Chapter 31 Triggered an earthquake in the literary world!



Director Wu couldn’t believe his ears!

It turned out to be the real work of Cao Xueqin!

And it’s still 40 times after the “Dream of Red Mansions” that has never been released!

If all this is true…

Then Longguo cultural circles will usher in an unprecedented earthquake!

Especially in the red school circles, even reshuffle the cards!

“This…this…is this true!”

“Before Cao Xueqin died, he was just a civilian. No one had arranged the relics for him, so he didn’t leave any authentic relics.”

“Not to mention the last 40 episodes of “A Dream of Red Mansions” completely lost in history! This is a unique treasure in the history of Long Kingdom literature!”

Curator Wu was too excited, and rushed to the table like crazy, regardless of the purple clay pot that had fallen to pieces on the ground.

His hands trembled, and he gently stroked the small wooden box with dirt…

“In this box…is the last 40 episodes of “A Dream of Red Mansions” authentic?”

“Mr. Lin…can I open it and take a look?”

Lin Xian smiled calmly and stretched out his hand to beckon him to please.

After getting permission, Curator Wu was extremely grateful and stared at the pattern on the wooden box.

“This carving… is indeed the favorite image of the nobles in the Ming and Qing Dynasties. It can’t be wrong, this is the real thing!”

He shivered and opened the wooden box.

Coming to the face, it is the unique fragrance of the paper after a long time.

“It was wrapped in greased paper! And cowhide! Why did Cao Xueqin seal up her work like this? Is there any intention?”

Director Wu kept talking to himself with excitement.

Lin Xian didn’t bother him, and sipped tea slowly.

Curator Wu ran to the table, opened the drawer, took out a pair of glasses and put it on, and then immediately lay down in front of the wooden box.

He opened the oiled paper kraft little by little.

Finally saw the yellow rice paper inside.

“Oh my God… the texture of this color can’t be wrong! I knew from a glance that this paper and ink came from the Qing Dynasty!”

“The eighty-first episode… the 40 episodes after “A Dream of Red Mansions” are here! Really born! This is the greatest discovery in decades!”

Director Wu ran to the desk in a panic, picked up the phone, and pressed a few numbers:

“Old Liu, come to my office! The original 40 episodes of “A Dream of Red Mansions” have appeared!”

After hanging up the phone, Director Wu took out a handkerchief to wipe his sweat, and looked at Lin Xian apologetically:

“Sorry, Mr. Lin, I made you laugh.”

“Lao Liu is our special consultant here, the authority of the domestic “Dream of Red Mansions” research school, and the president of the Long Guohong Society——”


The office door was knocked open!

Lin Xian looked out the door in surprise.

The visitor turned out to be an old man with gray hair, wrinkled face, old-fashioned, and still leaning on a cane!

It’s hard to imagine…

How did such an old man smash open the door so fast?

Back to the light?

“Where? Where!?”

“Old Liu, take a look! It was Mr. Lin who sent the cultural relics.”

Old Liu absently said hello to Lin Xian.

His attention is all in the small wooden box.

He stared at the first page of rice paper and looked at Laojiu, and his hand holding the stick kept trembling——

The walking stick rattled the floor.

When Curator Wu saw this, he hurriedly supported him, fearing that he would fall:

“Old Liu, calm down, your heartbeat is about to happen!”

Old Liu stretched out his trembling hand, the boss with staring eyes:

“Absolutely! Absolutely, this is indeed Cao Xueqin’s autograph! Constant temperature room! Take this cultural relic to the constant temperature room for protection! Don’t turn it over at will!”

In the National Museum, there is a special constant temperature room for the restoration and protection of cultural relics.

Director Wu realized what a low-level mistake he had made just now because of his excitement.

He made a few phone calls in a hurry.

Immediately, a few people in white coats and gloves took the wooden box away solemnly.

They are all graduate students and doctoral students who are interning here.

That feels…

It’s as if what they are holding is not a wooden box, but a bomb!

Director Wu wiped off his sweat, and held Lin Xian’s hands with excited hands:

“Mr. Lin! Thank you so much! If the authenticity is verified, it will definitely make a national sensation!”

“There will definitely be a press conference, and I hope you will definitely be there!”

Lin Xian smiled and asked amusedly:

“Curator Wu, can I still apply for my certificate?”

Director Wu heard that Lin Xian was joking, and laughed:

“Mr. Lin joked, now is not a certificate that can send you away!”

“You can rest assured that the country will never treat people like you badly! It will definitely give you the highest honor in this regard!”

According to the process, now it is necessary to take Lin Xian to do some registration, as well as to confirm the submitted and received documents.

But Old Liu followed the graduate students and doctoral students to the constant temperature room.

Director Wu is itchy now!

After all, it is the ending of a masterpiece that has not been born for more than 300 years and has been lost in history. Who is not curious about it!

Director Wu shouted at the reception desk downstairs:

“Xiao Li! Come up here!”

Then smiled and said to Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, after the appraisal is completed, there are still some procedures that you need to confirm.”

“The identification will take some time, do you think so! It’s a rare visit, let Xiaoli take you around the Forbidden City!”

“Don’t see you too. Some palaces and exhibition halls are not open to tourists. Xiaoli can take you in and be your tour guide. The opportunity is rare, so I would trouble Mr. Lin to show his face.”

Lin Xian looked at the dignified Xiaoli and thought this was a good proposal.

He also traveled to the Forbidden City before.

However, most of the palaces turned away visitors with banners, saying that they were “in disrepair” and “under maintenance.”

There are exhibition halls of some precious objects that are not open to the public, so the experience was very bad when I visited last time.

This time it happened to be an “internal passage”, take a good look.

After curator Wu instructed Xiaoli for a few words, he ran to the constant temperature room quickly–

At this moment, Lao Liu and the others probably have seen the 83rd episode of “Dream of Red Mansions”!

He wants to go quickly!

………………………………………….. …….

Xiaoli and Lin Xian talked and laughed along the way.

The two entered through the back door into the Treasure Museum, which was never open to the public.

“Mr. Lin, this is the interior of the Treasure Museum, which contains the most precious cultural relics in the Forbidden City.”

“Generally, only when important international foreign guests visit, it will make an exception to open.”

“Let me take you around today!”


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