Chapter 77 Write a letter to Heshen to borrow money! Across time and space, invest in Wuling Hongguang in 2008! (Reward plus more)


Ma Sake’s words are like a deep water bomb detonated!

The crowds who are already angry below, now-directly violent!

“I actually said that we don’t know how to drive?? The electric car you designed, whether it is braking or accelerating, is not mechanical, and it is all left to the computer to judge! Is the computer so reliable?”

“When the phone and computer freeze or crash, play artificial intelligence on the Internet, don’t play in the car! Don’t make fun of our lives!”

“Why do so many countries all over the world recall problem vehicles, but Longguo does not recall them? Why treat us differently!”

“I really regret buying your car! If it weren’t for the lack of domestic electric cars, who would buy your car! As long as Longguo can build a good high-end electric car, we will not buy your car! ”

It’s not just a verbal attack.

A variety of rotten eggs, tomatoes, folding stools and other weapons commonly used by the common people also came in handy.

Twenty or so black-clothed bodyguards immediately surrounded the horses.

Pull out the bulletproof umbrella at the waist–

Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng!

Open it directly!

Tear the horse to prevent the dripping water from leaking!

The entire venue becomes like “Plants vs. Zombies”

All kinds of fruits fly around!

Lin Xian frowned and retreated behind everyone.

Avoid accidental injury.

In fact, Lin Xian also read a lot of reports about why there are various failures in the special tearing electric car.

The opinions of most experts are very unified–

The special brake and accelerator are not mechanical switches.

It’s an electronic switch!

In other words, after you step on the brake, there is no mechanical structure to directly tighten the brake disc.

Instead, the brake signal is first transmitted to the on-board smart computer.

After the smart computer analyzes the vehicle condition based on the camera, it feels that it can brake.


At this time, the brake signal will be transmitted to the brake disc to lock the wheel.

The same goes for the throttle.

You want to put on the gas, that won’t work.

The acceleration can only be performed after “review” by the on-board smart computer.

Many people may be confused.

What is the meaning of this kind of pants off and fart?

This is about the ambitions of Masarsk–

Autonomous driving and artificial intelligence!

Autonomous driving is to completely liberate human hands and feet, allowing the on-board smart computer to cooperate with a 360-degree camera to complete autonomous driving.

Artificial intelligence is the legendary supercomputer intelligence, a computer with the ability to learn and think.

To become familiar with these two technologies, a lot of training, experimentation, and accumulation of raw data are necessary.

Obviously, the users of special electric vehicles have become these–

Little white mouse.

This is the focus of people’s anger!

Why use our lives to provide you with experimental data?

We are not guinea pigs in the laboratory!

After the rotten egg tomato watermelon pea shooter Yoneda was thrown away, the scene calmed down.


More than 20 bodyguards were standing by, and Ma Zike made a concluding statement:

“I myself am also driving a special electric car. Whether it is automatic driving, braking acceleration, or automatic parking, there have been no problems.”

“What I want to tell the people of Longguo is that before questioning high-tech intelligence, please improve your driving skills. In your old saying, you can’t go straight by yourself, don’t complain about crooked roads!

“Last point. Tearla did not force you to buy our products. If you don’t trust our products, you can choose not to buy them!”

Simultaneous translation speaks these words simultaneously and translates them.

The car owners on the scene are so angry that they have liver pain!They were speechless!

Who makes the domestic electric vehicle industry unsatisfactory!

In the early years, the state vigorously supported the new energy electric vehicle industry, selling a car, and the state directly subsidized money!


Those auto makers who see money open their eyes.

It’s not that you see an opportunity.

Instead, I saw the opportunity to squeeze the country’s wool!

Some new energy vehicles with inferior quality and inflated prices have been produced in order to deceive state subsidies!

In the end, the country is really helpless.

Just use poison to fight poison and stimulate development!

That’s why the whole industrial line of special tearing and pulling was introduced into the country.

