Chapter 65 Goldbach’s conjecture shocked the world! The secret of 42 can only be known by me!

Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng!

Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng!

There are 112 judge seats, at least more than 100 judges stand up directly!

“What!! crazy!! Is this a madman? He actually wants to prove [Goldbach’s conjecture]!”

“For so many years, no one dares to touch [Goldbach’s Conjecture]! This is the end of mathematics, and there is no complete solution!”

“Goldbach’s conjecture, this is the well-deserved difficulty of the seven-century mathematics problem-! It’s the kind of Yiqi Juechen!”

“I don’t believe it! No one can prove Goldbach’s conjecture! If it is proved, the last fig leaf of human mathematics will also be torn off!”

“As the last finale of the Dragon Kingdom, it was recognized by Professor Ding Yi. I think it might be true!”

As the host of this kind of competition.

There must be a certain degree of mathematics.

At this moment, even he was stunned!

Goldbach Conjecture

Seven Problems of the Century

The end of mathematics!

The ceiling of human wisdom!!

Is it really going to be cracked by this young man.

He picked up the microphone and asked a question that everyone cares most:

“Please allow me to presume to ask Mr. Lin Xian, what kind of situation do you want to prove [Goldbach’s conjecture]?”

Lin Xian sneered and shook his head unceremoniously:

“It’s not a single case, but all the cases!”

“I want to thoroughly prove [Goldbach’s conjecture] today!”


The venue of tens of thousands of people was bombed!

Under the shock of the flying red flag just now, their spirits have been trained.

Hear such absurd remarks.

The first time they thought of it was not doubt

It’s shocking!

The Dragon Boy on the stage!

The red flag girl at the highest point!

The red flag raised in the largest hall in the country.

It’s like the sharp claws of a lion hanging above the head!

Let them not have the guts to question what Lin Xian said!

Max, who is as strong as the ceiling of American mathematics, only proved one of the “easiest” [Riemann conjectures].

And Lin Xian.

But it is necessary to fully prove [Goldbach’s conjecture]!

If all this is true.

Then the U.S. will lose!

at this time.

In the live broadcast room of Longguo Network, the atmosphere still reached the peak ii!

“Sure enough! Believe in our Dragon Kingdom! Since Lin Xian is placed last, it means that he must have a killer bronze!”

“Goldbach conjecture! If humans can really break this barrier, mathematics will have no secrets in front of humans!”

“I have already thought that Lin Xian must be a very low-key person who is extremely talented in mathematics. It is only when the country is in crisis that he is in danger and stepped forward!”

“Come on! I won the group of American dogs! Let them boo!! Keep booing!! Why not booing!!!”

Everyone in the webcast room, basically don’t understand–

Why did the U.S. audience suddenly stop booing?

Because the director over there, after noticing that Dai Chuchan raised the red flag, he immediately asked all the cameras to avoid there!

This kind of image of “raising other people’s morale and lowering one’s own prestige”.

He is a “professional” director.

You will never make such a low-level mistake.

The duration of the screen when the red flag appears is definitely not more than 1 second.


The people in the various institutions of the Dragon Kingdom are not dry rice!

In just a moment of the picture, they captured the bright red–Long Guohong!!

That is a color that every Longguo person will not ignore!

That is the red color of the hero’s blood!

The big man immediately ordered:

“Don’t let the hero bleed, sweat, and shed tears!! Arrange now so that people across the country can see this red flag girl! See her confidence and pride!


All departments are acting.

For the state apparatus, it is not difficult to find out Dai Chuchan’s identity through various big data on travel, customs clearance, flights, and payment.

Because more important pictures are still being broadcast live on TV, news can not be interrupted, and Hongqi girls are the first to become popular on the Internet!

Officials have issued articles one after another–

“For your country, you go to another country! Put a red flag for you and me!”

“Who said that women are inferior to men! Heroines raise the red flag of the Dragon Kingdom in the largest hall in the United States!”

“Three thousand heroines destroy the courage of the enemy, and twelve outstanding female heroes die in Guanshan!! There was Mulan in ancient times, and Chu Chan today!”

“A red flag shatters tens of thousands of enemies! The lion roars, who dares to offend me China!”

“This is a young girl, the red flag raised with pride and confidence!”

