Chapter 63 The first prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom! Calculate 42 truths with bare hands!

Dai Chuchan wiped away tears.

It’s true.

Why are you crying!

Too hopeless.

“The seniors are making contributions to the country and winning glory for the country. Why am I crying here?”

“I must also do something for Lin Xian senior!”

Dai Chuchan’s eyes are full of determination!


Don’t work hard.

How can you give up!

“As long as Lin Xian doesn’t have a girlfriend, then I have hope!”

“I will work hard to be better!

Dai Chuchan has decided.

She ran to the side drawer and looked for it over and over.


She found it!

It is a small brown book.

Dai Chuchan opened it and let out a sigh of relief:

“It’s great, there is still a one-year validity period.”

Dragon country. Imperial capital. In a building that can’t be said.

All 5 members of the participating team are present.

Before that, they were all protected everywhere, and this was the first time they met.

The three older professors and academicians knew each other, shaking hands and talking and laughing.

Liu Lu and Lin Xian, both “the first child prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom”, are young people in their twenties, and they naturally stand together.


Lin Xian stretched out his hand to say hello.

Liu Lu and Lin Xian shook hands, nodded, bowed deeply, and said nothing.

Although Lin Xian was speechless, it was not surprising.

He has never seen a real genius.

But the legendary geniuses all look like this bitter gourd stuffing oil bottle.

“I heard that you are the number one child prodigy in the Dragon Kingdom?”

If normal people hear this sentence, 80% of them will be modest and polite.

Lin Xian wanted to test if this guy was dumb.


After Liu Lu heard it, he nodded blankly again.

It was admitted.


You are so welcome!

Lin Xian stood up.

Unexpectedly, I met an opponent!

This boring gourd, I really can’t handle it.

Ding Yi saw this scene and hurried over to explain to Lin Xian:

“Well, don’t be surprised. Liu Lu has this kind of personality. He is engaged in research, especially those who study mathematics. Most of them are like this.”

“He just doesn’t like to talk and is unkind. He definitely doesn’t have any opinion on you.”

Liu Lu nodded when he heard these words.

Then he gave Lin Xian a thumbs up!

Nod again!

Forget it.

Lin Xian surrendered.

Do not communicate with dumb people.

Looking at his body language, he should be trying to express the meaning of “You are great! Doing for justice, handing in cultural relics, mathematics is really good! Admire!”

Lin Xian followed his example, gave him a thumbs up, nodded, and then sat on the sofa.

He decided in secret.

With this guy, let’s communicate with sign language in the future, and say a word to count as I lose!

Although you are now the number one prodigy in the Dragon Kingdom.

but …There is a high probability that after this game, you won’t be.

Afterwards, Professor Ding Yi introduced and got to know each other.

Although the two elders were surprised by Lin Xian’s arrival, their logical thinking in mathematics was very clear–

Since people can sit here and become one of the five people elected by the country, they must have a corresponding level.

Ding Yi clapped his hands and reminded again:

“Everyone, we are going to officially leave for the United States soon.”

“Remember, there is no such thing as confidentiality and privacy when you go out of this door. The United States may try to eavesdrop on our conversations, understand our issues, and arrange a battle sequence that is beneficial to them.

“So, you must not talk about anything about the competition, and do not share the topics that you have prepared. At present, only I know the topics of each of you “Sixty-Sixty”. Please be careful to keep each other secret.”

People who can stay here are not stupid, and everyone knows the truth.

When they were ready, everyone set off with their luggage.

Private car, private plane, driver, translator, nanny, chef, bodyguard

On their trip, the country has arranged a team of dozens of people to accompany them.

The five people who went there represent the most cutting-edge mathematics research of the Dragon Kingdom, and these talents must be protected!

After getting on the plane.

Lin Xian put on the blindfold, closed his eyes and rested.

He didn’t worry about the game in the slightest. With him as the “finalist”, the Dragon Kingdom was equivalent to having won one game and had a great advantage.

