Chapter 244 Sister Chu Chan, let’s write to the past us too!

Only then did Liu Yiyi understand what a great thing Dai Chuchan has done, how much pain he has endured, and how much grievance he has endured.

“When Sister Chu Chan, who has memories of the past, wakes up and finds that the whole world has changed, and the man she likes has a girlfriend.

“He must be desperate inside, right”

Liu Yiyi didn’t know when this world began to change.

I don’t know when I started to resurrect with Lin Xian and Dai Chuchan as a reference point.

Because in her memory, the memory from high school to the present is continuous.

But if you look at it from the perspective of Lin Xian and Dai Chuchan.

this world.

It must have been from a certain point in time that the earth-shaking changes have taken place.

“Since Lin Xian is dead, I can only ask Dai Chuchan the answer to this question.


Liu Yiyi didn’t care what the answer was.

She just wanted to bring back the grievances suffered by Dai Chuchan.

Say “I’m sorry” to her

Although neither of them did anything wrong, Liu Yiyi, as the person who “appeared in the sky”, couldn’t accept all this in his heart with peace of mind.

“In this time and space, Lin Xian belongs to me

“But in another time and space where I died, Lin Xian belonged to sister Chu Chan.”

Liu Yiyi made up his mind.

Decided to call Dai Chuchan over and face this matter together.

It was just after she touched the red mailbox that these memories flooded into her mind.


If Dai Chuchan also touched the red mailbox 20 words

What will happen?

“But before that, I have to finish all the things Lin Xian told me!”

Liu Yiyi distinguished the priorities.

There is no doubt that according to Lin Xian’s words, オ is the top priority now.

Liu Yiyi cheered up.

Put your hand into the cabinet again, take out the red post box, and put it on the table.

Look closely at this postbox like a children’s toy


Depending on the material, it is iron.

The lacquer is also very new.

There is no trace of use at all.

“According to Lin Xian, you only need to put this written letter in.”

Liu Yiyi picked up the letter wrapped in tape.

She didn’t know what was written in it.

And seeing Lin Xian wrapped so tightly with tape, it doesn’t look like I want to see it.

“Since last night, there have been more and more weird things. So what Lin Xian said may not be false.”

“This world is very big, there are too many things we can’t understand, I just need to trust you unconditionally!

Only Dang–

There was a deep muffled noise.

Liu Yiyi dropped the letter into the mailbox.


Inexplicably relieved.

It’s like a big thing has been accomplished.

Then Liu Yiyi picked up the mailbox and shook it vigorously.

Only bang bang bang bang 哐 哐哐!!!

The thick envelope inside was banging on the inside of the postbox.

“The letter still doesn’t seem to disappear immediately.

Liu Yiyi put the mailbox in the cabinet again, then walked out of the study and called Dai Chuchan.




“Hello? Yiyi-senpai! What’s the matter?”

Dai Chuchan’s cheerful voice came from the earpiece.

This is an optimistic and cheerful child.

She would only bury that unbearable and unbearable sadness in her heart.

I thought of this.

Liu Yiyi couldn’t help feeling a bit sad:

“Sister Chu Chan, I’m sorry.”

Hearing Liu Yiyi’s voice, Dai Chuchan on the other side of the phone panicked instantly:

“Yi Yiyi-senpai! What’s wrong with you? Is something wrong?”

“Where are you! I’ll find you right away!”

Liu Yiyi smiled slightly and shook his head:

“It’s okay. Just come and find me slowly. I’m at home, Binhuwan community, you’ve been here.

“Sister Chu Chan, I have something to tell you. It’s about your dreams, not about the things in the previous time and space.

For an instant.

Dai Chuchan felt like a thief was caught!

The goose bumps are all up!

This this this this!!

Dai Chuchan blushed a little

This has always been the most difficult thing for me to tell! How can I let Senior Sister Yiyi know!?

Although she also understood that she had done nothing wrong.

But after all, in this time and space, Yiyi-senpai is Lin Xian’s girlfriend!

She thought.

These embarrassing things will be fooled so embarrassingly, everyone tacitly tells them, and no one mentions it.

Why is it that Senior Sister Yiyi suddenly doesn’t open which pot to lift which pot!

“Good, good, good, good! I’ll go over!”