“Wearing a cheongsam and a red flag! Chu Chan alone can defeat a country!!”

The popularity of the Internet is rapidly fermenting!

All news pictures come from that precious one second shot!

In that precious lens.

A tall and beautiful woman from the Long Kingdom, dressed in a traditional bright red ii cheongsam, with delicate and cute balls tied to her head, holding the red flag high!

Even on the other side of the ocean.

Everyone can feel her pride and bravery from the bones of being a girl of the Dragon Kingdom!

“Red Flag Girl! Cow P!!!”

“You alone can rival a country!”

“There was Mulan in ancient times, and Chu Chan today!”

“Wearing a red flag! This is your biggest golden bell! Behind you stands a powerful Dragon Kingdom and 1.4 billion people!”

“Don’t dare to give the camera? Haha, the Americans are just scared! Just afraid! You can change the camera, but you can’t change the fact that the red flag is raised in Madison Square Garden!”

In this short period of time, the hot search about #戴楚楚 #红旗女孩 actually pushed the hot search of # Lin Xian# Goldbach’s conjecture to the second place.

All Longguo people were moved by the spirit of the Red Flag girl!

They are full of enthusiasm!

They burst into tears!

If they are on the scene at this moment, they will definitely rush past the fastest in their lives!

Raise the flying red flag higher!

Make cheering louder!

Donghae City. Longhuside Villa No.1.

“Chu Chan!!” “It’s Chu Chan!?”

Dai Shuangcheng’s city mansion was so deep that he couldn’t control it at this moment, and he rushed directly to the TV!

But in the next second, the red-colored picture was directly cut away.

Dai Shuangcheng and Li Ruoying looked at each other.

“I am not mistaken, am I right? That is my daughter Chu Chan, right?”

“Absolutely not wrong! How could a parent admit the child wrong? When I was a child, I went to school to pick her up. A few hundred meters away, I could recognize her from the crowd!”

Li Ruoying is decisive!

Even if she can’t see the face clearly, she is absolutely impossible to admit her body and overall image!

I watched the child grow up from a small doll to a majestic girl.

If you can’t even recognize your child.

Don’t be her mother!

Dai Shuangcheng put the cigarette in the ashtray and pressed it out, anxiously turning around:

“This silly boy! Why did you go to the U.S. on your own! How dangerous this world is now! I am so angry!”

Saying picking up the phone will have a lesson.

But one thought

Dai Chuchan is still waving a red flag in the hall now 80%, and he put down his phone again.

“Chu Chan, this ass kid! She wants to tell me honestly, will I not accompany her? Is it necessary to keep this from me? I’m just this baby girl, what will happen to her, how can I live!!”

Dai Shuangcheng has never been so panicked!

As long as Dai Chuchan is in the country, he can guarantee her safety anyway.but

She went to the United States alone.

Still waving red flags among audiences from tens of thousands of meters!!

What’s the difference between this and putting a dynamite bag directly!

Too dangerous!

Thinking of this, Dai Shuangcheng really realized that Lin Xian rescued Dai Chuchan from the kidnapper II. This was a great kindness!

I just blame myself for not being there at that time, I didn’t realize the seriousness of the problem

“Hey! Give Lin Xian 20 million, really less!”

“Now I would rather give 200 million! No, 2 billion! Let my daughter appear next to me immediately/々!”

Li Ruoying grabbed the TV and wanted to take another look at her daughter


Things backfired.

The TV camera never switched to that place again.

Li Ruoying wiped her eyes anxiously

Silly boy.

Just to cheer for Lin Xian.

I ran to the meeting place full of “enemies” alone, and raised the red flag. If you encounter a grumpy American, then

Li Ruoying couldn’t even think about it!

She watched Dai Shuangcheng circling around in a hurry, and hurriedly comforted:

“Old Dai, it should be fine. I went with Lin Xian and the others, and there are many entourages. They will protect Chu Chan.”

“Besides, Chu Chan is doing good deeds! This is a positive thing for the country!”

“In ancient times, this is a heroine! Chu Chan raised the red flag at this time, and the people all over the country cheered up. She grew up and became so brave and responsible. You should be happy!”

Dai Shuangcheng continued to circle the house.

There was blood red in his eyes.

