Chapter 79 The reunion of high school classmates finally begins!

Sitting on the sofa.

Chen Qing swallowed and spit, looking at the calm young man in front of him

I don’t know how to speak.

The important thing is

How to determine the identity of this person?

What if it is a liar?

Lin Xian saw his concerns, poured him a cup of tea, and smiled:

“One hundred thousand taels of gold weighs about 5 tons. How did you get it out?”

Chen Qing heard this!

Happy smile!

This incident can be said to be the biggest secret in his life! He never told the second person.

If you can say this, it means that Mr. Lin Xian is indeed the agent of that angel investor!

“Mr. Lin! It turned out to be you! Thank you and the adult you represent, it is you who helped me realize my dream! Let me prove myself to the world!”

Subsequently, Chen Qing began to tell Lin Xian his story of digging gold bricks.

Chen Qing is a very cautious person.

He also knew that one hundred thousand taels of gold weighed 5 tons!

It is definitely not something that can be transported by oneself alone.

He went to the ginkgo grove for field trips, the place was very remote, and usually no one came.

So, I made a plan for ants to move

Shijingshan Scenic Area is an open scenic area and does not require tickets.

So Chen Qing made a backpack, and every time he went to carry a few yuan back to the car, and then went to carry it…

The soil there was also filled, dug, dug

In the end, it took half a month to move the gold bricks by the ant moving method.

Then it was a long shot

It is still broken into pieces, and slowly shot…

For safety, he also bought equipment, after talking about the financialization of these pieces, he went to the gold shop to collect small pieces and small pieces.

“That’s a long process.”

Speaking of this, Chen Qing’s smile is full of sadness:

“In order to prevent your kindness from being compromised, I ran to many cities before I finished processing the huge amount of gold bricks.”

Lin Xian nodded with a smile when he heard the story.

He also thought of this at the beginning.

How to sell so much gold is a big problem.

If you rashly sell on a large scale, you will inevitably be targeted by others.

Breaking into parts, although very troublesome, is undoubtedly the best way.

Subsequently, Chen Qing reported to Lin Xian the recent development of Fuxing Company over the years, and also brought Lin Xian the share transfer letter.

He handed a folder to Lin Xian

“Mr. Lin, the market value of Fuxing Group is as high as 80 billion U.S. dollars today, which is about the same as Volkswagen Group in D. The main reason is that we have been implementing your idea of ​​rejuvenating the country by industry and rejuvenating the country without excessive stock speculation.”

Lin Xian nodded.

fair enough.

After all, Heshen’s money was all raided from Minzhimin’s ointment. In this way, it can be regarded as taken from the people and used for the people.

Lin Xian glanced at the contract, then threw it to Chen Qing:

“Go back and make a new copy and send it to Donghai. I will give you 20% of my equity.”

Chen Qinggang wanted to wave his hand to refuse, but Lin Xian pressed back:

“This is a reward for your hard work over the years, and it is what the adult meant.”

Actually, there is no such adult

It’s just a guise set by Lin Xian for himself.


How to explain the 9-year-old letter to Chen Qing?

And Chen Qing heard that the adult meant

There is no too much rejection.

He also knew that Lin Xian was only the adult’s agent, and even if he could persuade Lin Xian, it would be of no avail.

Finally, Chen Qing told Lin Xian that he had prepared a super big thank you gift–

“Mr. Lin Xian, the reason why I put the date of our press conference as today is to invite you to the scene! And this world’s most advanced revival electric car will be named after you!”

Lin Xian smiled:

“I got my mind, but this set is unnecessary.”

Lin Xian did this for nothing.

Besides…There are so many things today, and I have to rush back to the East China Sea to pick Liu Yiyi back to Hangzhou.

He didn’t bother to join in the fun on this occasion.

Anyway, the equity has been obtained, and it can be regarded as full of gains.


Chen Qing tried his best to persuade:

“Mr. Lin Xian, this is my long-time wish. You also know that now everyone calls me the father of Long Guo Dian 20 Motors. But I understand in my heart that I am not worthy of this name! All of this is actually It was you and that adult who helped me.”

