Chapter 242 The secret of the space-time mailbox! Liu Yiyi gains the memory of all time and space! (Decrypted Chapter)

Two letters?

Liu Yiyi blinked.

In order to put two letters, as for buying such a large safe?

Even with so many questions.

But Liu Yiyi still believes in Lin Xian, she believes that he is definitely not a boring person, since he has spent so much effort to create such an “organ”.

Then there must be some special purpose.

“Both letters~ are they for me?”

Liu Yiyi reached out and took out the two letters.

Found that there is a difference in packaging.

One is an ordinary envelope.

The other one is covered with scotch tape, and it takes a lot of effort to tear it apart.

Liu Yiyi looked at the ordinary envelope, with a black signature pen on it that read–

[Yiyi!! Read this letter first!!– Lin Xian]

If it weren’t for being too worried, Liu Yiyi almost couldn’t help laughing.

“I’m not a fool. That one is wrapped in tape, I will definitely look at this one first!,

Liu Yiyi pouted unconvincedly.

Lin Xian this guy

I should say he is too cautious

Or does he consider himself mentally retarded?

Liu Yiyi picked up two letters, walked to the desk, and tore open the one written to himself:

[Dear Yiyi]


[When you read this letter, I must be dead. No need to be sad for it, no need to think about avenging me, avenging me, or finding a murderer for me, it’s meaningless. Because this is a game I have set up a long time ago, with your help, I can come back from the dead!]

! !!!!!!

Seeing this, Liu Yiyi stood up in shock!

“Dead! Dead!?”

Liu Yiyi trembled all over, she couldn’t accept this fact.

She thought Lin Xian was in danger!

But I never thought that a good person would die like this!

“Is Lin Xian really dead?”

Liu Yiyi felt a roar in his brain.

She didn’t have time to read the content at the back of the letter, and called Lin Xian again, but it was always turned off.

“Who should I call? Wang Hao! Yes! Monitor Wang Hao has the best relationship with Lin Xian. Will he know about Lin Xian?”

Liu Yiyi quickly contacted Wang Hao.

Wang Hao answered the phone very quickly. He told Liu Yiyi that Lin Xian had indeed contacted him a few days ago in order to find out the contact information of Li Jing.

Later, Wang Hao told Liu Yiyi about Li Jing’s death and cremation.

“What? You said Lin Xian is dead? Haha, maybe not?”

Wang Hao hurriedly comforted Liu Yiyi:

“He is so smart, there are still people who can kill him? It’s a good thing if he isn’t yin to others!”

However, Liu Yiyi was obviously much smarter than Wang Hao, and quickly replied:

“But the place where Lin Xian is located is the United States! Although he is a national hero of the Long Kingdom, in the United States, it is not too much to say that everyone is a mouse crossing the street!”

“Well, even if this factor is eliminated. Since last night, all kinds of weird things have happened frequently in the world. Who knows if Lin Xian will die in all kinds of weird phenomena?”

When Liu Yiyi said this, Wang Hao also became nervous:

“What you said makes sense, don’t panic, I will immediately contact my classmates and friends in the U.S. to find out about the situation!”

After hanging up, Liu Yiyi tried to contact Li Jing’s family again, but he did not get any useful information.

Read the first two lines of the letter again.

Liu Yiyi substitutes himself into Lin Xian’s logic to think

“Lin Xian is a very rigorous person, no need to question, he is extremely smart”

“So maybe I should fully believe what this letter says and accept the fact that Lin Xian is dead.”

Liu Yiyi recovered calm and nodded.

As Lin Xian’s girlfriend.

The only thing she can do is to trust him!


Liu Yiyi endured the mixed feelings in his heart and continued to read this letter

[Yiyi, for your safety, I have many things that I haven’t told you. In the cabinet at the bottom right of my desk, there is a red postbox. That is not an ordinary postbox, it is a magic postbox, a postbox that can bring me back to life. 1

[Don’t doubt what I said. You know me very well, and I won’t make jokes about this kind of big righteousness. Next, do as I say step by step. When you open your eyes tomorrow morning, you will find me alive and lying next to you][First of all, go to take off the picture frame on the wall of the study, and then Mian put a small key, that key can open the cabinet in the lower right corner of the desk. 】

[Then, take out the red post box and drop the second letter from the safe into the red post box. 】

[It’s that simple, put everything in place, and you don’t need to worry about the rest. Don’t disclose this to anyone, lock the doors and windows, go to bed early at home, and wait for my resurrection!)

