Chapter 228 The death of Lei Haolong! The devil appeared: “Dad?” (Reward plus more)

As early as the first time of resurrection.

Lei Haolong called Li Jing.


The last second of Lei Haolong’s memory was still in the hospital, and was looked down at by a woman with a crystal blue body.

And the next second.

It appeared in a Ferrari 488 out of thin air!

Lei Haolong touched his neck.


But he should be dead, or at least he should have wounds all over his body and a different head.

He took out his phone and checked the time.

It turned out to be 00:43 on August 17th!

“It turns out that a month has passed since the commendation meeting, but I was dead during this period, so I don’t have any memory.

“Hehe, it seems that my [suicide note] is in effect. Li Jing saw the suicide note I had hidden and gave it to the [arrogance] of the Regret Mutual Aid Association.”

“So if I guess it is right, now [Arrogance] should have killed Lin Xian and seized Lin Xian’s super power to change the history of time and space. That’s why I can successfully resurrect!”

Lei Haolong believed in this.

Because there is only one possibility “eight six seven”.

In his “suicide note” written to Li Jing, all these arrangements are made plain and clear.

“Li Jing loves me so much, she will definitely do so.”

With that, Lei Haolong picked up his cell phone and dialed Li Jing’s number.

“Hello, the user you dialed has been turned off


Lei Haolong is a little strange.In this era, will anyone allow his mobile phone to run out of power?

Lei Haolong dialed his phone in the American villa again.

“Hello, the number you dialed is disconnected


What’s the situation? Someone unplugged his home phone line?

Then he tried many methods, but he couldn’t get in touch with Li Jing.

This made him a little nervous.

“It’s not right. It’s clear that Li Jing has resurrected me, don’t you want to make sure of this for the first time?”

“She should even take the initiative to contact me, right?”

Lei Haolong shook his head.

Begin to use the mobile phone to remotely operate, connect to the router at home, transfer via IP, and log in to the official website of the Regret Mutual Aid Association.

The web page refresh speed is very slow.

But gradually, Einstein’s sad picture came out.

Lei Haolong looked at the information on the webpage.

Only found out!

It’s still the information from the party on the night of August 1st!

“This is impossible!”

Lei Haolong was shocked and almost threw the phone away!

It’s August 17th now.

Regrettably, the webpage of the Mutual Aid Society is updated very timely every time.

It is absolutely impossible to appear, as it is now, the party is over, and the information is still there!

unless …

“Unless [arrogance] dies, the Regret Mutual Aid Association is also disbanded.”

Lei Haolong felt a bit like a world away, and things were wrong.

I just died for a month.

Why has this world undergone earth-shaking changes?

“It’s possible that I think too much, it’s just that Li Jing’s phone is dead.”

Lei Haolong shook his head.

Get rid of uneasy thoughts.

I made a few phone calls and arranged for the private plane to take off.

He just wants to hurry up and fly to Princeton in the U.S.!

Find Li Jing quickly, so I can feel relieved.

And [Arrogance] There should have killed Lin Xian at this time, right?

I have made such a great contribution to the organization.

He will definitely help himself to make up for the regrets of youth!

“It doesn’t matter if you didn’t kill Lin Xian [Arrogance] Since they have the ability to resurrect me, it is very easy to kill someone!

The take-off procedure of a private jet is not easy.

But fortunately, Lei Haolong spent money.

Money can solve 99.99% of the world’s things.


The take-off of the private jet is among them.

After arrangements are made.

He stepped on the accelerator and the red Ferrari 488 roared into the night

On the way.

He noticed that someone was following him.

After arriving at the airport, I found Lin Xian in the rearview mirror.

Although a little surprised, this guy is still alive! But it doesn’t hurt.

“[Pride] and Regret Mutual Aid Society has mastered the extraordinary power to revive me, now it is too late no matter what Lin Xian does.”

“When I arrive in the U.S., I must let [Pride] kill Lin Xian! Revenge for the previous revenge!


Lei Haolong is full of confidence.

But after getting on the plane, he still couldn’t reach Li Jing!

This made him a little panicked.

He tried many methods, including contacting the property where the villa was located.

But the property company told him that the house had been burned!

Lei Haolong was cold from head to sole.

Think of everything that is abnormal

“Could it be”

“Li Jing and [Arrogance] are both dead?”

“But!! If they are all dead! Who on earth is I who resurrected me!!”

