Chapter 60 Is there no regret medicine in life? Sorry, I have!

Lin Xian didn’t hear Wang Hao’s question.

He felt a chill on his familiar back again.


It’s this number again.

He thought that this number has not appeared for two days, and it will not appear today.

did not expect.

Before you know it.

I fell into 42 again!

+, grandson Wang Hao!

Lin Xian cursed inwardly.

Had it not been for Wang Hao’s wrong count, Lin Xian would have been a little bit mentally prepared early.

after all …

When the number 42 appears frequently, something strange must happen.

“Lin Xian? Why are you not talking anymore?”

The girl opposite saw Lin Xian stunned and urged:

“You said there is a loophole in what we said? You don’t suspect that we are lying to you!

“Hey, we understand your mood, but you are all classmates, we will definitely not lie to you.”

“Yes, what we said is true! There is absolutely no lie!”


Lin Xian came back from his thoughts and looked at the classmates around him.

No one took it seriously and didn’t care about the farce that counted the wrong number of people just now.

For them, attending a party with multiple people and a small number of people is simply “a big deal”.

Even Wang Hao scratched his head and smiled.

They have not read Einstein’s letter.

Don’t know the cosmological constant.

Naturally, I don’t know, the appearance of 42 is not accidental, but inevitable!

Lin Xian picked up the water glass and drank, then slowly said:

“I don’t suspect that you lied to me.”

“It’s just that there is something obviously unreasonable in what you said.”

Everyone stared at Lin Xian with big eyes.

“As you all know, I have been at the same table with Liu Yiyi for two years. I dare not say anything else. In terms of personality, I still know Liu Yiyi very well.”

“Although she is usually very lively, very friendly and easy to get along with. But as far as I know about her, she is a very shy person towards feelings.

“Even if we assume that she really likes me and plans to confess to me. But with her shy character, she will never show off and engage in all the cities and girls circles like you said. She can’t afford to lose that person!

at this point.

Lin Xian feels the biggest loophole.

No matter how simple and kind Liu Yiyi is, she is after all an 18-year-old girl, a high school girl who has never been in a relationship.

She likes a person and will definitely bury it in her heart as a secret.

It is even more impossible to be like these girls said: tell many people who they like and when to confess to whom.

Such words, Liu Yiyi, who is traditionally shy, absolutely can’t say it!

She must have the guts.

Still need to go around such a big bend?

Sitting at the same table for more than two years, she has a lot of opportunities to slap Lin Xian directly:

“You! From today! Be my boyfriend!”

But she didn’t.

Not only did it not, but it also hid this feeling deeply.

So that…

Lin Xian, who is a wood, has never noticed.


That’s why Lin Xian felt that there were loopholes in this matter, or in other words, it was unreasonable.

However, the reaction of the girls surprised Lin Xian.

After hearing Lin Xian’s doubts, these girls chuckled and instantly became very relaxed:

“What’s up with me, you’re so mysterious. Lin Xian, why don’t you consider developing into an actor?”

“It’s a shame not to be an actor so handsome and acting so well.”

“You really know Liu Yiyi’s truth, but you don’t know the girls circle! In the girls circle, as long as one person knows any secret, it means that all the girls in the school know.”

“Liu Yiyi must be embarrassed to tell this matter, and everyone is embarrassed to change it. Liu Yiyi didn’t say this at first, and she even tried to deny it.

At this time, a girl got up to pour water for everyone, and it happened to pour Lin Xian here:

“Do you remember that little internet celebrity in our school, Wen Ling?”

Wen Ling.

This name once again brought Lin Xian’s thoughts back to the high school era.

If it is said that the most famous girl in Hangzhou No.1 High School, it must be Liu Yiyi.The second most famous person is Wen Ling.

Wen Ling is a girl from the class next door, and her family is also very superior. Both her parents are well-known big figures in Hangzhou, and are typical wealthy daughters.

She and Liu Yiyi both live in the villa district of Hangzhou, and have been good friends and best friends since childhood.

