Chapter 66 Write to Wenling! The plan to save Liu Yiyi begins!


Liu Lu froze in place.

Feeling thunderous!

This is a problem he has never thought about or paid attention to

He was born in an ordinary family.

Because of his outstanding mathematics talent, he was cultivated as an “Olympic Machine” by his parents since he was a child.

Genius like him, won the World Olympiad in Math at the age of 12.


Out of control on the road of mathematics.

In college, he directly conquered [Sitapan Conjecture] and became the well-deserved first prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom.

He has been immersed in the ocean of mathematics all his life.

So many things have been overlooked.

Such as humanity, ideological education, common sense of life, etc.

He has always believed that the world is very simple, 1 is 1, 2 is 2.

Mathematics is a common language all over the world.

Let us work hard for the progress of mankind.

But in fact, the reality is such a fairy tale.

The Dragon Kingdom was bullied by the United States everywhere in the past. Even if the Dragon Kingdom is now strong, it is still stuck in a key technology area.

Lin Xian’s words really woke up Liu Lu!

After a period of silence.

Liu Lu nodded:

“I understand. Thanks, Lin Xian, I promise you.”

Lin Xian nodded in satisfaction.

People like Liu Lu are pure, and he will definitely do what he promised.

Then Lin Xian told Ding Yi:

“Professor Ding, my 125 million dollars, 100 million dollars will be replaced by Long Yuan for Liu Lu.”

“The remaining 25 million dollars, which is 25 million dollars. I want cash for 10 million dollars, and the rest will be converted into dragon yuan and deposited into my account.”

Ding Yi was taken aback.

10 million dollars in cash!?

What is this going to do?

But thinking of Lin Xian telling himself that he was going to meet a former friend, he didn’t ask much, just reminded Lin Xian:

“The law and order here is different from Long Country. If you want to bring so much cash to go out, you must be careful!”

Later, Ding Yi wrote after Lin Xian’s name:

100 million US dollars were exchanged for Long Yuan and transferred to Liu Lu’s account. 15 million U.S. dollars was exchanged for Long Yuan and transferred to Lin Xian account. Withdrawal of USD 10 million.

“The transfer can be completed within 10 minutes. If you withdraw the cash, I will arrange for someone to pick it up for you. It is estimated that it will take an hour or two.”

After solving the two young people, Ding Yi and Wang Tanqing smiled at each other:

“Old man, since we have spent so many years and received so much research funding from the country, should we also contribute something to the country?”

“Hahaha, just do what we said before.”

Ding Yi nodded with a smile.

Connect the names of the two and write at the end:

Established the Longguo Youth Mathematics Foundation.

Professor Ding Yi closed his pen cap and looked at Lin Xian and Liu Lu:

“Hopefully, this foundation can play its role and help Longguo cultivate mathematics geniuses no less than the two of you!”

After returning to the hotel, it was already 11 o’clock in the evening.

Before coming, Lin Xian called Dai Shuangcheng and told him that Dai Chuchan was okay, so they were relieved.

Dai Shuangcheng and Li Ruoying were relieved and asked Lin Xian to help take care of Dai Chuchan.


Lin Xian came to the hotel room-a makeshift infirmary.

Inside, Dai Chuchan was sleeping.

Still infusion in a sling.

Next to him is the leader of the Longguo Medical Team, Director Li Yun.

“Director Li, is she still awake?”Li Yun saw Lin Xian come in, smiled slightly, and motioned him to sit down:

“Your little girlfriend has woken up once, but she is too weak and has a fever. I let her take some cold medicine, and the medicine came up, and she fell asleep.”

“After waking up, she kept asking about your situation, and I told her that after learning that you had successfully won the championship, the kid smirked for a long time and fell asleep after drinking the medicine.”

Okay, it’s fine.

Eh wait?

Little girlfriend?

Lin Xian thinks, don’t deny it for now.

With their own relationship, it is estimated that everyone will be more attentive when taking care of Dai Chuchan.

So it didn’t break.

“I remember that she is in good health, how come she suddenly became so weak.”

Li Yun is also a woman.

Hearing that Lin Xian didn’t take pity on Xiangyu so much, he began to criticize:

“You! Why don’t you know that you feel sorry for others?”

“Think about it, you have a special plane, a 760 special car, and a group of people who came here to take care of the competition. You don’t have to worry about anything.”

“The little girl from this family has to wait for the plane, run through the security check, pass the customs, then look up the map, take a taxi, and then come here to watch the game! You know, in a hurry, she hasn’t closed her eyes for more than 30 hours! I haven’t eaten any food! Can I have low blood sugar?”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

It is simple to consider for yourself.

