Chapter 58 Liu Yiyi’s confession battle! (25 monthly ticket plus more)


boom! ! ! ! !

Buzz, buzz, buzz! ! !

Along the way, the roar of the engine made the turnaround rate reach 97.25%.

Lin Xian…I really regret choosing this car.

It’s really not that he deliberately bombed the street!

The Ferrari 488 is equipped with a super large-displacement twin-turbo v8 engine, which is a thing for running on the track, and it is noisy in itself!

Even if you step on the accelerator lightly, you will get up with a bang. It’s hard to keep a low profile.

“…I turned to Wang Hao and asked if he could think of a way, the voice was too high-profile.”

“After all… I am also a person with identity now. If I let someone else take a video of me bombing the street and post it on the Internet, it will have a great impact on my reputation.”

Lin Xian shook his head.

This is not just a matter of your own reputation.

He is now a young man in Donghai City who stands for justice and represents the quality and face of the people of Donghai City.

At the same time, he is also the honorary curator of the Palace Museum, and he represents the inheritance of the five thousand years of fine traditional virtues of the Dragon Kingdom.

The bombing of the street to disturb the people…

It’s too low…


Ferrari 488 turned into the hotel door.

Lin Xian saw his classmates at the door.

He turned the turn signal and stopped at the door of the hotel.

The parking attendant just wanted to open the car door for Lin Xian. Two male classmates squeezed in directly. One opened the door for Lin Xian and the other reached out to protect the door frame to prevent Lin Xian from meeting.

After Lin Xian came out, he gave a punch:

“What are you doing! They are all classmates, don’t come to this set.”

The classmates burst into laughter.

Everyone had a good relationship in school before, and these good classmates obviously came to tease Lin Xian.

A group of female classmates gathered in an instant:

“Lin Xian! You have become handsome again in the past few years! You are more handsome than when I saw you on TV! You are more masculine than when you were the school grass!”

“Unexpectedly, all of our classmates are on XXTV. It’s really awesome! Don’t think about it, you must be the most promising one of our classmates! My father even said that you are so young that you became the honor of the Forbidden City. Dean, the future is boundless!”

“Lin Xian, have you talked about someone? Do you have a girlfriend now? I have a few good sisters who are arguing to know you! I will send you their pictures in a while, you choose the concubine~~~ I will help you. Passed the customs, rest assured, there is absolutely no problem with character!”

“Lin Xian, my dad is a fan of the Red Mansions. He asked me to bring a copy of “Dream of Red Mansions” over this time and asked you to sign it! Hahaha, you may not know. Now in the circle of Red Mansions, you are all blocked It’s a god-like figure!”



This group of female classmates have just graduated from university for one year, and they haven’t gotten a family. When they met Lin Xian, they were like hungry wolves.

It was really an old classmate meeting, especially “jumped”!

Those male classmates wanted to squeeze in and say hello to Lin Xian, but there was no gap.

“Go up and talk! Go up and talk! Don’t get crowded here.”

Wang Hao pushed the crowd upstairs, freed Lin Xian, and quietly gave a thumbs up:

“Thanks, Brother Lin! Otherwise, I really can’t get off the stage!”

Seeing these long-lost old classmates, Lin Xian felt relaxed a lot.

“Wang Hao, how many people are here.”


Lin Xian stopped directly!

Just about to breathe in-

“Ah, count 43 of your words.”


Lin Xian breathed a sigh of relief.

Keep going.


If Wang Hao said that he counted 42 people in total, he would go out and get in the car on the spot and ran away!

Do not know why……

This feeling of being surrounded by 42 and controlled by 42 makes him very uncomfortable, but also very frightening.


Now he has also discovered that the “42 phenomenon” does not appear every day.

In the past two days, I haven’t appeared once.

On some occasions, like the day I received the [Letter from the Future], I felt overwhelmed by 42!

42, is the last of the three formulas left by Einstein, the cosmological constant.

And the future self also reminded himself in the letter that these three formulas are very important, especially the cosmological constant 42.

Lin Xian guessed that this 42, a big secret!

So big that Einstein and the future self knew the answer, but they couldn’t tell them.

What exactly is 42? What does it represent?

Lin Xian now has a rough guess.

But whether it’s correct or not, we need to wait for the next “42 phenomenon” to appear before it can be verified.

Lin Xian has a hunch…

The next time the “42” phenomenon appears, it will be when the future self will send the [last letter] to myself.

The letter in the pocket said very clearly:

[Next time I write to you, this is the last time I am writing to you… At that time, I will tell you the truth about everything: my identity, the purpose of sending you the mailbox, and what you and I bear Great mission…]

………………………………………….. ….

After Lin Xian sat in the living room on the second floor, everyone was there, and everyone sat down at the table and started serving food.

At that time, there were 63 people in the class, and 43 people came to this gathering, which is not too few.

After all, they are only in their early 20s, at a busy age, and it is normal to not be able to come.

There were a total of 4 tables in the banquet hall.

Every table sits in a small group that was well-connected in middle school. It doesn’t need to be divided, they naturally sit together.

At Lin Xian’s table, there were 4 boys and 6 girls.

These 10 people were the best learners in the class at that time, and the top ten in the class back and forth were them.

Everyone was eating, drinking, and chatting, and the atmosphere was very harmonious.

It was a little rusty at first.