During school, she often went to Lin Xian’s class to find Liu Yiyi to play, and when she talked to Liu Yiyi, she sat in Lin Xian’s seat.

This makes Lin Xian often have no place to sit between classes

So he remembered this woman very clearly.

Wen Ling’s greatest specialty 20 is to write a good handwriting!

Her characters are self-contained and are “Pear Flower Body” invented and created by herself.

Influenced by her family, Wenling likes calligraphy very much. She started to create her own fonts when she was in elementary school.

The so-called pear blossom style is to make a bend at the end when writing every horizontal, vertical, and every stroke.

This one looks funny.

But after the whole word is written, you will find the twists and turns of the strokes, all in one! The levels are distinct! It is pleasing to the eye!

The characters written in “Pear Flower Body” are round and round, extremely cute, and full of girlish air.

When Wen Ling first uploaded poems written in “Pear Flower Style” to Qzone, it became popular all over the Internet.

The number of forwarding is as high as hundreds of thousands!

This is a full-fledged internet celebrity in the era when there was no Douyin and Kuaishou!

Since then, the blackboard newspapers in the entire school have been contracted by Wen Ling.

The TV station also gave an interview.

Her “Pear Flower Body” is still hung in the Hangzhou Children’s Palace, which is regarded as a display of guilty treasures.

It’s not just a children’s palace in Hangzhou.

When she became popular across the Internet, newspapers, children’s palaces, painting exhibitions, calligraphy exhibitions, etc. all sent letters asking for pen and ink.

Regarding the influence of that period, it is not an exaggeration to say that it was “Wang Yizhi at the time”!


This gust of Internet.

It comes fast, and it goes fast.

Lin Xian can’t even remember what happened to Li Huati and Wen Ling afterwards

“Wen Ling, I must know, a talented girl! Or Liu Yiyi’s best friend, who often comes to our class.,

“What’s wrong with her? It’s not she who spread this story all over the city!”

Lin Xian is not stupid.

At this time everyone mentioned Wen Ling, it must be a dumping.

The girls smiled at each other and gave Lin Xian a thumbs up:

“You are so smart! Wen Ling told Li Jing at first, she said only to tell Li Jing,

Then Li Jing only told Wang Ya, and then Wang Ya only told Liu Li…

“Okay, okay, okay, you don’t need to say, I thoroughly understand.”

Lin Xian shook his head helplessly and sighed.

The circle of girls is really mysterious and unfathomable!

There is a legend in the university.

In a 6-person female dormitory, 11 internal groups were built!


With Wen Ling, the “initiator”, all this is clear.

As Liu Yiyi’s best girlfriend.

Liu Yiyi must have told Wen Ling about emotional matters and plans to confess.

He also ordered:

“I’m only telling you! Don’t tell anyone!”

Wen Ling must pat her chest and say it’s okay!

Turned his head and passed it out

One pass to ten, ten pass to a hundred. All the girls who passed it at the end know it.

Fortunately, in high school, the boys and girls circle basically did not communicate, so boys basically didn’t know this kind of gossip.

Of course, they are not interested.

“Later, when all the girls in our class knew, we went to ask Liu Yiyi together. Liu Yiyi blushed at first and strongly denied it, but in the end he couldn’t help us, so he admitted.”

“That’s why Liu Yiyi wants us to keep confidentiality strictly, and we must not let your boys know!

“We also give Liu Yiyi a lot of face, and we have never told any boys.”

While talking, the topic turned to Wen Ling again.

Several goddesses began to use the power of the “Bagua Intelligence Bureau”:

“You said that the fate of a red face is not true, right? Liu Yiyi died young and Wen Ling is even more miserable! After his father’s accident, he fled to the United States with his mother to take refuge. I have heard of it very badly.”

“Wen Ling is even more miserable and dare not come back, and no one can contact her. Maybe it is already now.”

After listening to the girls’ chat.

The four boys on the table, including Lin Xian, were all stunned.

There is such a thing!?

They have never heard of it!

The intelligence network of these girls is too scary, right?

How do you know everything?Wang Hao asked cautiously:

“What happened to Wenling’s house?”