[Signature: Lin Xian who always loves you. 】

Liu Yiyi has nothing to say.

She couldn’t understand.

But she chose to believe.

“Lin Xian designed such a rigorous mechanism to ensure that I can open this safe. It shows that he has absolute self-confidence. He is dead.”

Although it is strange to say that.

But it is the truth that the words are not rough.

Since Lin Xian was able to design such a rigorous agency, if he really wanted to contact Liu Yiyi, there should be a way.

Look like this

80% of Lin Xian is really dead.

“but ”

“Just one letter can bring Lin Xian back to life, which is too contrary to common sense.”

Liu Yiyi stood up and walked to the picture frame on the wall.

It was an abstract landscape painting, not by a master, but just a cheap print.

Liu Yiyi took down the frame.

Then the other way around.


At the corner of the wooden frame, there is a small silver key!

“According to the letter, use this key to open the cabinet of the desk and you will find a red postbox.”

“Hey ……

Liu Yiyi sighed and wiped away tears:

“I hope this is just a prank or a decryption game.”

But she knew that this kind of thinking was impossible.

Lin Xian is different from other boys, he will never make jokes about this kind of thing.

Liu Yiyi inserted the small silver key into the keyhole.



…0 Seeking flowers………

With a soft sound, the built-in lock was opened.

Liu Yiyi took a deep breath.

Slowly open the small wooden door of the desk cabinet

She looked inside.

Sure enough, there is a small red toy mailbox!

“Oh my God, I don’t even know, there are such things at home! When did Lin Xian buy this?”

“But according to the letter, this is not an ordinary small mailbox. Just put this tape-wrapped letter in to bring Lin Xian back to life.”

Liu Yiyi looked at the letter wrapped in tape.

Lin Xian’s handwriting above reads:

[Recipient: Lin Xian. 】

[Address: Unit 802, Unit 4, Building 3, Binhuwan Community, Donghai City. 】

[Delivery time: August 8, 2021]

obviously …

This is a letter to be sent back to the past.

It is August 17th.

According to the delivery time stated in the letter, this letter should be sent to August 8, 9 days before.

I’ve heard of sending letters across regions

Is it possible to send letters across time?

“There are too many things in this world that I can’t understand, but for Lin Xian, I am willing to believe in everything!

Liu Yiyi made up his mind.

Put your hand into the cabinet and prepare to take out the small red toy postbox.


Just the moment Liu Yiyi’s fingers touched the space-time mailbox!

The mutation happened!


Liu Yiyi felt that his brain exploded like fireworks!

[Countless memory fragments that do not belong to me at all, flood into my mind like a marquee of movie fragments!)

[She saw that she was lonely and pitifully guarding her 18th birthday cake, the empty room was very quiet, until late at night when the moon was sky, the boy she liked did not appear. 】

[She saw herself running on the lawn of Chigago University, communicating proficiently with her tutor in English, surrounded by blonde classmates. 】

[She saw that she was in a foreign country late at night, and she left a message to Lin Xian in the QQ space.

[She also saw that she was holding a ticket to the Chiga Opera House to listen to the opera. It was a coincidence! The boy in the next seat turned out to be a high school classmate who had already transferred to Canada, Lei Haolong!][However, shortly after the opening of the opera, more than a dozen masked terrorists with machine guns rushed out of the backstage! There was a sudden sudden sudden sudden rush to the audience!!]


Liu Yiyi’s eyes went dark, fell to the ground, panting heavily!

“What is going on here?

Liu Yiyi touched her head.

In the last trace of consciousness, the bullet passed through his head from here.

She is dead.


In this memory, she died in September 2015!

“What the hell is this memory? It’s not me!”

Liu Yiyi’s face was flustered.

She can’t understand

This is obviously not my own memory.

Why is it so real!?

“It’s like

Liu Yiyi swallowed and spit.

Keep your eyes open.

What came to mind

“[This memory is like the life I have experienced before”?

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