“For so many years, I have been guilty of carrying this false name on my back. Therefore, I want to repay you in the best way. The launch of this conference is the top, most high-end and most avant-garde electric car of Fuxing Group! So I think–”

“Please attend the conference, and this world’s most advanced electric car model is named after your name!”

Lin Xian was helpless.

He had no intention of contaminating this false name.

But Chen Qing’s sincerity is also a bit gracious.

As his “subordinate”, Lin Xian feels that he should also cooperate with his work.

“Okay, because I have to rush to the East China Sea plane, you should presume this link, I will just say a few words at that time.”

“Also, as to the fact that I have a wholly-owned share in Fuxing Group, don’t disclose it to the public. You and I know it. You should know how to say it at that time.”

Chen Qing saw Lin Xian promised himself.

Nodding excitedly!

“Understood! Understood! I will avoid the most important things!”

Chen Qing has been in the sea of ​​commerce for many years.

It is such an obvious thing, without Lin Xian’s reminder.

Lin Xian can still hold shares, but the big man behind him must not be exposed!

In 2008, Lin Xian was only nine years old, so facing the public, this story needs to be told in a different way!

Lin Xian and Chen Qing stood up, ready to go out.

He remembered the news:

“By the way, I heard that Ma Xike is coming today?”

Chen Qing listened and laughed:

“He, he is now a jumping clown. Arguing for us to disclose all patents and compete with them fairly. How can we be so stupid. We started so early, so we have the advantage of our technical reserves!”

“Furthermore, Ma Zake has always said that all the buttons on the models we sell to foreign countries are Chinese characters! This makes them foreigners look very uncomfortable, and strongly urge us to change to the internationally used English!”

“When we develop the conference in a while, look, he will definitely make a fuss on this matter and force us.”

Lin Xian remembered that Ma tearing up his face before

What is yelling:

“It’s not that my car has a problem, it’s that you Longguo people can’t drive at all!”

“If you can’t walk straight, don’t blame the crooked road!”

“I love to buy or not!”

Ha ha.

Lin Xian’s mouth raised a meaningful smile.

10 o’clock in the morning.

Imperial Capital Cultural Exhibition Center.

Open square.

There is a huge crowd here! The crowd cheers enthusiastically! The atmosphere is high!

Countless domestic and foreign media have already set up cameras and radios.

This is the most advanced electric vehicle conference in human history.

Fuxing Group has gathered 13 years of research and development efforts to launch a new energy electric vehicle that can represent the most advanced technology of mankind!

In the stands.

A car was covered with camouflage thick cloth.

Around it, a dozen strong black bodyguards stood.

Ten minutes later

Will be officially unveiled to the world!

“Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!!! So excited!! Fuxing Group is finally launching a super high-end electric car!”

“Thanks to the Fuxing Group! For so many years, we have been launching cheap and practical electric vehicles, so that our ordinary families have entered the era of electric vehicles early.

“Not only is it cheap, but the quality and performance are also good! It’s simply crushing the US special Sla! Musk also claimed to be a beacon of humanity, what kind of industrial waste!”

“I’m looking forward to it! When will it go on sale! The money is ready, sell and sell! I have been waiting for high-end models for a long time!”

In the anticipation of the audience, the new car launch conference started on time.

Today, Fuxing Group is the world’s first electric car company that has led to a worthy result!

Its every move affects the future wind direction of the global electric vehicle market.


This press conference will also be broadcast live globally simultaneously.

In a burst of cheers and cheers.

The father of Longguo Motor and the chairman of Fuxing Group took Lin Xian to the middle of the stands.The appearance of Lin Xian stunned the audience directly!

It’s not just the scene.

Even the viewers in the webcast room were equally stunned:

“Oh my God! It’s Lin Xian, the honorary curator of the Palace Museum! Is he the special guest today?”

“I understand! The naming of the new model this time must have something to do with the Forbidden City or historical dynasties, so I invited Curator Lin to come over.”