“That’s not it, the house has been sealed up! His father’s hands and feet were dirty and he was reported.”

“When did it happen?”

“Just the day before the college entrance examination, June 6. I was still talking in the group in the morning, and disappeared at night. The country has been looking for them, so the contact information including QQ number has been changed, and no one can contact her. Evaporated from the world Same.”

“Hey, forget it, let’s not talk about this unlucky thing.”


By now.

All misunderstandings are solved.

Although Wen Ling is the culprit, she has been ruined so badly, what else to say.

“Come on! Drink and drink! Whose youth has no regrets, isn’t it? Youth without regrets, can it be called youth?”

Seeing that the atmosphere has been so low, Wang Hao stood up and took the rhythm:

“Let’s toast together! Salute our youth!”

Taste scent.

Everyone toasted and clinked together and drank the glass of youthful wine.

The cheerful atmosphere is back again.

After a few taels of wine, the men and women on the table shook.

Have fun!

Everyone was laughing!

Only Lin Xian didn’t laugh so openly.

But everyone can understand that this matter, who will not regret it?

“Lin Xian, ah! I think if you went to the birthday party, maybe Liu Yiyi would not go abroad, you two are now married and hiccup!”

“Go and go! Which pot does not open and which pot!”

“Just you talk a lot! I can’t tell Lin Xian doesn’t want to listen to this!”

A few male and female classmates drove away the drunk and clinked glasses with Lin Xian:

“Don’t think so much, it’s all over.”


“It’s useless to think so much, and there is no regret medicine in life!”

After everyone drank it, they looked at Lin Xian.

Lin Xian smiled faintly, picked up the wine glass and drank it, then looked at you:

“Sorry, regret this medicine.”

“I really have it!

The party lasted until 11 o’clock in the evening.

Regarding Lin Xian’s phrase “I have regret medicine”, no one took it seriously.

It’s all nonsense after drinking.

Only Lin Xian knows.

He has grasped the key to saving Liu Yiyi–

Wen Ling!

“This classmate meeting is really not in vain.”

Wen Ling, such a good relationship with Liu Yiyi,

I know my past self again,

And people who have evaporated (or died) before the college entrance examination,

Perfectly in line with the plan to save Liu Yiyi!

Lin Xian already had an idea in his mind, so he waited to implement it when he went home!

Wang Hao deserves to be selling, and he has a good drinker.

After drinking, he can also help Lin Xian to check out at the cashier.

“Sir, here is your bill, please check it!”

The waiter at the cash register handed the bill to Wang Hao.

See the bill.

Wang Hao was taken aback.

Hold the wrinkle directly and hide it in your hand, and hand over the bank card:

“Swipe your card.

Lin Xian noticed this detail.

“What’s wrong, Wang Hao?

“It’s alright ”

“Bring me the bill.

“It’s more than 4,000! The reserved tables in the university city are cheap, so you don’t need to worry about it

“Wang Hao!”

Wang Hao’s face sank, knowing he couldn’t hide it, so he directly handed the ball of bill to Lin Xian:

“Hey, I’m just afraid that you are suspicious, you are a bit nervous these days!”

Lin Xian knows.Wang Hao must have something to hide from himself.

He had a hunch in his heart.

Open the bill and look at it, sure enough

Bill amount:


“Ha ha.

Lin Xian didn’t know what he was laughing at.

But it just feels funny.

Lin Xian took the bill and asked the waiter:

“How much is our reserved table?”

“Sir, you have chosen a table for 1,050 yuan, 4 tables for a total of 4,200, there is nothing wrong with the calculation.”

“No, no, no”

Lin Xian shook his head:

“Our big banquet hall, with so many people, don’t have any extra expenses?”

The waiter really thought he was wrong


Look down at the computer for a while to check:

“Mr. Uh, you really did not consume extra. Alcohol, beverages, and cigarettes are all brought by you. What you consume here is only the cost of meals.”

Lin Xian is a bit speechless…

He just doesn’t want to believe it, even eating a meal is so coincidental!