But for half an hour, everyone let go, and the banquet hall was full of laughter, as if returning to the noisy and nostalgic classroom.

“Wang Hao! You, the second child of ten thousand years at the time, don’t say you take the Qingbei exam, why didn’t you even pass the 985 exam? This is too LOW! The white hair you learned at the beginning is all out, how worthless! !”

After listening to Wang Hao’s pretentious gesture, he sighed:

“Hey… don’t tell me! You all know that my grades have always been very good. Although I will never surpass Liu Yiyi, but the second grade is already very good! It’s a pity… at the time of the college entrance examination. On the next day, I happened to have diarrhea, and I could go to the toilet 7 or 8 times in a test! You said I could perform well!”

“In the end, I went to an ordinary undergraduate. As you know, my parents don’t support repetitions in my rural area, so I just want to study. This life…one step wrong, wrong step, I guess That’s the way I’ve been in my life.”

People at the table felt sorry for Wang Hao.

With such a good school as Hangzhou No. 1 Middle School, the top ten in grades are likely to impact Qingbei, and Wang Hao, who is in second grade in a stable grade, was originally stable.


This happened unexpectedly.

Everyone is guessing.

It is estimated that this incident was also a big blow, so Wang Hao was also depressed at University, and did not learn anything seriously.


After graduation, I didn’t find a good job, so I went to Ferrari as a salesman.

After Lin Xian heard Wang Hao’s life, he thought of Liu Yiyi again, and sighed helplessly with a smile:

“Life is like a play, maybe which step I have taken, it is really good fortune to make fun of people…”

Many people at the table thought of Liu Yiyi, and the topic turned to Liu Yiyi.


Liu Yiyi is very popular in the class, boys and girls like her.

So everyone at the table sighed and regretted.

At this moment, a boy who was drinking high next to Wang Hao patted Wang Hao on the shoulder, jokingly said:

“Wang Hao, you should be fortunate! Our high school is only one of the places recommended to the University of Chicago. If Liu Yiyi can’t go, you have to go!”

“If you go, you will be the one who died in the Chiga Opera House! So don’t blame yourself for making mistakes in the college entrance examination, at least you are still alive.”

Wang Hao’s face turned straight and pushed the boy away:

“Don’t talk nonsense! I won’t even watch the opera if you give me money! A layman like me, really went to Chiga, I would never go to the opera to listen to the opera even when I was sleeping!”

After a burst of laughter, everyone continued to drink and chat.


The girls at the table drank red wine, but after drinking too much, they started to face their faces and spoke a lot more boldly!

“Director Lin Da! You don’t have a girlfriend anyway, why don’t you try to date me! Don’t look at me like this, in fact I am a good wife and mother!”

Lin Xian hadn’t spoken yet, but the red-faced girl next to her interrupted her directly:

“Pull you down! Lin Xian didn’t even agree to Liu Yiyi’s confession, can he agree to associate with you!?”

! ! ! ! ! !

As soon as this was said, the girl didn’t react.

The other three boys on the table collectively looked at Lin Xian!

Boss with staring eyes! !

“Fuck! When did it happen! Lin Xian, when did Liu Yiyi confess to you?”

“Why don’t I know!? There is still this thing?”

“Lin Xian! You hide so deeply!”

Lin Xian hurriedly shook his head.

I am not, I am not, don’t talk nonsense!

He also looked dumbfounded, and reached out to the girl to stop:

“You can drink more wine, but you can’t talk nonsense! Don’t frame Liu Yiyi’s innocence. People have never confessed to me! There is no such thing!”

This time it was the turn of the 6 girls on the table to be stunned.

They looked at each other, their eyes full of doubts:

“Is it wrong? At that time, Liu Yiyi and many girls said… She would confess her love to a boy on her 18th birthday.”

“Yeah! We girls know this! The boy Liu Yiyi likes must be you! I must confess it to you!”

“It’s not a secret among girls… Before the college entrance examination, Liu Yiyi had been planning this. Isn’t her birthday June 8th? I remember it very clearly.”

“It was June 8, the day the college entrance examination ended. This day is so special, I remember it.”

“It was Liu Yiyi who said that she will confess to you at the 18th birthday party.”

Lin Xian smiled awkwardly when he heard this.

Put down the outstretched hand.

Scratch your head:

“Oh… that’s it. I’m sorry to disappoint you. On her birthday party, I didn’t go at all. So the confession… I didn’t go, she told me What white?”

“Eh, it’s not right!”

Lin Xian suddenly found a blind spot!

He glanced at a circle of male and female classmates on the table, and asked doubtfully:

“Since you have all gone to the birthday party, you must know that I didn’t go there! Why did you still ask?”

Lin Xian finished this sentence.

The entire dining table is as quiet as an ice cave.

There are 9 people left at the dinner table, and they dare not speak.

You look at me, I look at you, the expressions in your eyes all express the same meaning…

The atmosphere is extremely strange…

Lin Xian looked left and right, not knowing why, like sitting on pins and needles.

“Wh…what’s wrong? Why do you all think I went?”



In the end, Wang Hao spoke up.

He approached Lin Xian and coughed slightly:


“Lin Xian, listen to me…”

Wang Hao swallowed and foamed.

Did not dare to look up at Lin Xian.

He lowered his head and whispered:

“Actually, Liu Yiyi’s birthday party…………never invited us……”*

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