The purpose of Lin Xian’s trip is to contact Wen Ling on June 6, 2015 through the space-time mailbox, and then make an agreement with her in the past to meet somewhere in the United States on June 28, 2021.

If Wenling is still alive, she will definitely come.

At that time, you can ask Wen Ling to write a letter to her past self in “pear style”.

With this letter, you can save Liu Yiyi!

“Wen Ling, you must live

That night, I arrived in the United States.

In any case, the country of the United States is also a big country, and it has done a good job in the face of it.

Grand welcome!

Call for fair play!

For human progress!

The slogan shouts louder than anyone else!

Professor Ding Yi scoffed at this:

“Huh, when we detained our scientists and prevented them from returning to China, what kind of lighthouse is installed now?”

“If it weren’t for our country to need this competition to prove its international influence, I wouldn’t want to come to this broken place in my entire life!”

Along the way, Ding Yi told Lin Xian and Liu Lu a lot of things from the last century.

Including some familiar heroes who were all former teachers of Ding Yi.

So talk about the United States.

Professor Ding Yi was like seeing stinky shit.

I won’t wait to see you at all!

The place to arrange accommodation is very good, the most high-end hotel for foreign guests in the United States, one room for two.

This is also required by the Dragon Kingdom.

After all, when they were away from home, the two of them took care of them. At least one of them reported what happened.

Because of the similar age.

So it’s natural.

Lin Xian and Man Hulu Liu Lu were divided into the same room.

The atmosphere in the room is very strange.

To continue like this, Lin Xian must have nightmares at night.

Who knows that there are people or ghosts in this room!

Lin Xian decided to admit defeat.

Be the first to speak:

“Liu Lu, can you speak? I never saw you say a word along the way.”

“I, I, I will, I’m not afraid to affect you

Seeing Liu Lu’s way of speaking, Lin Xian suddenly realized.

It turns out that people are not pretending to be cold.

It’s just that this person speaks slowly and stutters. When he speaks, everyone has to stop and listen to him. It’s too delay.

Liu Lu also has self-knowledge, and can not speak without speaking, so as not to cause trouble to everyone.

Hold that thumb up before remembering it.

Lin Xian felt a little guilty inexplicably.

“What do you do during the game? Is it okay for you to talk like this?”

“When I play my math, my brain

Lin Xian understood with difficulty.

What Liu Lu wants to express is one-Usually speaking, language barriers.

But once you talk about mathematics, you will have an active mind, a clear thinking, and a sharp tooth!

Lin Xian found it very interesting.

“Liu Lu! Tell me about Lagrange’s theorem!”

“Lagrange’s median theorem is also called Lagrange’s theorem. It reflects the relationship between the overall average rate of change of the derivable function in a closed interval and the local rate of change at a point in the interval. Lagrange’s median theorem is The generalization of Rolle’s mean value theorem is also a special case of Cauchy’s mean value theorem. It is a weak form of Taylor’s formula.”

“Talk about calculus again!

“This is too broad. You have to put it plainly. Differentiation and integration are separate. The main content of differentiation includes limit theory, derivative, and differentiation; the main content of integration includes: definite integral and indefinite integral. Professor Ding Yi will not let us. Communication, I don’t know your specific level of mathematics, but I think we can skip the basic things directly, from Cauchy

The limit begins to discuss one-”

“Stop, stop, stop!”

Lin Xian quickly gestured to pause.


When this man talked about mathematics, he became like a machine gun.


Even want to discuss with myself??

My own three-legged cat kung fu can only do one question (Goldbach’s conjecture). How can Ho De discuss it with you, a child prodigy?

Seeing that Lin Xian was unwilling to discuss the Cauchy limit with himself, Liu Lu’s expression was a little lost:

“I, I don’t, you, don’t get me wrong, I don’t think you are at a poor level. The Cauchy limit is indeed too basic, or we.