He must be able to find some flaws!

Who is afraid of whom!

“The à la carte one has a bowl of that porridge, shouldn’t it be billed separately?”

“First, if the table is reserved, it includes one bowl per person. I asked you to check the quantity just now because you ordered too much. If you order too much, you will be charged extra.”

“What about boxes of tissues? Do you not charge for boxes of tissues?”

“Mr. Our tissues are all free. You can’t go fishing for law enforcement!”

The waiter’s eyes looked strange at Lin Xian..

It is estimated that Lin Xian is regarded as the supervisor of unannounced visits.

“Oh, Lin Xian! When did you become so groaning, walk around and smoke a cigarette in the backyard, stop the ink!”

The impatient Wang Hao directly dragged Lin Xian to the rockery in the backyard.

This is a purely ornamental courtyard, and there is no one in it.


Wang Hao lit the lighter, lit a cigarette, and looked at Lin Xian:

“I knew you would definitely be nervous about this number, so I didn’t want to show you the bill!”

Lin Xian did not speak.

Wang Hao handed him the cigarette, but he didn’t take it either.

“Don’t smoke.”

“Yes, I haven’t contracted the smell of smoking after so long after graduation.”

Wang Hao put away the cigarette case and spit out a cloud of smoke:

“Why do you have to entangle this 42? This is a very common number. My job number, your license plate, the number of people attending the class reunion, and the bill are all coincidences!”

Lin Xian waved his hand:

“If you don’t understand, I don’t understand with you either.”

Wang Hao didn’t take it to heart, patted Lin Xian’s back, and persuaded meaningfully:

“Brother! I know you are suffering from Liu Yiyi! I don’t say anything wrong with our iron buddies. In fact, even if you went to the birthday party that day, you two will definitely not make it.”


Lin Xian counts everything, but Wang Hao didn’t know how to say it.

He opened Wang Hao’s hand:

“I’m not convinced when you say that! Who do you look down on? I’m going to really go, and I may not agree to Liu Yiyi.”

After listening, Wang Hao laughed and waved his hand:

“I’m not talking about your problem, you two must be fine. What I said is that you can’t pass the level of Liu Yiyi’s parents.”

Lin Xian already knew what Wang Hao was going to say.

Wang Hao took a cigarette and continued:

“Liu Yiyi’s dad is the richest man in Hangzhou. Hangzhou is much bigger than Donghai.”

“Comparedly, Liu Yiyi’s father’s power is much greater than that of the underground emperor Dai Shuangcheng in the East China Sea.”

“People’s dads have a say in the imperial capital, let alone Liu Yiyi’s grandfather, who will pay before retirement.”

“You said, if you two are in love, will her father agree to it? Even if you are in an underground relationship, there must be some time to talk about marriage, right? By then, will it still be empty?”

“Liu Yiyi and his parents will definitely find a way to separate the two of you, and then force Liu Yiyi to arrange a right person. We are not worthy of the real power family like celebrities. Do you want Liu Yiyi to run away with you? ”

“So, if you miss it, miss it. Let him become a memory of youth and stay in the years.”

Lin Xian did not speak.

How could he have thought so far.

Only an hour ago did he know that Liu Yiyi was going to confess this to himself.

Even if it is a delusional brain supplement, this little time is not enough to think about the step of talking about marriage and meeting with the parents.

Why elope

What age is it!

However, he felt that what Wang Hao said also made sense.

This situation may be inevitable, and it will happen.

My family was born in a small county, and my parents opened a small restaurant, which really didn’t match Liu Yiyi’s house.



That was my previous self.

Now I, with the space-time mailbox, has completely changed his fate.

Wang Hao believes that the so-called brave youth and the honorary curator of the Forbidden City are the pinnacle of his life.

he does not know.


It’s just the starting point of my new life.

According to the content of the [Letter from the Future], it is speculated that I still have a “major mission” on his body.

Maybe, I am the savior of future mankind!

He is the supreme god who saves the world!

In terms of status and strength, who can compare with yourself?