“I think it makes sense, Lin Xian is undoubtedly the hottest celebrity on the entire network! Fuxing Group should be to create momentum for its own press conference, so Lin Xian was invited to come as a guest!”

“Fuxing Group still needs to build momentum? I think that Lin Xian did not appear to be a vase, it must be a very important thing!”


The conference officially begins!

Chen Qing stepped onto the stage and delivered a speech:

“Dear friends from Longguo! Before our new car is released, I need to re-introduce today’s special guest-Mr. Lin Xian!”

“As everyone knows, Lin Xian is a brave young man in Donghai City, and he is also the honorary dean of the Palace Museum, but today, I want to tell you all! In fact, Mr. Lin Xian is worthy of being called the true father of the Long Country electric car!! ”


This news is like a depth bomb!

Blow up the entire venue!

For a long time, the father of Longguo electric vehicles has been the exclusive title of Chen Qing.

Although he himself has always resisted this title, and has never publicly acknowledged it.

But the media and the public have already acquiesced.

Today, he actually said that Lin Xian is the real father of Longguo electric cars.What is going on?

After the venue is quiet.

Chen Qing continued:

“After the establishment of Fuxing Group, it has made many attempts in the field of electric vehicles, especially in recent years, in the field of high-end electric vehicles, there has been a lot of confusion!”

“But Mr. Lin Xian, as a friend and teacher and friend I have made since the end of the year! He has provided me with a lot of advanced advice, and this has allowed Fuxing Group to not make any detours and truly achieve the top of the world! Especially this is the world’s best The advanced and high-end flagship electric car was designed and completed under the guidance of Mr. Lin Xian!

“Next! Let us officially release today’s product!”

“The unique and unparalleled super electric car in the world–”



The camouflage curtain of the giant da is lifted by the hanging basket directly above!!

A jet black streamlined electric car appeared in front of everyone!

Its styling is extremely handsome! The punk-like color scheme and the curvy curves all show its sense of science and technology to the world!

The audience directly boiled!

This world’s most high-end electric car satisfies all their fantasies about technology and fashion!

At the same time, Chen Qing continued to introduce:

“This electric car uses a brand-new battery design technology, and its battery life exceeds 1200 kilometers! At the same time, the motor torque and horsepower have been greatly improved, and the acceleration time from 100 kilometers has exceeded 1.8 seconds!”

This shocking number shocked the whole world!

Run 1200 kilometers with a single charge!?

What more gasoline car to buy!

It accelerates from 100 kilometers in 1.8 seconds, which is beyond the reach of all gasoline cars!

at this time.

Even Lin Xian was a little surprised.

It is indeed Chen Qing who deployed electric vehicle research early, while avoiding many detours.

The accumulation of technology in the past 13 years is terribly advanced!

I remember that in the previous time and space of the special Slash, the longest endurance was only 800 kilometers, and the acceleration of 100 meters could not exceed 2 seconds.


Regarding advanced technology and hard work, it still depends on the Dragon Kingdom Tianjiao!

For a time

This cool shape and exaggerated data are spread all over the world through the Internet.

The global ordering webpage of Fuxing Group was instantly crowded!

The scheduled volume of the flagship high-end electric car, Fuxing-Xian, exceeded 400,000 in ten minutes! And it continues to skyrocket!

The mood of the audience is even more elevated!

Longguo’s revival electric car not only makes them convenient, but also makes them proud!

This is truly made in Long Country!

The real light of domestic products!

In cheers, Chen Qing handed the microphone to Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, these honours and cheers should belong to you, please say something to everyone.

This is a link that was arranged from the beginning.

Lin Xian also prepared his words.

Seeing Lin Xian walk to the speech platform, everyone was quiet.They want to see what exactly this genius who led the design of Fuxing-string and who has given many opinions to Fuxing Group would say?

After Lin Xian adjusted the microphone, he smiled and faced the audience:

“Dear friends, Mr. Chen’s words are a bit too modest. In recent years, the efforts and achievements of the Fuxing Group have been seen by everyone. It has truly brought the power of industry to prosper the country and completed the breakthrough of Longguo electric vehicles from scratch. A great revival from good to strong!”