“I’m going to the toilet. Oh, I suddenly feel sleepy! Let’s wash and sleep.”

Lin Xian hid in the toilet.

I don’t even understand the Cauchy limit, let alone talk about the convergence of the sequence…

If I really talk about myself, I will show my stuff!

Lin Xian could see that Liu Lu wanted to talk about some mathematics problems with himself, and he might mistakenly think that he was some unborn mathematics god.

After coming out of the toilet.

Liu Lugang wants to open his mouth–

“Hush one

Lin Xian mysteriously gestured:

“The wall has ears. Professor Ding Yi won’t let us discuss math topics. Go to sleep.

.did not ask,


.Sequence convergence ”

After thinking about it, Liu Lu also washed and prepared to go to bed.

After a day of jet lag, the next day, it finally arrived on June 27!

This is the day when the much-anticipated [World Masters of Mathematics] kicks off!

The venue is the largest hall in the country–

Madison Square Garden!

Here, countless major conferences and concerts have been held.

The Beatles, Michael Jackson and Madonna, which are popular all over the world, have held solo concerts here.

Nowadays, the entire venue has been refurbished and has become the stage of the World Mathematics Masters.

The Masters will be broadcast live simultaneously.

Coupled with the official deliberate propaganda of the Dragon Kingdom, the national ratings have reached a terrifying 40%!

The popularity in the webcast room has long exceeded 100 million!

The focus of the discussion on the barrage of netizens is all on Lin Xian:

“I know all the other professors, academicians, child prodigies, and so on, but what the hell is Lin Xian! Isn’t Lin Xian a youth and honorary dean of the Forbidden City? Why is he coming to this math competition?”

“After the news network announced the list that day, there was a lot of noise on the Internet, but the official never responded positively, only saying that it was state secrets that could not be disclosed for the time being.”

“I have long felt that Lin Xian is not an ordinary person. It is more illusory than fantasy novels to be able to hand in the real “Dream of Red Mansions”! In my opinion, he may be a traverser!”

“Long Country must win! I’m already on the Internet, and I have broken two keyboards with those American dogs. Although I don’t understand mathematics, I definitely can’t let them win!!”

Donghai City, ZF Building.

In the largest conference room, all the big names gathered here to watch the TV broadcast.

Because of the time difference, it is 8 o’clock in the evening in the United States, but it is 9 o’clock in the morning in Long Country.

It just so happens that this is another working day, so these big names are all here to watch. This is like an important game that determines the status of a big country and the international situation. Everyone attaches great importance to it.

Old Song was sitting in the middle of the first row, looking at the Dragon Kingdom team entering the field on the screen, silent.

He didn’t understand.

Who is Lin Xian?

-Villa on the side of Longhu Lake in Donghai City.

Dai Chuchan went to school.

Dai Shuangcheng and Li Ruoying watched the TV.

“Eh eh eh! Lao Dai Lao Dai! Lin Xian came out! Hey, you said this kid, he ran around all day long. He was in the Imperial Capital in the previous paragraph. He ate at our house two days ago and went to the U.S. again in a blink of an eye!”

Dai Shuangcheng drinks tea:”Young people, it’s normal to run more, what kind of climate can you get at home?”

“But I don’t understand. Look at those other members. They are either gray-haired old scholars or well-known child prodigies. Lin Xian stands with these people. It feels very strange and I have never heard of him in the field of mathematics. Have you done something?”

Li Ruoying brought up a plate of fruits, which is planning to fight for a long time.

“Is it clear to you whether they have made any achievements? Lin Xian likes to be low-key, and he doesn’t make any publicity. Maybe he has already overcome some major mathematical problems in private!”

“You women, thinking about everything is too simple.

“Anyway, I think Lin Xian will do it! If not, the country will let him go?”

at the same time.

Lin Xian’s old home in Hangzhou.

In the classroom of Tunghai University.

Lin Xian’s company.

On the TV in a big shopping mall.

Even the screen of an Internet cafe

The same scene is all playing!

