Chapter 64 For you, I wear a red flag! A cheerleader alone (reward plus more)


Watch this number appear on the blackboard.

Lin Xian stood up in shock!

The “Einstein constant” mentioned by Liu Lu is the “cosmic constant” of Einstein’s manuscript!

The name is not important.

Lin Xian is very clear.

The appearance of 42 this time is different from the previous “42 phenomenon”.

This was calculated by Liu Lu abruptly!

Calculated 42 by hand!

This shock.

I caught Lin Xian by surprise!

No less than Einstein suddenly crawled out of the grave–

Holding a small blackboard, ran to Lin Xian at the quadratic of the speed of light.

Then La Laa wrote a blackboard formula, typing the last number to tell Lin Xian:

“See it! This is the cosmological constant!”

Lin Xian rarely admires others.

But this time, he was convinced!

Just based on the half-section formula in a painting, Einstein deduced the cosmological constant that Einstein regarded as “enough to change the world”.

This man is really a genius!

Of course, if he is just smart, he can’t make Lin Xian so excited.

The reason Lin Xian was able to stand up in shock.

It’s because he is excited!

From Liu Lu, he saw the hope of understanding 42 truth!

This crappy thing appeared by his side from time to time, and Lin Xian was almost annoying.

He can’t wait to figure out what 42 is right away!

But until the future self sends the [last letter], this question may not have an answer.

The ghost knows when the [last letter] will come.

Lin Xian hates the feeling of being bound by “42” everywhere.

“Unexpectedly, I didn’t expect to step through the iron shoes and find nowhere to find it. It is no effort to get it!”

The answer of 42 is far in the sky, close in front of you!

Since Liu Lu is a boring gourd, since he has calculated 42 with his bare hands, he must know the truth of 42!

Lin Xian regretted it secretly.

If you knew this guy is so smart, you should have “discussed” with him last night.

Inside the venue.

In Liu Lu loudly and proudly shouted out the final count of hours.

Tens of thousands of viewers were indeed frightened by that confident posture.

But then–


Hahahahaha quack quack!

Ehahaha, hahaha!

The venue burst ii and made an unprecedented ridicule!

Tens of thousands laughed at a clown on a stage together!

“Hahahaha! Really laughed at me! I really scared me just now, I thought I could come up with something high! It turned out to be 42!! Is this an elementary school arithmetic problem?”

“Laughing pee! Do Longguo people have a talent for funny? My kidney stones are almost laughing!

“This is the so-called number one prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom! Sorry, my 6-year-old cousin went to the Dragon Kingdom, and at least he had to start classes at university.”

“42, hahahaha! Is this really an elementary school class? Do you have to memorize the multiplication table?”

“Hahahahaha, I believe it! 42! What then? What does this mean? What’s the point of this?”

Not only the audience in the U.S. can’t understand it, but even Longguo’s webcast room is also a bad comment:

“Wasting our expectations! Let you participate in the World Mathematics Masters, but didn’t let you count primary school students’ arithmetic problems!”

“Just this guy, can represent the top level of mathematics in the Dragon Kingdom? I’m not convinced! What is it, let this kind of person participate in the competition?”It seems that this guy has fallen into fame, he doesn’t want to make progress, he still studies some messy things all day, and wants to be sensational.

“So many high-end math problems, you go to study! Calculus, derivative, limit! You figured out 42, what are you proud of!”


Donghae City. Longhuside Villa No.1.

Li Ruoying stared blankly at the full of laughter on the TV.

Pointing to the “little man” Liu Lu inside.

Asked back:

“Old Dai, do you think people who are engaged in mathematics research are like this? It feels like he has been living in his own world.”

Dai Shuangcheng smoked and smiled:

“I don’t know people who do research, but I heard that geniuses have not always been like this.”

“But this is already a lunatic!”

“Great wisdom is foolish. Copernicus was also burned to death as a madman. Van Gogh was also regarded as a madman before his death. The great scientist Turing was also regarded as a madman in his later years. We cannot say that madmen are all geniuses, but perhaps geniuses are all madmen.

“Old Dai, talk to people!”

Forget it, just treat me like farting.

Inside the venue.

The laughter kept coming and going for a long time.

The host is also a U.S. native, and he thinks this is a good opportunity to hit the morale of the Dragon Kingdom!

“Be quiet, everyone! The elementary school arithmetic explained by Mr. Liu Lu is that Einstein’s constant is too high. In order to make it easier for everyone to understand, let’s interview some judges at random!”

With that, the host handed the microphone to several judges to listen to their opinions.