“So, I think Mr. Chen deserves the name of the father of Longguo electric cars!!”

Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop!

Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop, pop!

Papa papa papa papa papa papa papa papa!

The scene burst out with unprecedented warm applause.

This applause is not only for Lin Xian, who is humble and not asking for credit, but also for Chen Qing, who is expected by everyone!

Then Lin Xian continued:

“For a long time, Longguo has been stuck by foreign countries in the cutting-edge field. But the people of Longguo have not understood the truth of surrender since ancient times! With our hard work, we have caught up with chips, airplanes, and electric cars. ! And realized the world’s advanced!

“So, I hope everyone can give our domestic products a little more time, a little patience, and a little tolerance in the future life! Give them the opportunity to create miracles no less than the Fuxing Group, and complete the great rejuvenation of the Dragon Kingdom!”


Lin Xian’s inspiring speech made the live audience and the audience in the webcast room full of power!

They always feel that this man is a miracle in itself!

Whether it is his brave spirit, the morality of handing in cultural relics, or even his current feelings for the country and the people, it is awe-inspiring!

“I resist yi!!! !”


The scene was silent for an instant!

The shout of “I resist yi!” from behind the crowd disrupted the atmosphere of the normal press conference.

Everyone looked back.

It was found that the person who came was the defeated dog of the United States-Te Sla Group CEO, Ma Zike!

Supported by more than 20 bodyguards in black.

Ma Zake walked to the front of the crowd with a big horn in his hand and a straight face.

In recent years, in order to penetrate the Longguo market and catch up with the pace of Fuxing Group.

Ma Zike reprimanded a lot of money to find a professional teacher to learn Chinese.

It’s not that he wants to learn

It is because in all models of Fuxing Group, whether it is the interior decoration, the lettering on the buttons, or even the description of the underlying code, all are in Chinese!

In order to study the opponent, you have to learn if you don’t learn it!

Now, he can communicate in Chinese.

“Mr. Lin Xian, I don’t agree with what you said!”

He took the big lama and confronted the aloof Lin Xian:

“The common development and progress of mankind requires the joint efforts of the whole world! You Longguo Fuxing Group, occupying patents and suppressing the car companies that we enter the market afterwards, is an act that continues to undermine the market!”

“Moreover, I am seriously against the fact that all the electric cars of Fuxing Group, the buttons in the car and the underlying code are in Chinese! The buttons are all in Chinese, how can we foreigners understand it! It is very unaccustomed to driving! You must change to the universal English!”

Lin Xian chuckled.

Pick up the microphone:

“Ma Xieke, now the space station of Longguo is above the sky, and all the buttons on it are in Chinese. I advise you to go back and bring a message to NASA. In order to avoid future disasters in space and unable to obtain rescue, please hurry up and start learning Chinese.”

Boom!!!!! !!


Warm cheers and applause!

The audience in the Dragon Kingdom is directly boiling!


The electric car made by our country itself, why do you want to change the text into English for you?

Chinese characters are the most beautiful and concise language in the world.

It is also the proudest cultural heritage of Long Country!

In the webcast room, to Lin Xian’s domineering response, the barrage exploded!

“Too handsome! A young boy is a strong country! Lin Xian’s words are great!”

“Handsome! This magical man, no matter where he goes, can represent a great power! It’s so fascinating!”

“That’s right! Chinese is our pride! Whether it is our space station or an electric car, the button inside should be Chinese! This is our cultural confidence!”

“Good point Lin Xian! Worthy of being the honorary dean of the Forbidden City, he speaks well!”

Ma Xike was speechless at this remark!

He is speechless!

What’s up!

Isn’t it said that the good people of Longguo are people who have good face, respect etiquette, and will not reject others face to face?

He specifically looked for the time of this global live broadcast to find the difference.

Just to put pressure on the Fuxing Group!

Let them dare not reject themselves in front of the whole world.

After all, there are so many foreign customers in the world.

