Chapter 61 Wen Ling! The key to everything!

Lin Xian looked at the pencil.

The letter-posting hand stopped in mid-air.

Time seems to stand still.

But this is different from last time. There is no mysterious power, no interference, and no one holds Lin Xian’s wrist.

All this is Lin Xian’s own will.

It was he who gave up the letter.

He shook his wrist and the envelope in his hand.

Cho with a yellow pencil on the table.


“What does it mean?”

Lin Xian put the envelope on the table.

Then environmental protection lay on his back on the chair with his arms, his eyes still fixed on the yellow pencil on the table.

He knew in his heart.

The mess of English letters is meaningless.

Really “meaningful” numbers.

There is only the “42” in the middle.

“Is it accidental? Is it a coincidence?”

Lin Xian couldn’t laugh or cry.

He just breathed out!

Anyone who has written homework must have such a habit–

Seeing the rubber crumbs on the table, everyone will conditioned to blew it away directly.

Rubber crumbs are not eligible to go into the trash can.

The act of blowing rubber dust is completely a habit engraved in DNA.

Lin Xian does not feel that he is being manipulated by “mysterious power”.

Then, with that breath, the pencil was blown and rolled several times.

This is also very reasonable!

The pencils are all made of poplar wood, they are very light, and they will roll when you blow them.

Finally, the pencil rolled several times and then rolled back.

This is more reasonable.

Because Lin Xian’s table itself is a very small slope.

“Is this really a coincidence?”

Lin Xian asked himself.

This time he really couldn’t tell.

If Wang Hao was present at this time, he would definitely pat the table and use his one-year performance bonus to bet with Lin Xian:

“Coincidence! This is absolutely a coincidence! Blowing a pencil, if you say it is not a coincidence, blow it to me again!”

In the end, Lin Xian decided to give up the investment letter.

“Every time there are 42 phenomena around me, it is the day when I want to put in a letter.”

This is the first common point that Lin Xian summarized.

“Every time there are 42 phenomena, they are preventing me from doing anything.”

This is the second common point.

“A good memory is not as good as a bad pen. I’d better write it down.”

Lin Xian believes that making good use of pen records is a very good habit.

He took out a piece of A4 paper, and began to summarize while writing:

[Common points when 42 phenomena occur frequently:]

【1, that evening, I was ready to write to my past self. 】

[2. In the end, I didn’t send this letter. 】

[3, 42 phenomenon is always preventing me from doing things (to be determined, may not be correct)][4, 42 phenomenon will not hurt me, there is no actual lethality (to be determined, may not be correct)][5, 42 everywhere]


Lin Xian wrote a sentence accidentally.

It coincides with the last sentence of the [Letter from the Future].

“It’s not surprising, after all, I wrote it myself.”

“Is there any more?”

Lin Xian thought about it and added another one at the end.

[6, 42 is always correct (to be determined, may not be correct)]

Seeing this contradictory comment, Lin Xian is also a bit speechless

No way, the sample data is too small to make accurate judgments.

At least in terms of preventing oneself from posting for the first time, “it” is indeed correct.

If that letter is thrown out hastily.

It will not only cause the historical madness to deviate from the right track, but also have an immeasurable impact.

You are more likely to lose your outlook on life values, go astray, or even die

“Anyway, for me to change history to help others, the first prerequisite is to ensure that my existence is not erased.”

Therefore, Lin Xian decided to believe 42-times.

Today’s letter.

Don’t vote anymore!

“When I think about it, there is one more thing in common. It seems that every time the 42 phenomenon appears, I will get drunk!”

Lin Xian hesitated for a long time and didn’t write this one up.

Because it’s too nonsense.

“Go to bed first, and think about it when you wake up tomorrow.”

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian pressed the alarm clock.

“Hey! I forgot to turn off the alarm again, why did I get up so early on the weekend!

I am preparing to continue to sleep back into the cage–

Lin Xian suddenly got up.

Pick up the phone to check the time.

06: 41

“Well, it’s fine.

