet in front of it, I can dig up my investment in your gold. 】

[A total of 100,000 taels, now is the peak gold price, 400 yuan per gram of gold, the total of these gold is 2 billion dragon yuan. Please make good use of this money to make a career, at least to ensure that China’s electric vehicles do not lag behind foreign countries!][Then, as your wholly-owned investor, I have the following requirements for you:]

【First, I don’t think it is necessary to pursue high-density batteries and super fast charging gimmicks that are greater than practical things. Although this is conducive to financing and stock prices, cars are used to drive, these things are too far away from the general public, and there may not be any major breakthroughs in battery technology in the next ten years, and energy should not be wasted in this area. . 】

[Second, don’t rely too much on smart computers, don’t waste energy on artificial intelligence and autonomous driving. I personally don’t agree with the stability of computers to build a car, and at this stage, there is no need to pursue autonomous driving too much, especially in Longguo. In this kind of traffic environment, autonomous driving is not realistic. 】

[Third, launch a cheap, practical, compact, two-seat, square-shaped electric car as soon as possible, which is like a reduced version of Wuling Hongguang. This is not technically difficult. Return all profits to consumers, lower prices, and occupy the market first. Only by letting the people realize the convenience of electric vehicles can they change their minds, accept high-end electric vehicles and enter the market as soon as possible.

Detonate the domestic electric vehicle consumer market in one step. 】

[As for the name of the new company, it’s Fuxingpin!][If you think you are doing a good job, you can ask me for it. Thirteen years later, at 9 am on July 9, 2021, I will arrange for my full-time agent to wait for you at 1208 Imperial Plaza Hotel. He will hold the equity and exercise all rights for me. 】

[Signature: an angel investor]

Writing letters to modern people is very fast.

After Lin Xian finishes writing, check it again.

There is no logical error.

Nor did it reveal any future events, and the tone was written as an angel investor.

“The hero doesn’t ask where it comes from, and the gold brick doesn’t ask where it comes from.”

“At that time, Chen Qing, who failed in the election, had nowhere to go, was not recognized, and had no talent, must be anxious to use this money to prove himself!”

Moreover, he cleverly covered himself under the guise of a full-power agent.

Lin Xian folded the letter paper and put it in the envelope.

Put a stamp on it and write the address and date.

The date is the day after Chen Qing resigned.

“All right.”

In order to prevent mistakes, Lin Xian took out a piece of paper and started deduction. After the two letters are sent, history will change.

These two letters, one of them will travel 200 years ago, in front of the desperate and frustrated He Shen.

The other one will go through to 2008, in front of Chen Qing, who also failed to be recognized and talented.

With a history of more than 200 years, it began to rotate one-

23-year-old He Kun woke up and was about to change clothes to do handyman. Suddenly, he found a letter on the bedside.

When I opened it, this letter said that I was a disciple of Wen Quxing who went down to earth!

And also pointed out the dilemma of not being able to meet his talents and not meeting Bole!

For a time, He Shen’s trust in this letter went from 0% to 20%.

you got me!But He Shen still had doubts about this letter, so he didn’t take it seriously, but he was cautious, and he also kept the contents of his heart in mind.


Since then, he has read the Analects of Confucius and Mencius profusely every day, and memorizes these two books thoroughly.

One day a few months later, while waiting for Emperor Qianlong to visit the garden, a small soldier Gazi suddenly ran to report and said that a major criminal had escaped!

Qianlong was furious!

Long Wei is angry!

Everyone can’t understand and dare not say anything.

And He Shen was stunned in place like five thunders!

Oh my!

Isn’t this the opportunity that Senior Brother Xinli said and Master Wenquxing bestowed him!

So he hurried forward and said:

“The guardian can’t resign his blame!”

Qianlong looked back and found that he was just a handyman, but he had such knowledge, yes, so he wrote down this person.

After returning to the bedroom, He Shen was sweating on his head with excitement!


Disciple Wenquxing reincarnated!

