Chapter 240 Lin Xian and the devil’s peekaboo! [Death Insurance] is activated!

at this point.

Lin Xian no longer thinks about these or not.

Now that the [devil] has been born, it is meaningless to entangle “Why didn’t you think of it before”.

“The only thing I can do now is to kill [Demon]!”

“but ”

Lin Xian gritted his teeth.

He has a trace of apprehension.

Can you really kill [the devil]?

Although [Demon] looks like a little baby, it is actually a world destroyer who has mastered [Causal Weapons].

Is this still a human?

In addition, I have just analyzed that this is a [baby out of time].

Will he, who is not in time, be bound by the laws of time and space?

Lin Xian held his breath, afraid to make a sound.

For fear of revealing their position.

Think carefully.

Combined with his situation, he thought of two solutions:

1. Find an opportunity to jump out and kill the baby in a thunderous manner!

2. Stand still and spend hard with him. When the chance is safe (the baby is sleeping), sneak out and write to your past self! Tell your past self all the truth and intelligence, and let him kill the baby before the [devil] is born!

These are the only two options currently available.

But I have only one precious opportunity…

Lin Xian began to analyze the pros and cons of the two methods.

First, the first method.

Lin Xian has seen through the gap in the equipment that there is a large scissors for cutting gauze on the desktop not far away.

At his own speed, he can run to the table within 2 seconds and pick up the big scissors.

Then it takes about 1 second to adjust the grip position.

After that, you can quickly turn around and kill the baby with scissors!

Count it down

The whole process takes about 5 seconds.

As for how long it takes to kill a baby, how many dollars it takes, it depends on fate.

The stabbing is correct, maybe it will be taken away with one knife.

If the stabbing is inaccurate, and the knife avoids the key, then it will take long to say if it is not good.

This is currently the most direct plan to kill [the devil].

But at the same time

The risk is also the greatest!

This means that Lin Xian must face [the devil]!

In these 5 seconds, either Lin Xian killed [Demon] or [Demon] killed Lin Xian!

Although this plan sounds simple

But Lin Xian was not sure.

Because his current understanding of [Causal Weapons] is still 0.

At the same time, he didn’t know whether he could kill this little baby with scissors. After all, no one knows what kind of creature this little baby is now? Which dimension of creatures? Even the laws of the earth apply.

“As a rough estimate, the probability that I can kill [Demon] with scissors is less than 10%.


Lin Xian smacked his lips.

The 10% success rate is too small.

On the other hand, the second plan–

Stand still, and sneak away when the time is safe, and then through the time and space mailbox, tell all the truth to the past self.

“I can write to me and tell him clearly that [the devil] is the child in Li Jing’s belly! Plus Einstein’s brain! There is a secret laboratory under the hospital!”

“With these three important pieces of information, in the past, I must be able to find a way to prevent this brain transplant operation and the replacement of the civet cat for the prince.

“Compared to fighting with a fully-body [demon] now, it is easier to defeat a [demon] who has not formed before August 17.

Lin Xian still favors this plan in his heart.

Because this plan can guarantee foolproof.

“As long as the intelligence can be sent back to the past, this long time-consuming hide-and-seek that has cross-domain countless time and space is our victory!”

Lin Xian is convinced of this.

Before August 17, I have countless opportunities to prevent the birth of [Devil].

For example, you can tie Li Jing to the sofa to prevent her from moving! Don’t give her the chance to fall and trigger premature birth.

For example, you can sneak into the underground laboratory ahead of time and transfer the baby Einstein away.

For example, you can prepare in advance, bring the space-time mailbox to the United States, and use the “Perfect Accidental Killing Method” that has been tried countless times to kill [Rage] in advance.

for example … …

In short, there are 10,000 ways to make [the devil] “dead.”

Consider all situations.

The success rate of this plan is about 60%!

Under weighing.

Lin Xian decisively chose the second plan–

Stand still and sneak out when the time is right.

“I hope this little guy didn’t find me.

“He shouldn’t be playing hide-and-seek or wood-man games with me, right?”

In the crib.

The little baby is smiling.

The cute smile of harmless humans and animals does indeed do what he considers harmless to humans and animals.

I made a mistake in the complicated and sloppy [World Line] in front of me

His immature fingers fiddled with one of them.

“Hide-and-seek, peek-a-boo, whoever is found loses~”

The premature baby sang a nursery rhyme happily.

The [world line] he fiddled with was the [world line] of the man hiding in the shadow two meters behind.

Dad, and that man seem to be friends.

Because when they meet, they are always smiling.

Even when his father died, he still looked at the man and smiled.


“They must be good friends~~~”

In the mind of a little baby.

The relationship between people is that simple.

He discovered the existence of Lin Xian early in the morning. It is so well hidden, but in front of the high latitude [World Line], everything, the past and the future of this world are all transparent.

