Chapter 241 Lin Xian’s death insurance is activated! Liu Yiyi touches the space-time mailbox!

Donghai University, postgraduate dormitory.

The sun was shining brightly at noon.

Liu Yiyi opened her sleepy eyes

It’s not that she can sleep so late.

Because of the earthquake last night, the school asked all the students to gather on the playground.

They were not allowed to go back to their dormitories until 4 o’clock in the morning, after confirming that the earthquake would not happen again.

That’s why she slept so long to get up.

Take a look at the time.

“Oh my God, it’s half past 11.”

Turning to see, his roommate was still asleep.

Liu Yiyi did not intend to wake her up either.

So he got up to wash and change clothes, and walked to the cafeteria.

Along the way, the students were discussing the earthquake last night:

“The earthquake last night was really scary. Fortunately, there were no casualties.”

“But it’s weird. Generally, earthquakes are localized, at most affecting several cities. But last night, it seemed that the whole world was synchronizing earthquakes!”

“Yeah, it’s weird! There are earthquakes all over the world, which is too illusory! Geography doesn’t make sense, is it the influence of sunspots or tidal forces?”

“Don’t talk about the earthquake, have you watched the news? Strange things have happened all over the world. The Eiffel Tower has rusted and collapsed! Many people have been killed!”

“I also watched the video. Large chunks of rust fell directly from the sky. It was too scary. 867. Moreover, the Pyramid of Khufu was renovated overnight, and everyone said it was done by aliens!”


What Liu Yiyi heard along the way was confused.

What are everyone talking about?

How does it feel like a fantasy novel?

But it doesn’t matter if one or two people say this. Since everyone said this, it shows that all these strange phenomena are real.

“Lin Xian is still in the U.S. I don’t know how it is now, right?”

When the earthquake occurred last night, Liu Yiyi tried to contact Lin Xian.

But they never answered the phone or WeChat.

She didn’t care.

80% of it is Lin Xian, no matter how busy it is.

But more than ten hours have passed, and there is still no news!

Liu Yiyi couldn’t help but feel a little nervous.

She picked up the phone and dialed Lin Xian’s phone number directly.

Although Lin Xian is in the United States.

But his mobile phone has long been opened for global calling service, and it can generally be connected.

Toot toot.

“Sorry, the user you dialed is turned off

? ??

I didn’t answer the phone before, now it’s turned off directly!

Is it really in danger!?


Liu Yiyi became more worried as she thought about it.

But she had no other way to contact Lin Xian, so she sighed and walked into the cafeteria with worry.

Ding Dong–

The voice of the mobile phone push message sounded.

Liu (cafd) Yiyi hurriedly took out his mobile phone:

“Great! It must be Lin Xian who responded!”

She took out her mobile phone excitedly.

I was disappointed to find that it was not the WeChat ringing, but the alert tone of the QQ mailbox.

“Who emailed me at this point? Does the instructor have new assignments?”

With a puzzled mentality, Liu Yiyi opened the QQ mailbox and checked the email.

The sender turned out to be Lin Xian!

Still a regular email!

Liu Yiyi’s eyes widened.

She is not a fool

Lin Xian uses this method to contact himself, then there is only one possibility–

【Lin Xian is in danger! That’s why he contacted himself in a backward way like email. 】

Liu Yiyi hurriedly clicked on the email and checked the content:

Subject: [Give my favorite Yiyi]

Content: [Yiyi, the password for the safe in the study is the most important day of your life. There is a letter I wrote to you in it. This matter is very important, don’t let the second person know. 】

The mail is short.

It was so short that Liu Yiyi repeatedly checked it a few times to see if there were any attachments or connections.

“There is nothing else but these two sentences.

Liu Yiyi didn’t go to the cafeteria again.

Instead, calm down on the campus chair and think about it.

She and Lin Xian have been dating for 6 years.

The 6 years spent together day and night made them understand each other very well.

Lin Xian can use timed emails to send emails to himself with great pains.

That explains.

There must be other intentions in this!

“Lin Xian is a smart person. Timed emails can guarantee that even if he can’t operate his computer or mobile phone, he can still ensure that the emails are sent successfully.”

“This email is Lin Xian sending me a signal. This is an email full of secret codes.”

Liu Yiyi looked at the last sentence.

[This matter is very important, don’t let the second person know. 】

If not for this sentence.

She will definitely tell Dai Chuchan about this and discuss what to do together.

Because she trusted Dai Chuchan.

This is a girl who likes Lin Xian more than her own life.

Liu Yiyi believed that Dai Chuchan was willing to sacrifice her girl to save Lin Xian.

“But since Lin Xian has confessed that he can’t let the second person know, then let’s keep the secret from Sister Chu Chan.”

Liu Yiyi moved quickly.

After asking for leave from the tutor, I went directly to the school gate and took a taxi, and went straight to the two warm homes.


Liu Yiyi had an impression of that safe.

Lin Xian bought it not long ago, and probably bought one after attending the class reunion.

The safe is black, large, and looks very advanced.

Liu Yiyi also asked at the time why he should buy such a high-class safe.

Lin Xian’s reasons at the time were also very good:

“Now I am also a public figure, and sometimes everything I come into contact with is confidential and must be properly preserved.”

Men, always go out to do big things.

So Liu Yiyi didn’t care too much.

Now analyze it

The high probability is that after that classmate meeting, Lin Xian realized some danger, so he kept some key information in the safe.


In the taxi.

Liu Yiyi’s nerves are always tense.

I was worried:

“What the hell are you doing, is it so dangerous?”

Liu Yiyi hated that she hadn’t noticed it too early. If she had known that Lin Xian was doing dangerous things alone, she would definitely stop it!

But instead

Her man, from an early age, has a determination to serve the country, aspirations to serve the people, and dreams of becoming a national hero.


Such a responsible man is absolutely impossible to leave without saying goodbye.


“unless ”

Liu Yiyi clenched his fists, his eyes firm:

“Unless Lin Xian is [fighting for the country] and [fighting for the people]! It’s just like that technological summit match.”

If it is for such great justice.

Liu Yiyi is willing to fully support him!

even …

Willing to rush forward with him and die for the country.

The taxi braked sharply and stopped at the gate of the community.

After paying the money, Liu Yiyi rushed to the elevator and pressed the button on the 8th floor.

Open the door.

Go straight to the study!

“Lin Xian

Liu Yiyi hurriedly knelt down in front of the black safe, looking at the code lock formed by the eight wheels.

The e-mail in the QQ mailbox is clearly written, and the password is “This is the most important day in your life.”

She did not hesitate.

Set the code lock to [June 8, 2015].

This day is Liu Yiyi’s 18th birthday.

at the same time.

It is also the undisputed “most precious”, “most important” and “most memorable” day in Liu Yiyi’s life

Because on this day, Liu Yiyi officially became Lin Xian’s girlfriend, and the fate of the two of them has since been intertwined, becoming an inseparable Liandi.

Liu Yiyi has rejoiced countless times and thanked her 18-year-old for being so brave.


As the last password turns, the heavy safe door opens!

Squeak one-

Liu Yiyi couldn’t wait to open the iron door and looked inside.

The big safe was empty.

Only the middle position

Put two letters!.

You must be fine!”

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