Chapter 57 classmate reunion! New clues! (20 month ticket plus more)


In the past two days, Lin Xian has not gone out.

He has been thinking about ways to save Liu Yiyi.

a man of his words.

Lin Xian is a very responsible man.

Since I pulled that hook with Liu Yiyi at the beginning.

As a man, you must come forward to protect her at this time!

It’s just that you don’t have the ability.

It happens that I now have air mailboxes, have the ability to change history, and can make up for regrets…


Is there any reason not to save Liu Yiyi?


“Lin Xian, you have me!”

“Wait for you to become a very powerful person! Will you replace me to protect me?”

Whenever Lin Xian was exhausted, Liu Yiyi’s innocent smile always appeared in his mind.

Let Lin Xian be full of energy and motivation again.

Liu Yiyi, at the beginning, was just to pay so much for himself not to let himself be wronged.

How can I give up lightly?


The question of using the space-time postbox to save Liu Yiyi…It is really too difficult…

Lin Xian scratched his hair and picked up the crumpled A4 paper.

It says four lines of words:

[Attention points to save Liu Yiyi by using the space-time mailbox:][1. I can’t let the past me know about time travel. 】

[2. It cannot stop the shooting of Zhijiage. For the sake of historical correctness, some people must die. 】

[3. Let Liu Yiyi survive. 】

“This seems to be a contradictory proposition, an endless loop!”

“If I don’t let me in the past receive letters that predict the future, how can I bring the news to Liu Yiyi?”

“If you write directly to Liu Yiyi and let her know about the future journey, it will be no different from writing to myself.”

In 2015, Liu Yiyi was just 18 years old.

She is more pure in heart, less city, more virgin. If you send the letter to her, she will send it to the relevant department immediately…


In the past two days, Lin Xian has thought about many other possibilities.

for example–

In his own tone, I wrote a letter to Liu Yiyi, who was far away in the U.S., asking her to come out to meet and not letting her go to the big theater.

This plan sounds feasible.

But in fact, it means “regardless of killing and burying” and “regarding the past and disregarding the future”!

At that time, although his contact with Liu Yiyi was weak.

But if she suddenly writes to Yoliu Yiyi, she will definitely, surely, 100% call herself and send QQ to confirm the matter.

After all…what age is it now, who is still writing a letter?

When most people see a letter, the first thing they think of is a prank.

Now that the telephone, computer, and chat tools are so developed, do you want to make an appointment with people across the country for a meal? Is this a brain circuit that carbon-based organisms should have?

Take ten thousand steps back.

Even though Liu Yiyi believed the appointment in the letter at the time, he did not contact Lin Xian.

But in the past, Lin Xian couldn’t keep the appointment after all.

Because he didn’t even know about it…

When Lin Xian failed Liu Yiyi again, even if Liu Yiyi was in security considerations, he would call Lin Xian and ask why not come?

This comes and goes, if you use that letter to confront each other at the end.

Everything is exposed.

Looking at this familiar handwriting in the past, coupled with the Zhijiage shooting that happened as scheduled, the cautious and smart 18-year-old Lin Xian must be able to guess that this letter comes from the future!

Then it violates the second taboo-

[Let the past self know the things that travel through time and space prematurely and influence values. 】


This road is also PASS.

“Hey…dead chess!”


Lin Xian threw the fountain pen into the pen holder and lay on his back on the recliner.

After these two days, I was too sloppy and didn’t wash my face. I just woke up in the study and thought about it, and all meals were taken out.

“Liu Yiyi…you don’t know how much I paid for you…Hair is almost bald!”




Lin Xian’s phone rang.

He opened it and saw that it was a WeChat message sent by Wang Hao.

Wang Hao: Classmates reunion tonight! Don’t forget to come!

Wang Hao: Must come! ! Many classmates flew back to the East China Sea all the way to see you!

Wang Hao: Give me face! If you don’t come, my squad leader is very shameless! I have blown it out!

“Huh? Isn’t the class reunion Saturday?”

Lin Xian hurriedly looked at the phone and found that today is Saturday!


It turns out that the matter of forgetting to sleep and eat… really exists.

This time.

Lin Xian has been in the study, sleepy and awake, two days have passed without knowing it.