On my way, being protected and taken care of, it is easy, and there is still time to lose.

But the airport was not opened by Dai Chuchan’s house.

She needs to book air tickets early,

Run to the airport early to line up for boarding,

After arriving at Mi, go through the security check,

Then, the most troublesome thing

In this unfamiliar country in the United States, she needs to explore on her own to find the location of the World Mathematics Masters.

The hardships and dangers along the way.

Lin Xian is hard to imagine

And her purpose is just to worry that no one will cheer for herself

“You said that you can’t even take care of yourself, and you still want to run half the earth to come and cheer for me?

But there is one thing to say.

Today, all the people of the Long Kingdom need to thank Dai Chuchan.

Lin Xian only defeated the United States in mathematics.

But Dai Chuchu ended the dream of U.S. hegemony mentally!

On her little red flag, what is rising is the future sun of Long Country!

Li Yun poke Lin Xian:

“Eh eh eh! Don’t be in a daze, I will teach you this!”

“Have you heard it? Be nice to the other girl in the future. I just told her about you in front of her. She didn’t let you say, saying that your phone was confiscated. Don’t blame you. What a silly boy

Lin Xian touched the painful place:

“Listen! Listen, Director Li! Your doctor is really strong! It hurts me to death!”

“You, you just don’t know the blessing in the blessing!”

Li Yun looked at Lin Xian and smiled helplessly:

“My son is about the same age as you, two years older than you. If he can find me a beautiful and brave Chu Chan who is willing to run half the earth for him to cheer for, I can wake up in dreams!”

“Let’s go, let’s go. Don’t disturb people’s sleep here. She hasn’t slept for more than 30 hours, and she must have been sleeping until tomorrow. Our doctors and nurses are watching, it’s okay.”

Lin Xian nodded.

Stepped forward and looked at Dai Chuchan who was asleep.

Her cheeky face is like a doll.

Fair skin becomes brighter because of fatigue and weakness.

The corner of the mouth is a very simple smile.

It seems to be dreaming.

Lin Xian watched, couldn’t help but laugh.

Dai Chuchan is such a miraculous girl.

As if…

Her happiness is contagious.

After laughing.

Lin Xian sighed helplessly.”Hey,

Back in the room, a bodyguard handed Lin Xian a suitcase:

“Mr. Lin, there is the 10 million dollars you want in it.

Lin Xian took it and walked into the room.

Liu Lu is not there.

I guess I went to discuss mathematics with Qi Li again.

The game has ended and all bans have disappeared.

For these math idiots, there is nothing more interesting than “talking about mathematics at night”.

Lin Xian opened his backpack and looked at the red postbox inside.

“It’s finally time for us to implement the plan.

Lin Xian put the backpack on his back.

Put on the suitcase.

Go out of the hotel door.

He got on a bus casually, bought a ticket with the small change issued to him by Ding Yi, and got on the bus.

As the car drove, Lin Xian looked at the street scene.

“Forget it here, it’s still too busy. I should go to a more remote place.”

Lin Xian is looking for a place to meet Wen Ling.

Because of Wen Ling’s status as a fugitive, she definitely can’t choose to be in an eye-catching hotel or a lively neighborhood.

Although the Americans will not catch Wenling.

But the fugitive is a fugitive after all.

Guilty conscience.

Therefore, Lin Xian is looking for a place where Wen Ling can relax her vigilance.

“It’s not bad here. It’s not too backward, but it’s safer.”

Lin Xian’s location is probably the tipping point between the urban area and the suburbs.

There is very little traffic here.

But it’s not a poor country.

He found a decent hotel.


“25. ”

Lin Xian asked the front desk how much it would cost to stay for one night.

Say 25 dollars to the other side.

This price is considered cheap in the U.S. After all, this is just a small hotel, not upscale.


Lin Xian paid the money and deposit for two days and went upstairs.

According to Lin Xian’s plan.

Write tonight, meet Wenling about tomorrow.

So I have to stay for two days.


Lin Xian washes his face.

Lock the door.

“Okay, everything is ready. The plan to save Liu Yiyi has officially begun!

Lin Xian took out the space-time mailbox.

(cafd) After everything is ready.

It’s exactly 07:30

Lin Xian sat on the chair in the room and silently looked at the door.

Although it says 8 o’clock in the letter, can someone come early?

So prepare in advance.

“I forgot to write the appointment time earlier. Waiting like this will be too painful!”

Lin Xian began to figure out whether Wen Ling would come.

“That’s right! I’ll check the news first!”