“Okay! Since you are not fighting, then I will invite the overlord! If you don’t work hard, you will all go bankrupt!”

Under such high pressure.

The domestic electric vehicle industry has just started.

But as far as Te Tearla, which has started more than ten years ago, this gap cannot be caught up in just a few years.

Therefore, Ma Zike’s “Love to buy or not to buy” really speaks of the pain of the people of Long Country.


Even the “brake door” incident has a bad impact.

However, in the monthly sales rankings, it is still Yiqi Juechen, crushing all the remaining brands.

It’s really not that Longguo people are spineless

It’s because domestic manufacturers are too unhappy!!!


The on-site briefing broke up unhappily.

Ma Teck, who was 40 minutes late, took less than 5 minutes to give a speech, and then left the venue immediately.

“I love to buy or not!”

This sentence deeply hurt the hearts of the people of Longguo.

How is this different from the “Sick Man of East Asia” back then!?

The car owners who defended the rights of one person at the scene undoubtedly did not sigh, only hate that there is no electric car that can be compared to the shoulders.



I bought everything. There is no way to do it otherwise. Continue to make a living and gamble on your life.

Lin Xian stood behind the crowd, away from rotten eggs and rotten tomatoes.

But Ma Xie Ke’s harsh words, he heard clearly.

Ha ha.

Do you like to buy?

Is it bullying that our Dragon Kingdom has no talents?

Is it bullying our Long Guo, there is no electric car that satisfies the people?

Lin Xian picked up the phone.

Dialed Lu Qiangdong’s number:

It was almost immediately picked up over there:

“Mr. Lin! Hahaha, I’m so glad you can call me, can I help you?”

Over there, Lu Qiangdong was very happy to receive a call from Lin Xian!

The letter Lin Xian wrote to himself that year not only saved his career, but also saved his family!

Now my good wife is lying, his wife and children are hot on the stove, these happy little days are all given by Lin Xian!


Therefore, he is eager for something to help Lin Xian.

Lin Xian directly talked about the key points:

“Mr. Lu, I don’t know if you have anything to do in the field of new energy electric vehicles, do you know someone who has studied this earlier in China.”

Over there, Lu Qiangdong immediately replied:

“Don’t tell me, you are really asking the right person!”

“Wuling Group, do you know?Of course, Wuling’s name Lin Xian knows.

A very popular stalk back then, the famous autumn mountain sacred car Wuling Hongguang!

Also, you never know that a Wuling Hongguang can seat hundreds of people!

However, Wuling Group has always introduced low-end, cheap, and durable tool vehicles. It has not been really opened until the past two years, and a generation of sacred vehicles and the light of domestic products have been designed.

New energy electric vehicle, Wuling Hongguang MINl.

The price of 30,000 yuan and the extraordinary experience make it popular among people all over the country.

This is the dreamcar in Dai Chuchan’s heart, overwhelming Ferrari and Porsche!

Beautiful girl chariot!


However, Lin Xian is not a person in the business circle, and his understanding is definitely one-sided.

So listen to what Lu Qiangdong said.

On the other side of the phone, Lu Qiangdong slowly said:

“Now the boss of Wuling Hongguang, Chen Qing, can be regarded as my new year-end making good friends, 20 years older than me, usually I call him to call brother.”

“As early as 2008, when it was too early to pull, Wuling Hongguang’s vice president Chen Qing advocated the deployment of new energy electric vehicles in advance.”

“But you also know the situation at that time. This kind of thing is not popular in China, and it is not recognized. In the end, when competing with the boss, Chen Qing did not compete with opponents. Later, you also know the situation. Later, the boss pattern was too small. Just build some vans, transport vehicles, and tool carts and lose the market in vain.”

“Until last year, Wuling Group invited Chen Qing back to be the boss. It has to be said that talents are talents. The first shot is Wuling Hongguang MINI! The light of domestic products! The sales of bits and pieces are all hot!”