“Mr. Eliu’s calculation process is objectively speaking, very skilled and accurate, and there is nothing wrong with the derivation formula. But even if it is 42, what is the use? What’s the point?”–Columbia Mathematician, Arcana.

“It’s ridiculous to let this lunatic stand on this stage! It’s hard to imagine, the great nation of Yangyang, Dragon Kingdom, can’t even a normal person be elected?”-Mathematician of Huo Guo, Greenner.

“There is one thing to say. He started from the general theory of relativity. He was correct all the way. He didn’t look like a layman and had a certain level of mathematics. But since the formula was introduced, it has become a little weird… –Faguo mathematician, Laierni.

“It’s very strange. I didn’t see what went wrong at all. His derivation was very rigorous and correct, but he ended up with such a ridiculous number. Maybe he was wrong from the beginning.” –Mathematician of Sakura Country, Du Qi’s eyes.


Among the many judges, no one is quite like Liu Lu.

In the end, the host asked the referees to raise their cards.

112: 0!!

In this round, Long Kingdom was completely defeated!

Academician Qi Li sighed:

“Sure enough, Liu Lu’s research is useless at all. Professor Ding, please persuade him to change direction.”

Professor Ding Yi shook his head:

“Liu Lu is my student, I love this good seedling the most! You think I haven’t persuaded me! But he doesn’t listen, what can I do?”

Originally thought to win the game, Liu Lu asked for such a trick, Wang Tanqing was also a little bit uncomfortable in his heart:

“Maybe it’s really young, maybe it’s not good.

“I have seen too many prodigies. When you were young, you were really smart and surprised you! But after that, it has become more and more ordinary. Just like the youth class of Longke University for so many years, has any genius come out?”

“I think maybe Liu Lu is not a genius himself, because everyone expects him too high, do you think Lin Xian?”

Lin Xian heard it, but shook his head decisively.

His eyes lit up, looking at Liu Lu as he walked, and he said in a sharp tone:

“No! He is the real genius!!!

Wang Tanqing scratched his head.

I asked casually, but I didn’t expect to hit the wall directly.

I even touched my nose!

He smiled awkwardly and stopped talking.

At this time.

Liu Lu, who lost, walked back from the blackboard silently.

Ding Yi smiled and comforted:

“Liu Lu, academic research is like this. It’s normal to have right and wrong. You don’t need to feel ashamed.”

Liu Lu looked up directly.

Although the flame in his eyes disappeared, he was still firm:

“I, why should I feel guilty?

The three of them were stunned.Qi Li and Wang Tanqing looked at each other, and they all had the same meaning in their eyes.

Why is this kid still pushing his nose on his face!

Ding Lao gave you a step down, but instead of getting down, you are still riding up!

Such an important event!

Such a critical occasion!

Because of your stubbornness, the country is in danger of losing its face.

Why should you not be guilty!

Liu Lu stretched out his hand and pointed to the tens of thousands of U.S. audiences who were still laughing wildly, and the 112 judges who laughed awkwardly:

“It was them that was wrong. I didn’t make a mistake.”

Liu Lu wanted to say something, but he couldn’t say it, so he shut up and gave up.

But Lin Xian could roughly tell from his lips.

The sentence he didn’t say was–

“I am worthy of the country.

This four-character idiom is too difficult for Liu Lu who is stuttering and stuck.

Liu Lu sat directly on the chair, not knowing if he was sulking.

Both Qi Li and Wang Tanqing sighed.

Old Ding did not speak.

Lin Xian moved forward and held his hand:

“You are right.

Liu Lu was surprised!

Raised his head suddenly!

Staring wide-eyed and tweeting Lin Xian:

“You, you believe in me, me?!”

Lin Xian nodded firmly.

I thought to myself:

As long as you can figure it out 42, explain to me the ins and outs, cause and effect.

Then you are my big brother!

I don’t believe who you believe!

Lin Xian squeezed his hand, and did not relax!

“Not only do I trust you. I also know you are right! Don’t run around during the intermission for a while, go to the lounge and talk to me!”

I thought that I could finally crack the truth of 42!

Don’t mention how excited Lin Xian is!

Because now the score has become a 2:2 tie.

Came to the tiebreaker.

Then according to international practice, a short intermission is needed.

The players need to rest and adjust their state.

The audience also needs to go to the toilet.

The organizers also need to seize the time to change the billboards and connect the broadcast route.

You know, the advertising costs for this kind of tight decisive game have skyrocketed several times!

Ding Yi, Wang Tanqing, and Qi Li are all very heavy. They are not in the mood to go to the bathroom, just sit here and drink some water.