Lin Xian’s alarm set time is 06:40.

Last time I got up slowly, it was already 06:42 when I looked at the watch.

A bad day started from seeing the 42.

That’s why Lin Xian was a little nervous.

He clicked on the time setting and directly changed all future alarms to 06:43.

“So when I get up, I will never see 42 again.”

After such a toss, there is no sleepiness.

He came to the study again.

On the desk, the pencil and the written letter were all placed there safe and sound.

I don’t know when I encountered it.

Now, the printed side of the pencil has been rolled to the bottom, and the row of English letters is invisible.

Lin Xian closed the study door and did not enter.

He needs to think about it today.

What is the significance of 42 frequently appearing yesterday?

Is there something wrong with that letter?

“The greatest possibility is this.

“It means that this letter should not be sent back. There must be something I owe to consideration.

Lin Xian took out the canned food and semi-finished hand cakes from the refrigerator and went to the kitchen to cook.

Thinking while cooking.

That letter

Where is it wrong?

Can’t figure it out all the time.

Didi! Didi! Didi!

Lin Xian finished eating the cake, wiped his hands, and picked up the phone.

It was a WeChat sent by Dai Chuchan:

Dai Chuchan: Hehehehe black! Dear Honorary Curator of the Forbidden City~~~ Have you returned from the Imperial Capital?

Dai Chuchan: Can I go and play with you?

Dai Chuchan: I think you were very interested in the painting exhibition last time. Would you like me to take you to another place to visit?

Lin Xian smiled helplessly after seeing it.

I have never been interested in this stuff!

The last time I went to see the exhibition at the Cultural Exhibition Center was to confirm whether the painting “Sorrowful Einstein” has changed.

As for being the honorary curator of the Forbidden City

It has nothing to do with his love of calligraphy and painting.

Dai Chuchan was completely misunderstood.

Didi.Dai Chuchan sent another message.

Dai Chuchan: Senior! Donghai Children’s Palace is holding the “National Youth Outstanding Calligraphy Exhibition”. Should we go there?

Dai Chuchan: Hehe! If they know that the honorary curator of the Forbidden City is coming to visit, maybe they will let you comment!

Lin Xian decided to explain clearly to Dai Chuchan.

I have no interest in this “high-end cultural field” at all.


While Lin Xian was typing, Dai Chuchan sent a catalogue of the “National Youth Outstanding Calligraphy Works Exhibition”.

Although WeChat displays thumbnails.

But Lin Xian still saw a name at a glance–

Wen Ling!

It stands to reason that his eyes are not so sharp

It’s just that I have been thinking about the name all night, and I have formed a subconscious mind, so I caught it at a glance!

Lin Xian deleted the typed text and clicked on the picture to watch.

Catalogue of “National Youth Outstanding Calligraphy Works Exhibition”

[1. Work “Huanxisha” Author: Nanjiang No. 2 Middle School-Li Xiaomeng][2, “Ode to the Yangtze River” Author: Liuyang Yigao-Wang Ke][10. The author of the work “Drunken Flower Yin”: Hangzhou Yigao-Wen Ling]

“It’s really the same Wen Ling!”

Lin Xian recalled.

Wen Ling’s “Pear Flower Style” poems were displayed in the Hangzhou Children’s Palace that year and were loved by the students. The leaders also praised this innovative behavior.

Are there any works exhibited in other places?

Um …

If you think about it, it may not be impossible.

The “Pear Flower Body” was popular all over the country, and Wen Ling was even more of an Internet celebrity.

Maybe some children’s palaces will write to Wen Ling asking for an exhibition of calligraphy.

At yesterday’s class reunion, Lin Xian already knew that she fled to the United States overnight on June 6, 2015, and her life and death is still unknown.

Reminiscent of the letter yesterday.

I also borrowed Wen Ling’s name and wrote it to myself on June 8, 2015.

Maybe this is a clue?

“Anyway, there is nothing wrong with today, so let’s take a look at Geng, and it can be regarded as a memorial to my old classmate /々.