My lips are bitten!

As a father, he is really worried about his daughter’s accident!

He has never felt so powerless before.

After listening to Li Ruoying’s words, Dai Shuangcheng turned to look at his lover, his eyes full of love for his daughter:

“Ruoying, I admire her spirit. I admire the spirit of all heroes.

“If you are any girl, holding a red flag there, I will be moved to tears, apply for honors for her, and even go bankrupt to reward her!”

“but ”

The conversation turned.

Dai Shuangcheng turned his head, turned his back to Li Ruoying, and sighed.

“However, every parent is selfish.

“I admire this kind of hero.”

“But I don’t want this hero to be my daughter.”

In the venue.

The bodyguards of Longguo who were nervously guarding the backstage quickly rushed into the audience!

They are not ordinary bodyguards.

The origin cannot be said.

But there is no doubt that the training is orderly and can deal with various situations.

The captain of the bodyguard just waved his hand.

Many bodyguards are in a thunderous manner!

Fast as flashing ii!

Rush out from every corner!

In less than 30 seconds, he rushed to Dai Chuchan and surrounded him.


The eight bodyguards who came over stood straight and saluted Dai Chuchan!

This salute, to the red flag!

To you too!

“Madam! XXXXXXXXX will take over the task of protecting you at this moment! Please accept our protection!”

Dai Chuchan nodded blankly.


Bravery is only temporary.

She has never done such a bold thing in her life!

The bravery just now.

Exhausted her whole body strength.

At this moment, her legs are shaking, her lips are white, and she will fall down all the time!

but she

Can’t fall

The red flag in her hand must not fall to the ground!

The boy in her eyes is about to prove the most difficult math problem in the world!

She doesn’t understand.

She never understood what Lin Xian did.

But this does not prevent her from cheering her on.

“Hee hee, when you played basketball in college, I cheered you on.”

“I am your exclusive cheerleader”

In college, Lin Xian played several guest appearances on the basketball team of Tunghai University.

And Dai Chuchan, as a younger student and cheerleader for two terms, just gave him a boost.

The long years.

The two have only one side.

But it is very clever.

I remembered each other


Dai Chuchan felt dizzy and was about to fall.

The bodyguard next to her immediately changed to support her and took her to the backstage for protection.

They have rich combat experience.

They knew at a glance that Dai Chuchan’s situation was a collapse after being overly nervous.

There is an accompanying doctor in the background, just take care of it.

“Madam, please allow us to pay tribute to you on behalf of Country Zu!”

Lin Xian on the stage, seeing Dai Chuchan being protected, let go of his hanging heart.


He wants to start his home court!

with full force!

Hit this group of Americans in the face fiercely!


Lin Xian picked up the electronic pointer and drew it on the electronic blackboard!

The loud sound of the giant ii passed through the horn, directly quieting the audience!

“I only write the derivation process once, ignorant people, look carefully!”

He said this for Liu Lu.

Such a great discovery.

Calculated 42 with bare hands.

But not recognized by others, he really felt wronged for Liu Lu.

but it does not matter.

Lin Xian believes.

When sufficient funds are available, Liu Lu will definitely be able to thoroughly study 42. When the time comes

The whole world will be shocked!

Lin Xian turned around and wrote on the blackboard with an electronic pointer.

During the whole derivation process, he has checked countless times in his brain during these few nights.

Although he doesn’t quite understand.

However, every number, letter, and symbol, he is very familiar with it!

Write as if there is a god!

Lin Xian is not like everyone else, writing and talking.

In fact, he was also going to talk about it.

But just now, the terrible low quality of the Americans, coupled with the collective contempt of Liu Lu by 112 judges.

Lin Xian thinks.

They are not worthy!

I don’t deserve to listen to myself explain it for them!


He didn’t take the microphone and didn’t say a word in the explanation he prepared. He turned around and wrote on the blackboard.

Da da da. Da da. clatter. Da Da Da Da.

In the entire Plaza Garden Assembly Hall, only a clatter can be heard quietly.

It’s the sound of the electronic pointer touching the blackboard.

Everyone looked up at the big screen on top.

The reasoning process of Lin Xian is simultaneously displayed there.

The judge team composed of 112 world’s top mathematicians is even more reluctant to blink!

