Chapter 76 The truth of the future is revealed! Dai Chuchan gets a wedding ring! (Important decryption, don’t jump)


There was a muffled thunder.

The beginning of a drizzle under the dark night sky.

The raindrops fell on the old iron sheet of the No. 42 bus and crackled.

Dai Chuchan looked at the scene in shock.

It’s been a long time without slowing down.

She turned to look at the three drunks who had been knocked into the air.

They all lay on the ground and cried out in pain.

Each one has different degrees of fractures, and it must be impossible to stand up.

As for the two taxis that “ignored their call for help and ignored them”, they were actually overturned, and the two drivers tried their best to climb outside.

“Deserve it!

Dai Chuchan gritted his teeth!

What she hates most is these lowly villains who bully girls!

Compared with the noble character of senior Lin Xian, it is really far from it!

Dai Chuchan realized that it would be bad for him to stay here all the time after such a serious car accident.


She looked up at the driver of the 42 bus.

Although he can’t clearly see his specific face and the hat is very low…

But that handsome face

She always felt like she had seen it somewhere.

There is a very familiar feeling.

but …

This weird bus.

It still made Dai Chuchan feel a chill in his back.

At this point, how could there be the last 42 route!

All students of Tunghai University know that–

The last 42 bus stopped at 10 o’clock.

“+!!! NMD doesn’t have eyes long!”

“Don’t turn on the lights XJB turn on!”

The two taxi drivers crawled out of the car and came over here cursingly!

Dai Chuchan gritted his teeth.

do not care!

This 42 bus driver, whether he is a man or a ghost, he always saved himself from the bad guys.

Even a ghost!

It is also stronger than these five scum around!

Dai Chuchan made a small jump and jumped directly onto the bus.

Then he took out 5 yuan from his pocket and threw it into the ballot box.

The middle-aged driver smiled slightly:

“Go back, sit firmly and take care of it.”


He flipped the door switch.


The sound of pressurized gas tanks.

The bus door slowly closed


The old 42 bus made an asthmatic engine noise.

The whole body shook.

It seems to fall apart!

Dai Chuchan hurriedly found a seat in the second row and sat down.


The dry throttle sounded!

No. 42 bus started violently in the sound of tick tick rain and drove towards the east of the main road




Only the driver and Dai Chuchan were in the car.

Dai Chuchan was still in shock and dared not speak for a while.

The raindrops outside the window ticked and hit the iron sheet.

Let the atmosphere have a different kind of tranquility.




In the car, only the sound of the driver pressing the anti-coma pedal can be heard from time to time.

Dai Chuchan heard the teacher talk about this knowledge point.

So I am not afraid at all.

This is a device set up to protect passengers.

The bus driver has to step on it at least every 30 seconds.

If you don’t step on it within 30 seconds, it means the driver is in a coma.

Then, in order to protect passengers, the bus will automatically slow down and stop.

This driver can have this awareness of protecting passengers

At least explain.

He is a professional driver.

Anyway, as long as it is not a ghost or a villain, Dai Chuchan will not feel scared.


Pin Da.


The No. 42 bus drove very steadily, and the direction was the same as when Dai Chuchan came.


She also believed that this might really be a 42nd bus that was “delayed”.

She turned her head and looked at the back door.

On the road map above, “Bus 42” is clearly written.

And just above her head.

Two lines of red letters are written:

Must not be overloaded! Number of people approved: 42


Dai Chuchan was completely relieved.

This is indeed the 42 bus that Home Inns replaces.

It’s definitely not haunted.

But once a person relaxes and calms down, this IQ easily rises!

Dai Chuchan suddenly realized that the car accident that happened just now seemed to be a very serious matter!

And this driver, just ignore it lightly?

She decided to ask the master.

after all

If witnesses are needed, she is very willing to testify for her, proving that the driver hit someone to save herself.


After swallowing and spitting, Dai Chuchan looked at the driver’s angular profile:

“Master, thank you for saving me.”

The driver grinned.

There was no sound.

Seeing this smile made Dai Chuchan even more puzzled!

this person.

I really don’t know it.

But this face!

I must have seen it somewhere!

Moreover, it is still very familiar!

But …

Human brains are so confused sometimes.