Although he was uneasy, Dai Chuchan agreed immediately, took a taxi out of the school gate and drove to the city.

ーHour later, Dai Chuchan appeared at Liu Yiyi’s house.

Liu Yiyi truthfully told Dai Chuchan what had just happened:

“When I touched the red mailbox, some memories that contradicted reality rushed into my mind. In that world, I died in 2015. It was a world without me.

“Sister Chu Chan, are the dreams you dreamed of just what happened in the world without me?”

Dai Chuchan was greatly shocked by what Liu Yiyi told.

But she has experienced too many incredible things personally, so her acceptance is much higher than that of Liu Yiyi.

She quickly accepted this fact.

And nodded.

“Yes, Senior Sister Yiyi. Now, I can finally tell these things.

Dai Chuchan, as if complaining of grievances, told Liu Yiyi all his “dreams”, that is, what happened in the last time and space..


All in all, without reservation.

In that world without Liu Yiyi, the man she admired was Lin Xian.

They had appointments together, had dinner at home, visited art galleries, and went to the Miguchi Stadium to cheer for them.

The contact between the two is not too much, but in some form, they deeply attracted each other.

If it’s not a sudden change in the world.

After returning from the [World Mathematics Masters], the two may become true lovers and embark on the path Liu Yiyi and Lin Xian are currently taking.

“But when I wake up that day, the whole world has changed…”

Every time he mentions this day, Dai Chuchan is still a little afraid:

“When I wake up, no one remembers that I have been to the U.S., and no one remembers what I did. I even confirmed many times that the [World Mathematics Masters] was not held!”

“There are many changes around, but the biggest change is still Yiyi-senpai, your appearance.”

“Your appearance has changed a lot of things. Lovers legends that have never been seen before are popular in the school, and there is a school flower that astounds Donghai. I am surprised by what happened, but everyone is accustomed to it.

“[For everyone else, this world itself is like this, it has always been, it has always been, it has never changed. On the contrary, I am like a stranger

“You should know the next thing, Senior Sister Yiyi. I’m sorry I lied to you at the time. It was not the instructor who recommended me to dance with you, but I volunteered because.”

Having said that, Dai Chuchan carefully bit her lip.

“[Because I want to see what the girlfriend of Senior Lin Xian looks like]”

Having said that.

Dai Chuchan actually relaxed somewhat inexplicably, and gave a wry smile:

“On the contrary, I should thank you, Senior Sister Yiyi. I have held these words in my heart for too long, and finally I have a chance to say it one-”


A wave of warmth hit 883.

Liu Yiyi embraced Dai Chuchan in his arms.

Hold her tightly.

“I’m sorry, Sister Chu Chan made you wronged.”

Dai Chuchan sniffed.

She thought she would cry.


She just laughed and couldn’t cry at all.

Perhaps it was all the hardships and joy, and he finally cleared the charge of Xiao San.


Or maybe…

I have cried too many times about this matter before, and I have already shed the tears.

But, even so, what can be changed?

Senior Lin Xian can only have one girlfriend.

That is Liu Yiyi.

I, after all, just a passerby eliminated by time and space


Next Liu Yiyi’s words.

But Dai Chuchan couldn’t help it anymore, and the tear glands instantly collapsed!

“Sister Chu Chan, Lin Xian, needs us.”

Liu Yiyi took Dai Chuchan’s hand and said with a smile:

“What Lin Xian needs is us. It’s me, it’s you, no one else will do.

“We don’t know what Lin Xian has been doing, or what else he is fighting with.”

“But there is no doubt that he needs us! As everyone’s hero, as our man, we can no longer let him fight alone and fight alone.


Liu Yiyi nodded, affirming to Dai Chuchan who was stunned.

[Our man].

Lin Xian, since he can become a hero of 1.4 billion people.

Then, he can also be a man of two women.

Lin Xian, 18, met Liu Yiyi.

Lin Xian, 24, met Dai Chuchan.

Liu Yiyi decided.

Let these two different timelines condense here.

“certainly ”

“[The same thing is all this, everything, the time and space that made Lin Xian die, separated us, and shattered the world!]”


Liu Yiyi took out the red postbox next to it and stood beside it.

Looking at Dai Chuchan firmly:

“Sister Chu Chan!”

“Let’s write to the past us too!”

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