Lin Xian also knows.

Wang Hao said this to comfort himself in another way.

If you understand this feeling, you can’t influence everyone’s nature because of your emotions.

He patted Wang Hao on the back and smiled:

“Let’s go, if you drink too much, let’s send it to classmates.”

Wang Hao threw away his cigarette butt, smashed his feet a few times, and laughed haha:

“Hahaha, I really drank too much, and talk nonsense after drinking! Don’t forget to go to your heart!”

The two put their shoulders on their shoulders and walked to the door of the hotel to see them off.

When Lin Xian got home, it was wee hours again.

But he is in good spirits.

Clear thinking.

The way to save Liu Yiyi was finally found!

In order to prevent accidents after drinking, Lin Xian did not go to the study directly, but went to the bathroom to take a shower.

This can calm the brain.

Drink a little bit more vigorously.

Avoid making mistakes when writing.


After turning on the faucet, the water heater starts automatically, and the temperature displayed above is–


Lin Xian was speechless.

He held down the adjustment button.

Di di di di! Press three times.

He just adjusted the water temperature to 45C

“It’s really evil. I can’t help it. I can’t change this temperature?”

Take a shower.

Lin Xian thought inwardly.

Today, very unexpectedly, I was surrounded by 42 packs again.

This is not an illusion.

Because there are too many 42s around.

This is only part of what he has noticed, and there are probably more details that he has not noticed.

Lin Xian came out from the shower and looked at the clock, it was 00:20.

“According to my original plan, I should write a letter in the study now.”

“After writing the letter, putting stamps, and writing the address, it is estimated that the time to post the letter is just 00:42.

But he is not!

This feeling of being mastered and influenced is very uncomfortable.

Lin Xian sat directly on the sofa, turned on the TV, and watched the news at will.

“At 6:17 this afternoon, a car accident occurred at the Panjin intersection near Donghai University Town. The deceased was a distinguished professor of Huarui Company. The perpetrators have been brought under control.

“After on-site investigation, it was confirmed that this was not a vicious accident, it was purely an accident.”


Lin Xian doesn’t care what is shown on TV.

He just wants to get past 00:42.

Then write again.

This can prove–

Whether that kind of mysterious power can only interfere with oneself at 00:42.

Lin Xian looked at the phone, it was 00:50 now.

“Okay, you can write a letter.”

He came to the study, turned on the lamp, and took out the letter paper.


Take a deep breath.

He felt more relaxed than ever.

“Liu Yiyi, I tried so hard to save you! You learned that Entu repays!”

Lin Xian opened the drawer and took out the notes just written yesterday:

[Notes on saving Liu Yiyi by using the space-time mailbox:][1. I can’t let the past me know about time travel. 】

[2. The Zhijiage shooting cannot be stopped. For the sake of historical correctness, some people must die. 】

[3. Let Liu Yiyi survive. 】

This seems to be an impossible paradox.

But because of Wen Ling’s existence!

Everything becomes possible!

Lin Xian’s plan is like this–

[First of all, how to solve the problem of not letting yourself know the time and space travel. 】


Lin Xian wants to use Wen Ling’s tone to write a letter to Lin Xian in 2015!

“Haha, I’m such a genius!”

Lin Xian admires himself!

Indeed, I can write to anyone in the past.

But there is no rule, the signature must be yourself!

This is so important!

Knowing this, you can write to your past self in Wen Ling’s tone

Then at the end, write in the random paragraph [Signature: I am Wen Ling]:

“Lin Xian Xian~ I am Liu Yiyi’s best friend Wen Lingling~ I will tell you a little secret in a low voice~ Liu Yiyi’s birthday party only invites you! She also intends to confess to you~ Don’t forget to go Ah!”


At the thought of imitating this babbled tone, Lin Xian vomited.

But for Liu Yiyi, he endured it!

In this way, when the past self received this letter, he would definitely not think that the letter was sent from the future.

People with normal minds don’t think this way.

“If I saw this letter in the past, the first thing to do is to contact Wen Ling!”