Lin Xian took Liu Lu to the lounge.

“Liu Lu, sit down.”

Lin Xian pressed Liu Lu to sit on the sofa.

Then he pulled a chair and sat next to him.

“Liu Lu, I want to talk to you about some mathematical problems, about Einstein’s constant.”

“you say!

As soon as I heard about mathematics, Liu Lu’s words immediately became better!

“Tell me, what does Einstein’s constant represent?”

Liu Lu smiled, and said without thinking:

“Einstein’s constant represents all existence and change, interlacing time and space, material transformation, energy transfer, and even all uncertain accidents, all inevitable!”

Lin Xian didn’t understand at all, so he called to stop!

“Stop, stop, stop.

“IF (X) =n”

.. Could you please make it simple!”

Lin Xian clutched his forehead.

Endure the urge to beat Liu Lu.


I can’t help it!

Laozi let you make it simple and understand it!!

It’s not simple in terms of words!!


After all, this great brother has the truth in his mind, and there is no way, Lin Xian spent a long time finally suppressing this impulse.

“Forget it, let me ask you a few questions directly. If Einstein’s constant, it’s a very common number 42 that appears frequently around you, what does it mean?”

“This shows that there must be time and space fluctuations around you, this is for sure!!

This person is reliable!

Lin Xian feels that he has found the right person.

Favorability +1

“The second question, if the number 42 frequently appears around me, what should I do.”

Liu Lu thought for a while and replied:

“I think the correct way is to follow 42’s will, not to resist it.”

+1 again.

This guy is all right!

“The third question, what is 42? Is it a person? A consciousness? Or a power.”

“As long as I have enough funds to do experiments, I can definitely get the answer! Anyway, I am definitely not alone.”

“Then another question, can 42 be controlled artificially.”

“I don’t think human words can do it, at least one person can’t. According to my understanding, only super high-tech machinery or gods can have this ability.”

Lin Xian suddenly wanted to laugh.

Hey Hey hey.

In front of me is a mathematician with absolute axioms of 1+1=2!

Shouldn’t this kind of person be strictly atheist?

“Liu Lu, don’t make me laugh. You won’t be really crazy, right.”

Liu Lu did not speak.

He got up and looked out the window:

“Lin Xian, you are a mathematician, you should be very clear. There are many famous mathematicians and scientists in history who will turn to study theology in their last years. Why do you think this is?”

“The gods we mathematicians are talking about are not the kind of gods who fly in the sky, wave their hands, and breathe out clouds and mountains. The gods mentioned by mathematicians refer to those who master extraordinary powers! The point is extraordinary power!”

“At least I think the end of science may really be theology.

“I’ll just tell you one thing.

Liu Lu turned his head and stared at Lin Xian:

“Lin Xian, in fact, I didn’t stubbornly talk like that before. I speak the same way as you. It’s normal.

This point surprised Lin Xian, and he immediately asked:

“Then when did you start stammering and speechless.”

Liu Lu picked up the pen and paper on the table and wrote a number–


“From the moment I calculated this result, my speech became the same.”

“So I firmly believe that Einstein’s constant, 42, is definitely not aimless, it is very mysterious and powerful.”

“I will never study other things in my life, because I feel that I have touched the truth. I will definitely study 42 thoroughly! Even master it!”

Having said that, Liu Lu’s eyes ignited again.

“It’s a pity that I don’t have the funds and don’t have enough money to research it. I’m just short of the door. As long as I have enough money, I only need 1 month to thoroughly research 42!”

Hear the word truth.

Lin Xian suddenly had a terrifying thought

“Did you say that it is because you touched the truth that the so-called god would take your throat?”

Liu Lu laughed after listening:

“Then why doesn’t he just take all my throat away? Make me completely dumb?”

Lin Xian patted his back and pointed to 42 written on the paper:

“It’s very possible that God wanted to take away your noise, but 42 saved half of it for you.”

Liu Lu was taken aback, this assumption, he had never thought about it:

“You mean God” and “42′ are the two forces at war? So what is the purpose of 42’s doing this?”

Lin Xian patted his chest proudly:

“The purpose of 42 is to let you meet me!”

Liu Lu stared at the tall Lin Xian blankly.


There was a throbbing!


Lin Xian smiled:

“Don’t worry, I will win this game and help you get the prize money. At that time, you will have enough funds to research 42.”

After all, Lin Xian walked outside the lounge door.

The intermission is very short.

The last game will continue.

Liu Lu must get the bonus.

