Chapter 32 One day, I will stand at the apex of power!


When Lin Xian visited the Treasure Museum, more than a dozen other big figures rushed to the Forbidden City Administration Office one after another.

When they got off the car, they went straight to the constant temperature room.

The atmosphere there is tense, but it is boiling!

That night, a three-hour secret meeting was held inside the Forbidden City Management Office.

Lin Xian was also invited to attend.

Although the important agenda has many items.

But the first issue discussed at the conference is the issue that everyone cares about——

Where is the last page of the finale?

The last page of page 120 in the wooden box reads:

“Baoyu looks at this place, touches the scene, smiles with tears, Masona—”

What is Masona?

Next page-no more!

Everything came to an abrupt end!

Obviously, there is one less poem or word in the back!

When it comes to this question, Liu Na, the elder of the Hongxue Society, sighed and gritted his teeth:

“This feeling is too uncomfortable! It’s just the last bit of emotion, and I can’t vent it!”

“According to Cao Xueqin’s writing habit, this Masanori–behind it, there must be a poem!”

Curator Wu also sighed:

“When Mr. Lin Xian found this wooden box, he missed the last one. However, the entire book is complete, and there is no harm in missing the last poem.”

Old Liu sneered at this answer:

“You don’t understand! For those of us who have studied “A Dream of Red Mansions” for a lifetime, the last poem is the whole essence!”

“Okay, okay, don’t discuss such meaningless issues.”

At this time, a big man reached out his hand to stop the two quarreling.

He folded his hands in front of him and said slowly:

“Now, the most important thing is that we need to discuss how this matter should be disclosed to the public…”

“I have also read the contents of the last 40 episodes, and indeed some of them are not good for making public now. However, the literary treasure of the history of the Dragon Kingdom belongs to all the people.”

“So… I want to hear your opinions.”

This is followed by a long discussion period.

In the end, everyone unified the conclusion:

The cultural treasure belongs to all the people of the Long Kingdom, so this good news must be announced to the people of the whole country in time.

However, the published version of “A Dream of Red Mansions” will be published by experts after collating the original text. All comrades who see the original copy today must keep the content strictly confidential!

After finishing finishing, this half of “Dream of Red Mansions” will be collected in the National Palace Museum. Together with “Shanghe Picture on Qingming Festival”, “Ping Fu Post” and “Mei Magpie Picture”, it will be called the Four National Treasures of the Forbidden City!

………………………………………….. ……..

After the meeting, many big figures shook hands with Lin Xian to express their gratitude:

“Young man, thank you for your contribution to the country, the country will never treat you badly!”

“This is a miracle in the history of Longguo literature, and your name will be recorded in the annals of history.”

“Mr. Lin, if you are also interested in Hongxue, the Longguohong Society welcomes you at any time!”

“There are not many outstanding young people like you…the offspring are terrifying!”


After half an hour.

Many official media have received notices, and they have been building momentum on the Internet!

Renmin Daily: “The Forbidden City will hold a press conference on the evening of June 14th! Announcing a major discovery! 》

Yang Shi News: “The National Palace Museum is donated cultural treasures! Focus on live TV tomorrow! 》

Four Chuan Observations: “Tomorrow at 8 o’clock in the evening, the Forbidden City will release an important treasure that will subvert the literary circle! 》

Communist Qing Tuan Tuan: “It’s a Big Thing! The Forbidden City will make an important statement tomorrow night! 》



With the lead forwarding of countless official media, the news spread across the entire network instantly!

In QQ group, Tieba, Weibo…

Netizens all gathered together to discuss:

“What’s the new discovery? Is it such a sensation that aliens have been discovered?”

“Ordinary cultural relics, certainly can’t cause such a big movement.”

“With such a high-profile notification to the entire network, does it mean that the unearthed cultural relics are closely related to our people?”

“Are you going to rewrite history? Don’t, it’s almost an exam!”

“The Forbidden City is too appetizing! I can’t sleep tonight!”


Everyone in the country is looking forward to tomorrow night’s press conference.

The Forbidden City is also actively preparing.

In order to facilitate Lin Xian’s participation, Director Wu arranged Lin Xian to stay in Guotai Hotel.

Guotai Hotel is an official hotel that has never been opened to the outside world.

Only when foreign guests come to visit and hold a national convention, will they be arranged to move in.

Lin Xian first took a special car back to the original hotel.

The suitcase was disposed of long ago. He came back to pick up the backpack. After all, there was a space-time mailbox inside.

Afterwards, he returned to stay at the Guotai Hotel.

“It deserves to be the highest standard hotel in the country…the room is just big!”

Lin Xian lay on the sofa, drinking special mineral water, and scanning the whole room.

The decoration here looks very simple, but if you look carefully, it is not difficult to see that all the materials are low-key and luxurious.

All the furniture in the room is made of mahogany, and any place you can see it is decorated with the most exquisite marble.

There are a lot of water and drinks in the small refrigerator, which Lin Xian has never seen before.

On each type, there is a big word “special ii for” written on it.

Special offer is the grade.

What about rich?

The most expensive hotel room in the country is nothing more than the Poseidon underwater suite of the Atlantis Hotel.

In this suite, you can directly watch the swimming underwater creatures.

The price is as high as 100,000 yuan a night.

But to put it bluntly, you can still live if you have money. There is no surprise.

But the Guotai Hotel here, no matter how rich you are, you don’t have enough status and reputation, you still can’t live in.

Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling that his decision to hand in the cultural relics was correct.

In this world.

Money can never buy status and fame.

But status and fame can be exchanged for money at any time.

Since ancient times, it has never been money and beauty that have fascinated men the most.

It’s power!

Supreme power!

Lin Xian stretched out his hand and weighed the space-time mailbox in his hand…

“One day, I will stand at the apex of power and control everything with only one hand!”


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