Chapter 229 In the endless August, history is back!

The fire at the Princeton University Hospital has not been extinguished for a long time.

The various advanced pipelines and facilities in the hospital have actually become the source of chain explosions and fires.

Numerous casualties.

This accident on the Internet is even more known as the 911 incident of 2021.

The dragon country far away on the other side of the ocean.

Lin Xian also saw this newsletter on his mobile phone.

At the same time, incomprehensible things are happening all over the world.

Bali’s Eiffel Tower, in full view, became rusty!

Tons of rust fell from the sky

The pyramid of Aiji became brand new at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The traces of the years disappeared from the bricks.

The stone becomes smooth and shiny.

The Sphinx is even more completely new!

It seems to be built yesterday!

No one knows what happened in this world.

Only Lin Xian looked at the headlines and knew clearly

all of these.

All [Causality Weapons] are activated.

He didn’t understand the significance of [the devil] doing this.

“What can it get after destroying the world?”

The news on the mobile phone keeps pushing.

Unthinkable things are becoming more and more all over the world.

Lin Xian watched the sliding news.

Recalling the bus leading to 2041, the world outside the window had been reduced to ruins.

“What is the purpose of [Demon]?”

He couldn’t understand.

Perhaps only 20 people can find out who the [devil] is to unravel this doubt.


Lin Xian opened the curtains and looked at the dazzling sunlight outside the window.

This is the sun at noon.

But it’s more like the sunset of mankind.

“On August 7th, this cross-domain and countless time-space baton is now in your hands.”

“The hope of mankind depends on you!”

August 7, 2021.

Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell Jingle Bell–

The alarm clock at 06:43 in the morning went off on time.


Lin Xian shot off the alarm clock.

Got up with a yawn

“Today’s plan is to have a good meal first, and then go to school to pick up Liu Yiyi!”

“I haven’t seen each other for a long time. Stay with Liu Yiyi for two days, and then go to the U.S. again!”


Lin Xian simply cooked breakfast and then entered the study room.

He is going to update [Death Insurance].

After all, this trip to the U.S. is to witness the death of Li Jing’s mother and son. Maybe something dangerous will happen.

So it’s better to have insurance.

The archive point of the last time [Death Insurance] was too far away and it was useless.

“The new archive point is set until today! Liu Yiyi will be at home two days from next tomorrow, which is not easy to operate, and I will fly to the United States next Monday–”

The words are not over yet.

Lin Xian was stunned!

On the desk, there was a letter!

“Could it be that [Death Insurance] is activated!”

Lin Xian’s first instinct is that insurance has started!

After all, only the future self is dead, can I receive this letter now.

“No, no, not a letter.”

But soon, Lin Xian rejected this idea.

If it is really [death insurance] activated

The letter should be covered with tape.

It seems that this is just a very ordinary letter from the future.

He sat in a chair and started to read

The letter is very long and contains a lot of content.

After reading it, Lin Xian understood–

This is a letter to myself before my future self is dying!

“The letter says that after 10 days, [the devil] will be born.

“If you want to save this world, you must find and kill the [devil] before it is born!”

Lin Xian took out the pen and paper and started to split the letter.

The information in the letter is very useful.

Tell him 5 facts that must be correct!

These are the key to solving the case.

The more facts that must be correct, the closer to the truth.

Plus the 2 facts on the [last letter] that must be correct

There are now 7 facts that must be correct:

[1. The time of the devil’s birth is 00:42 on August 17th. 】

[2. The real identity of Furious is called David Green, who is the chief surgeon of Lei Haolong’s son’s operation. 】

[3. Li Jing lives in room 1142 of Princeton International Hotel. 】

[4. Lei Haolong was resurrected by the devil, but the devil could not use his mobile phone for some reason. 】

[5 and 42 are the will of countless Lin Xian who will die in the future. 】

[6. The birth of the devil must be related to Lei Haolong. 】

[7. Under the cremation site, the DNA of Li Jing’s mother and son and Einstein were indeed found. 】

“These valuable information are Lin Xian in countless time and space, piled up with his life.”

After reading the complete letter.

Lin Xian also agrees with his own views on the future.

If you want to find out the truth, you must accomplish two things in this trip to the U.S. –

1. Find Li Jing in advance and ask if Lei Haolong wrote the [Suicide Note] and the contents of the [Suicide Note].

2. Staring at [Rage] throughout the whole process, staying in the United States until 00:42 on August 17th, thoroughly figuring out who, where, and how the [Devil] was obtained [Causal Weapon].

“The future I will give me a lot of information, and I must find time to digest it.

“But Liu Yiyi must also be found. I want to buy her a new mobile phone to ensure that the [Death Insurance] can be activated smoothly.”

Lin Xian can feel it.

I am closer to the truth than any Lin Xian in the future.