World Mathematics Masters!

The scene of the conference.

Both teammates have already entered the field.

According to the host’s request, the two sides began to take seats in order. This order determines the order of the battle.

Lin Xian looked at the five seats next to him. On the table there were signs of 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.

That is, the order of appearances.

In this competition, the key to victory is the order of the battle!

Ding Yi and the American captain picked up pen and paper and wrote the order of appearance on the spot.

Prior to this, this was a state secret, and only the two of them knew it.

After writing it, hand it to the host for notarization, and both parties will be seated in order.

The order of appearance of Dragon Kingdom is:

1. Academician Qi Li.

2. Professor Wang Tanqing.

3. Professor Ding Yi.

4. Liu Lu.

5. Lin Xian.

Lin Xian will leave the station as the finale!!

In this kind of competition.

The first one to appear is not necessarily the strongest.

But both sides will put the strongest at the end. This is an insurance mechanism to ensure that they can win a game.

Put Lin Xian at the end.

It can be seen that Professor Ding Yi is full of confidence in Lin Xian!

This scene also detonated the network barrage again:

“Lin Xian turned out to be the last!! Someone had speculated before that Lin Xian played as cannon fodder, with the goal of giving the opponent the strongest sandbag. Unexpectedly, it turned out to be the finale!”

“Dare to rank Lin Xian last. Doesn’t it mean that his level is the strongest among the five!?”

“As a student majoring in mathematics, I am responsible to tell everyone that Professor Ding Yi and the prodigy Liu Lu are the highest level in the country! Which institute did Lin Xian come from? I have never heard of it!”

“Lin Xian is our senior at Tunghai University. The teacher said that he majored in computer science. Didn’t he change his career just one year after graduation?”

“China’s famous mathematician, Yu Jianchun, was a courier before. He has an extraordinary talent for mathematics and has overcome a hundred years of mathematics problems. Mathematics is very talented, so don’t underestimate Lin Xian!”


With the host’s order, the audience burst out with unprecedented cheers!

But Lin Xian looked into the audience

I found that all the people were Americans!

The guild hall that can accommodate tens of thousands of people is full of blond and blue-eyed Americans. This is completely ambush and embarrassed on all sides!

“Can someone cheer us on in a while?”




Lots have been drawn just now, the first game was shown by the U.S. team, and the second game was shown by the Long Nation team, and so on.

Under the guidance of the host, a high-tech electronic blackboard was pushed to the middle of the stage, which was used by mathematicians to explain, perform sketches, write formulas, and derive.

The words written above will be uploaded to the large screen at the top of the venue, and will also be synchronized to TVs and computers in various locations around the world.

When explaining, there will be a professional translator next to it for terminology translation.

At the front of the stage, there are 112 well-known mathematicians from all over the world. They have taken an oath and will swear in awe of mathematics and make a fair judgment.


The first game begins!

A gray-haired old scholar in the United States came to the stage and used an electronic pointer to write formulas on the blackboard.

Talk while writing.

The title he brought is another solution to the “J equation and the deformation of the supercritical Hermit-Yangzhenning-Mills equation”!

As soon as the question came out, the judges exclaimed!

oh! mygod!

They didn’t expect that the U.S. would engage in king bombing when it came up!?

This equation was first conquered by a genius professor in the Long Kingdom, and everyone felt that this was the only solution.

Unexpectedly, there is another solution!

The reasoning process of this old scholar is amazing!

The beauty of mathematics can only be appreciated by such mathematicians present.

And Longguo is here.

Ding Yi and the first academician Qi Li who appeared on the scene looked at each other and shook their heads silently

This time lost.

Only Ding Yi and Qi Li know that a derivative bound reasoning prepared by Qi Li is definitely a discovery that can make a sensation in the academic world.


In the face of the century-old problem of “J equation and the deformation of supercritical Hermit-Yangzhenning-Mills equation”

Still slightly inferior.

as predicted.