The more familiar it is, the less it will be remembered; the more it gets stuck in the throat, the less it will be said by 760!

Dai Chuchan got rid of this strange idea.

It doesn’t matter who the driver is.

The important thing is that she saved herself and she can’t make it embarrassing.

“Master, just now you crashed into two cars and three people in order to save me. If you need me to testify for you, I am willing to stand up and testify for you at any time!”

“Besides, you crashed the bus. Do you need to compensate the bus company? Please let me pay for this money. It’s all to save me and it became like this.”

The driver still just smiled.

Then shook his head.

Wave his hand.

Instructed Dai Chuchan not to care.

The familiar silence regained in the car.




Dai Chuchan leaned his head on the iron sheet of the carriage.

Listening to the rain, pattering on the iron sheet, looked at the driver intently.

Very strange

The driver master hasn’t said a word to himself since he got on the car.

It stands to reason, such a weird scene.

She should feel scared.


Dai Chuchan is now.

Not only didn’t feel scared.

On the contrary, I can feel a kind of warmth.

A familiar warmth

It was as if Lin Xian drove a Ferrari 488 in that day’s dream and sent her home for dinner.Although the space of the Ferrari 488 is much smaller than that of a bus.

But this kind of warm, comfortable and relaxed feeling really makes Dai Chuchan have a trace of love and nostalgia

“It would be great if it had been like this all the time.”

Thought of this.

Dai Chuchan couldn’t help blushing.

I actually feel very comfortable in the same compartment as a middle-aged male driver~

This is too shame!

Dai Chuchan felt that this awkward and quiet situation must be broken immediately.

She wants to talk to the driver master!

I want it very urgently!

She doesn’t know why, but she just wants to!

So she spoke.

“The driver master”

The mouth is open.

But Dai Chuchan didn’t know what to say.

After all, the two have no common language.

Dai Chuchan gritted his teeth, all this mouth was opened, no matter what he said, he had to continue talking!

So the brain heated up and said directly:

“You said I’m not dreaming, right?”


After speaking, Dai Chuchan actually amused herself!

It’s true.

What nonsense are you talking about!

The driver’s master smiled slightly, and finally spoke:

“For you, this is reality. But for me, this may be a dream of the past.”


Dai Chuchan was directly stupid!

Is the philosophical level of bus drivers now so high?

It seems that I don’t understand it!

Isn’t it too difficult to talk this day?

But fortunately, the driver continued to speak:

“Do you often have nightmares at night?”

Dai Chuchan shook his head and said slowly:

“No, I dreamed that I did it every day, but none of them were nightmares. I was very happy in the dreams.

For some reason, when Dai Chuchan heard the voice of the driver’s master, he felt as if he was trapped.

She had a mysterious trust in this voice.

Under this trust.

The chatterbox also opened.

“And I don’t know why. The dreams I have every day are continuous! No matter it is time, space, story, or characters, they can be clearly connected!”

“It’s like being the other me in this world! Or this is obviously me, but it’s not the me in this world.”

While talking, Dai Chu Chan’s head is big!

Confused myself.

She looked at the driver’s master with embarrassment.

But I saw that the driver’s master still had that gentle and elegant smile.

It feels like everything is under control.

Pin Da.



The anti-coma pedal is stepped on very rhythmically.

The rainy night outside the car window kept dropping.

Dai Chuchan leaned against the carriage while tilting his head to look at the driver’s master who was close at hand.

so hot

Just like Senior Lin Xian

It’s not right.

After Lin Xian is old, he is definitely more handsome than this master!

Dai Chuchan suddenly had a hallucination.

She felt that the driver master was mysterious and unpredictable, as if she knew everything.

When the two discussed dreams just now.

She suddenly had a bold idea, so she asked the driver master:

“Master, you just said that this is my reality, but it is your dream. I thought about it for myself, do you think there is such a possibility?”

Dai Chuchan paused and continued:

“[Is it possible that the dreams we have are all the lives we have experienced before. It’s just that…because something happened, we forgot them.]”

Dai Chuchan’s heartbeat is fast!

Boom boom! boom boom! boom boom! boom boom!

This question is very important to her!

She desperately wants to know the answer!

If this idea is trueDoesn’t that mean!!