Staring at the big screen in front!

Goldbach Conjecture.…

If it can be proved, the name of the prover will be as eternal as Newton, Descartes, and Archimedes!


Today, June 27, 2021, will also be the anniversary of the complete conquest of mathematics by mankind. Written into the annals of history!

And they.

As a witness of history and a witness of miracles.

This scene will be the capital they will brag for all their lives!

Lin Xian just said it, he only wrote it once.

And it’s not explained yet.

So they all took it very seriously! Very carefully! For fear of missing any key steps!

Da da. Da da. Dada

Da da da. Da da. clatter. Da Da Da Da.

clatter. Da da. Da da da. Da Da Da Da. Da da.

15 minutes passed.

Lin Xian’s derivation process has been written to the sixth page.

At this moment!

The judges seat of 112 top mathematicians can no longer be calm!

“Oh my God! This young man used Jing Run-Chen’s method! No, no, he has improved it and is more clever than Jing Run-Chen’s method!”

“This kind of thinking!! mygod! This is the charm of mathematics! These formulas are so beautiful, hundreds of times more beautiful than the paintings of the Lou FU Palace!”

“For hundreds of years, in the face of [Goldbach Conjecture], no one has ever been able to start from this angle! This is too tricky, how did he come up with it!”

“He is so young, who is his mentor? No one can be his mentor regardless of Long Guo. He is just like that famous courier mathematician, a natural mathematical genius!

“At this point, the achievement is far better than Max, is he going to continue to derive??”

Nowadays, in the live broadcast room on the Internet, the barrage is also frantically swiping the screen:

“Why doesn’t Lin Xian explain it! We don’t understand if we don’t explain it!!

“My mother asked me why I was watching the live broadcast on my knees. As a mathematics major, I have understood so far. It’s too strong. This kind of thinking and this kind of derivation model will definitely change the entire mathematics world!”

“I am a graduate student of the Academy of Long Sciences, and many academician tutors here are crying. For them, this is the way of hearing! My tutor said that with this kind of derivation, the remaining centuries of mathematical problems will be Become easy to solve!”

“Although I can’t understand it, I can understand from the expressions of those foreign referees, Lin Xian Niu P! This Long Country has won!!”

Da da da.

Da da.


The final touch of Xiaojiu!

Lin Xian threw the pointer straight away, and walked towards his position without turning his head.

The whole process went smoothly.

Without any hesitation, full of confidence!

Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng!

Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng!

Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng!

Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng!

All 112 fair referees stand up!


Pop, pop, pop, pop, pop!

Crazy applause!

They have never been so excited!

The applause of these 112 top mathematicians is enduring!

There is even a trend of getting louder and louder!

“Shock! Only shock! We have witnessed miracles!”

“Today will be recorded in the annals of history!”

“Mathematics has no secrets to humans!”

“With this kind of thinking, the remaining world problems will definitely be solved within one year!!

“Long Country Boy! Strong!”

Before Lin Xian reached his seat, Academician Qi Li and Professor Wang Tanqing directly surrounded them, congratulating them!

Express shock!

They never expected that Lin Xian, as the finale, would prove the most difficult math puzzle [Goldbach’s Conjecture]!

This is crazy!

I directly ripped off the last fig leaf of mathematics!

“Lin Xian! When will you come to our Long Science Academy? Have a discussion meeting!”

“Go to Huaqing to give a speech, please, young people in the new era need you!

Lin Xian smiled slightly and said perfunctorily:

“Let’s talk about it when I have time.”

Ha ha.

There will be no such opportunity.

Since then, Lin Xian will not discuss math problems with anyone.

Nor will I go to any lectures or academic seminars.

Since then, retiring from the mathematics arena and not asking about the world


Laozi will not give you a chance to expose the old bottom.

Ding Yi just smiled appreciatively and did not speak.

He had known Lin Xian’s topic for a long time.

So I knew it.

Liu Lu has regarded Lin Xian as his life confidant, road beacon, mentor and helpful friend.

He held his thumb up at Lin Xian.



It took 10 minutes.

The 112 top mathematician judges, all their hands were slapped, and they sat down in awe.

Then do not wait for the host to announce.

Raise the voting board by coincidence!