The baby is only when Lin Xian is playing peekaboo with him.

Or is it

Waiting for the arrival of Dad together!

“Dad, daddy, daddy~ you come here soon~”

I rubbed Lin Xian’s [World Line] with immature fingers, shaking his head and waiting for Lei Haolong’s arrival.

His fingers are fragile.

But the [world thread] that is as thin as silk is more fragile

It’s as if it will be rubbed off if you are not careful.

The little baby’s eyes turned, and soon found another green [world line].

Touch the green thread.

He saw an image of a small Gulfstream plane in his mind.

At this time, the plane had already set off from Donghai Airport, quickly raised its altitude, and flew towards here at full speed.

And his father was sitting on that plane.


Dad is coming~’

Time just passed by one minute after another.

Lin Xian was a little sleepy and couldn’t open his eyes.

But he found

That little baby hasn’t slept yet!

Either chanting words and singing in your mouth, or pulling your hands in front of your eyes like playing the piano.

“Does this guy need to sleep?”

In Lin Xian’s impression, newborn children are particularly able to sleep, and can sleep 20 hours a day 24 hours a day!

But nearly 10 hours have passed, and this little bastard is not even sleepy at all!

Lin Xian rubbed his temples.

Resist the sleepiness.

He can’t sleep

He must wait for the baby to fall asleep before he can sneak out of the underground laboratory quietly.

Lin Xian couldn’t understand life and death.

What’s so fun in this crib? Can’t you sleep tight?

And the baby at this time

But frowned.

“Huh? Dad, why did you fly off?”

He stared at the world line of the Gulfstream private jet

The baby thought that his father would fly here directly to find him.


How did you fly to the suburbs?

With a small head, I can’t think of so much.

Even though Lei Haolong’s private plane must land at the airport, in the eyes of the baby, Dad is flying too far!

“It’s time to fly here.”

The little baby pulls the world line of the private jet and pulls it in his direction–

The green world line instantly turns red!

Over the city of Princeton, a small private plane that was all normal suddenly lost control and smashed into the hospital like a meteor!

This will be a disaster comparable to 9/11.

But in the eyes of little babies

This will be a touching father and son reunion!



Lin Xian only felt the earth shake!

I thought it was a small earthquake

But I didn’t expect it!

Looking up, I saw the sky!

He almost came out!

What is the situation?

Something smashed the ground through?




As far as I could see, it was quickly covered by explosions and flames, and the entire hospital area became a purgatory on earth.

In the huge underground laboratory, it was destroyed by the engine of the plane’s wing, and there were flames and electric sparks everywhere.

…, can’t wait any longer.”

Lin Xian realized that this was a sudden plane crash.

The surrounding flavor quickly soared!

The cable above the head is emitting a blue electric spark, and it is about to fall at any time!

If you continue to stay here, you will definitely be cooked or electrocuted.

Must find a way to climb out!

and …

Before crawling out again, this little baby must be killed!

The distance between the two is just so big, either you die or I live!

“It’s really a dead end, there’s no way!”

Just do it.

Lin Xian kicked the ground vigorously and rushed out!

His goal is clear.

Next to the crib, a scalpel exploded.

He will pierce the baby’s heart with that scalpel!


The moment Lin Xian rushed out!

The little baby in the crib laughed:

“Hee, you moved first. Seek~Hidden~Catch~to~you~~~”

He won the game!

Have never been so happy!

At the same time, he also gently rubbed the [World Line] in his hand.


Lin Xian only felt black in front of his eyes!

Can’t feel anything!

Puff fell to the ground (Qian Wang Zhao).

In the moment before he died, the last thought flashed through Lin Xian’s mind–

It doesn’t matter if I die [Death Insurance] will be activated as scheduled.

But these key information can’t be passed on to me in the past. He’s going to start again.

“The baton is left to you.”

“And I will turn into a 42, to guide you”


Lin Xian, who sprinted vigorously, died instantly in mid-air.

The impact force knocked the stroller over.

The red baby fell to the ground.


A drop of blood mixed with mashed flesh fell from the plane’s turbine and dripped onto the baby’s face.

He raised his head curiously.

Found the broken ceiling, several adults’ heads came in.

“Quick!! Come here!! There is a living baby here!!”

“Oh my God, he’s still alive! He’s alive! Send the child to first aid!”

“Oh! This is a miracle of God! The plane crashed into the obstetrics and gynecology ward, and too many parents and children died.

“Hold it away! Maybe it will explode sometime!”

The firefighters jumped down, picked him up, and handed him to a nurse in white.

The nurse in white hugs him.

Run to the safe area

His immature hands wiped the blood stains on his face.

Subconsciously put it in your mouth and allow it to suck

Not a familiar taste.

But it is indeed a familiar feeling

“dad ?”

He blinked big suspicious eyes.

To what just happened

do not really understand.

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