Everything she experienced in her dreams has been experienced with Senior Lin Xian in reality!

Just for some reason.

I forgot these experiences by myself!


Dai Chuchan stared at the driver’s master without changing his eyes.

Looking forward to the answer.

She couldn’t tell why.

But she always feels.

This mysterious driver must know the answer!

The driver master did not speak.

He hit the right turn signal.

Step on the clutch to shift to the low gear.

Then while looking at the right rearview mirror, turn the steering wheel slowly.


After a sharp brake sound, the vehicle stopped.

Only then did Dai Chuchan discover it.

The light rain that was ticking down, I don’t know when it stopped.

The outside of the car window turned black, except for the light of the street lamp, there was no light source

In the teaching building and dormitory in the distance, no room lights up.

After all, it’s almost one o’clock in the morning, and everyone is already asleep.



The sound of air cylinder leaks.

Both the front and rear doors opened, waiting for Dai Chuchan to get out of the car.

The driver’s master leaned back and leaned on the back of the chair:

“The terminal is here, get off.

Dai Chuchan did not get out of the car.

She approached, her face serious:

“Master, can you tell me your answer? This matter is really important to me!

The master wiped his nose with his left hand.

Dai Chuchan noticed that he was wearing a wedding ring on his left ring finger.

At this age, I still insist on wearing a wedding ring on my hand…

He must be a very loving person!

Dai Chuchan thought.


“Miss, how old are you this year?”

Dai Chuchan was taken aback, then replied:

“I, I will be celebrating my 20th birthday soon. I am already 20 years old.”

The driver smiled.

The brim of his hat was very low, so Dai Chuchan could not see his face, only the lower half of the face.

But enough to see

His smile is full of vicissitudes

“Miss, I am already 42 years old.

“A 42-year-old man cannot give advice to a 20-year-old girl in life.”

“You live at the age of 20, so let the 20-year-old you choose your life

The driver pointed to the front door of the car and motioned Dai Chuchan to get out of the car.

Dai Chuchan nodded.

Bowed deeply to the driver’s master:

“Thank you for saving me!”

After thanking again, I got off the car and ran to the school gate security room.

The driver’s master looked at the small figure going away with a complicated expression.

Turn the bus around, then park it in the garage, and directly park the “out” No. 42 bus at the place where it should stop.

More than a dozen No. 42 buses stopped neatly and neatly opposite Tunghai University.

just like …

Nothing happened


The driver’s master took off the driver’s cap and placed it on the bridge.

Then through the front windshield, she looked at Dai Chuchan who was talking to the guard in front of her.

A faint smile:

“I owe you.


The driver’s master glanced over his watch.

00: 42


His body began to become transparent!

Gradually become crystal clear blue crystals!

It’s like a light blue glass crystal!

The entire petrochemical process is very fast!

Just a few seconds of work has frozen his whole body!

He can’t move his body!

I can only forcibly raise my eyes and glance at Dai Chu

The guard has opened the door for him.

She is trotting all the way to the dormitory



After the man turned into crystal glass, he broke into billions, billions, billions, billions of tiny quanta!

Under the superposition of visible and inaccessible quantum states.

The tiny quanta are beginning to collapse!

finally …

Even with everything on him, it dissipated in the air

Leaving no trace


Dai Chuchan, who had already reached the main teaching building, was shocked!


Turning to look at the bus that has just reverted into the garage!

“I remember!!”

“The person’s looks and voice–”

“Like Senior Lin Xian!!!


Dai Chuchan has never run out so fast!!

She is not good at sports.

Run to the school gate like crazy!

She seems to understand something

It’s a senior!

It’s Lin Xian senior!

Although I don’t understand who that person is and what kind of state he is, he must be Lin Xian’s senior!

Even if he is very old!

Very haggard!

Very vicissitudes!

But Dai Chuchan’s feeling can’t be wrong!

Although she couldn’t convince herself to believe all this.

But the driver master must be Lin Xian when he grows up!


Regardless of the guard’s obstruction!

Dai Chuchan rushed directly out of the school gate! He came to the old 42 bus!

Bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang bang!!!

No matter how you knocked, the car door did not open.


The window in the main driver’s seat is still open!