Lin Xian turned on the phone and started searching for keywords:

[Wen Jianshe (Wen Ling’s father’s name) deduction investigation]

I searched these keywords and the results came out.

“On June 6, 2015, Hangzhou XXXX Construction was arrested in accordance with the law, and the investigation procedure was initiated.”

“In the home of Wenjian, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX was found”

“It is reported that on the evening of June 6, Wen Jianshe’s wife and daughter had fled to the United States and entered the country. It is suspected that arrangements have been made. 》

“Yes, Not Bad.”

“It seems that the development of history has not been affected, Wen Ling has come to the United States.”

Lin Xian looked at his watch, this is 07:35.

It took less than 5 minutes.

Lin Xian didn’t panic at all.

Whether or not Wen Ling believed in the letter at first.

But when she and her mother really escape to the United States, they will definitely believe it!

at this time.

Wen Ling will be curious, which “good-hearted person” is helping herself?

Why did you agree to meet on June 28th, 6 years later?

And why should you give her 10 million dollars?

Whether it is curiosity or the temptation of huge amounts of money, Wen Ling will definitely come here!

“Of course, the premise is that she must be alive.

Thinking of this, Lin Xian smiled helplessly.

Look at the watch.

07: 40

There are still 20 minutes to the appointed time.

“Wen Ling shouldn’t die, right?”

Lin Xian scratched his head.

If she really died, then all of her plans would be in vain.

“Hey, it’s rare to come up with such a perfect way to save people, without changing history, and without changing my own values. Wenling, give me some strength!”

Lin Xian put down Erlang’s legs.

Lie on your back in a chair.

Just about to close my eyes and rest my mind–




I’m coming.

Lin Xian opened his eyes, ready to get up and open the door.

“The concept of time is not bad, at least ten minutes early.”

Almost unconsciously, Lin Xian checked his watch while walking.

07: 42


Lin Xian stopped directly in place.

He looked up at the door in front of him.

“Boom boom!!”

The force of knocking on the door outside the door began to increase!


Lin Xian swallowed and foamed.

Why is it 42 again?

What do you want to express this time?

Should this door be opened?

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!”

“Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!!”

The knock on the door became almost crazy!

Lin Xian gritted his teeth and opened the door!

Then take a step back.

Watch the comers!

That was a small, dirty, and disheveled old lady!

The godless big eyes stared straight at Lin Xian!

Who is this?

Whose old lady?

Lin Xian just wanted to say that she knocked on the wrong door, but one-

The old lady smiled penetratingly:

“Hehe, who I thought it was, it turned out to be you”

“No wonder Gu makes sense.”

The old lady seemed to have entered her own home.

Limped in.


Take the door directly.


He also locked the door.

Lin Xian retreat step by step–

Retreat directly to the wall.

What’s the situation?

Rice scam?

Touch porcelain?

Lin Xian held the lamp on the table with his backhand.

This is the most lethal weapon in the room except the chair.

Of course he is not afraid of this thin old lady.

Just a little scared.

A dilapidated little hotel in a foreign country, open the door to see an old lady ghost

And it happened to be 07:42.


After the old lady entered the house, she was not seen at all.

Look around.

See Lin Xian’s leftover bread on the table.

Just pick it up and put it in your mouth!

Crunch and gorge!

“Hey …

What Lin Xian wants to say, hesitating to sayIt was the remaining half of the bread he had eaten, and that was the leftovers, which was eaten by the old lady lightly.


It seems to be gobbled up too quickly.

The thin old lady burped.

Then ran directly into the bathroom and turned on the faucet.


After drinking it for a long time.

“Ah, it’s comfortable–”

She directly picked up the hotel towel, regardless of whether it was dirty or not, wiped it on her mouth, and limped out of the bathroom.

Then look left and right, finally staring at Lin Xian:

“Where is Liu Yiyi?”

Hearing this name, Lin Xian’s eyes widened:

“You are Wen Ling?

“Isn’t it who I am? I also realized after seeing you that it was you and Liu Yiyi who saved me in the first place.”

“You are what is your name? What is it? Hey, it’s Liu Yiyi’s boyfriend. I can’t remember what your name is.”

Lin Xian shook his head.

This guy, 80% misunderstood something.

However, it can be inferred from the current situation:

1. Wen Ling had a bad time. She was only in her twenties in the Mood for Love, but she was already tortured like a half-dead old man, and she felt tortured.

2. Before entering the door, she didn’t know who wrote to her or who asked her to meet. Only after entering the door did he recognize himself.