Lin Xian nodded after listening.


The last thing Dragon State lacks is talents.

But what is lacking is Bole to discover talents.

According to Lu Qiangdong’s words, the time when Chen Qing planned to engage in new energy electric vehicles was about the same as Ma Zike.

But Ma Zike was already a millionaire at that time, and he got it right.

Chen Qing is limited by the situation at the time, even if he is talented and dreams, he can’t display it after all

Until 2020.

Wuling Group really realized how big the market for new energy vehicles is, so it invited Chen Qing back.

This day オー shoots, I know if there is any!

The chubby figure of Wuling Hongguang mini is not to mention how cute it is! Now it is all over the street!

“It’s a pity that the hero was born in the wrong era.”

“Now Tetra has already dominated the global market. Chen Qing, who only started in 2020, cannot change the status quo anyway.


After Lin Xian hung up the phone, he smiled:

“I have regret medicine!”

Thinking of Ma Zike’s “I love buying or not buying!” cheeks just now, Lin Xian felt this nasty breath and had to pull out the car owners for Longguo!

Although you and I have no grudges.

But if you have to stand on the opposite side of the people of the Long Kingdom, you don’t know how powerful the Dongfang lion is.

Leaving the convention center filled with rotten eggs.

Lin Xian returned to Guotai Hotel to check information.

It turned out that in 2008, when the president of Wuling Group retired, the president needed to be elected from two vice presidents.

Vice President Chen Qing, Gao Zhanyuanjian proposed to deploy new energy electric vehicles.

But another vice president, Mr. Liu, believes that Wuling should take root in serving farmers and launch some low-cost, durable, and practical tool carts.

No one is right or wrong.

In the end, the history and the board of directors chose President Liu.

I have to say that although Mr. Liu’s structure is a bit smaller, the Wuling Group is brought to life by others.


A series of national low-priced sacred cars, such as Wuling Hongguang, Wuling Crown, and various small karaoke trucks, have been introduced, providing farmers with a wealth of ways to get rich.

During the special shu period last year, Wuling, led by President Liu, even put forward the slogan “What the people need, Wuling will make it!”.

Use the aseptic workshop to produce masks!

Free to medical staff!

This kind of national spirit also makes Lin Xian admire Mr. Liu.

“Well, this is a bit difficult.”

Lin Xian scratched his head.His original plan was to knock President Liu away and let Chen Qing come to power to engage in new energy vehicles.

But Wuling, led by Mr. Liu, has not only failed to build an electric car, but the other achievements are not small.

Moreover, he has rooted in the grassroots and served the people. This attitude is worthy of respect.

“No, no, this road won’t work.

Lin Xian felt that he should not delay President Liu from serving the grassroots people just to allow Chen Qing to build new energy electric vehicles in Wuling.

That’s even more than tearing down the east wall to make up the west wall.

It’s been a long time since I encountered this kind of brain-burning letter writing link.

Lin Xian walked to the living room of the suite, picked up the pen and paper and started writing.

“If Chen Qing is to start domestically-made new energy electric vehicles in 2008, the following three conditions must be met:”

[1. Let Chen Qing resign from Wuling Group without delaying the normal development of Wuling Group][2. Divulge key information to Chen Qing, let him start anew and earnestly engage in new energy vehicles. 】

[3. Money! Need a lot of start-up capital for Chen Qing!]

The first two are not difficult.

Is the third question

It is difficult to solve.

“In 2008, I was only 9 years old! Let alone the question of whether I can write to myself, what is the use even if I write it?”

9 year old Lin Xian

I guess I’m still playing in the mud in the village.

Writing to him is nothing.

Then the problem is coming.

How to manipulate history in the air in 2021, and invest in Chen Qing in 2008?


Lin Xian was a little embarrassed.

This is different from Liu Lu’s.

Liu Lu lived in the same age as himself, and he could give him money if he made money. Now there is still 1 billion in his pocket that has not been spent.