“People might still be alive

Lin Xian gave Dai Chuchan a good reply.

Dai Chuchan is not happy over there!

I replied to 3 cute emojis in a row!

Dai Chuchan sent Lin Xian the position of the Children’s Palace, which happened to be between the two.

So the two arranged to meet directly at the Children’s Palace at 9 o’clock.


At 10 o’clock, Lin Xian’s performance beast appeared in the Children’s Palace on time.

The Children’s Palace has been here since nine years ago. It is an old-fashioned building and naturally there is no underground parking lot.

After Lin Xian parked, there was a circle of kids next to him!

“Wow!!! This is a Porsche!!! So handsome!!! Is it a 911?”

“Shit! Do you understand cars! This is a Mustang! My cousin has one!”

“So handsome!! Will this car be deformed? Will it become a Transformer?”

“The low-profile one shouldn’t, if it’s high-profile, it may have a deformation function.”

Even if Lin Xian got out of the car and locked the car, these little kids still didn’t look at Lin Xian, their attention was all on the car.

“It’s still a child with a simple heart. If adults circle around, they must have their eyes on me.

Da da da.

A girl in a dress ran over there.

“Hi~~ Senior Lin Xian! Waiting for you for a long time!”

Dai Chuchan is wearing a small high heel with straps and a beautiful blue dress, especially youthful and beautiful!

“The skirt is good.”

“Really!? That’s great! Fortunately, I didn’t listen to my mother. She said she was going to be more formal when she saw you.

Lin Xian listened, smiled slightly, and said nothing.

Dai Chuchan’s mother, Aunt Li Ruoying, is indeed very enthusiastic to herself, and she has a very good impression of her.

“Huh!!! Senior Lin Xian, is this your car? Wow, you are so rich! This car is expensive, right?”

“Can you take me for a drive in a while?”

There are many luxury cars in Dai Chuchan’s house.But most of them are middle-aged and elderly aesthetics.

It’s either a long-distance car that doesn’t fall in the dark, or a square business car.

This is also the first time she has come into contact with such a beautiful and handsome car.

She squeezed to the children and watched the red beast with the children.

“Huh? Sister, are you that brother’s girlfriend?”

When Dai Chuchan heard this, his face blushed, but he was delighted in his heart:

“We do we look like couples?”

“What is a portrait? Are you not dating?”

“Yes, yes! Are you dating! Do we match well?”

“Neuropathy ”

The little boys regarded Dai Chuchan as a fool, so they turned their heads and left.


Dai Chuchan held the little boy directly, took out a bottle of Vitamin C jelly from the bag and handed it over:

“Is it a good match?”

“Wow!! It’s a natural match!!”

“You are the Cowherd and Weaver Girl!!!”

“Just with Big Gray Wolf and Red Wolf!!”

“You are so beautiful! He is so handsome!!

Dai Chuchan was very happy to hear that, the children picked up the candy and ran a long way right away.

She stood up and looked around the Ferrari 488 back and forth:

“Aren’t these vents afraid of water ingress?”

“Why are there so many exhaust pipes!”

“It’s weird here too”

Lin Xian looked at her curious appearance, no different from a child, and was amused:

“If you like it so much, you can ask your dad to buy you one.”

Dai Chuchan shook his head after hearing this:

“But I haven’t tested my driver’s license, and if I buy it, I won’t buy this kind of sports car.”

“Then what do you buy?”

“Hehe! I want to buy that Wuling Hongguang MINI electric car! Fang Fangzheng is thief and cute! I want to post Sailor Moon on both sides!

Lin Xian reluctantly shook his head and smiled.

Dai Chuchan is like a little fairy who has lived in the ivory tower all her life.

There are castles, guards, flowers, and rainbows.

She has no contact with any evil or darkness.

Therefore, she can always be so simple and not contaminated by the world.

Lin Xian doesn’t hate Dai Chuchan.

On the contrary, staying with such a lively and cheerful girl will always be amused by her, and the mood will be very relaxed.