After Qi Li came to the stage and finished his speech.

The number of judges who raised the referee’s card to support the United States and Long Guosheng are:

110: 2

This shows that the judges are still very fair.

The Dragon Kingdom lost one game for the first time.

second round.

There is a middle-aged woman in the United States. Look at the introduction and she is also a director of an official research institute.

The topic she prepared was a geometric problem reasoning, not as good as the previous two, but it was also considered a breakthrough.

On Longguo’s side, Professor Wang Tanqing prepared his own academic topic, a supplementary explanation of Cauchy’s limit.

The Cauchy limit is actually very complete.

His supplementary explanation is only a perfect verification of the previous point.

Although the theoretical breakthrough is not big.

But the practicality is very strong!

In the end, the judges raised their placards.

49: 63

Long Country narrowly wins!


Third scene

Professor Ding Yi finally appeared!

The face of the mathematician of Longguo!

The ceiling of mathematics in China!

The founder of the Spherical Lightning II model!

As soon as Professor Ding Yi, with countless honors added, appeared on the stage, the audience of the Long Kingdom directly boiled!

“Professor Ding! It’s Professor Ding who played! This one must win!!”

“Professor Ding is the ceiling of mathematics in our country!”

“This is the pinnacle of our country’s mathematical strength!”

“Salute to Professor Ding!!”


It is different from the excitement of Longguo people.

At the scene, the whole venue was silent.

No one cheered for Professor Ding Yi

No one cheered for Professor Ding Yi…

All Americans looked at all this with cold eyes.

They want to maximize their home court advantage.

Let the Longguo people’s mentality blow up!

But Professor Ding Yi, who has seen countless big scenes, will be affected by this little trick?

He did not disappoint the Longguo people, and directly revealed the latest results of his personal research.

This result is actually not perfect.

Lack of verification.

But the theory is no problem.

Release it now, and maybe it will be preempted by others in the field of verification.

But for national honor! National status!

In this mathematics master contest, Long Country must win!

The thesis can be written again.

The theory can be digging further.

But the country’s face is lost!!

How many papers and honors can’t be exchanged!

Professor Ding Yi wrote a few formulas on the blackboard, and 112 judges on the judges seat cheered directly!

Many even stood up and applauded!!

This is another monument in mathematics!

This is a very suspenseful game.

0: 112.

Long Country wins!

Today, the Dragon Kingdom team has won two games!

Come to the match point early!

If you win the next round, you can win the game directly, and Lin Xian can leave work early.

Lin Xian doesn’t matter.

His results, no matter when they are announced, will shock the world.

Do not rush to announce at this time.

He came just to give the Dragon Kingdom a seat and ensure a stable win.

It’s better not to let yourself play.

Anyway, his main purpose is not to come to the competition, but to come to Wen Ling.

Academician Qi Li and Professor Tanqing Wang are very excited!

Have a happy applause!

“It’s great! Ding Lao goes down again, and we win one more game!”

“Liu Lu, come on!

At the urging of the two, Liu Lu walked directly to the stage blackboard..0

Academician Qi Li and Professor Wang Tanqing were very happy, and congratulated Professor Ding Yi:

“Oh, Ding, we can get off work early, Liu Lu is absolutely fine, the title of the first prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom is not for nothing, it is recognized as your successor!”

“Liu Lu will definitely win! He won the World Mathematical Olympiad at the age of 12, solved the world’s problems at the age of 15, and directly conquered [Sitapan Conjecture] in college. How could such a genius fail to win!”

Under the praise of the two.

Professor Ding Yi sighed helplessly.

With a wry smile:

“Hey, it’s all now, I won’t hide it from you anymore.”

“actually ”

“I am not optimistic that Liu Lu can win.”

Ding Yi’s words.

Directly hit the atmosphere back to the ice cellar.

Academician Qi Li and Professor Wang Tanqing looked reluctant.


How should we understand this?

Even Lin Xian was a little surprised.