3. She was not particularly surprised, indicating that during the past six years, she had thought about many possibilities regarding the question of “Who is the kind person”.

Such a calculation…

Lin Xian suddenly realized–

After Wen Ling saw herself.

Bacheng thought that the person who wrote to her back then told her that her father was detained, stuffed her with ,000, and told her to escape early–

It’s me and Liu Yiyi!

Because Wenling and Liu Yiyi have the best relationship.

So she can easily think of such a possibility–

Through the family relationship, Liu Yiyi knew in advance that Wenling’s father was going to be tortured away.

Therefore, Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian wrote to Wen Ling anonymously, persuading her to escape.

have to say.

Wen Ling’s idea is completely wrong


Wen Ling saw that Lin Xian hadn’t spoken all the time, and she was a little confused:

“Why don’t you speak? What is your name?”

“Lin Xian.

“Oh yes yes yes yes yes yes! You call it this name! When I talked to Liu Yiyi during class, I always sit in your seat every time, so you have no place to sit, haha!

The dry and thin little old lady in front of her smiled grimly.

The wrinkles on her face squeeze together.

His mouth was full of black and yellow, broken teeth.

This laugh.

Lin Xian really saw it, and was similar to the former Wen Ling.

“Wen Ling, why did you become like this?”

Wen Ling listened and took a sip!

-Thick sputum sticks to the wallpaper.

Slid down.

It really disgusts Lin Xian.

“Quack, cough, cough, what life do you think I have lived in the past few years?”

“Without money, no identity, and not daring to show up, we can only be the lowest-level illegal workers, or go into some skin and flesh business.”

“Later, too many things happened afterwards. We were robbed, picked up, expelled, tortured. We have no legal status. We live here just like hell.”

Lin Xian had imagined it a long time ago, and Wen Ling must have had a miserable life.

But he never expected it.

Jingran to this point!

When they thought about fleeing to the United States, they must feel that this is a beacon and a place of happiness for mankind.

But I found out after I really came


For them who are unidentified black households, it is simply hell!

6 years.

Forcibly tortured a teenage girl into a thin, half-dead old lady.

How can you tell that this withered look is a girl who is only 20 years old!

“Where’s your mom?”

“He died less than a year after coming here, and he was abruptly beaten to death.”

Wen Ling talked about her mother’s death without any fluctuations.

these years.

She sees too many inhuman things.

She waved her hand:

“Forget it, don’t talk about this, don’t talk about this, what about the money? What about the money?

Lin Xian pointed to the suitcase beside the bed.

There are 10 million dollars in it.

It’s all cash.

Wen Ling laughed after seeing the box!

“Hahahaha! I won’t have to go hungry again in the future!”

She was not in a hurry to get it.

Because she believes that since Lin Xian and Liu Yiyi wrote to save themselves and agreed to meet in 6 years, they were obviously sincere to help themselves.

Thinking of this, she still grinned and complained Lin Xian:

“You two, why are you willing to come to me until today? You have come a few years earlier and give me the money, so I can suffer less!”

“Hey, forget it, I don’t blame you. The situation in the country, Liu Yiyi’s position in his father, I also understand you, it’s all for safety.”

Speaking of this, Wen Ling suddenly reacted, why does it seem that one person is missing?

She scratched the scabs on her body and looked at Lin Xian suspiciously:

“Where is Liu Yiyi? Didn’t you come?”

Lin Xian shook his head and said nothing.

Wen Ling’e nodded:

“Hey, I miss her a lot. The birthday party she confessed to you at the time was arranged by me! You have to thank me for the happy life you have today!”

“How about it? You two are now married, right? Do you have children? Boys and girls?”

Lin Xian shook his head again.

He stared at Wen Ling and slowly said:

“Wen Ling, Liu Yiyi is dead.”

! !!!

Wen Ling’s eyes widened!

Follow along with the body.

Fall directly to the ground!

“Dead, Liu Yiyi is dead? When did he die?”

“Ciga Opera Theater shooting, you know?”

Wen Ling shook her head stupidly.

Her life in the United States is completely isolated from the rest of the world.

The food was turned over from the trash can.

The park didn’t dare to sleep, all sleeping on the cement pipe under the bridge.

She didn’t know anything about what happened outside or what news there was.

Lin Xian ignored her who fell.

Instead, he walked to the bed.

Pick up the black suitcase.

Then he sat back on the chair again.

He put the suitcase on the shaft.


Exposed the 10 million dollars piled up inside.

“Wen Ling, do you want it?”

Wenling’s little chicken nodded like pecking at rice!

“Write a letter for me, the money is all yours.”

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