Full of red ii color!

It says proudly! CHXNA!

0: 112!

An undisputed battle!

Just now, even Max himself couldn’t help but stand up and applaud!

He is different from Ding Yi.

Because the national culture is different, everyone thinks differently.

Ding Yi believes that the country is more than everything! Even the truth!

But Max is a thorough academic school. In his eyes, truth is above all else!

Even higher than the country and life.

This scene.

He was convinced that he lost!

Not only that, he also thanked Lin Xian for allowing him to see such a wonderful deduction formula in his sixtieth year, which opened a new chapter in his mathematical life!

The crown of the champion of the World Mathematics Masters!

Finally, China!!

The United States was convinced of the loss this time, and no longer had the courage to shout.

no way

Middle school students can’t beat the Mathematical Olympiad, and also can’t beat the top-level World Masters. What kind of face is there?

So under the pressure of one-sided network.

U.S. netizens quickly gave up resistance and stopped responding.

In the venue, after all, there is still a live broadcast of the awards ceremony. The big countries can’t lose face, and the hosting and distribution process is still very complete.

On the podium, Lin Xian held up the golden trophy.

Enjoy the golden rain falling all over the sky.

He feels as if one audience is missingThis should be the picture she most expects.

“Professor Ding, where is Dai Chuchan?”

“Dai Chuchan?”

Ding Yi heard this name for the first time, but after a second glance, he understood.

With a meaningful smile:

“Mr. Lin, don’t worry. Your friend is receiving treatment in the background.”

“I just asked, it’s nothing big, it’s just a collapse and coma caused by too much stress, and I still have a little anemia, infusion, it is estimated that I will wake up in a while.

Lin Xian nodded.

With professional national doctors accompanying him, Lin Xian feels relieved.

After receiving the prize, the five people gathered in the lounge.

The exciting time has come!

Divide the spoils!


Professor Ding Yi put a check on the table.

500 million dollars!

“This check, the account is opened to the national account. The country has negotiated that all these bonuses belong to the individual team. If you have any requirements, you can just mention it.”

“Oh, the state also exempts taxes. This is regarded as a national scientific research bonus, and there is no need to pay taxes.

Academician Qi Li took the lead in raising his hand:

“Old Ding, I give up.

“There is no other meaning. The country made me the first bar, but I lost. I feel guilty. I don’t deserve this money. You four points.”

Qi Li had already told Ding Yi about this in private, so Ding Yi nodded.

“Qi Li insisted again and again, and we won’t be embarrassed by him. The four of us split 500 million dollars equally, and one is 125 million dollars. Do you want the dollars or the dragon yuan? Which account to transfer?”

“There is someone in China who is responsible for this. No matter what you request, the money will be transferred to the corresponding account within 10 minutes.”

Liu Lu is also welcome, and directly raises his hand:

“I need this money, Longyuan, and I need funding for research.”

Ding Yi nodded.

Directly behind Liu Lu’s name, write a domestic account, 1.25 US dollars, and replace it with Long Yuan.

It’s about 800 million Dragon Yuan!

Liu Lu is very excited!

Grab Lin Xian’s hand directly:

“Lin Lin Xian has this money, I

Lin Xian smiled slightly:

“I checked, even if it is a small one, it costs 40 billion Dragon Yuan. What can you do with this little money?

Liu Lu shook his head:

“You can do some basic research and experiment, and there will be breakthroughs and other achievements in applying for a national collider.

Lin Xian understood.

Liu Lu meant that to thoroughly understand 42 and master 42, a large particle collider must be built.

But with 800 million research funds, some results can also be produced.

At that time, you can use these substantive results to apply for funding again.

Lin Xian thought for a while.

It feels like this is still too slow, indefinitely.

“Liu Lu, let’s not talk about mastering 42. Let’s just say that we must thoroughly understand 42, know what it is, what purpose it has, how to deal with it, and how much research funding is needed.”

Liu Lu took out the pen and paper to calculate.

“It should take 50 million dollars. I can build a particle accelerator and black wave energy. It only takes two or two months to understand 42 42.”

Lin Xian nodded:

“I’ll give you 100 million! U.S. dollars! Although you can use it, you can reduce the time to one month!”

Liu Lu was surprised!