Dai Chuchan has never been so embarrassed and brutal!

She stepped on the tires and stretched out the window!

The protruding iron sheet even cut her hand!

She slammed into the bus–

“Senior Lin Xian!

Only to find…

Nothing inside


No trace of existence

Dai Chuchan walked to the driver’s seat and stroked the back of the chair, as if there was a trace of warmth that had existed.

Is this also a dream?

Dai Chuchan is not convinced!

“Why! All the memories related to Lin Xian! Can only be dreams!?”


She looked down and saw a little thing.

Smile instantly:

“Hehe, this time I am finally not dreaming!”

I saw a silver ring lying peacefully in the driver’s seat.

It is a ring.

It was the wedding ring worn by the “middle-aged Lin Xian”.

Dai Chuchan picked it up and looked left and right.

The design of the ring is very clever, the material is shiny silver, not sure what material it is.

“The wedding ring on the left ring finger, senior Lin Xian, who is your bride?”

Dai Chuchan looked inside the ring by the light of the street lamp.

I found two letters engraved inside:




Sure enough, he didn’t guess wrong.

It was Senior Lin Xian who came to save myself this time!

Dai Chuchan smiled.

Put this wedding ring on your left ring finger.

The male wedding ring is a bit bigger than the female one, so Dai Chuchan wears it until the lowest end of his finger to tighten it.

She raised a delicate little hand.

Facing the street lamp, against the light.

Looking at the glittering wedding ring.

“When you grow up, Senior Lin Xian, which dream did you come from?

Donghai University, undergraduate art student dormitory–

All the dormitories (cafd) have gone to bed after turning off the lights.

Only 310 dormitory is brightly lit.

“Why hasn’t Dai Chuchan come back? This is abnormal! How about we notify the counselor?,

“Could it be that Dai Chuchan talked about her boyfriend? Not coming back tonight?”

“Impossible, it’s been a roommate for 3 years. Except for being picked up by a special car on Saturday and Sunday, she has never lived outside for a day!”

“There must be a problem if you don’t come back so late. The phone hasn’t been turned off after I just called. Let’s notify the counselor as soon as possible.


It is the sound of the key being inserted into the keyhole.


The door of the dormitory opened, and Dai Chuchan scratched his head apologetically:

“I’m sorry to affect your sleep, sisters,

The hanging hearts of the roommates then let go.

It’s fine if nothing happens.

They told Dai Chuchan that he was still up, don’t care.

At this time.

The two roommates on the upper bunk also found the foreign body on Dai Chuchan’s hand!

There was a silver wedding ring on Dai Chuchan’s left ring finger!!!

The 310 dormitory exploded in an instant!

“Chu Chan! Do you have a boyfriend?? Big news!”

“Oh my God, isn’t that the right ring? And it is worn on the ring finger of the left hand, which means married!”

“Hurry up, come over and tell us, which son are you married to?”

“Satisfy our curiosity! Tell us, when did you get married? Where did the wedding take place??”

Dai Chuchan also put down his hands.

Looking at the wedding ring on the left ring finger, he smiled happily:

“My wedding…”

“Hehe~~~In a dream!”

July 8, 2041–

In front of the ruins of the Pearl of East Defense–

Tens of thousands of surviving humans, holding candles in their hands, illuminated this dark night with warmth.

In this era of human failure

Tens of thousands of people can gather in the same place, which is already a very large-scale gathering.

They held candles, said nothing, bowed their heads, and mourned silently.

The faint candlelight of tens of thousands of seedlings has become the only light in the world at night

Here is the memorial service for the greatest hero in the history of mankind.


A scene of laser shot into the sky.

In the dark night sky, a white font is mapped:

“Remembrance of the great hero Lin Xian! Mankind will always thank you for your dedication!”


About the resume of the hero Lin Xian, the beginning scenes appear in the air

On June 4, 1999, the great hero Lin Xian was born in Qinghe County, Longguohang City

On June 8, 2015, he graduated from Hangzhou No.1 Senior High School.

On July 10, 2019, he graduated from Tunghai University.

On August 2, 2021, he led the team to create an era of controlled nuclear fusion.

On August 16, 2021, together with Comrade Liu Lu, we discovered the “Law of the Cosmological Constant”.

