Chapter 243 Liu Yiyi sorted out his memories, and the truth of Dai Chuchan’s grievances became clear!

Liu Yiyi fell to the ground.


It was too late for a while.

That feeling of death is so real!

Touching his forehead, the high-speed rotating bullet, the burning sensation of hitting the skull, as if it was just a second ago.


Liu Yiyi knows that of course there is no pain, after all, he is at home

It is 2021.

There will be no bullets.

But the real sense of pain is as deep as it is carved into the bone marrow

“It’s not like a dream, it’s not like a fantasy

“All this is too real”

Liu Yiyi wiped the sweat from his forehead, stood up, closed his eyes and began to sort out the newly added memories.

It’s like

A completely different life from “August Three” himself now!

“My 18th birthday party Lin Xian did not come. I was frustrated and cried all night.”

“Then I had less and less contact with Lin Xian. Except for the messages in QQ space, the two had no more communication, and gradually became fellow travelers.

“Without Lin Xian, I didn’t have a reason to stay in Long Nation, so I went to Cigago University to study in the place of Wang Hao.

Liu Yiyi’s brain was fully energized, and he began to think about the logic of all this.

If I went to Chijiage to study abroad.

Wang Hao couldn’t go.

But Wang Hao had diarrhea during the college entrance examination. I heard that the exam was very bad. If I continue like this, I don’t know what it will be like in the future.

“Then there are the memories of the opera house. The school issued tickets for the opera house. It stands to reason that the tickets for a class are consecutive. The classmates sitting next to me should be my classmates, but why is Lei Haolong the person who came here? Woolen cloth?”

Liu Yiyi continued to explore memory.

At that time, Liu Yiyi directly asked Lei Haolong this question, and Lei Haolong just smiled slightly:

“It just so happens that I prefer the cellist of this opera clock, so I am here to listen to the performance. I just posted a ticket link on Twitter, and someone contacted me to sell tickets. I didn’t expect it to be the same as the old one. The classmates are sitting together.”

At that time, Liu Yiyi just smiled politely and didn’t say much.

It’s a fool to believe it.

It is not how passionate Liu Yiyi is, but she believes in her heart that although she doesn’t know what Lei Haolong’s purpose is, it is definitely not a simple coincidence.


The opera house is not its own home, and whoever has the tickets owns the seat.

So there is nothing wrong with Lei Haolong sitting here, and Liu Yiyi didn’t say much.

I haven’t seen each other in the past two years.

Lei Haolong has indeed become a lot more normal in all aspects, at least he doesn’t have the penetrating smile.

Just shortly after the opening of the opera.

A group of masked terrorists rushed out and started shooting with guns.

Both Liu Yiyi and Lei Haolong were relatively forward, so there was almost no chance of reaction, so they were directly hit by bullets and fell to the ground.

This memory is like this.

But Liu Yiyi still couldn’t understand.

“If I died in the 2015 shooting, then who is me now?”

“No! It’s not such a way of thinking.

Liu Yiyi suddenly realized that these two memories are probably not one [timeline].

Because in addition to this memory, there is also a real memory:

At the 18th birthday party, Lin Xian arrived as scheduled, and the two became boy and girl friends.

It is not himself who went to school in Zhijiage, but Wang Hao.

Wang Hao, a big boy, is naturally not interested in opera, so he would not go to the theater to watch opera.


If Lei Haolong really wanted to meet him by chance, he would find someone else to buy a ticket

Then naturally you can escape from death.

“These two memories are equally real

“It seems to have existed at the same time

Liu Yiyi couldn’t understand.

At the same time, she also discovered that the different memories are not the only one.

There are many [contradictory] memories:

[The saved child in the mall, in the memory that flooded into my mind just now, was clearly abducted by a trafficker. 】

[Lin Xian obviously never called to ask about Li Jing’s parents, but in the memory that appeared just now, there is indeed such a link. 】

“There are many things that are different from my original memory, and even contradictory.

“But I’m sure, they are all real lives, but what is the reason for all this? Is there really any parallel world?”

“Or to say [This one and only world has been modified countless times?]”

Liu Yiyi sat in a chair and thought for half an hour, but didn’t think about why.

But she thought of someone!

A person who also has memories of [past life] and thinks it is a dream–

Dai Chuchan!

Before Liu Yiyi had always felt that when Dai Chuchan told her dreams, many times he was hesitant to speak…0

Especially when it comes to “the hero in the dream”.

Dai Chuchan was always cautious, giving Liu Yiyi the feeling that Dai Chuchan knew who the hero was, but never dared to say his name.

Liu Yiyi is not a fool either.

Later, she also saw that the hero of the dream and the hero who waved the red flag for Dai Chuchan was her boyfriend Lin Xian!

At the beginning, Liu Yiyi only regarded Dai Chuchan as unrequited love, and did not pay much attention to it.

After all, Lin Xian is already his boyfriend.

I don’t allow Dai Chuchan to cross the boundary, but in my dreams, I think there is nothing wrong with it, right?

But according to the current situation

I’m afraid it’s not that simple!

“If all the [other memories of time and space] that emerged in my mind were real.”

“Doesn’t that mean! Sister Chu Chan’s [Dreamland] is all real things!?”

“In other words, in the time and space when I died in 2015, it was actually sister Chu Chan who had been taking care of Lin Xian, dating Lin Xian, and raising red flags for Lin Xian to go abroad.

At this moment.

Liu Yiyi completely understood.

She didn’t understand before, how could someone extinguish the fire for the love of moths to such an extent because of simple love at first sight?

Love this thing.

If there is no common manager, the fetters of getting along will not be so profound.

“It turns out that 5.3 is so”

“[In the time and space of my death, Dai Chuchan was Lin Xian’s girlfriend. He spent a lot of lonely time with him and took good care of him. 1”

“[But later, for some reason, it might still be this red mailbox. I resurrected me and replaced Sister Chu Chan directly and became Lin Xian’s girlfriend. But Sister Chu Chan did not complain, and took all grievances and love. Hidden in my heart, willing to be a stranger]”

“Sister Chu Chan…


Liu Yiyi is a reasonable person.

The sudden guilt at this moment broke her “fair and just” heart.

“sorry ”

Recalling the countless tears that Dai Chuchan had shed in front of her eyes.

At this moment Liu Yiyi also shed tears:

“If love really has to come first,

“The inserter is obviously me!


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