“Alright, don’t watch it. Let me experience it when I take you home. Let’s go to the calligraphy exhibition first.”

The two came to the calligraphy exhibition hall in the Children’s Palace.

There are very few people here.

Even if there were a few noisy children, they were forced to watch by their parents.

After all, this is just an outstanding calligraphy work by young people across the country.

It’s not everyone’s work, it’s hard to attract people to watch it.

The calligraphy works exhibited here are not too many.

After a while, the two of them went to Wen Ling’s works.

It was a pair of light pink long scrolls.

Two lines of graceful handwriting are written vertically on it.

There is no doubt that it is the “Pear Flower Body” created by Wen Ling and spread all over the country.

These pear blossom fonts jump on the paper, as cute as a bunny.

The seemingly inadvertent bend, in fact, as a whole, every stroke is just right, as beautiful as a beautiful painting.

This overall beauty is the greatest charm of “Pear Flower Body”.

Precisely because it is about the overall beauty, the layout of each stroke must be redesigned according to the context.

so …

In this world, no one can imitate the “Pear Flower Body”.

This is a font that only Wenling can master.

Of course, it is not so absolute. If someone is willing to spend more than ten years studying this type of font like Wen Ling, it may not be impossible to imitate it.

But what is the point?

Lin Xian reached out to touch the handwriting.

There are glass bindings on the outside, so you are not afraid of damage.

Wen Ling…

Wen Ling’s signature is also in the pear blossom body, which is extraordinarily round and fresh.

I have to say, life is like a play

If Wenling goes down this path honestly, she might be able to make achievements in the domestic calligraphy circle.


Good luck makes people.

Now living in the U.S. for survival, she has no legal status, can’t go to school, can only work illegally, and she must live a miserable life.

This “Pear Flower Body”, I am afraid that it has also been lost to the world.

Lin Xian focused on the content.

This is a poem by Li Qingzhao.

“Drunken Flower Yin”

The mist is thick and the clouds are sorrowful forever, and the brain is extinguished by the golden beast. On the Double Ninth Festival, the jade pillow gauze kitchen, the coolness in the middle of the night is beginning.

After Dongli put the wine in the evening, there was a dark fragrance. I can’t help it. The curtain winds in the west wind, and people are thinner than Huang Hua.

A very miserable poem.

The artistic conception is very sad.

But combined with Wen Ling’s graceful fonts, there is a different kind of bleak beauty.

“The choice of this phrase really fits the font.

Hearing Lin Xian’s evaluation, Dai Chuchan nodded next to him:

“This is the pear flower body that used to be popular in QQ space? We girls all wanted to learn this font at the time!

“But you can’t write that kind of taste no matter how you write it. Depending on the context, sometimes the direction of the stroke will change, resulting in a lot of writing styles for a character.”

“A person who can write such a font must have a very smart mind! Before she wrote, she had already figured out the layout of the entire calligraphy and painting in her mind.

“But most of us don’t have this ability. So all the girls in the class couldn’t learn this type of font, and they didn’t even look good in the description. They were inconsistent, and they could be seen as bad imitations at first glance.”

“At that time, the girls in our class also joked that this person’s fonts were born with anti-counterfeiting features! No one can imitate them! There can be no pirated copies!

Dai Chuchan’s words.

It’s like a picturesque dragon!

Lin Xian looked at this picture and refined knowledge points–

It is born with anti-counterfeiting function! No one can imitate it! There is no pirated version!

” I see.”

Hearing Lin Xian’s words, Dai Chuchan thought it was recognition of his own analysis, so he didn’t care.

She went directly to the next picture.

But Lin Xian stood still.

The corners of his mouth raised, revealing a relaxed smile that he hadn’t seen for a long time.

“Sure enough, I missed something by drinking. A night’s hangover affects my thinking too much.”

After listening to Dai Chuchan’s words, Lin Xian suddenly realized–

What is Wenling’s most iconic thing?

It’s her pear flower body that is unique in the world!

This kind of pear flower body that cannot be imitated at all, even if it is copied, can be seen at a glance.