Give it anytime you want!

But Chen Qing lived in 2008. He can neither return to that era nor make money in that era (I am 9 years old). How should I invest in Chen Qing?

Lin Xian thought left and right.

It feels like this game of chess has fallen into a dead end again.

“Think again, think again. Liu Yiyi’s difficult game has broken me, and this game must be solved!”

The main problem now is to send money to Chen Qing!

Without money, you can’t do research naturally.

“There is also a simple way, that is, to write him the lottery number at the time, or the football score. But in this way, my identity from the future is exposed.

Lin Xian today.

It is much more cautious than Lin Xian when he first got the mailbox.

At that time, I just got the postbox, I didn’t understand the rules, I didn’t meet 42, and I didn’t know the future, so I used it casually and turned a lot of mistakes that shouldn’t be made.

For example–

When writing to Einstein and Cao Xueqin, they both noted their names.

It was fun at the time, and I didn’t think so much.

But now that I think about it, I am indeed a little scared.

after all …

Just like the future self said, he has enemies!


Although I don’t know who the enemy is now.

But there is no big mistake to be careful,

Don’t expose yourself to time and space mailboxes, things that can travel through time and space.

“So, give Chen Qing the option of writing lottery results and football score PASS!”

“Never let him know that this letter comes from the future!”

Lin Xian’s mind became more dizzy as he thought about it, and his forehead was a little bit oily.

So he went to the bathroom and washed his face well.


“I really paid too much for this country, but I can’t say that I have no selfish intentions. I have to invest the actual amount of new energy electric vehicles and require a large amount of shares.”

“After all, Liu Lu is still waiting for me with 40 billion funds to build a particle collider. Liu Yiyi’s parents also have to come up with results to convince them.

“No matter whether you start a family or start a business, you need money!!

Lin Xian wiped his face clean and blew his hair.

Only then did he realize that he might have thought the problem too complicated.

Professor Ding Yi said:

[Sometimes it’s not that we don’t think it’s complicated enough, but we don’t think it’s simple enough. 】

In fact, there is only one core issue in this matter–

“How to give a lot of money to Chen Qing in 2008.”

After the problem is simplified.

A smile appeared at the corner of Lin Xian’s mouth!

The idea was immediately there!

So I took out the letter paper and started writing:

[Three-step strategy to send money to Chen Qing!][The first step: find a way to get a lot of money before 2008. 】

[Step 2: Hide the money you get somewhere. 】

[Step 3: Tell Chen Qing where the money is hidden and let him dig it. 】

It’s not as good as a bad pen!

As soon as these three strategies are written, there will be ideas in an instant!

Lin Xian clicked on the second one, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth:

“In this world, the most suitable place for hiding things is Cao Xueqin’s Ginkgo Grove!”

After Lin Xian wrote to Cao Xueqin, he asked him to bury the last 40 episodes of “A Dream of Red Mansions” under a ginkgo tree.

As a result, Cao Xueqin was afraid that Lin Xian could not find it, so he planted a whole ginkgo forest!

There are more than one hundred ginkgo trees in total.

In addition, a surname was carved on the bark of more than one hundred ginkgo trees to form a cryptographic array of surnames.

Only Cao Xueqin and Lin Xian know the password for this password matrix.

After all, among so many surnames, there are only two characters Lin and Cao, who are face to face.

For outsiders

The woods is a complete prank.

So Lin Xian’s idea came:

“I can write to someone first and ask them to bury a lot of money in the ginkgo groves of those people before 2008.”

“Then I am writing to Chen Qing in 2008, asking him to dig out the money! This is not enough to complete the [Cross-temporal investment]!

Dead chess turned into a live chess in an instant!

Lin Xian checked the information and found that Cao Xueqin died in 1763.

“In other words, the gold master father I am looking for must also be after 1763.”

This is easy to understand.

After all, the ginkgo forest was planted when Cao Xueqin was about to die.