On July 4, 2041, transform itself into a quantum state, becoming the second “messenger”, and go to July 4, 2021.

In the early morning of July 8, 2041, the quantum state collapsed. Mr. Lin Xian passed away in 2021, dissipating in time and space.

He was 42 years old.


After tens of thousands of people mourned deeply.

Two more lines of subtitles appeared in the sky:

[Humanity was defeated, but we sent the fire of hope to the past!][Lin Xian spirit, immortal!]To mourn the forefront of the team.

Standing a charming woman.

Although the lush years have passed, time seems to be the only one hanging down on her face, making her look the same as her twenties.

Her eyes were firm, looking at the immortal subtitles in the sky.

The hero Lin Xian, is her lover and her husband.

Although he failed to save the world in the end, he buried the fire of hope in 2021 and gave it to the past.

After losing the space-time mailbox.

The only way to send a letter to the past is to use a tunnel machine to “beat” the human body into a quantum state, and then use quantum entanglement to return to the past.


Quantum is a dice thrown by God, it is not stable.

It may collapse at any time.

Once it collapses, it means the complete death of the living body.



It is a trip with no return.

And she.

As the hero’s wife, she will continue her mission next.

She held a letter in her left hand.

That was the [last letter] written by her husband Lin Xian before his death.

She will serve as a “messenger” to Lin Xian in 2021.

This is a trip with no return.

Soon after sending the letter, her quantum state will collapse and disappear into time and space.


The fire of hope must not be extinguished!

This crucial [last letter] must be personally delivered to Lin Xian in the past!

At this time.

A scientist with white hair stepped forward and sighed:

“The quasi-tunnel, the tunnel is ready. You can go anytime to 2021

“As soon as possible, the tunnel tunnel machine can only be used once again.

The woman nodded.

Follow in the footsteps of the scientists and walk into the tunnel machine.

This crucial [last letter] will completely change the fate of Lin Xian in 2021.

The great man is for the country and the people!

When this letter tells Lin Xian of his mission, he will definitely not refuse!

Women believe so firmly!

Because this is her proud husband!

The tunnel cabin door is about to be closed, and she is about to be “beaten” into a quantum state to travel through time and space.

She looked up and looked at the gray night sky in the sky.

Rubbing the ring on the ring finger of his left hand.

“Liu Lu, this time, Lin Xian will definitely succeed!”

The white-haired scientist outside the door gave a thumbs up and nodded.

Closed the door–

“Tunnel machine starts!””

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

The alarm clock went off.

Lin Xian woke up from Guotai Hotel.

No dream for a night.


Lin Xian yawned.

I got up too early and I was really sleepy.

Look at the watch, only 06:43

However, two pieces of news have been pushed on the screen of the mobile phone.

One is the local news of Donghai City–

“Scare! Tunghai University Town frightens the ghost bus!”

Lin Xian clicked to take a look.

It turned out that in the early hours of yesterday morning, a No. 42 bus appeared strangely near the Bar Street.

Two taxis hit and flew.

Bruised three drunks.

However, due to the rain that day, the camera in the bar street failed inexplicably and failed to take any clear pictures.

The next day, the bus was automatically returned to its original place.


Lin Xian snorted.

“I just said, these 42 buses are very evil, and Liu Yiyi will never be allowed to do this bus in the future.”

Then he clicked on the second news, which was local news–

“Tezala CEO Ma Zike has arrived in the Longguo Imperial Capital! An on-site briefing will be held at 10 a.m.!”

Special tear pull electric vehicles, this section was also pushed to the forefront due to a series of incidents such as brake failure, inability to decelerate, and uncontrollability.

Countless Longguo riders have been threatened with their lives and safety, and they have asked the Tesila official for an explanation!But the emperor is far away.

Te Tearla, a company far away in the United States, has never responded positively, and has always treated the Longguo market with a “buy or not buy” attitude.


Domestic electric vehicles started late, and Tetra’s technology is the only one in the world! In the field of high-end electric vehicles, there are almost no competitors.

The people of the Dragon Kingdom have always hoped that the Te Tera official can give an explanation!

In the end, Tezhela CEO Ma Zike finally came to Beijing Imperial Capital today.