Has the Fuxing Group offended?

Lin Xian finished speaking and gave the microphone to Chen Qing, ready to leave.

It’s late.

Must go to catch a plane.

Ma Xian looked at Lin Xian’s leaving figure, his eyes full of anger and incomprehension!

“Ah right”

Lin Xian reacted suddenly and walked back to the podium again.

Everyone fell silent.

Waiting for Lin Xian’s supplement

Why is he back again?

Is it to be soft to foreigners for the sake of the global market?

But Ma Zike showed a triumphant smile.

Stupid Longguo people.

After all, in front of the world, for the stock price, you need to be soft to me!

Next step..…

Ma Zake laughed triumphantly.

After Lin Xian apologized, he would “push his nose and face”! “Go further!” Ask Fuxing Group to disclose all battery patents!

Just when he held his head high and waited for Lin Xian to be soft–

Lin Xian cleared his throat and said into the microphone:

“I forgot to say a word”

“Mr. Ma Zeck, the world is not the only one to revive an electric car company, and there is also an industrial waste like Tera to choose from, so we built the car.”

Lin Xian sneered and pointed to Ma Xian:

“Do you like to buy or not!”


Boom!!!!! !!!!

The trembling cheers completely overwhelmed Ma Xie Ke and 20 bodyguards.

In this proud land of the Dragon Kingdom.


Funny look.

Like a funny clown

After leaving the press conference, Lin Xian packed his luggage and went to the airport. Fortunately, he caught the plane back to the East China Sea.

“Call time just right.”

It has been arranged for the next two days.

On Saturday, I went to Hangzhou to attend a class reunion.

On Sunday, take Liu Yiyi back to see his parents.

As for today Friday…

It was agreed with Liu Yiyi to drive “Faraxiali” to pick up Liu Yiyi from school

Now the memory has all been restored.

This is how I lived with Liu Yiyi before:

Every Monday to Friday, Liu Yiyi lives and studies in the school.

On Saturday and Sunday, both of them will spend in the little nest of love.

only …

Because of the 18-year-old stupid 13 himself, the stupid 13 promise made.

There is a distance that leads to this love


Thinking of this, Lin Xian is a little big head.

I don’t want to

A beauty with a super 10 points, lying on the bed with herself, can you not think about it?

Think about it

The 18-year-old himself made this stupid 13 agreement, and he has adhered to it for six years! And getting married is only a step away, so why bother to grab these two months?

“Forget it, anyway, I’m getting engaged soon. When the time comes, the famous family is getting married, and it’s not in vain that Liu Yiyi has been with me for so many years of hardship!”

According to Lin Xian’s plan, I will go back to see my parents this Sunday.

I have talked to my parents about Liu Yiyi’s situation, and my parents are very satisfied with this daughter-in-law, even super satisfied!

After all, how many girls in this world can abandon such a superior life and live a bitter life of splitting a dollar in half with their son?

They had already prepared the big red envelope for the meeting gift!

And Liu Yiyi’s parents

Lin Xian already owns 80% of the shares of Fuxing Group, worth about 64 billion US dollars.

ConvertIt should be 300 billion Dragon Yuan.

If this news is made public. With his worth, he is undoubtedly the richest man in the Dragon Kingdom, slightly better than Shuangma.

However, the value is the value and the deposit is the deposit. This is not the same thing.

Lin Xian can’t sell the Fuxing Group directly!

Only the United States can buy the Fuxing Group. Isn’t he a traitor?

Moreover, Chen Qing also told himself that in recent years, Renaissance has been implementing the concept of industrial prosperity, investing money in new infrastructure construction, and also investing heavily in scientific research for the further future.

Therefore, billions of dollars in cash can still be easily taken out.

But tens of billions of cash deposits

There is really no turnover.

Lin Xian didn’t care about this either.

After all, the money for the establishment of the Fuxing Group was the people’s anointing collected by Heshen. The money was collected by himself, but his conscience was disturbed.