What he thought was very simple–

If you are not optimistic about the boring gourd winning, then why do you let him come!

Qi Li kept urging Ding Yi.

Ding Yi said slowly:

“Liu Lu’s topic is too mysterious. I can say that his topic is of no use in theory or in practice.”

“Moreover, if he wants to verify his theory later, it will cost a lot of money and material resources. He even wants to build a particle collider. This country obviously cannot agree to it!

“He applied to the state several times for funding and wanted to set up a special laboratory. But as I said, his research was too mysterious, and several applications failed.”

“He came to the competition this time because of the prize money. As for why I let him come, I want the 112 top mathematicians present to judge whether his research is useful or not. Maybe my level is limited. ?”

When Ding Yi said so, all three of them understood.

To put it bluntly, Liu Lu’s subject.

The country feels that it is useless!

Ding Yi felt that it was too mysterious!

Therefore, he has not been granted funding for research.

With Liu Lu’s status, if there are millions of tens of millions of funds, the country will definitely give it with eyes closed.

But to build a particle collider

To the point where the lion can speak loudly, the funding Liu Lu wants to apply for is a few billion!It is impossible for the state to give.

Qi Li sighed:

“Hey, the number one child prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom, isn’t he going to be crazy, right? I believe Ding Lao’s vision, research should be more pragmatic.”

However, Wang Tanqing put forward different opinions:

“Nor can we say that, academic research should treat heretics rationally.”

Ding Yi stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet:

“That’s why I said that I can’t bury a genius just because of my humble opinion. Whether his research is useful, let the 112 top mathematicians present to judge.”

at this time.

Liu Lu has walked to the middle of the stage.

Leaning against the blackboard, pick up the microphone.

“Good evening everyone, today I will prepare the title–”

“Einstein’s constant!”

As soon as this remark came out.

There was a mysterious silence at first.

Then there were waves of whispers in the venue.

“Einstein’s constant? What is that?”

“Never heard of it, but I know the Da Vinci code.”

“What does this mean? I don’t understand at all.”

“Is this guy here to be funny?”

Qi Li and Wang Tanqing were also puzzled.

The two people’s eyes are big with big copper bells!

What the hell is this!

This messy subject, if the country gives you funds, it will be a ghost!

In the live broadcast room on the Internet, there is also a white question mark on the screen:

“Liu Lu, the first prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom, is this not awake? Or I was confused by watching the movie yesterday.”

“As a PhD student in mathematics, I said that I have never heard of this Einstein constant.”

“I called my uncle from the Academy of Long Science, and he said that he didn’t know what Einstein’s constant was. He also told me… Liu Lu always does some weird research.

“Hey, everyone said that it may not be better when you are young. I think this legendary first prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom is not going to be crazy!”

Liu Lu at the scene was not surprised by this reaction. Facing the doubts of billions of people around the world, he still said loudly under the spotlight:

“It’s normal that you haven’t heard of this name. I made it myself…

“In 1953, when the famous painter Camorrison visited Einstein, he painted a portrait of him called “Naughty Einstein.”

“The two have a very good personal relationship. This picture was painted in Einstein’s study. Camorrison is a very serious painter. When drawing the background, he also drew the formula on the desktop manuscript. Of course, the formula is not complete, only half is revealed.”

After Liu Lu said this, the scene once again exploded and sent out a lively discussion!

Many people know the picture “Naughty Einstein”.

It is not a famous painting, but it is often exhibited around the world, so most people have seen this funny tongue-out painting.

Although some people have discovered that there are indeed strange formulas on the draft paper in the background.

But who cares about this thing!

Isn’t something like cursive paper used for cursive? It’s normal to write some formulas casually.


The formula is only half revealed, and so unclear, who knows if Camorrison painted it blindly.

“Lunatic! The lunatic of the Long Kingdom! Who released you from the hospital!”

“This is the World Mathematics Masters! Not the shooting site of “The Einstein Code”!”

