Chapter 59 There is a fatal loophole in your story!


No one was talking on the table.

Wang Hao’s voice was very small, but everyone heard it clearly.

Everyone didn’t speak, because…what Wang Hao said was the truth.

After the college entrance examination that year, Liu Yiyi’s birthday party did not invite them!

The boys present here are as stunned as Wang Hao, and they don’t even know this.

The girls here are all aware of this. They all helped Liu Yiyi conceal it back then, so it was naturally clear that only Lin Xian was invited to the birthday party.


Lin Xian stopped in midair with a toast.

Frozen there.

Wang Hao said…

Liu Yiyi didn’t invite them to his birthday party at all?

Only invited yourself?

This is a situation that I never thought of when I was 18 years old.

Plus what the girls said just now:

“Liu Yiyi said he would confess to someone he likes at the 18th birthday party. All the girls in the class know about this!”

“This matter is not a secret in the girls circle! We all know this matter, but we didn’t tell the boys about it.”

“Everyone knows about this…at least…all the girls know…”


Everything is combined.

Lin Xian wants to understand.

Combining all the words I heard today, it seems that the mystery that has been covered in dust for many years has finally been revealed…

It turned out that Liu Yiyi only invited himself to the birthday party held on the evening of June 8.

But Liu Yiyi was afraid that he would not go, so he lied that he had invited the whole class.

Just like what she left to Lin Xian in Qzone:

“Lin Xian! You must come to my birthday party! All my classmates have invited! So you must come too!”

At that time, Liu Yiyi told Lin Xian the same way.

And Lin Xian, who was 18 years old at the time, felt that…

Since so many people went there, it was not too bad for me, so I didn’t go.


The 18-year-old boy is so strange and awkward.

Just stubborn.

It’s not that someone who knows that there are tigers in the mountains is going to go to Hushan, or that who knows that a girl is interesting to you, deliberately ignores it!

Lin Xian still remembers…

My own QQ signature at the time was still something non-mainstream, “Boys pretend to be indifferent to girls they like, and girls pretend to be affectionate to boys they don’t like.”

vomit! ! ! !

Thinking of this hypocritical black history, Lin Xian almost vomited!

But in a blink of an eye, he thought of Liu Yiyi’s lonely birthday party on the evening of June 8…

That evening……

In the huge room…

Liu Yiyi watched the courtyard gate expectantly while guarding the cake alone.

“He will come! Hehe, he will definitely come!”

“Will he come?”

“He… is he coming…?”

Expectation becomes disappointment.

Disappointment turns into despair.

Lin Xian couldn’t imagine how Liu Yiyi spent that long and difficult night…


look forward to.



Feeling abandoned…

This is a girl’s 18th birthday party that was supposed to be lively, happy and happy.

In this carefully prepared room.

She wants to boldly confess to the boy she likes——

“Lin Xian! I like you! Hee hee, can you be my boyfriend?”

But that boy.

But it didn’t show up all night.

………………………………………….. ….

Looking at the wine glass held in mid-air.

Lin Xian suddenly felt nauseated, making it difficult to swallow.


Lin Xian put the wine glass back on the table.

Did not speak.

This may be… the so-called youth regret.

Young do not understand love.

Wang Hao didn’t know what to say, so he picked up the wine glass and touched Lin Xian’s wine glass before doing everything in one go:

“Hey! You can’t be blamed for this, after all, you don’t have a God’s perspective, and you don’t know that you are only invited!”

“My brother, I can believe it! Lin Xian’s character is absolutely fine! If Lin Xian knew that Liu Yiyi only invited him, he would definitely go! Hey, the little boy at that time, he was awkward and arrogant. Everyone is like this.”

“By the way… Lin Xian, why on earth did you go that day? Is there something important?”

Lin Xian raised his head.

Think hard and meditate.

On the evening of June 8, 2015…

Why did you go?

This ghost just remembered.

Playing games? sleep? Barbecue at night market stall? Play? drink wine? ……

That day had no special significance for Lin Xian, it was just the most ordinary day in his life, so of course he couldn’t remember it.

The atmosphere of the ice cave gradually warmed up, and the girls began to comfort Lin Xian:

“Blam us, we shouldn’t talk nonsense! We both thought you went to the birthday party, but you two were not together again, so we felt that you rejected Liu Yiyi’s confession.”

“We…we don’t know the actual situation either. Lin Xian, don’t blame us! The reason why we didn’t dare to tell the boys back then was because Liu Yiyi asked us not to tell you boys! ”

“Yes, right, right, we fined a cup! Fine! Lin Xian didn’t refuse Liu Yiyi’s confession! He didn’t go to the birthday party that day! I remembered it all! Don’t talk nonsense in the future!”

“This is also a coincidence. After the college entrance examination, they went back to their homes, and everyone didn’t meet and exchange. Lin Xian must have thought that Liu Yiyi had invited the whole class, so he didn’t worry about it.”

“Liu Yiyi too! She wants to confess Lin Xian at her birthday party. She has told so many girls about it, so why not tell Lin Xian only?”



Several girls at the table began to punish themselves for drinking.