It turned out to be true once!!

At this time, He Shen’s trust in this letter has risen from 20% to 80%!

Since then, he has recited “Mencius” day and night, and every small comment has been memorized backwards!

Qianlong saw that this little handyman was more clever, so he often asked him to wait for him to study.

One day, the sky was already dark, and Qianlong could not see the notes under Mencius.

He said to He Shen:

Go get me a lamp.

God knows how long He Shen waited for a day!

This is the second opportunity that Master Wen Quxing gave himself!

My big brother really expected things like a god!

Excited He Shen said directly:

“Dare to ask your Highness which comment is not clear? I’ll just recite it for you.”

Qianlong was very surprised!

Can you memorize such a thick copy of Mencius?

So I flipped through the book and asked several notes.

He Shen’s face is relaxed, all backside down like a stream!

This “Mencius”, not to mention the backwards, just let him jump on the back! He can memorize it!

Qianlong was shocked!

After understanding, I realized that this handyman was actually a top student in Xian’an Palace! And he had participated in the imperial examination!

This is not burying talents!

“You! Don’t do handyman here, go to the minister of treasury and manage the treasury!”


Since 1773, history has come to Heshen’s home court.

With his own outstanding talents, he soared all the way, the Minister of War, the Minister of the Ministry of Military

In the end, He Shen became an existence under one person and above 10,000 people!

At this time, his level of trust in that letter has already exceeded 1000000%!!!

He is extremely grateful to Master Wen Quxing and the kind brothers for their kindness!

Therefore, He Shen does not dare to be ambiguous at all about the matter of filial piety to the master stated in the letter!

When he was greedy for the first 100,000 taels of gold, the first thing he thought of was to make offerings to Master Wenquxing!

after all …

The senior brother said in the letter, this is a matter of his own temperament and luck!

Not sloppy!

100,000 taels of gold, 5 tons in weight.

Two carriages and four entourage followed Heshen to Shuangquan Temple in Shijingshan, and found a ginkgo grove easily.

These four entourages were carefully selected by He Shen.

They are regarded as their own confidantes.

but …

They committed a big taboo in the Fuzhong–


My hands and feet are dirty! I even embezzled my own money!

According to Fuzhong’s rules, it should have been cut!

so …

He Shen just didn’t know what they were doing in private, and let them do the hard work.

The 4 people were still happy.

I think I am trusted by Master Heshen!


Ginkgo trees are not strong, they are only a few decades old.

But in He Shen’s eyes.

This is the god position of Master Wenquxing!


Especially after seeing the surnames of the people engraved on it, it was even more shocking!

Under his command, the four servants began to dig a hole 5 feet in front of the tree engraved with the word “文”.

A big hole was dug.

Then bury these 100,000 taels of gold and hundreds of gold bricks.

Fill up the soil and restore it to its original shape.

After returning to Prince Gong’s Mansion, the four servants were cut to death.

Heshen is cruel and cruel, and no one is allowed to destroy his luck!

Say it again.

They should have died!


In 1799, Emperor Qianlong died, and Hekun was the largest landslide.

Emperor Jiaqing did not give Heshen any chance.

Just copy the family and die!

A generation of great greed, the legend ends

Time came to February 3, 2008.

Chen Qing woke up from his dream, who had not met his talents and felt that he hadn’t met Bole.

When hesitating how to take the road tomorrow.

Found a letter on the table

There are angel investors who are willing to invest 2 billion of themselves!!

Chen Qing was recognized!


Although it is difficult to move the 2 billion gold bricks at once, the most important thing for me now is time!

As for the inconvenience of angel investors

This is normal.

Some big people always have such concerns.

He will definitely hand over all his equity and rights to an agent.

Chen Qing hesitated for a while.

Do you want to take this dangerous errand?

Go to Shuangquan Temple to dig gold bricks, maybe this day is more and more contracted

But I think back to my colleagues’ incomprehension and distrustful eyesight!