Ginkgo trees have grown very fast in the past few years, so after two years of growth, you can start lettering.

After it grows up later, the ginkgo tree grows slowly.


“One more thing.”

Lin Xian thought about it.

That’s the father of the money owner who provided him with money. He must be a “dead man”!

After all, the “dead” can’t speak.

It is the safest to borrow money from the dead!

Thinking about it this way, the scope is easy to lock–

“I need to find a golden father who made his fortune after 1763 and passed away early! The richer the better!”

The automobile industry is an industry that burns huge amounts of money.

Even electric cars.

You can’t even build a production line if you don’t start with a few billions!

so …Lin Xian must find someone rich in an enemy country!

Routine money from him!!

Thinking of this, Lin Xian couldn’t help laughing.

“Hey, it’s dead again, it’s a rich and foe country, and there’s something to say about it, don’t you?”

During this period, he wandered around in the imperial capital.

In addition to the Forbidden City, I went to many places to play.

The Summer Palace, Beihai Park, Badaling, Temple of Heaven, Great Wall, and–

Prince Gong’s Mansion!

Who is the residence of Prince Gong’s Mansion?

Those who have some knowledge of history must know that it is the famous He Shen’s home!

He Shen!

Heshen, a rich and enemy country!

This is the first time Lin Xian has visited Prince Gong’s Mansion. At that moment, he even felt that he had gone to the Forbidden City again!

When he was traveling in Prince Gong’s Mansion, he really saw what is called a truly rich and enemy country!

What is truly enjoying life!

To be honest, these richest people in China now spend hundreds of millions to buy a half-mountain villa or something, which is far behind other people’s Heshen!

Prince Gong’s Mansion, the largest palace complex in the Qing Dynasty, was the residence of He Shen.

Prince Gong’s Mansion is large in scale, covering a total area of ​​60,000 square meters. It is divided into two parts: the mansion and the garden. There are 99 rooms in it!

May I ask, who is the richest person?

Lin Xian checked the information.

“When He Shen was ransacked, the gold bricks alone found 600,000 taels, 300 million taels of various silver, and countless other jewelry.”

“At that time, the Qing Dynasty’s tax revenue for a year was only 70 million taels of silver. After conversion, He Kun’s property is worth the Qing Dynasty’s tax revenue for at least 10 years!”

…0 Seeking flowers………

I have to say that He Shen is really a corrupt official.

No wonder people say: Heshen falls and Jiaqing is full!

Lin Xian consulted various materials and learned about the life of Xia Heshen.

It is also quite legendary to find this person.

In his early years, his family was poor, his mother died of dystocia, and his father died of illness.

This kid doesn’t know how to be pulled up

Then he participated in the imperial examination, but he was also named Sun Shan, and he had nothing to do.

It was not until the age of 23 that I finally ushered in my own life opportunity!

Since then, it has soared for ninety thousand li, and it was out of control!

And this opportunity, simple to say, is because of a very simple sentence in The Analects:

On a certain day in 1773, Qianlong was sitting in the car to visit Chunguang. A guard ran to the sedan chair and reported that a criminal from Yunnan had crossed the border to Myanmar.

Qianlong was very angry at the moment, so he said a sentence in “The Analects”: “The tiger curse came from the sun, and the turtle jade was destroyed in the mold. Whose fault is it?”.

This sentence comes from the Ji clan will cut Zhuanxuan.

Translated, I just asked, who is responsible for this kind of thing.

There are rough people around, no one can understand.


They were so scared that they didn’t dare to speak.

And He Shen is very easy to learn, he understood, and replied, “The guardian can’t shirk the blame!”

Translated, it means that this is the responsibility of the guard!

Qianlong turned his head and glanced at the honor guard and Kun, just because the crowd looked at you more. This is the beginning of He Kun’s fortune.

Later things will become clear to everyone.

He Shen’s promotion is as fast as a rocket!

