Chapter 239 [Devil]’s true purpose! Lin Xian understands all the puzzles! (Decrypted Chapter)

“Hey, dad, come find me..

In the crib, the little baby laughed and waved his arms.

It seems that a major project has been completed.

Separated by a wall.

Lin Xian saw the baby dancing with his hands through the gap between the devices.

Why did he suddenly become so happy?

I’ve been looking for “Dad” just now.

Have you found it now?

But isn’t his father Lei Haolong?

Isn’t Lei Haolong already killed?


Lin Xian felt a tingling scalp.

He remembered what the letter said–

[Devil] Resurrected Lei Haolong, and my future self also met with Lei Haolong!

“So this kid just brought Lei Haolong back to life after a while? How did he do it?

This is one point that Lin Xian couldn’t think through anyway.

But think of the scene of [Rage] Degraded Death just now. 20 Maybe all of this is the effect of causal weapons.

Lin Xian swallowed and vomited.

Hold your breath

At this moment, he wanted to understand a lot of things.

The questions that could not be answered by thinking and meditation before are all solved now–

1. What is the purpose of [Devil]?

Lin Xian has always felt that this issue is very important.

After all, [Demon] has been destroying this world, what good is this for him?

Now he wants to understand

A baby who is just born or two months premature, can he have any bad thoughts?

He didn’t have any views on good and evil in his heart!

I don’t even know what is good and what is bad!

I don’t know what I am doing!

Maybe it’s just fun?

All the order, life, history, and civilization in this world are all toys in his eyes!


Back to the original question.

[Devil] What is the purpose?

Ha ha.

Think of the answer.

Lin Xian thought it was ridiculous.

[The devil has no purpose at all! His birth, his existence, and the collision of positive and negative time on his body are all a mistake!]

At this time, this error is causing a bigger error.

What’s more terrifying is

This is a child who will never grow up, and time stops completely on him.

So even decades have passed.

He is still such a small volleyball size, 2.1 kg weight, and a naive premature baby.


This is [Devil]!

Also, the second question that I didn’t understand before–

2. In the long years, [Demon] Why didn’t you kill yourself with causal weapons?

The answer to this question is even simpler!

[Devil] I don’t know who I am at all, and I don’t care who I am!

In his eyes, this person named Lin Xian is no different from the old man who just died, and everyone in the world!

Everyone, everything, is his toy!

Lin Xian couldn’t help sighing.

It was too complicated to think about everything before.

In Lin Xian’s previous vision.

[Devil] It should be a peerless giant who is as cautious as himself, cunning as Lei Haolong, powerful as George Bill, and IQ like Einstein!

The reason why I think so.

It is because of the many actions of [Devil] that Lin Xian can’t understand at all.

can not read.

Can’t guess.

Therefore, it is natural to naively think that [the devil] is a person who is very powerful in all aspects and deep in the city.

But the result was eye-popping!

[Devil], just a little baby who has just arrived in this world for 7 days!

Of course, adults can’t understand the minds of babies!

Of course, adults can’t understand the thoughts of babies!

Lin Xian recalled the two or three-year-old bear children of his relatives.

Dogs really hate it!

Those bear kids know that they do nothing if they don’t do anything every day.

Step on the sofa, throw toys, push TV, Swiss vase, chase chickens, chase dogs

All the “bad” things in this world are done by the bear kids.

But to be fair

[Devil] is just a little baby.

What he did is actually no different from those bear kids, and he has been doing damage all the time.

And I don’t know it yet.

When other children grow up, they will realize their mistakes and become polite and educated.

But [Demon] can’t

He will never grow up.

“This is also a poor child


There is also the third question that I have been thinking about before–

3. How did [Demons] destroy the world? What are the causal weapons?

Although there is no accurate answer to this question.

But Lin Xian’s guess should be the same.

It must be related to Einstein’s brain and the collision between positive sequence time and reverse sequence time.

This neutralization of positive and negative time.

Let this little baby become a [person outside of time].

He has a God’s perspective and has eternal time, so it is not too much to call it God directly.

There is an old saying in Longguo.

“I don’t know the true face of Mount Lu, because I am in this mountain.”

I’m talking about the fans of the authorities: you have been standing in the circle of the circle, and naturally you can’t see the whole picture of the circle.

But if you jump out of this circle.

Look from a higher and farther place.

You can have a panoramic view of all the scenery and details.

This is the truth for the [devil] weapon of causality.

[Demon] has been detached from [out of time].

He is farther away, in a higher dimension, and belongs to a higher level of life than human beings.

All the cause and effect, destiny, and connection at this time are placed in front of him like an exam paper, waiting for his correction.

“A child outside of time, his every move is like a blow from a high-latitude space to a low-latitude space.

“This is a dimensionality reduction blow that cannot be prevented and 867 cannot be resisted, and even more cannot be prevented and understood.”

At this moment.

Lin Xian really understood the first few words on the [last letter] sent by the third messenger–

[At that time, when scientists all over the world felt that there was no breakthrough for the spherical flash-electric model, Professor Ding Yi discarded all complicated inferences and proceeded directly from the simplest and most incredible point of view, but found the answer. 】

[So sometimes I am also thinking about the path of searching for the devil, is it too complicated for us to think?][Perhaps the devil, it’s not as smart as we thought, not as witty, not as having a city, and not as understanding hiding][Did we always think of demons too complicated? Perhaps the simplest, most obvious, and most incredible answer is just the right one!]

“Yes, the future me, you really didn’t guess wrong.”

Lin Xian smiled helplessly:

“The simplest, most incredible, and most obvious answer, but it’s just the right one!”

“For so long, we haven’t been able to find the truth about [the devil], and we really complied with Professor Ding Yi’s famous saying–”

[Sometimes, the reason why we fail is not because we are not complex enough, but because we are not simple enough!]

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