Lin Xian simulates his actions in the past on A4 paper.

He knows himself well.

“But! At this time, Wen Ling’s family is already traveling to the United States, and she definitely can’t get in touch!”

Wenling’s family ran away on June 6, Lin Xian definitely couldn’t get in touch.


At that time, Lin Xian didn’t know the truth about Wenling’s family running away. He would not know that there was an accident in her family and that she was in the U.S. until the class reunion in 2021.

“In this way, the first problem is solved. If I can’t contact Wen Ling, I will definitely go to Liu Yiyi’s house that night.

“At least, I will also ask Wang Hao and them to confirm whether Liu Yiyi only invited me. Wang Hao will definitely not lie to me, so I believe the authenticity of the letter, and it is indeed written by Wen Ling.”


Lin Xian picked up the pencil.

Cross out the first of the three points of attention directly–




It is the second point of attention.

[How to ensure that the Zhijiago shooting happened as scheduled, so that the 36 people who should have died continue to die. )

This has no effect at all.

In my past letters, I didn’t mention this at all.

Regardless of whether Liu Yiyi goes to the U.S., this shooting will happen as scheduled.

“The second point is also solved.”

Lin Xian picked up the pencil.

Cross out the second of the three points of attention directly–


“Okay, the last one.”

[How to make Liu Yiyi survive. 】

“As long as she doesn’t go to study in the U.S., she will definitely survive!”

“Eh not right”

Lin Xian’s pen suddenly stopped in mid-air.What confidence does he have that Liu Yiyi will definitely not go to study abroad?

Not to mention whether the past self will agree to Liu Yiyi’s confession.

Even if he agreed to confess.

The two became boy and girl friends.

It does not prevent Liu Yiyi from continuing to study abroad, and the two maintain a foreign relationship.

“Liu Yiyi, will she give up her bright future for me?,

Lin Xian put down his pencil.

Lie on your back in a chair.

He is not sure about this option.

He was not even sure whether his past self would agree to Liu Yiyi’s confession.

“It’s hard to tell. The boy at that age is more ill than the second, he has a higher self-esteem, and he can’t be dragged.”

“If I was in the past, when 13 addictions occur, I have to pretend it is not impossible to refuse Liu Yiyi.


The train of thought seems to have reached a dead end again.

But Lin Xian still got up, picked up the pencil, and drew on the third point of attention–


“Liu Yiyi, whether you can survive or not depends on our feelings.”

“If you really like me so much, you probably won’t go to study abroad.

“And if the past me also liked you very much, then I will definitely not refuse your confession.

Logic is smooth!

Lin Xian decided–

The final key switch to save Liu Yiyi–

760 was given to two people who were only 18 years old in the past, in 2015.

“Our relationship occurred at the age of 18, so it should be up to the 18-year-old me to decide whether or not to associate with Liu Yiyi.”

Lin Xian thinks this is fair.

It’s like he deliberately avoided 42, unwilling to be controlled by the mysterious power of the future.

Comparing heart to heart.

He can’t force his 18-year-old self to follow the script he set.

Everyone has the right to choose life.

Even though, that is the past self.

“18-year-old Lin Xian, I respect your choice.”

Lin Xian took out the lighter.


Light the paper with three points of attention written on it and let it burn to ashes in the ashtray.

After a clear idea.

Lin Xian put down the pencil, picked up the pen and started writing:


[Dear Lin Xian. 】


Lin Xian tore off the letter paper directly.

“No way, no way, it’s impossible for Wen Ling to call me that way before the design is converted.”