So no one in this world can write to Wen Ling!

My letter yesterday, although imitated Wen Ling’s tone, was written like a ladyboy.

But the font is still the font of boys.

It’s okay to pretend to be a boy, but the other party started to “super calligrapher” Wen Ling!

This is simply a trick!

No matter how stupid I was in the past, I can tell at a glance that the letter was not written by Wen Ling at all.

You don’t even need to verify.

It can be treated as a prank directly.

“The clown is myself.”

Lin Xian shook his head fiercely and followed Dai Chuchan.

Sometimes, people think like this.

The more you rack your brains, the easier it is to overlook the simplest things.

Such things as handwriting.

Shouldn’t it be the first consideration?


This does not mean that the road is blocked.

There is no logical problem with my own plan. What is lacking now is that I can use fake and real “Pear Flower” writing!

“Senior Lin Xian~~Come up~~~”

Hearing Dai Chuchan’s call, Lin Xian quickly followed.After watching the exhibition, Lin Xian drove Dai Chu Feng Cicada to the nearby shopping mall.

The original intention was to come to eat, but there were queues in various places, so the two bought some snacks and wandered around while eating.

Just inexplicable

Originally a good shopping exhibition, it seems to be a couple dating!

The tall and handsome Lin Xian and the generous Dai Chuchu are the focus of attention wherever they go.

There is also a wedding photography studio, I want to bring two people in to experience it for free.

Dai Chuchan looked at the flyer and twisted, as if hesitated.

Lin Xian took her straight away

In the evening, Lin Xian sent Dai Chuchan home to the luxurious villa No. 1 by the lake.

Unexpectedly, I saw Aunt Li Ruoying waiting at the door from a distance.

After parking the car, Lin Xian came down to say hello to her:

“Auntie, why are you waiting outside, there are so many mosquitoes here.”

Li Ruoying saw Lin Xian very kindly.

Smiling and holding Lin Xian’s hand:

“Auntie is not worried about you, come here, the food is ready, come in and eat!”

Lin Xian hurriedly waved his hands.

He just sent Dai Chuchan home, but he didn’t plan to eat at home.

“No, no, I have something to do. I will go back after sending Chu Chan.”

“Oh, you have to eat when you are busy! Not bad for a while!”

“Auntie, it takes more than 2 hours to drive from here to my house. I have to leave as soon as possible.”

“Ah? It’s been a long time, then don’t go back today, just live here! We have guest rooms!


Lin Xian is really speechless.

He cast a look at Dai Chuchan for help.

I hope she can hold this enthusiastic mother and let him go.

But Dai Chuchan stood on the side with a smile, shaking his body without speaking.

“Good guys, you guys are in the same group!”

“Hahaha! Senior, let us go! Dad also went to the Imperial Capital for a meeting today. There are only two of us at home, so you can eat dinner with us!,

no way.

Kindness is hard to refuse.

Lin Xian had to follow the two of them into the door.

“Lin Xian~ Auntie knew you were coming, and made the fish specially for you!”

Li Ruoying brought out a huge fish from the kitchen and placed it directly in front of Lin Xian.

“Don’t stop auntie, just put it in the middle.

Dai Chuchan burst out laughing when she saw this scene:

“Senior Lin Xian, my mother said, what he likes most about you is that you like to eat fish!”

“My dad and I don’t like fish, she has nowhere to show her skills!”

Li Ruoying brought out two more dishes from the kitchen and looked at Lin Xian lovingly:

“Since Lin Xian loves to eat fish so much, he will often come to sit at home if he is fine in the future!”

“Auntie, I just like to make fish. No one can eat it, so I feel so uncomfortable!”

Lin Xian smiled awkwardly.

He doesn’t like fish too much.

It’s just that Aunt Li kept feeding herself the fish last time, and she was embarrassed to have it left, so she ate it straight away.

The three of them talked while eating.