Only by thoroughly clarifying the mystery of 42 can Lin Xian understand all the strange phenomena around him.

Moreover, the assumption just now is very interesting.

God is a person who masters extraordinary power.

42, It is not yet clear what exactly it is.

Is it true that in the future world, “God” and “42” are fighting?

So which side is he?

this problem

I am afraid that we must wait for the future [last letter] to be sent before we can get an answer.


“Ah yes, there is one last question–”

Lin Xian turned his head from outside the door, facing the light, showing a black backlit shadow:

“If a person masters 42, can he become a god?”

Liu Lu gritted his teeth and utterly determined:


“Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo Ooo!

“Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula Eula!”

“Come on! Emery cut it! Come on! Emery cut it!”


There was cheers in the venue!

Tens of thousands of American audiences even sang the guo song collectively.

This is the last game of the world’s mathematics masters!

It is also the final tiebreaker!

According to the previous lottery sequence, this round will be displayed by the American team first.

The American team is on the field with their captain I-Max.

The correspondence between Max and Professor Ding Yi can be said to be the pinnacle of mathematics in the United States.

Even the international influence is greater than Ding Yi.

His appearance made the American audience see Dinghai Shenzhen!


It’s as if victory is near!

Especially when they saw that the opponent who was playing against Max was another “Dragon Country Prodigy” in his 20s, they laughed again:

“Hahahahaha! Long Country is really a place rich in child prodigies! No, another child prodigy has appeared!”

“Is this child prodigy going to perform reciting the multiplication formula? I heard that the children of Longguo are the best at memorizing this!”

“Professor Max will win! Victory belongs to Milliken!”

“When we win this game, those netizens of Long Kingdom who can only use emoticons will shut up completely! Only the United States can bring a bright future to mankind!”

Max appeared in a high-profile amidst applause and cheers!

After bowing to the audience, he picked up the microphone and began to talk about his topic:

“Today, the topic I want to prove is one of the cases of [Riemann Hypothesis], which is hailed as one of the Seventh Century Mathematical Problems!”

As soon as this remark came out.

112 judges chanted God!!

They thought that the US team’s Wang Bo was the one who played first.

Unexpectedly, the real king would be the last one!


Since 2006, after the [Poincaré Conjecture] was proved, it has been 15 years, and there has been no progress on the road to conquering the remaining six centuries of mathematics problems!

Not even a single breakthrough!

Everyone believes that human mathematics has come to an end and there can be no more breakthroughs.

But Max actually proved one of the cases of [Riemann Hypothesis]!

Although it cannot be fully proven.

But it can prove a situation, at the mathematical milestone, it is already a super breakthrough!

Among the seven problems of the century, in order of difficulty, [Poincaré Conjecture] is the “simplest” one, followed by [Riemann Hypothesis].

[Riemann Hypothesis] It was proposed in 1860, and no one has conquered it for more than 160 years, but it has been proved by many mathematicians in 13 situations.

No one knows how many situations [Riemann hypothesis] there are. I am afraid that it will only be revealed on the day when it is completely conquered.

The cheers on the scene were wave after wave!

Max explained the formula while deriving the formula on the blackboard.

In the end, after writing 4 layouts, Max Xiaojiu’s pen was written:

“This way! The 14th case of [Riemann Hypothesis], I have proved that it is completed! It is far from the complete conquest of [Riemann Hypothesis] by humans, and we have taken another big step!”




The audience burst into applause.

112 judges whispered to each other.

Among the achievements in mathematics, the one that is related to the Seven Century Problems is the highest achievement.

In their eyes, Max undoubtedly won the game!


The young man in the Long Kingdom can also prove a certain conjecture.

But that is obviously impossible.

Many judges have already held the American brand in their hands, and plan to raise them directly later.

“Lin Xian, go on.

Professor Ding Yi, who has been silent, has a gleam in his eyes!

“A strong young man is a strong country! Let them see! The lion on the east side has grown to look like they are afraid of fear!”

Lin Xian nodded.

Get up and walk to the stage.

At this moment one-

The guild hall, which was still very noisy just now, suddenly became silent–


As if you can hear a needle dropped!

Lin Xian, Ding Yi, Liu Lu, Qi Li, and Wang Tanqing all looked around in confusion

How is this going?

Why is it suddenly so quiet?

This is a venue for tens of thousands of people!

How is it so uniform? It’s like someone is commanding!

Immediately afterwards–

“Hush one



There was a deep boo in the audience!

The southeast, northwest, front, back, left, and right, up and down, are all surrounded by boos!”Hush one


“Hush one

The 760 sound of tens of thousands of people booed together, deep and terrifying, as if to swallow Lin Xian!