Just because of this sentence, He Shen’s whole life has changed.

I have to say, good fortune makes others.

This is the opportunity!

He Shen quickly became the most powerful official in the dynasty, and his hands and feet began to be dirty, and he was very greedy and greedy!

For Lin Xian.

He Shen is not greedy, it has nothing to do with himself.He just wants to get some money from Heshen~

“Anyway, it’s all people’s money! You have to take it from the people and use it for the people!”

Lin Xian nodded for his wit.

Isn’t it to serve the people to build the world’s top electric cars for Longguo?


After everything is understood, Lin Xian’s three-step strategy can be updated to look like this:

[Three-step strategy to send money to Chen Qing!][The first step: “borrow money” from Heshen! Take it for the people and use it for the people!][Step 2: Let Heshen bury the money in Cao Xueqin’s Ginkgo Grove!][Step 3: Tell Chen Qing where the money is hidden and let him dig it!]


This plan, which spans three eras and spans more than 200 years in total, is not leaking!

Lin Xian’s plan is this:

Write to Heshen first, and ask him to memorize the Analects, especially that sentence, be sure to memorize it!

Then, people in ancient times believed in gods and Buddhism and destiny.

Take advantage of this, make a repertoire and let him bury 100,000 taels of gold in Cao Xueqin’s ginkgo grove.


Then I wrote to Chen Qing in 2008 and asked him to resign from Wuling Group and use the 100,000 taels of gold buried in the ginkgo grove as the start-up capital to start the layout of the Longguo electric vehicle industry early!

Lin Xian patted his head.

He admires himself!

How can he be so smart?

“Start writing!”

Lin Xian took out paper and pen.

First, write to He Kun.

Lin Xian checked the information. At that time, the Qing Dynasty basically used Chinese characters, and Manchu was not used much.

“Well, the ancient Chinese characters are different from the current ones. I have to look for the comparison table again.”

When I wrote to Cao Xueqin before, I had already used it once.

I found it soon.

Lin Xian went downstairs and bought a soft pen with ink. The characters written in this way are more like writing with a small brush.

“Since we are going to do a show, we have to do a little bit more.

After everything is ready, start writing:

【Niu Hulu-Heshen Junior Brother】

【Hello. 】

[You don’t need to know who I am, you just need to understand, I’m from Shangtian Quxing to mention you brother!][He Shen, the heavens will come down to the people of Sri Lanka. You have high ambitions, but you have always lost your name to Sunshan. Do you know what you are missing? What is missing is opportunity!][You were the most proud disciple of Qu Xing in the sky, now the master has orders and sent me to give you opportunities!][In the 38th year of Qianlong, that is, this year, you are 23 years old and there will be a major opportunity. You must grasp it! Don’t let the masters and brothers in the sky disappointed! Please keep it in mind–]


[“The tiger is from the sea and the turtle jade is destroyed in the mold. Whose fault is it?”][In this life, you have not forgotten the teacher’s teaching, and you still study poems and books and recite the Five Classics. It should not be difficult to understand that this sentence comes from Confucius’s “The Analects of Confucius” Ji’s generals. ][Please keep this sentence in mind, understand its meaning deeply, and imagine every day and night. If one day, Emperor Qianlong uttered this sentence in front of you, how would you respond?][In addition to “The Analects”, “Mencius” should also memorize the full text smoothly, including the following small print notes!!!”

[Similarly this year, when you were serving the emperor to study, the sky was dim, and Qianlong could not see the notes on the copy of “Mencius” in his hand. He will let you get the lamp, and you can show your talents and memorize the notes in front of you. 】

[Only these two opportunities are indispensable, one must be grasped! Don’t let the masters and brothers down, worthy of the name of Wenquxing disciples!][Remember, after you fly yellow and take off, don’t forget to repay the teacher’s teachings. When the emperor Qianlong passes away, you will be almost angry. Be sure to bury 100,000 taels of gold secretly in the ginkgo grove near Shuangquan Temple in Shijingshan, find the tree with the word’文’ on its bark, and bury it 5 feet before the word!][This matter, God knows, earth knows, you know, I know. Don’t let the outsiders know, otherwise, you will have a big catastrophe】

[Signature: Your good brother]

“Hahaha one-

After writing, Lin Xian hugged his belly and laughed!

so fun.