Li Ruoying clipped an eggplant box to Lin Xian:

“…, Lin Xian, your trip to the imperial capital this time is really rewarding~ When Chu Chan told me, I thought you were going to do it. It turned out that you handed in cultural relics. Oh, your character is really too good. It’s noble, Lao Dai and Song Lao they all admire you when they mention you!!

When Dai Chuchan saw this scene, he pouted again:

“Mom! Don’t put food for seniors, you make people very uncomfortable like this!”

Li Ruoying disagrees:

“It’s all one’s own, what’s uncomfortable.”

After all, I added a boiled shrimp to Lin Xian:

“Eat more~ You young people nowadays always like to eat takeaway. Convenience is convenient. How unhealthy it is.”

“In my opinion, it is better to start a family early and find a virtuous wife to cook and eat. This is good for your health!”


Dai Chuchan choked with water and hurriedly turned his head and sprayed it out.

She wiped her mouth with a paper:

“Can you be a little normal? You have to always be like this, the senior Lin Xian will not come again! And your shrimp, you put it directly in the bowl, how can he dip it into the sauce!””Go go! I didn’t talk to you! I love to eat or not!”

Li Ruoying seemed to be reminded.

Take the sauce directly from Dai Chuchan and put it in front of Lin Xian:

“Come to dip in the sauce~ I made it myself, it must be your appetite!”


Dai Chuchan’s chopsticks stopped in the air, his eyes widened!


Who on earth is your own!

“Hey ”

Dai Chuchan sighed alone, and continued to eat rice.

Li Ruoying watched Lin Xian eat, she liked it more and more, with a smile on her face, as if she had already looked at Lin Xian as her son-in-law.

“I don’t know, you live so far away. It’s really ignorant that Chu Chan asked you to take her home. Next time, let her come by herself or call the driver to pick her up.”

“I think it’s so late. It’s not safe to eat until 9 o’clock, or just live here tonight.

When Lin Xian heard this, he quickly increased the speed of drying the rice!

Cengfan is cheeky enough.

How can I push my nose and face here?

Lin Xian looked at Dai Chuchan and wondered.

This Nizi, when your mother brought me vegetables, she was noisy.

Your mother told me to stay overnight, but when you lowered your head to eat, you pretended not to hear it, and you had bad intentions!

Under Lin Xian’s high-speed dry rice.

I finally finished the meal before 8:30.

Rejecting Aunt Li’s repeated invitations, Lin Xian got on Ferrari and rushed out of the Linhu villa area with a kick

There are not many cars on the road.

Lin Xian has enough mind to think.

He thought it was a simple matter to save Liu Yiyi.

It’s as simple as writing the lottery numbers to yesterday’s self.

But this mess of things, one after the other, makes it difficult to make any progress.

“Sure enough, the earlier the history, the harder it is to change, especially the history related to myself.”

Lin Xian did not give up the current plan.

There is no problem with the plan.

The problem is only the pear-shaped handwriting.


The pear-shaped handwriting was originally created by Wen Ling, and there is no possibility of imitating it. Any clumsy imitation will be seen through by the past self.

“It’s not good to be too smart. I was too hard to lie to me in the past.,

Lin Xian’s current situation is to lie to himself.

I want to believe that the letter was written by Wen Ling.

“Maybe I have to lie to myself

“We have to find Wen Ling herself.

The answer is obvious.

Since the pear flower body cannot be imitated.

Then we must find Wen Ling herself.

Let her write for herself!

“I don’t know if Wen Ling is still alive…

After Lin Xian returned home, he began to think about finding Wen Ling.

If you can find Wen Ling, think of a way to persuade her to write a letter for yourself, that is the best and easiest way.

They are all old classmates, so you have to give it face.

The key question is

How to find her.

Lin Xian checked some information on the computer, which was the same as what the girls said during the class reunion–

On June 6, 2015, Wen Ling’s father had an accident and was directly tortured while working. All properties were sealed off and the investigation process was initiated.

After Wen Ling’s mother got the news, she immediately took Wen Ling to escape, with the goal of the United States.

They were very fast and successfully left the country.