“Genius will eventually fall! You are the best example!”

Even in the Longguo live broadcast room, netizens have no confidence

I thought that Liu Lu, the first prodigy of the Dragon Kingdom, would bring some extraordinary discoveries.


This guy actually started writing novels on this occasion!

“This subject is very suitable for writing novels in Feilu. Einstein’s constant is ridiculous.

“It’s disappointing!”

“This person is hopeless, genius has fallen.”

“A picture drawn by a painter is fine if it is a photo. Are you sure that the painter drew it correctly?”

Lin Xian listened to Liu Lu’s speech and was silent.

He and Dai Chuchan went to see “Naughty Einstein” during the round exhibition in Donghai City.

This is a work after history has changed.

Previously, the original work was “Sorrowful Einstein”. At that time, Einstein was depressed at 5.3 because of his sins.

Later, I wrote a letter to Einstein.

Dispelled his worries.

From then on, Einstein let himself go.Therefore, the painting became “Naughty Einstein”.


That little, half-revealed formula that is not necessarily correct

What can be inferred?

Liu Lu in the middle of the stage continued to elaborate his own theory in the face of controversy:

“Both the general theory of relativity and the special theory of relativity have been introduced for hundreds of years. However, there are still many theories that cannot be verified.”

“I think that the reason why they cannot be verified is because they are not complete! Between various inferences, there is a lack of a constant!”

“If we have this constant, we can calculate more possibilities and impossibility, and even the past! and the future!”

“Have you ever thought that if everything at this time can be calculated with a formula. Then it is said that there is no accident in this world! Accident, it is only inevitable!

Speaking of this, the hall of tens of thousands of people burst into laughter!

Everyone is laughing at Liu Lu!

The more you talk, the more outrageous!

Also calculate the past and the future!

What an inevitable necessity!

it is ridiculous!

“Go on! The genius of the Dragon Kingdom, don’t be embarrassed here!”

“Is this a mathematician? This is a theologian or a novelist!”

“If I hadn’t graduated from elementary school, I might have believed it! Who gave you the courage to say this kind of nonsense!

“Anything can be figured out? Then can you figure out what color of shit I will pull tomorrow????”

The 112 judges in front were also helpless and shook their heads.

But out of politeness, they had to let Liu Lu finish the “performance”.

Liu Lu finished his speech.

Begin to use the electronic pointer to write formulas on the electronic blackboard.

“So, the key to everything! We must figure out this ubiquitous constant that affects everything!”

“This constant, I named it [Einstein’s constant]!’

“First, we start from the general theory of relativity,

Talking about his mathematical theory, Liu Lu is eloquent!

There is no such thing as a dumb gourd!

There was flame in his eyes!

His excitement, as he continued to write the formulas, he danced!

Long formula derivation process.

It took 20 minutes to write.

The blackboard is wiped over and over again

.Finally, substituting my completed formula, this complex number clique will become extremely simple!”

Witnessed by billions of people around the world.

Liu Lu began to simplify the mathematical formula that was complicated and incomprehensible!

Under his derivation, that complicated formula became simpler and simpler.

Gradually, it has become a calculus that college students can understand

Gradually, it became a derivative equation that high school students can understand…

Gradually, it has become a fractional division formula that junior high school students can understand!


It has become addition, subtraction, multiplication and division that elementary school students can understand!


Lin Xian got up directly from his seat and stared at the blackboard Liu Lu was writing frantically!

“No, no!

Excited Liu Lu!

Crazy calculations!

This is his time!

This is his home court!

The calculation has reached the final step.

This is a division that an elementary school student can calculate!

Tap! Tap! Tap!

Li Lu filled Xiaojiu on the blackboard and wrote the final number!

Two extremely simple numbers!

Sweaty Liu Lu throws away the e-learning!

Turning proudly, picking up the microphone, announcing loudly to the world:

“So! In the end, the result of calculating Einstein’s constant is one-

“42! “.

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