This is the United States.

It is the home of the Americans.

They are unscrupulous!

They are rude!

Lin Xian clenched his fists

He is not afraid.

No stage fright.

But he was angry!

Very angry!!

He stands here, representing the great Dragon Kingdom!

In this venue full of boos, he was not respected, and his country of Zu was not respected!

He is different from Professor Ding Yi.

Professor Ding Yi can bear it, but Lin Xian can’t!

Professor Ding Yi was born in the 1950s, and that was the time when Long Nation was the most vulnerable, the most humiliating, and the most bullied!

Professor Ding Yi and his peers have struggled with hardships, swallowed their breath, and relented to survive!

After so many years of development, the Dragon Kingdom today has become a real Eastern Lion!

Professor Ding Yi was only able to endure the silence because he had swallowed his breath, and he had endured humiliation, so he could endure it.

But Lin Xian can’t!

Lin Xian was born in the strongest age of the Dragon Kingdom!

He was born in this glorious and powerful country with pride and confidence!

He cannot allow others to insult himself.

Don’t allow others to insult your country!

“Hush one

“Hush one

“Hush one

At this moment, Lin Xian was extremely angry!

“Hush one


“Hush one

He wants to blow it up!

Blow up completely!

“Lin–xian–! Come on–oil–!”

In this deep boo.

This shout of cheering with all my strength is extraordinarily loud!

In an instant, the hiss stopped.

Everyone is puzzled.

In this venue full of Americans, why is there a Chinese cheering!

“Lin–xian–! Come on–oil–!”

This is the sound of a girl hissing her lungs.

Although it is far away.

But as I heard it, she exhausted all her strength!

Many American audiences, judges, and even players in the venue stood up and looked in the direction of the sound.

who is it?

Who the hell is it?

I saw the last row in the direction of everyone’s attention.

A black-haired girl in a white trench coat with a ball-shaped head stood up!

next moment.

She took off the white windbreaker outside.

Show off a bright red cheongsam!

That red color is especially conspicuous in the surrounding blond and blue-eyed foreign audiences!

I saw the red ii figure, and took out a folded red flag from the backpack!


Pinch the two corners with both hands and unfold it directly in the air!

This is the open-air hall, and she stands in the last row!

The bitter wind blew the red flag!

She considers herself a flagpole.

Raise the red flag high!

Looking at the middle of the venue, the “little man” who was almost overwhelmed by boos:

“Dragon–Country–! Come on–oil–!!!!”


A gust of wind blew!

The red flag is flying!!!

The wild wind blows away the balls on her head, and her long black hair is flying with the red flag!

Now, Lin Xian can see clearly!

“Dai Chuchan!?”

After the hairstyle is spread out, even if they are so far apart, Lin Xian can still be recognized by the outline.

That’s right.

This cheongsam girl who stands alone among tens of thousands of Chinese people, shouts alone, cheers for the Long Kingdom–

It is Dai Chuchan!

At this time, feeling the strong wind, Dai Chuchan is still as stable as Mount Tai!

She supported the red flag with all her strength!

Come to the United States and cheer for Lin Xian. This is what Dai Chuchan decided to do for Lin Xian.

Lin Xian contributes to the country, she can’t help much.

Lin Xian contributes to the world, but she can’t help much.

She is just a thin girl.

She can’t guard the country, she can’t guard the world.

But she can protect the man she likes.

May you have the country of Zu before you and me behind you.

Today, I am your cheerleader alone!

Tens of thousands of Chinese people were shocked by the red flag that suddenly appeared!

Can’t boo out anymore!

They never expected that in this absolute home field that belonged to them, they were shocked to be crushed by a small and brave girl!

Tens of thousands of Chinese people, lost to a Dai Chuchan!

Taking advantage of the big venue, no one dared to rush forward to snatch Dai Chuchan’s red flag!

See this flag.

They felt the real fear!

That is the roar of the lion that came out of the hell from the other side of the ocean, from 5000 years ago!


“Never–no–say one–fail!!!!!”

Dai Chuchan’s roar has broken his throat!

Lin Xian smiled slightly.

He feels unprecedentedly relaxed.

Blown up!

Dai Chuchan has completely blown up this venue of tens of thousands of people for him!!

He strode to the blackboard.

Pick up the microphone:

“You do not welcome my friends from the United States! Today, the Dragon Kingdom defeated you, not just mathematics! It is the spirit and spirit!!”

“The subject I want to prove is-

“【Goldbach Conjecture】!!

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