100 million dollars!

That’s 600 million Dragon Yuan!

Although it doesn’t look like it, is Lin Xian also a person who is willing to give his life for the truth!

Liu Lu looked at Lin Xian’s sincere eyes.

Some throbbing inside.

He clenched Lin Xian’s hand tightly:

“You really want me this meSeeing Liu Lu’s incoherent expression, after 80% of his words, he couldn’t hold back his words, Lin Xian interrupted him directly:

“I invested in you, I must believe in you. You just quit your job, concentrate on establishing a research institute, and do this!”

“In 1 month, I want results! I will give you the time to prepare the laboratory and equipment, at most (Wang Zhao’s) 1 and a half months!”

Liu Lu nodded gratefully.

With this money, he will definitely quit his job at the Long Academy of Sciences, where he will study Taidong’s hands and feet.

The result will be available in 1 and a half months, absolutely no problem!

“Thanks, thank you, Lin Xian, you are the best of mine.”

Lin Xian interrupted him again:

“However, I still have one important condition.”

“You tell me”

.Quickly researched out 42 results ”

Lin Xian looked into his eyes and said seriously:

“My condition is that after you have researched the results, they must not be released to the public! Especially not let foreigners know! Laboratories cannot hire foreign personnel. All core data and overall data must be mastered by you alone!”

“The final answer, the first one to know is you, the second one to know, only me!

This makes Liu Lu a little embarrassed.

He scratched his head.

In fact, he owns the core data and overall data, even if Lin Xian doesn’t say it, he will do the same.

This is to ensure academic confidentiality.

If other researchers do not have access to the complete data, they naturally have no way of knowing the final correct result.

This is no problem.

but …

Lin Xian won’t let it be announced to the world

It violates Liu Lu’s mathematical philosophy.

He is a firm academic school and believes that mathematics should serve mankind. He has no intention of embezzling any research results.

He is a simple person.

He is also a trustworthy person.

Can’t promise Lin Xian, he would rather not do it, even if he doesn’t want this investment.

Liu Lu shook his head embarrassedly:

“Lin Xian Science has no borders.”

Lin Xian listened, hehe sneered!

This is such a bullshit!!

“Liu Lu, come here.

Lin Xian directly pulled Liu Lu up, asked him to face Professor Ding Yi, then pointed to Ding Yi and said:

“Okay, science knows no borders. You tell me, when Professor Ding was young, the country was backward and the staff was scarce. Why did the United States offer all kinds of favorable conditions to the Long Kingdom scientists who went to study abroad to keep them, but they Still for the revitalization of the country, resolutely returning to China?”

Liu Lu was uncomfortable talking.

This time is even more speechless.

“Look at this again.

Lin Xian took out his mobile phone, which was made by Huawei, completely made by Longguo.

After the game, Ding Lao returned the phone to everyone.

“Liu Lu, this is our domestic mobile phone. You told me that science knows no borders, so why do Americans want to pinch our chips on the neck? Why sanction us? Why don’t you give us the technology? Why don’t you sell us light ke phones? ?”

Liu Lu opened his mouth and couldn’t say a word.

Lin Xian pulled him to the wall again, and a map of the world painted with the United States as the center was pasted on the wall.

Lin Xian pointed to the Dragon Kingdom on the far edge of the map:

“Liu Lu, from the middle of the sea, all the way along here to Long Country. At the beginning, we bought a hulk for the development of navigation. How many checkpoints were set by the Americans? How many times were intercepted? Why didn’t they let us? Navigating mu? Does your science know no borders?

At this moment, Liu Lu was completely silent.

Lin Xian also pointed to the lounge door.

Walking out of there, it was the conference hall that was still laughing and boosing just now.

“You contributed Einstein’s constant to the world for free, and they all laughed at you! I asked Goldbach’s conjecture to prove it to the world for free, and they booed. Remember, some people are human, some are just dog!”

Liu Lu was stunned.

He is just a math idiot.

I have been in the ocean of mathematics since I was young.

How could he have thought so much!

Lin Xian held his shoulders and looked directly into his eyes:

“Liu Lu, you must understand only, this is the truth explained by our countless senior scientists in the Dragon Kingdom–”

“Although science has no borders. But scientists must have their own country!!”

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