Class reunion…

Do you want to go?

Actually Lin Xian didn’t really want to go.

Liu Yiyi is gone.

It doesn’t make sense for this classmate to go here.

After all, if you have a good relationship, you will have a good relationship if you see it or not.

If the relationship is not good, it is meaningless to meet.

“Forget it… I’ll be bed bugs if I stay at home, so let’s go and relax.”

After thinking hard for two days, Lin Xian felt that his head was like a paste, and he should go out and move around.


Who really met at the class reunion…

On the contrary, I am inspired!

After all, in 2015, these people have been by their side and Liu Yiyi, and maybe they can really start with them!



It was so decided.

Lin Xian gave Wang Hao back an OK expression.

“Wang Hao, send me a position.”

Then enter the bathroom, take a shower, shave, and put on formal clothes.

After finishing finishing, take the elevator directly to the underground parking lot.

He took out his cell phone.

Click on the location sent by Wang Hao in WeChat, and then click Navigate.

“XX map, continue to navigate for you!”

After the mobile phone has set the navigation, one kick of the accelerator——

boom! ! ! ! ! !

The red beast roared and rushed out of the underground parking lot…

………………………………………….. …

Donghai University Town, Golden Lion Hotel…

The largest banquet hall on the second floor was reserved by Wang Hao and others.

At this time, the classmates who had arrived early were chatting in full swing:

“Wang Hao and Wang Hao! Will Lin Xian really come? You didn’t lie to us! He is now a big red, the honorary dean of the Forbidden City, do you have time to come?”

“I just flew here from Chongdu to meet Lin Xian! Oh, I didn’t expect to see it in 5 years. The small grass in the past, now looks so masculine!”

“Ahem… I don’t know if Lin Xian has a girlfriend now? Anyway, I know I must not be married! I don’t know… can he like me like this.”

“You can give up… Lin Xian is now a model of righteousness and bravery in Donghai City, honorary curator of the Forbidden City, and I heard the gossip that he has entered the list of ten outstanding young people in Donghai City. Such a big man, you can’t climb high. superior!”

“Oh, I’m really anxious. Will Lin Xian come or not! Wang Hao! Did you play us?”

After listening, Wang Hao held his head up and patted his chest!

He just got Lin Xian’s reply OK, now he is full of confidence!

“Definitely come! We are such iron buddies, can he not come? We ate together two days ago.”

“He lives a bit far from the university town. It is estimated that it will take more than an hour to drive. Please stay calm, be patient and wait. It should be almost there!”

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Hum! ! ! ! ! ! !

Outside the window, suddenly came the sound of a large-displacement engine blowing into the street.

Wang Hao, who was used to this voice, snorted:

“No! The sound goes first before anyone arrives! I know this sound well, it’s a Ferrari 488!”

“Walk around! Come downstairs with me to see President Lin’s luxury car!”

Hearing this mellow street bombing and the name of Ferrari 488, everyone present was shocked!

“I’m going! Why did Lin Xian drive such a luxurious car!”

“Hey…I thought that I had driven the BMW 5 Series as the best hybrid, and my car was only a fraction of others!”

“Lin Xian is just like us, he just graduated from university for one year? Where does he get so much money?”

“People with such a big reputation and such a high status must know a lot of big people. Is making money a problem? You guys who are in business, you will be able to fudge Lin Xian in a while!”

The few students who were doing business at the scene immediately got up from their seats and ran down the stairs directly to greet them!

Now this age.

Sometimes, a word or news from a big man can bring the company back to life! Double the performance!

And vice versa…the same is true.

So I met a “big man” like Lin Xian.

I can’t flatter myself!

One minute later, more than 20 classmates had gone down to the entrance of the hall on the first floor, watching the red beasts driving into the courtyard!

boom! ! ! ! ! !

Hum! ! ! ! ! ! ! !


[Thanks to Mo Ying for the monthly pass! Thank you for your support! 】

[Thank Ye Dao for the monthly pass! Thank you for your support! 】

[Thank you for the monthly pass given by Bantang and Lime! Thank you for your support! 】

[Thank you for the monthly pass given by the lonely dead man! Thank you for your support! 】*

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