At this moment, Lei Haolong was indeed panicked.

This is fear from the unknown.

“Who is controlling my life?”

Didi!!! Didi Merchant!!! Didi!!! Didi!!!

In the private jet, the sirens suddenly sounded!

“Out of control! Out of control! All members fasten their seat belts and sit down!”

The stewardess hurriedly ran to Lei Haolong and fastened the seat belts for the two of them.

“what’s the situation?”

Lei Haolong asked anxiously.

“Mr. Lei! I don’t know what happened, the plane is completely out of control! It is diving down!”

“Where are we? Can I make an emergency landing at the airport?”

“I’m afraid not Mr. Ray. We have just flown to the Princeton border now. If we dive and land at this speed, our plane will crash near [Princeton University]!”

Lei Haolong’s face was pale!

Why does the aircraft have such a malfunction.

This shouldn’t be!

He spent so much money at the airport, and there is a dedicated team responsible for regular inspections. It stands to reason that this kind of thing will not happen!

“Now what?”

“Mr. Lei, please rest assured of our captain’s skills. This is a small plane. We can find a highway for forced landing.”

Although it sounds reasonable.

But Lei Haolong couldn’t help being nervous

Who is not nervous about this kind of thing?

Sweat dripped from his cheeks.

Time goes by every second

He can feel it.

The speed of the plane falling faster and faster!

The entire cabin has been tilted!


The cockpit door opened, and the two captains rushed out:

“Prepare to parachute! The plane is completely out of control! It is impossible to make a forced landing at this speed!”

Generally, a parachute is not equipped on a civil airliner..0

Because skydiving is a highly professional and technical sport, let a person who has not received special training to skydive.

It is tantamount to self-sha!

Fortunately, Lei Haolong has tried this sport.

Although not so professional.

But at least you can save your life!

Call one–

The air pressure door opens.

The huge air suction seems to draw people out directly!

Both Lei Haolong and the crew put on special skydiving costumes.

Jump out one by one!

At this time, there is nothing messy about money and power.

Do your best!


The flight attendant and the flight attendant took the lead in completing the parachute jump, and both skipped the wing without any risk.

At this time, the roaring engine still did not shut down.

If you are unlucky

It’s easy to get sucked in!

But there is no way, it’s dead anyway, it’s better to take a gamble!

With the help of the deputy captain, Lei Haolong jumped into the air!

But he is not professional after all.

The posture is wrong, and it is directly blown by the airflow to the side of the wing!


The powerful suction power of the turbo engine directly sucks Lei Haolong into the engine!

Lei Haolong has no time to shout at all!

In a second, it was beaten into meat sauce and blood foam by the fan blades of the engine, and it was scattered in the sky

All this happened too fast

In front of the fan blades of the engine up to 30,000 revolutions.

Lei Haolong didn’t feel at all, died instantly, without any pain

He didn’t know until he died, who resurrected him.

I don’t even know until I die

His existence has awakened what a terrifying 【demon】


The plane of time and space is falling at high speed!

Go straight to the Princeton University Hospital!

The powerful kinetic energy, like a meteorite impact, directly destroyed the building and even blasted through the underground secret laboratory.

Various pipeline leaks.

A violent chain explosion was triggered in an instant!

Flames, explosions, and collapsed buildings have turned this hospital into a purgatory on earth!

At this time…

In the underground crack opened by the plane crash

-5.3 premature babies the size of a volleyball crawled out.

He was red all over.

It looks like a little suckling pig that has been burnt red.


On the wreckage of the airplane’s turbine, a drop of blood mixed with mud dripped on the baby’s face, making him look up curiously.

“Quick!! Come here!! There is a living baby here!!”

“Oh my God, he’s still alive! He’s alive! Send the child to first aid!”

“Oh! This is a miracle of God! This plane crashed into the obstetrics and gynecology ward, and there were too many dead parents and children.”

“Hold it away! Maybe it will explode sometime!”

The voices of the wounded, patients, firefighters, ambulance personnel, and Jingcha were in a mess.

This red little life was picked up by a nurse and evacuated to safety.

His immature hands wiped the blood stains on his face.

Subconsciously put it in your mouth and allow it to suck

“dad ?

[Thanks to Huang Sheng for his huge reward of 12,000 points!][Thanks to the big guys for the huge reward of 10,000 points!]

During the National Day holiday, the author will add updates every day!.

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