Chapter 30 The national treasure that shocked the curator!


Lin Xian didn’t intend to pretend.

It’s just that the cultural relics he brought are not very old, but their significance is extraordinary, and they can almost subvert half of the cultural circle of the Long Kingdom!

Especially the Hongxue school can basically be overthrown and started again.

This kind of thing, how to announce, when to announce, whether to announce, all need the relevant department to deliberate carefully.


Lin Xian did not let the reception lady look at it, but it was actually for her good.

And this reception lady.

I don’t have much interest in it, so I just do a routine registration.

But Lin Xian said so.

She was even more curious.

She is a volunteer from the nearby Imperial University. She majored in cultural relics and archaeology, and she also has a professional appreciation of cultural relics.

She looked up at the wooden box, carved with dragon patterns, and at first glance it was a box that could only be used by large families in ancient times.

Look at the style, it should be Ming, late, and early Qing.

This wood can be seen at a glance. It is not an old imitation, but has just been dug out from the soil!

“Sir, your wooden box… In my opinion, it should be a jewelry box from a large family in the Ming and Qing Dynasties.”

Lin Xian laughed but said nothing:

“The times are right, but it’s not jewelry, it’s literature.”

Upon hearing the two words in the literature, the reception lady immediately widened her eyes!



Among all the archaeological artifacts, the most valuable thing is the literature!

Documents are not the same as bronzes and ornaments, and it is generally difficult to preserve them in their entirety.

However, the words in the literature are ironclad evidence to verify history!

In many cases, digging several burial objects from the tombs fails to make any substantial breakthroughs.

However, sometimes a letter can overturn past historical conjectures!

This is why the three most precious national treasures in the Forbidden City are all calligraphy and painting!

(“Picture of Shanghe River on Qingming Festival”, “Ping Fu Tie”, “Picture of Mei Que”)

“Sir! I will ask Director Wu to pick you up right away!”

The reception lady realized the importance of things!

I didn’t waste time on the phone, so I trot to the second floor and entered the office of Curator Wu.

After 30 seconds.

Director Wu and the receptionist went downstairs in a panic, and enthusiastically held Lin Xian’s hand:

“This sir, your last name.”

“Menggui, my surname is Lin.”

“Mr. Lin! On behalf of the country, I would like to express my gratitude to you for this selfless behavior! Please come with me to the office, and let’s have tea and talk.”

Director Wu made a gesture of inviting and invited Lin Xian upstairs.

Then whispered to the receptionist:

“Don’t worry about who is looking for me for a while, let him wait.”

………………………………………….. …………

After arriving at Director Wu’s office, Director Wu took out a can of good tea from under the cabinet and made a pot.

“Mr. Lin, I think you are not old, but your spirit is commendable!”

“People nowadays are eager for quick success and quick gains, selling precious cultural relics abroad for money. This is a huge loss of our dragon culture!”

“It’s easy to sell, but when our museum wants to take it back, it’s often 10 times the price and others won’t sell it…”

After the tea was hot, Curator Wu sat opposite Lin Xian and poured him a cup.

“Mr. Lin, I heard that you brought documents. I don’t know… Is it a general letter or a Qin seal edict?”

Lin Xian smiled slightly and shook his head:

“Neither, I brought a novel that has never been published before.”

“The novel is great!”

Curator Wu laughed from ear to ear:

“Fictions can better reflect the folk customs at the time, which is conducive to historical research. Dare to ask which dynasty’s novels?”

“It’s from the Qing Dynasty.”

“Oh… from the Qing Dynasty…”

As soon as it was from the Qing Dynasty, Director Wu’s interest was obviously reduced a lot.

“Mr. Lin, let me tell you, the Qing Dynasty is only 300 years old, and historians have studied it thoroughly, and the value of novels is not that great.”

“But don’t worry, with your spirit, I will make an exception to apply for a certificate for you!”

Director Wu is also a straightforward person.

As the curator of the National Museum, he has seen more cultural relics, and Qing Dynasty novels can only be regarded as ordinary cultural relics.

But this is generally for the National Museum.

In the antique market and foreign black markets, the original novels of the Qing Dynasty, if well preserved, can sell for more than 2 million!

This young man put aside 2 million, and specifically came to hand it in. Director Wu admired this spirit very much!

He picked up the teapot and got up to heat the water.

While adding water, he asked:

“Mr. Lin, what is the name of your novel?”

Lin Xian smiled slightly, thinking that you have reached the point of asking.

“”A Dream of Red Mansions”.”

Director Wu straightened up suddenly and turned his head in shock:

“Yes! Is it the original manuscript of Cao Xueqin!? You just said that it had never been published… Could it be!!!”


Lin Xian took a sip of tea and said slowly:

“It is the last 40 episodes of A Dream of Red Mansions.”

Cang Dang! ! ! !

Curator Wu shook his hand.

The purple sand teapot fell to the ground and smashed to pieces!


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