“I won’t move this share, just take the year-end dividend. It’s not interesting to make money from the people of the Dragon Kingdom. If you want to make a lot of money, you have to make foreigners’ money!”


Lin Xian’s next plan is –

Use the space-time mailbox to empty the country of the United States! While rejuvenating the powerful Dragon Kingdom, let yourself also master the huge wealth.

“At that time, if you want money and money, status and status, and fame and prestige, Liu Yiyi’s parents have no reason to hinder us anymore.”

“Don’t her parents want to be in charge, right? Well, I will let them become Gao Panlin’s family! When that happens, I will marry Liu Yiyi immediately and give her youth an account!”

For others, this may be a fantasy.

But for Lin Xian.

It’s only two months at most.

Thinking that he might be married to Liu Yiyi in two months, Lin Xian still has some small expectations in his heart!

“Why don’t Dai Liu Yiyi go to the big shopping mall this afternoon. Buy her some nice brand-name clothes, and then customize a wedding ring or something?

Lin Xian had never thought about the ring before.

But on the 42nd bus that day, he saw the future he was wearing this stuff.

I was also curious for a while.

Don’t think about it, it must be a wedding ring.

One for himself and one for Liu Yiyi.

It is better to buy late than early.

Liu Yiyi has had 6 years of hardship with herself, so it’s time to give others some sweetness!

“That’s it! Buy the most expensive and luxurious one!”

Tunghai University–

In the classroom of the Art Department undergraduate hall–

The teacher on the stage was struggling to write on the blackboard.

The student below is drowsy.


Dai Chuchan looked at the delicate wedding ring in the palm of his hand, and had been smirking for a day.

“It’s great. This ring must be very responsible. It seems that Lin Xian’s seniors in the future, really mixed up a big business!

She stretched the soft-rooted index finger into the ring and touched the lettering on the inner ring.


This is the abbreviation of Lin Xian’s name.

“If it is a pair of rings, then there must be another ring!”

Dai Chuchan thought.

If you have a male model in your hand, you must have a female model for the bride.

“Since this is engraved, the bride’s initials must also be engraved in the ring in the bride’s hand.”

Dai Chuchan picked up the pen and wrote his initials on the paper.


“Hey, but the bride of senior Lin Xian, it must be senior sister Liu Yiyi. After that, they will go back to Hangzhou to see their parents this week.”

Dai Chuchan picked up the pen and wrote on the paper:


This is the abbreviation of Liu Yiyi.

She shook her head.

The three letters engraved in the wedding ring are obviously inconsistent and have a sense of beauty.

In addition, there are 2 letters in Lin Xian’s ring, and the bride’s ring should also be engraved with 2 letters.

She turned the paper over and re-written:


“Yeah! It’s much more beautiful like this!”

Touching the men’s ring in his hand, Dai Chuchan thought about it for a while

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–The bell rang after class.

School is officially over.

The one-week course is completely over, and a happy weekend is coming!

The loud bell also broke Dai Chuchan’s dream.

“Hey ”

She sighed.

Pick up the pen and cross out the CC on the paper.


The tip of the pen slides continuously on the paper, and the two letters of CC are painted beyond recognition 760

“My wedding ”

“It’s enough in a dream”

107 national highway.

A super luxury car with a huge front face is driving at high speed!

Even if the road conditions are not good, there are many potholes.

However, under the shock absorption of Rolls-Royce, the water on the cup holder inside the car did not sway any ripples.


The grumpy 6.7L twin-turbocharged V12 engine roared low.

Every passing vehicle can’t help but look back

After half an hour.

This top luxury car, which is unique in the world, will arrive at Tunghai University.

Pick up the beloved girl.

Carrying youthful memories.

All the way west

at the same time.

U.S., Cigago Airport.

“Okay, ah, it’s okay, it’s okay if you can’t get there.

“Oh, what are you polite! The party won’t come for 5 years, isn’t it 10 years! You haven’t died!”

“Bah, baah, my mouth, I’m going to board the plane, hung up!”

Wang Hao hung up.

I took out a pen and drew a cross on the “Party List”.