Chen Qing clenched his fists!

“The hero doesn’t ask where it came from! The gold brick doesn’t ask where it came from!

I must prove it to you! The future of the automotive industry belongs to new energy!

Especially after reading the letter, the angel investor made three requirements for himself…0


Chen Qing only felt five thunders!

1 soft legs fell directly on the chair!

These three suggestions!

It actually coincides with his inner thoughts for many years!!


This mysterious angel investor is even closer than his own father!

A daughter is easy to get, but a confidant is hard to find!

Now that I have both a daughter and I know myself! What more can I ask for!

“Go on TMD! Let Longguo’s electric cars run all over the world!”


February 3, 2008.

When Mazek just sold his last company and became a millionaire, driving a yacht, drinking champagne, and thinking about what the next company would do

An entrepreneur of the Long Kingdom with great ambitions, opened the myth of electric vehicles


Lin Xian looked at a series of arrows on the paper.

“The story should develop like this.


Lin Xian closed the cap.


The letter written to Chen Qing in 2008 will also be put into the space-time mailbox.

Because there is already a letter in it.

So this time the bottom sound effect has changed.

Lin Xian shook his head.

“Broken, this mailbox should support sending two letters a day!”

“Forget it, I’ve written everything, if I can’t help it, I’m doing my best for the country.”

It’s already late.

Lin Xian turned off the light.


Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian pressed the alarm clock.

A brand new day.

July 9.

Today is Friday.

After Lin Xian met with Chen Qing in the morning, he must hurry up to fly back to the East China Sea.

Then drove the world’s only Rolls-Royce Huiying, went to Donghai University City to pick up Liu Yiyi, and went to Hangzhou to participate in a classmate gathering for five years after graduating from high school.

“What a busy day!

Today’s schedule is very tight. Lin Xian gets up to wash and eat breakfast, then returns to the room to wait for Chen Qing’s arrival.

08: 30

“It will be a while before the time is up. Let me first search for news related to the electric vehicle industry.”

My memories will not be merged until the evening.

He still doesn’t know how far electric cars have developed in the outside world.

Turn on the phone and search for “Electric Car + Chen Qing”

A lot of results came out in an instant–

“Fuxing Group’s latest electric car launch conference will be held today! According to the CEO Chen Qing, this will be the world’s top and most luxurious new energy electric car!”

“Chen Qing, Father of Electric Vehicles: The name of the new product is kept secret and will be announced on the spot!”

“Chen Qing confirmed that there will be mysterious guests at the press conference!”

“Tesla is once again in an inventory crisis, and a large inventory of vehicles is overstocked. Ma Zike shouted Chen Qing: patents should be published! Fair competition!》

“Ha ha.”

Seeing the last piece of news, Lin Xian couldn’t help laughing.”Deserve it.”

Bullying our Dragon Kingdom without anyone?

Sorry, Long Kingdom lacks a lot of things, but with a population of 1.4 billion people in Yangyang, the most lacking is talent!

Isn’t Te S pull very twitchy?

What do you say that the people of Long Country love to buy or not?


“Say let you go bankrupt tomorrow, you won’t be able to delay the day after tomorrow!

Lin Xian re-searched for “特SLA+MA TAKE”

A lot of news came out again:

“Tesla’s share price once again fell below the critical point and is about to face delisting and liquidation”

“The U.S. Renaissance 4S store is overcrowded, and there is no one in the Tesla experience store on the opposite side! Ma Sake Xuancheng should compete fairly!”

“One step behind, step by step! Te Sla has failed to catch up with the revival of electric vehicles for many years. Research on new batteries has failed, and investors are about to divest. 》

“Ma Zike has arrived in the imperial capital today and will face Chen Qing at the latest press conference of Fuxing Group!”

A long list, all bad news.

After reading a few pieces of news, Lin Xian understood.

It turns out that the development over the years is like this–

After Chen Qing saw the letter, he was very critical.