Later, he became a person on the wanted list, unable to contact, and his life and death were unknown.

The only certainty is that, whether it is alive or dead, Wen Ling must still be in the U.S. There are two reasons:

1. Entry and exit will be checked. Wenling is a black (of Wang Zhao’s) household and dare not go to this place.

2. It is the safest for her in the United States. There is no need to go to other places through the dangerous way of smuggling.

Lin Xian wanted to ask his classmates about the situation.But he gave up.

What effective clues can their classmates provide for people who can’t even be caught by national elites?

“Actually, I can contact Wen Ling.

Lin Xian looked at the space-time mailbox and thought of a bold plan.

Now, look at the whole world.

I’m afraid he is the only person who can contact Wen Ling!

Of course, what Lin Xian can contact is Wen Ling from the past.

“Before June 6, 2015, I knew where Wen Ling lived, and I could write to Wen Ling at that time.”

“I can make an appointment with Wen Ling, 6 years later, on June 28, 2021 (one day after the game), we will meet at XXX. In this way, I can see her.”

This theory is correct.

But Wen Ling is a fugitive after all, there is no special reason, she will never come to see Lin Xian.


Wen Ling definitely needs money in particular.

The only reason she can come out to see herself is money!

“One more thing, the agreed location must be in the United States.”

Because of Wen Ling’s special status, if she is willing to come out to meet Lin Xian, the location must be in the United States.

Thinking of the [World Mathematics Masters] to be held in the near future

The train of thought became clear in an instant.

Lin Xian continued to take out his bad pen and began to write his three-step plan.

【Looking for Wenling Project

【1. Participate in the World Mathematics Masters, get the opportunity to go to the United States, and find a safe meeting place A. 】

[2. Write a letter to Wen Ling on June 6, 2015, predicting the escape, and agree to meet at location A on June 28, 2021, and promise to give Wen Ling a lot of money. 】

[3. On June 28, 2021, go to location A, meet Wen Ling, and ask her to write a letter for herself. 】

“People die for money, and birds die for food. As long as my bargaining chip is high enough, Wen Ling will definitely appear!

Lin Xian remembers saying on TV that the prize money of the World Mathematics Masters is 500 million dollars.

The five representatives, even if no one splits evenly, will have $100 million.

Ran out millions to seduce Wen Ling.

She will definitely take the bait!

“Liu Yiyi, Liu Yiyi, I have all the money spent on your account!”

“Even if you die, you have to stand up and pay me back!”

Lin Xian took out his mobile phone.

Find the number of Director Wu in the address book.

Don’t look at the curator Wu being polite in front of Lin Xian.

In fact, he is quite powerful and powerful in the imperial capital. The Forbidden City is not an ordinary museum, someone who can be the curator

You can only understand everything you can say.

Anyway, if something is going on in the imperial capital, it is most reliable to find Director Wu.




The phone was answered over there.

“Oh, who should I be! What’s the matter, Lin Xian, have you forgotten something in the capital?”

Lin Xian and Curator Wu made two polite sentences and went directly to the topic:

“Director Wu, do you know the professors of Peking University Mathematics College, or the academicians of Long Academy of Sciences? I hope you can introduce me.”

Hearing these two names, coupled with the “World Mathematics Masters”, which was raging on the Internet.

Director Wu easily guessed Lin Xian’s purpose:

“No problem, Professor Ding Yi from Peking University School of Mathematics is an authority in the field of mathematics in China. He is very familiar with me. I can help you introduce him.”

“But what do you do? Professor Ding Yi is very busy for the country this time. If it’s just for getting to know him, you can wait until he returns to China.

Lin Xian smiled and shook his head:

“Curator Wu, I was also looking for you to build a bridge for the [World Mathematics Masters]. Could you please help me tell Professor Ding Yi that I have a paper for him to see.”

“Okay, what is the paper about?”

“Prove [Goldbach’s Conjecture].”



Only heard a strange noise over there.

It’s the end of the sound of falling.

After that

The sound of mobile phones sliding on the ground

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