Chapter 33 Honorary Curator of the Palace Museum


8 o’clock in the evening the next day.

People all over the country are standing in front of TVs and computers, preparing to watch the press conference of the Forbidden City.

In the official live broadcast room of XXTV.

Millions of netizens have poured in to chat on the black screen interface:

“Why haven’t we started yet! I’ve been waiting for a long time!”

“What the hell is the big news, don’t tarnish our appetite!”

“Gkd! gkd!”

“The small bench selling peanuts and melon seeds in the front row…”

………………………………………….. ……….

The site of the Forbidden City press conference.

“Director Wu, are you ready?”

Curator Wu waved.

The camera is on!

At the same time, images of the Forbidden City press conference appeared on the TV sets and webcast rooms of all households across the country.

Curator Wu waved to the camera and continued:

“Hello everyone, everyone, welcome to our press conference today.”

“First of all, let me introduce the two guests of today.”

“The one on my left is the president of the Long Guo Hongxue Research Association, Comrade Liu Yanqing.”

“The one on my right is someone we want to thank especially for the Palace Museum, Lin Xian!”

Curator Wu’s voice fell.

The live webcast room immediately became lively:

“Liu Yanqing is very famous! Hundreds of forums and TV2 sets are often on, I especially like to hear him talk about “Dream of Red Mansions”.”

“Does this little brother on the right have any special background? Why does it feel so familiar… Lin Xian… seems to have heard it somewhere.”


“No wonder you are so familiar! I saw it on Douyin a few days ago! I even gave him a thumbs up!”

“The press conference of the Forbidden City…Why do you invite righteous and brave youths? I don’t understand…”


At this time, in Hangzhou, Lin Xian’s old home.

Mother Lin lined her thighs excitedly:

“Old Lin! Come and watch! Your son is on TV again!”

When Papa Lin heard this, he ran over in a big vest:

“Isn’t this the Forbidden City press conference? Why is this kid running the Imperial Capital again? He is really getting more and more promising!”

“Quick, quick! Turn on the video recorder and I want to list the TV episodes!”

Mother Lin glanced at her disgustingly:

“It’s a VCR in what age! Now this video is searched online! Be quiet, I still want to watch TV!”


In the live broadcast room, Director Wu has already talked about the topic:

“Everyone knows that the “Dream of Red Mansions” we see now is not all written by the original author Cao Xueqin.”

“During the ups and downs, the last 40 episodes of “Dream of Red Mansions” were lost. The ending of “Dream of Red Mansions” we see now was written by Gao E.”

“But today! Our Palace Museum will solemnly announce to everyone–”

“Dear Mr. Lin Xian, donated to us the original manuscripts of the last 40 episodes of “Dream of Red Mansions” for free! After 300 years, we can finally see the true ending of “Dream of Red Mansions”!”

Thousands of waves caused by one stone!

All the people of Longguo have heard of the continuation of “A Dream of Red Mansions”.

Many people even think that Gao E’s continuation is completely a continuation of a dog’s tail! Defiled the original!

At this time, the official announcement of the National Palace Museum obtained the original “Dream of Red Mansions”.

That means you can finally see the ending of “A Dream of Red Mansions”!

A rocket suddenly appeared in the live broadcast room!

The barrage that netizens exploded directly caused the server to freeze:

“My God! Is this true? You can see the true ending of “Dream of Red Mansions” in the rest of your life!”

“Things lost for 300 years can still be seen again? Where did the little brother Lin Xian dug it out!”

“Hey–this thing is going to be sold at auction, at least a few million, right? Brother Lin Xian’s mental realm is really too high! I will definitely not hand it in for a change.”

“Not handed in upstairs? Haha, the cultural relics dug up underground are not handed in, then wait for you to go to jail!”

“Seeing righteousness again, turning in cultural relics, good character and so handsome! I really love love, does anyone know Lin Xian’s Weibo account? I want to follow him!”



Afterwards, Director Wu showed some pictures of the original works and said that the original works are undergoing protective restoration and will be exhibited in the Forbidden City Museum in the future.

Then, from the perspective of an expert, Chairman Liu Yanqing gave the audience the subversive influence of these 40 episodes of “A Dream of Red Mansions” on today’s literary world.

At the same time, he also assured the masses that after the compilation work is completed, the full version of “A Dream of Red Mansions” will be published for everyone to enjoy as soon as possible.

The last item of the press conference was for Lin Xian to be presented with awards by big figures from related departments.

Certificates and pennants are issued first.

Then the big man picked up a job offer, smiled mysteriously, and said to the camera:

“The spirit of Comrade Lin Xian is worth learning from all of us!”

“His selfless donation has provided a lot of information for our country’s historical research, and also contributed to our country’s collection of national treasures.”

“For this reason, the relevant departments have studied and decided! Comrade Lin Xian will be awarded an unprecedented honor——”

“The honorary curator of the Palace Museum!!!”


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