While that Ma Zike was still slowly engaged in financing and leisurely established Special Sra, Chen Qing had already established the first simple production line–

Renaissance Hongguang MINIEV!

This new energy electric vehicle, which should only appear in 2020, appeared in 2008!!

When it was first launched, various car critics, experts, and investors all gave 0 points, believing that this is a completely failed product, saying that it is industrial waste.


When the price of Fuxing Hongguang MINIEV is 28,000! 38,000!

The entire Longguo market is completely boiling!!

You can buy an electric car for 30,000 yuan???

What more bikes!

Industrial waste?

Sorry, this is the light of domestic products!!

In the first month of its launch, the order of Fuxing Hongguang MINIEV exceeded 100,000!

It’s hard to find a car in the country!

Do you want to mention the car at full price?

Sorry, let’s go home and wait for a month.

Don’t BB after 1 month.

If you can give you a car in one month, you can’t choose the color.

If you want to limit the color

At least two months to get started!

In an era when the masses still think that cars are expensive, and more than 100,000 cars can’t be bought by ordinary families.

The 30,000 yuan revival Hongguang MINIEV directly killed crazy!

Top vehicle sales for 12 consecutive months!


Chen Qing and his Fuxing Group went viral all night!

Just after the financing of the foreign Sela company was completed, even the company’s name hadn’t been decided yet.

Longguo has taken the lead in igniting the era of new energy electric vehicles!


Subsequently, the Fuxing Group sang all the way.

Make an electric car fire one!

Huge sales, bringing rapid expansion!

The electric car of Fuxing Group has gone abroad!

It was just 2010 at that time!

When the streets all over the world are all electric cars of Fuxing Group

The model car of the first special S pull electric car has not been built yet


When the first “Super New Energy Limousine” sold to the masses was launched..


Chen Qing’s Fuxing Group has captured 70% of the world’s electric vehicle market.

no way.

They started too early.

The market dividends are all eaten by everyone.

Policy support is also all enjoyed.

The public’s recognition is fully accepted.

Naturally, all the money is made!

By 2021, Fuxing Group has a total of 40 complete vehicle production lines.

Mass production in large quantities can keep the cost of a single vehicle very low

With the same configuration, the selling price of Fuxing Group is 30% lower than other electric vehicle brands!!

Consumers’ eyes are sharp, and their wallets are shining.

If you don’t buy the good, cheap, and well-known Fuxing electric car, should you buy the expensive, unfamiliar, and always have minor problems with the special Sla?

Ma Shike kept yelling:

“A dominant market is not conducive to the development of the industry! Chen Qing’s Fuxing Group must disclose all patents and experimental data, so that all electric vehicle companies can compete fairly!”

But Chen Qing ignored him at all.


In Chen Qing’s heart, there has always been a sense of energy!

That was an agreement between him and an angel investor!

July 9, 2021, is when that gentleman evaluates his own results!


This day is here

Boom boom boom.

Lin Xian was also checking the history of the Fuxing Group on his mobile phone, and the door was knocked.


Opening the door, the middle-aged man outside the door was taken aback!

“Mr. Lin Xian? Why are you here?”

Chen Qing had just been waiting outside the door with a sense of anxiety.

It wasn’t until 9 o’clock that he knocked on the door on time.

He thought that waiting for him would be a big man in the industry, a big man, or a rich man.


never expected!

It turned out to be a young man in his early 20s!

And Chen Qing also recognized that the man in front of him is the most popular young man on the Internet these days–

Seeing righteousness as a youth, honorary dean of the Forbidden City, Lin Xian.

“But this, but I want to find it?

Chen Qing was incoherent for a while and didn’t know how to express it.

What if you admit the wrong person?

After all, I came with the “Share Transfer Letter”!

The equity of the great benefactor, I can’t give it wrong!


I even prepared a big thank you gift for him!

Lin Xian smiled slightly.

Turning sideways, signaled Chen Qing to come in:

“Mr. Chen, come in and say.”

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