After thinking about it again and again, Lin Xian started writing again:

[Lin Xian from the class next door~][Hello ^^][Hee hee, you must not guess who I am! But I will tell you my name, because after tonight, you will thank me for saying it! Yeah! (~一vー)~][Dangdangdang~~ I am your schoolmate, Liu Yiyi–the best girlfriend–Miss Wenling!】

[Secretly tell you one thing~~ Liu Miaomiao’s birthday party tonight, in fact, only invited you alone!!][Can’t you think of it? Hey! Let me tell you, the things you can’t think of are still behind!][Yiyi took a lot of trouble, lied to you under the guise of inviting the whole class, just to confess to you tonight!! Shame and shame~~~ Damn it’s Yiyi actually grabbed the order in front of me, huh! (#目

[All in all, don’t let Yiyi down! Whether you want to be Yiyi’s boyfriend or not is up to you. But if you don’t go, Yiyi will definitely be very sad. 】

[Every girl has only one 18th birthday. Whether you like her or not, please be sure to tell her personally. 】

[Shh!! Don’t tell Yiyi I said it!! This is a secret that belongs to both of us!][Signature: Cupid of Love–Wen Ling Sauce!]

Only Dang Kang Dang–

It’s a snap–

“Oh!!!!! Ouch”

Hold back! Lin Xian insists on writing the last word!

Then rushed straight to the toilet!

Vomiting in the toilet!

“Oh!!! Oh, me, it’s disgusting! Ouch–”

After writing this pretentious letter that imitated the tone of a teenage girl, Lin Xian made himself nauseous!”vomit..

The sea cucumbers I ate at night vomited out, and finally suppressed the nausea.


“what …

Lin Xian patted his chest, washed his face, rinsed his mouth, and sat back in the study.

“So shy, I feel like a ladyboy in an online game!”

“Which sound and madness”

Generally, after writing a letter, Lin Xian will check it again to see if there is anything wrong.

But this time.

He really didn’t have the courage to watch it a second time.

In order to make Xin have a girlish air, he even used emoji!

Finally, at the word Cupid, a heart is also drawn

“Hey, that’s it. Even after I confessed this letter to Liu Yiyi, Wen Ling had already left the country, and Liu Yiyi couldn’t get in touch. Naturally, there was no evidence.”

Lin Xian nodded in satisfaction.

This plan, apart from pretending to be a ladyboy, is simply perfect.

After putting the stamp, Lin Xian wrote on the front of the envelope:

[Recipient: Lin Xian][Address: Unit 201, Unit 4, Building 3, Yihai Community, Chengguan Town, Qinghe County, Hangzhou][Delivery time: June 8, 2015]

June 8th is the second day of the college entrance examination and also Liu Yiyi’s birthday.

On this evening, she will hold a birthday party.

The invitation to the birthday party was notified to Lin Xian a few days ago, so all the time is right.

“Wen Ling didn’t take the college entrance examination. All of my classmates were taking the college entrance examination. In the past, I didn’t have time to verify the flaws in the letter.”

Lin Xian wrote the message and glued the envelope.

It’s all over.

Finally came to the final letter investment link!

This letter will completely change the 5 years of world history

Suddenly there will be one more person on the land of Long Country, and she will be admitted to a university.


And she was admitted, it means that a student who should have been admitted failed the list.

A student who fails the ranking may be accepted by the second choice, which will eventually lead to another person falling off the ranking.

In the end, there will be someone who fails to go to university, goes back to study again, or works part-time.

And this person will create many different histories

Big or small

“To bring people back to life, this is an area that God can relate to.”

Lin Xian picked up the envelope, took a bite of the rubber crumbs on the table, and prepared to post the letter–


At this moment–

Because of the breath.

The chain reaction has begun!

That breath not only blows away the rubber crumbs, but also blows the pencil forward.

After rolling the pencil a few times, it rolled back and stopped in front of Lin Xian’s eyes, just in time to see the words printed on the pencil–


This is an extremely ordinary yellow pencil!

(There is a picture in the upper right corner)

Every Long Guo student has used it since childhood!

You can see it everywhere in stationery stores!

For so many years, Lin Xian has never read the font printed on a pencil seriously.

but now.

This 4200

Extraordinarily conspicuous.

Lin Xian’s letter-posting hand stopped in mid-air

The envelope is only 3 cm away from the red ii post box.




It’s 42 again!

Lin Xian cursed inwardly.

I’m so cheap!

Why do you blow this breath!

(This chapter contains pictures, click the “illustration” button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the pictures.)


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