Chapter 227 Lei Haolong’s suicide note and doubts! Lin Xian writes to the past!


It can only be a baby under 3 years old!

“Even if it is an elderly person, it will be no problem to answer the phone.”

“Only small babies, or even infants in swaddling clothes, can’t use telephones and mobile phones.”

“Although there must be many babies in the inpatient department of Princeton Affiliated University. But the most suspected baby is, without a doubt, Lei Haolong’s son!”

[The last letter] is very clear.

Two facts must be correct, the first one is:

The appearance of [Devil] must be related to the survivor of the Chiga Opera House, Lei Haolong!

“Although I saw Lei Haolong’s son died and was cremated.”

“But everything happened too fast that day, maybe I missed something.”

“This can only entrust [the past me] to solve the case on the spot again!”

After thinking clearly.

Lin Xian took out his pen and letter paper and began to write to his past self.

He intends to write to himself on August 7.

On the morning of August 7th, it was the time to establish [Death Insurance].

If you die accidentally.

Then Liu Yiyi will follow the instructions in the mail to post the letter in the safe back to August 7.

But Liu Yiyi is no longer needed now.

Lin Xian decided to write to himself on August 7.

This can add more information to the letter:

[My dear me in the past:]


[Now on your side, it should be the morning of August 7. The first time you see this letter, you may think that death insurance has been activated. But it’s not like this. This letter was written to you by myself (you of the future) before I was dying. 】

[The reason why I have to personally write this letter to you is to tell you more information. So that you can stand “on the shoulders of giants” and go to the U.S. to look for clues to the devil more prepared and purposefully. 】

[According to your original plan, you plan to pick up Liu Yiyi from school this afternoon, and then fly to the US at noon on August 9th. None of these plans need to be changed. You just need to spare time and think carefully about what I’m telling you. 】

[Remember I said that the information “ーit must be correct”, that is, it must be correct! There is no need to doubt these things to waste time. It was because I doubted the authenticity of the content of the last letter that I lost a lot of opportunities. 】

[So, don’t doubt yourself, me, us! We are all very strict people. Since dare to say that it must be correct, it must be one! Set! Right! True!][Please don’t waste time on this meaningless self-doubt like me. Every Lin Xian who will die in the future is equally good and smart. You can trust what we say. Of course, the words “must be correct”!][Then first, let me tell you a few facts that “must be correct”:][1. The time of the devil’s birth is 00:42 in the morning of August 17, when the time and space shock of Ju Lie will sweep the world. So if you want to stop the devil, you must find it before this point in time!][2. I have found out the true identity of Rage. His name is David Green. There are many information about him on the Internet. You will also see him in the operating room of the Princeton University Hospital. 】

[3. Li Jing and her son are indeed dead. I watched them being cremated to ashes. After you arrive in the U.S., go directly to room 1142 of the Princeton International Hotel, where Li Jing lives, and ask her if Lei Haolong has left a suicide note!)

[4. After the time and space tremor, the demon resurrected Lei Haolong, and I met him. I learned from him that the devil was in Princeton, and the devil could not communicate with Lei Haolong on his cell phone for some reason. 】

[5. In the Princeton University Hospital, you will encounter a lot of 42. Don’t panic, 42 is a reminder that we will give you who will die in the future. Please judge these 42 reasonably. 】

[Okay, the above is the news that I am sure “must be correct”, which can save you a lot of detours. 】

[The following are some of my guesses–]

【1, Einstein was not cremated in the crematorium with a high probability, but his ashes appeared under the crematorium. This is an incredible thing and you need to solve the case. 】

[2. The birthplace of the devil is most likely in the Princeton University Hospital. It is very likely that it is a baby under 3 years old. 】

[These guesses may not be accurate, but they can give you a direction. I hope you can stay in Princeton, U.S. until August 17 and pay close attention to the movements of arrogance, that is, Dean David Green. 】

[After all, he is the only remaining party of the Regret Mutual Aid Association, and the suspicion on him is still great! To figure out his purpose and the conspiracy of his various actions may be able to lift the veil of the devil. 】

[The past me, please remember. I failed because I spent my time on meaningless doubts. I hope you will not follow my old path. 】

[In my time and space, the devil has been born, and there is no hope. 】

[The future of mankind depends on you!][I sincerely wish you success and save the world. If you fail, then don’t give up. Please spread the message as far as possible to the far past and spread the fire of hope. 】

[And we will be part of 42 together][Signature: You in the future]

After finishing writing, Lin Xian couldn’t help sighing.

There is an inexplicable sense of tragedy.

Now come back and think about it, I did make too many mistakes on my trip to the United States.

Too many good opportunities were wasted.

But fortunately, sometimes the airmail box can make up for these regrets and regain the initiative!

“At least I checked the identity of [Rage], so I wouldn’t be so passive.

…0 Seeking flowers…

“The birthplace of the devil is in the [Rage] hospital, and the time is so coincidental, which means there must be a connection between the two!”

“As long as I kept following [Rage] in the past, I must be able to obtain vital clues!”

Lin Xian folded the letter paper.

Tuck it into an envelope.

Post a stamp.

Then write on the front:

[Recipient: Lin Xian][Address: Unit 802, Unit 4, Building 3, Binhuwan Community, Donghai City][Delivery time: August 7, 2021]


After finishing writing, Lin Xian threw the envelope into the space-time mailbox.


This letter will appear on this desk 10 days ago.

Lin Xian, will be a new hero again!

Subsequently, Lin Xian opened the QQ mailbox and cancelled the scheduled mail.

[Death insurance] is no longer needed.

I don’t have to send too many letters back and interfere with my past thinking.

He opened the safe and burned the two letters in it.

After everything is over.

Look at the electronic watch on the desk.

10:11 in the morning.

“What the hell is Lei Haolong doing now?”


Over the Pacific Ocean, the stratosphere.

A small Gulfstream private jet is sailing fast.

“Isn’t there yet? Why is it so slow?”

“Mr. Lei, please stay safe. This is already the highest speed.”

Lei Haolong waved his hand impatiently.

Signaled the exclusive stewardess beside her to retreat.

This private jet is very small, with only 8 seats in the airport, but the various decorations are extremely luxurious.

It’s just that Lei Haolong at this moment has no intention of enjoying it.

“What exactly is going on?”

“Why is it different from what was arranged in my [Suicide Note]?’

It’s different from the confidence and victory when I saw Lin Xian just now.

At this time, Lei Haolong frowned.

He has tried this way countless times.

But Li Jing can’t make a call

[Regret Mutual Aid Association]’s webpage was not updated in time

Although I can’t believe it.

But if this happens, there is a high probability that Li Jing and [Regret Mutual Aid Association] are already dead.

“What the hell happened? Who on earth killed them?’


This is not what makes Lei Haolong the most flustered.

According to the arrangement of my [suicide note], it should be Li Jing or [arrogant] who resurrected myself!

Thought of here

Lei Haolong felt a chill in his back unconsciously.

If, Li Jing and [Arrogance] are both dead.


“Who is the one who resurrected me?”

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