Written by the gods.Elementary school students don’t believe this thing now.

However, in the ancient times of feudal superstition, especially the wealthy officials, they believed this most!

This letter first affirmed He Shen’s experience, saying that he was a disciple of Wenquxing, and Huai Cai was not met.

This resonance came out!

He Shen himself likes to read and has always been pretentious. This look is more satisfying to his inner pride.

Then, he presented the opportunity.

For He Shen, this is nothing more than memorizing two books (in fact, he can memorize it himself). With a little effort, even if he doesn’t believe it, he will be slightly prepared.

Subsequently, as Emperor Qianlong verified two things, he regarded He Shen as a loyal minister.

After that, He Shen must be convinced of the “big brother”‘s “things like a god”!

The higher the weight.

The more superstitious.

When Lin Xian visited Prince Gong’s Mansion, he discovered at the end of Prince Gong’s Mansion that there were more than a dozen large and small mud statues.

Lin Xian grew up in materialism, he naturally didn’t recognize this as a bodhisattva or a Buddha.

“It doesn’t matter if I understand it or not, as long as He Shenxin is a set.”

“After He Shen has the power, he will inevitably begin to be greedy and greedy.”

“A mere 100,000 taels of gold. Less than one-twentieth of his family property. He is naturally willing to use it to honor Master Wenquxing.”

According to the plan.

When Qianlong was alive, Heshen was in no danger at all. He spent ample time to arrange this.

At that time, about 30 years have passed since Cao Xueqin planted the ginkgo grove, and the ginkgo trees have long grown thick.

It was easy for Heshen to find the Ginkgo Grove with the surnames of Baijia near Shuangquan Temple, and then to find the tree with “wen” engraved on the bark.

Bury one hundred thousand taels of gold in it.

Don’t worry that the entourage will leak this matter, and Lin Xian knows He Shen’s method.


This matter is also closely related to his “Qi” and “Qi Luck”

At that time, He Shen, who was in power and was above ten thousand people, certainly didn’t want to lose his position.

Instead of asking God to worship Buddha kneeling on the mud statue.

It’s better to thank the big brother and the honorable Master Wenquxing for being reliable.

“Yes, this plan is perfect.”

Lin Xian put the letter paper into the new cover, affixed the stamp, and wrote on the front:

[Recipient: Niu Hulu-He Shen][Recipient Address: Shangyu Reserve Office, Prince Yong’s Mansion, Forbidden City][Receipt: the beginning of the first month of the 38th year of Qianlong ー]

“All right.”

“This letter actually has minimal impact on history.

“Because Heshen is a master of study, even if I don’t remind him, he will naturally recite “The Analects of Confucius” and “Mencius”. So I set him an identity of Wenquxing apprentice, which would make him feel more reasonable.

This is the so-called empathy.


The more miserable people are, the more self-respectful people are, the easier it is to empathize with others’ affirmations.

Only when.

Lin Xian threw the letter into the space-time mailbox.

“All right.

“After finishing Heshen, it’s time to get Chen Qing in 2008!”

This is to make up for yesterday’s reward and change.

At present, I still owe 2 rewards plus change, 2 months ticket plus change.

The author has been more up to date in the past few days.

Enter the high caho plot immediately!

“A reunion of classmates again! 42. Can the battle of the trapped beasts be broken?”

“Lei Haolong, Liu Yiyi, and Wen Ling three “dead people” come to the party, what kind of sparks will the friction create?”

“What is the identity and purpose of Lei Haolong?”

Stay tuned!

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