Although Lin Xian didn’t speak, his mind was running fast.

I always feel…

What’s wrong in what they said…

He closed his eyes.

Begin to think carefully about what they said:

[Liu Yiyi told so many girls——][It’s not a secret in the girls circle——]

【everybody knows–】


Lin Xian opened his eyes wide and stretched out his hand to signal everyone to be quiet.

Everyone on the table looked at Lin Xian, and Lin Xian stared at the girls.

Slowly said:

“There is a fatal loophole in what you are saying.”


The table was silent again.

At this time, a waiter in overalls came and patted Wang Hao:

“Mr. Wang, let me confirm it again. Because this is very expensive, I’m afraid you will order the wrong quantity.”

“Excuse me… do you want 43 sea cucumber and abalone crock pots?”

Wang Hao nodded:

“Yes, one serving per person! Why, I’m afraid we can’t afford it!”

The waiter hurriedly shook his head:

“No, no! I didn’t mean that as a guest…”

“But there are only 42 of you here…you order 43…we are afraid that you order the wrong and wasted, is there someone who wants to drink two?”



Lin Xian looked directly at Wang Hao.

Wang Hao also stared at Lin Xian dumbfounded.

“Don’t don’t! Lin Xian, don’t look at me like that! I definitely didn’t count it wrong! We are 43 people here!”

As he said, Wang Hao hurriedly pulled out a piece of paper from his pocket.

After unfolding, it was a printed form with the serial number and each person’s name clearly written on it, and at the end there was a blank space filled with checkmarks.

The serial number of the last person is 43.

“Brother, believe me! I’ll check if you come alone! It’s absolutely true! All 43 people are here! There are not a few of them!”

“I swear to you! If there is one less person in this room out of thin air, I will be there! Give you this table!”

Lin Xian still did not speak.

Wang Hao thought he was angry.

He got up directly and began to scold the waiter:

“You must have counted the wrong number of people! There are clearly 43 people in this room! Come, I’ll check it for you!!!”

Wang Hao stood up and scanned the four tables in the entire room.

One by one.

The squad leader is the squad leader, and he is responsible for doing things. He is responsible for contacting the classmates, so they are naturally familiar.

So, he quickly discovered the problem!

In their high school class, there are a pair of twins, Wang Qiang and Wang Meng.

The two are exactly the same. Wang Hao couldn’t tell the difference when he was in school, and now he can’t tell.

But today, one of these two wears a white sweater and the other wears a black trench coat.

Although it is not clear who is who, both of them must have arrived.

On Wang Hao’s list, Wang Qiang and Wang Meng both checked the names.

He walked over.

“Wang Qiang!”

The blushing fat man raised his head:

“What the hell is the squad leader, I’m Wang Meng!”

“Well, you are Wang Meng, what about your brother Wang Qiang? I saw him just now, where did he go?”

After listening, Wang Meng laughed loudly:

“Squad leader, if you can see him, it’s a hell!”

“My brother Wang Qiang was supposed to come. We made a car. As a result, his company suddenly had an emergency and took a taxi back. So I came by myself.”

Wang Hao was taken aback, looking at the white sweater on Wang Meng:

“That’s not right! After you went upstairs, another person who looked exactly like you and dressed in a black trench coat came up. Isn’t that your brother Wang Qiang!”

Wang Meng laughed again when he heard it, he got up, staggered to the hanger, and took off the black windbreaker:

“Squad leader, you are stunned! This black trench coat is mine too!”

“After I came up, I felt that the air conditioner was too cold, so I went down and got the windbreaker. I took it off when the drink became hot again.”

Wang Hao gave a flop and crossed out the name “Wang Qiang” from the list with his nails:

“It’s really fat guys forcing things! It’s cold for a while and hot for a while.”

“You said you can’t sit still? Running up and down, and playing cosplay! It made me remember the wrong person.”

Wang Hao’s words drew laughter again!

The twins, Wang Qiang and Wang Meng, often make jokes when they go to school because they look so alike.

Unexpectedly, after a lapse of 5 years, the squad leader confessed his mistake.

Wang Hao sat down and showed Lin Xian the name of “Wang Qiang” on the list.

“I made a mistake. Wang Meng’s grandson wore a black windbreaker, and I took him again as Wang Qiang. Wang Qiang didn’t come.”

“Waiter! Only 42 sea cucumber and abalone crock pots will do!”

The people at the table were all too happy, and one after another scolded Wang Hao, and many people made noises and asked Wang Hao to hurry up and eat the table!

Wang Hao laughed awkwardly, and directly picked up the wine glass and drank three drinks.

“Three cups of self-punishment! Spontaneous three cups won! Hahaha! Everyone is still eating, I can’t really eat the table, right?”

After forcibly punishing himself, Wang Hao sat down and drank a few sips of water to suppress the alcohol.


Lin Xian said nothing.

He looked at the crumpled list…


He hadn’t noticed for so long!

Because of Wang Hao’s statistical errors-


The number of people in this closed banquet hall.

It just happened to be…



Wang Hao poked Lin Xian and said quietly:

“You just said…there is a fatal loophole in what they said?”*

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