An on-site briefing meeting shall be held in the Convention and Exhibition Center.

A “final explanation!” for Longguo special customers

Seeing the final description of these four words, Lin Xian smelled a smell of gunpowder.

“This guy is not here to solve the problem at all!”

If it is to solve the problem.

I will definitely say a final solution and final answer. In short, it is impossible to be a final statement.

In the end, this hearing is to shirk responsibility.


Lin Xian couldn’t help being interested in this matter.

Although Tetrala only produces electric cars, it is the world’s most valuable car company – none!

How terrible is Tetra’s market value?

Roughly equivalent to Toyota + Volkswagen + Audi + Honda.


The super high market value also helped Ma Zike become the world’s richest man!

However, the highest market value, the highest sales volume, and the greatest reputation mean that Tetra must be the best electric car in the world?

The answer is obviously no.

It’s just a glimpse of an early start

The threshold for electric vehicle manufacturing is not high.

Because it is not like a gasoline car, it has an engine and a gearbox.

The essence of electric vehicles is batteries, control computers, and electric motors.

This is too simple, and this is why Longguo Laotou Le and old scooters are flooding now.

Therefore, whoever enters the market and eats this piece of cake first has the first hand advantage, and the follow-up people will not be able to catch up, so they can only eat its exhaust.

Te Xila is so affected by this light.

So, now it monopolizes the world while being proud of itself!

At 10 o’clock in the morning, Lin Xian arrived at the open-air plaza of the Metropolitan Exhibition Center on time.

Texela’s on-site briefing will be held here.

Lin Xian has no special tears, he only has Rolls-Royce Huiying.

So he was purely watching the excitement.

He just wanted to see one-

What kind of explanation does Ma Xieke, known as the Iron Man of the real world, have to give the people of the whole dragon country!

It was already 10:20, but Ma Zike himself still did not appear.

The audience, car owners, and media gathered at the scene expressed their opinions:

“Sell us a car that doesn’t work well! Make money and kill you! We must give an explanation to the owner of Longguo!”

“Ma Zake must give us an explanation! Why the electric cars we bought at such a high price are out of control, uncontrollable, and forced to drive automatically!”

“Refund! We ask for a refund! Kaite pulled up the high speed, maybe I’ll give my life to you anytime soon!”

The opinions of the on-site riders were great.

Countless banners were drawn.

Lin Xian also heard a little about the failure of the special tearing brake.

I don’t know what the reason is. The special brake electric car is extremely prone to brake failure when it is lightly stepped on the brake and heavily stepped on the brake!

Many car owners failed on the highway and almost died!

One of the female car owners went to the auto show to defend their rights, and was directly “carried” out by the official officials!!!

No exaggeration!

This is a serious lift!!

Two sturdy men directly grabbed the hands and feet of the female car owner, and carried her away like a pig

This incident caused great repercussions in China.


It was only 40 minutes late.

Ma Zike finally showed up at the venue with his more than 20 bodyguards

It seems.

This person still knows himself.

Sitting on a high platform.

As the richest man in the world, Ma is incomparable!

He proudly faced the angry nu owner of the Long Kingdom and said loudly into the microphone:

“Based on the final opinion of our research, we said–”

“Special tear pull electric car! There are no design and operation problems!”

“We have a fairly advanced and stable artificial intelligence A1 car-machine system. All vehicle operation modes and braking acceleration can be automatically completed with artificial intelligence assistance, and gradually realize automatic driving.”

“In the future, we will also launch a single-pedal car. The brake and accelerator will be concentrated on one pedal, and the artificial intelligence computer will determine whether the user wants to brake or accelerate.

“This is a cross-age invention! This is the ultimate advancement of science and technology! But it’s a pity.”

Having said that, Ma Zike smiled contemptuously:

“It’s a pity that the people of Longguo have only just emerged from poverty for not many years. Many families have only learned to drive in the past two years, and their driving skills are very limited. The understanding of cars is still stuck in the era of Santana, jeeps, and tractors. .

“Such a high-tech special tear-and-pull electric car can be driven by you so many problems. This is not because the car I designed has a problem and the computer is not smart enough! It’s because you Longguo people–”

“I can’t drive at all!”,

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