After all, he is now standing on the shoulders of countless Lin Xian.

After locking everything in the drawer, Lin Xian went out and drove straight to Tunghai University.

After seeing Liu Yiyi.

Lin Xian bought her a new phone.

Then she told her not to run around during this time and just stay in school.

After eating, he sent Liu Yiyi back to school instead of taking home for the weekend.

“It’s better to dedicate it to the world this weekend.

In the past two days, Lin Xian has carefully studied and interpreted the content of future letters to put himself in the superior side of intelligence.

Subsequently, the [Death Insurance] was updated again.

For this [Death Insurance], I set my own inventory point on August 8, which is Sunday morning.

If he really died in the United States.

Then Liu Yiyi will deliver the letter from the safe to the space-time mailbox according to the reminder of the timed mail.

Then the past self can continue to receive this information, restart the reasoning, avoid death, eliminate the wrong answer, and find the [devil]!

At 12:42 noon on August 9, the Boeing plane took off from Donghai Airport and flew directly to Princeton in the United States.

After the plane landed.

Lin Xian didn’t waste a minute.

Take a taxi directly to Princeton International Hotel!

“According to the letter, Li Jing lives in room 1142! I must go find her immediately!”

What the letter says is very clear.

[Don’t waste time in doubting the fact that it’s “must be right”. 】

The last Lin Xian, because of self-doubt, missed the best time.

This time

He must hold onto it!


Lin Xian handed the certificate to the front desk staff and said in English:

“Ms. Li Jing is my companion. She lives in 1142, please give me a room next door.”

The front desk staff nodded without any doubt.

This guest is also from Longguo.

He also accurately stated Li Jing’s room number, and there is no reason to doubt him.

“Sir, check-in is done for you, your room number is 1140.*

The front desk handed the room card to Lin Xian.


After receiving the room card, Lin Xian walked directly to the elevator.

Go to the 11th floor and find 1140.

The room separated by a wall is exactly 1142.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Lin Xian knocked directly on the door.

no response.

Bang!! Bang!! Bang!!


“Y %#羊%@%*…

A man’s curse could be heard vaguely inside.

This is the most upscale hotel in Princeton.

The door must be soundproof.

In this case, you can hear the curse, and you can imagine how loud the roar is inside.


The door opened.

A disheveled black man opened the door cursingly, full of national quintessence such as FU*K and BI*CH.

Lin Xian frowned.

The first reaction is to knock on the wrong door

But immediately, he heard Li Jing’s voice inside.

Although he felt drunk and hazy, he was sure that it was Li Jing inside.

Coupled with the noise of the bar on the phone before,

Disheveled black people,

The room was full of burnt and strange smells.

All fools know what happened.

Lin Xian picked up the phone, played 911 directly, and clicked to call.

“он867! WHАТ!? ”

The black man was shocked!

This Longguo man in front of him didn’t communicate, and he called 911 to the police! He didn’t play cards according to common sense!

Lin Xian snorted and said in English:

“Don’t get out of here?”

The black man knew very well that he would have to stay in jail for at least several decades for what he did.

So he crawled and rushed into the house, greeted his companions to pick up his clothes and ran away.

Naturally, cursing was inevitable along the way.

“Hello? Hello, sir, can you hear me? This is 911, what help do you need?”

The operator’s voice came on the phone.

Lin Xian walked into 1142 and closed the door:

“Sorry, I accidentally pressed the emergency call button.”

“Oh, sir, are you sure there is no problem? If it is dangerous, you can give me a hint.”

“Thank you, but I’m really fine, thank you.

After Lin Xian hung up the phone, he walked directly inside.

The huge living room is a mess.

Food, tin foil, and packaging were scattered on the ground in a mess.

And Li Jing was lying on the sofa like a puddle of mud.

“I, I’m the school flower, I’m more beautiful than Liu Yiyi”

The delirious Li Jing raised her head and looked at Lin Xian:

“Why do you all like Huan Liu Yiyi”

Lin Xian shook his head helplessly.

Depending on her situation, she must have been sucking up.

It’s hard to imagine how much stimulation it took to kick yourself so badly.

She is a pregnant woman!

Before Li Jing went to the U.S., she was fine, but why did it suddenly happen?

“Huh? Wait!”

Lin Xian wakes up like a dream!

He remembered what the future letter said–

[Lei Haolong may have left his suicide note as a successor, so he can be resurrected. 】

Is it…

It is because of reading Lei Haolong’s suicide note that Li Jing became like this?!

Lin Xian turned twice and found the bathroom.

Picked up a big bathrobe and put it on Li Jing.

Then help her up

“Li Jing, please be sober, I want to ask you something very important!”

Lin Xian looked at Li Jing’s eyes and asked seriously:

“[What is written in Lei Haolong’s suicide note?]”.

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