“Hey, there is another person who can’t come. They’re all busy

Five crosses have been crossed on this list of 46 classmates.

“I have confirmed by phone for the rest of them, and there is no problem.

The cautious Wang Hao looked at the list again, and his name and Lei Haolong were on the list.

No one was missed.

“For 41 people, 4 tables are enough.”

“Then there is no need to notify the hotel to change.

Pack everything up.

Will be consigned as a gift.

Wang Hao carried his bag and boarded the plane to Hangzhou


The tall iron gate of the Hangzhou Detention Center opened.

Wen Ling took a deep breath.

Let the breeze blow over her beautiful short hair


“The air outside is so fragrant

Prison Li, who opened the door for her next to him, was happy:

“Wen Ling, it’s just a door, can the air be different? I think you feel relieved!”

Wen Ling smiled.

Bowed deeply to Warden Li:

“Guardian Li, thank you for taking care of me over the years. I am so grateful!”

Since being imprisoned in 2016, Wenling has been working here for labor reform.

But Liu Yiyi’s father and Wen Ling’s family have made so many neighbors.

She grew up watching Wenling since she was a child.

You can’t ignore this..

So he asked someone to tell Warden Li to take more care of him. They were all his own children.

The richest man in Hangzhou!

What kind of energy person is that!

Warden Li naturally did not dare to neglect. Over the years, without violating the principle, he has taken care of Wen Ling.

All the work is arranged for her to be the easiest.

Wen Ling is also very grateful for this kindness.

Performs well inside.

He received several reductions in his sentence, so he was finally released from prison today.

Facing Wenling’s thanks.

Warden Li waved his hand:

“That’s all small things. You were also small back then. You can’t be blamed for this.”

“Since all have come out, calm down in the future and live your life well, you are still young, and there is a possibility in the future!”

Wen Ling nodded with a smile.

Got in the car

The prosperous area of ​​Donghae City.

Next to the high-rise floor-to-ceiling windows, a woman is turning in circles, trying on clothes in the mirror:

“Haolong, do I look good in this body?”

Lei Haolong sat on the sofa and smiled:

“Is it necessary to go to see my old classmates so much?”

Li Jing smiled:

“Isn’t that you can’t lose your face! Although I am definitely not as good as Liu Yiyi, at least I was second in the class back then?”

Lei Haolong still smiled and did not speak.

Li Jing looked satisfied with the dress she was wearing.

Come over.

Embracing Lei Haolong’s neck:

“Hey, you said, if our classmates knew that we were together, wouldn’t it be surprising!”

“I am very sure of that.

“Hehe, you transferred away in your first year of high school, maybe many people have forgotten it!”

Lei Haolong shook his head:

“I have a good memory, everyone remembers it clearly.”

“But there must be someone you don’t know!”

Li Jing poked Lei Haolong in the face.

With this man, she feels very happy:

“Lin Xian~~ Lin Xian, who is now in the limelight in the whole network! When you transferred to another school, he transferred to our class, and you two just missed it.

Lei Haolong smiled without saying a word, and picked up Li Jing:

“Let’s go, it’s time to go”


The storm is surging.

There was another drizzle in Donghai University Town.

The 42 bus was full of students and set off, sending these crazy students to the city for a pleasant weekend.

Today, Liu Yiyi is standing at the school gate holding a small umbrella.

No more crowded buses.

She hummed a little song in her mouth.

Shaking his body.

Turn the umbrella.

Faraxiali waiting for her.

This weekend is her happiest and most anticipated day.

Lin Xian will take her to a high school graduation party.

Then the next day

Will take her to meet the future parents-in-law!




The drizzle is getting bigger and bigger.

But it didn’t affect Liu Yiyi’s good mood in the slightest.

“Whee ”

“The person I love will be a hero! He will drive colorful clouds and Faraxiali~ come~ marry~ me!”

Thank you [I don’t charge money in Feilu] The 10,000-point reward from the boss.

Today’s author must be 3 more!

Write the big story of the classmate reunion directly!

Let everyone enjoy it!.

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