Chapter 226 Lin Xian’s last 10 hours! The ultimate reasoning breaks! Lock the baby!

Liu Lu’s words are simple enough to understand.

Lin Xian closed his eyes and felt

The clock hands of the positive and negative sequences collided and stalemate on the dial.

Two cars from opposite directions collided and exploded into fragments.

Two halves of the earth’s crust move and collide, ranging from earthquakes to large ones.

And if it’s a collision between [positive sequence time] and [reverse sequence time]

It will produce a huge energy [space-time shock]!

Enough to make the whole earth tremble!

“Understanding Liu Lu, I can understand the positive sequence time. The sensory time of our daily life is the positive time.”

“But what is reverse time?”

Liu Lu scratched his head:

“This is a bit complicated to explain. When it comes to the concept of entropy, you definitely can’t understand it.

“[Reverse time] There are many situations, divided into full reverse time, partial reverse time, forward reverse time, and reverse reverse time. Forget it, let’s put it this way.”

“Have you watched the science fiction movie “Creed” directed by Nolan? There are some people in it that are completely reversed in time, walking backwards, and bullets flying from bullet holes into guns.”

“[867 There is also a movie, “The Past of Benjamin Button”, in which the protagonist was born 90 years old, a little old man. But the younger he lived, he eventually became a baby and died]”

“These examples are all manifestations of reversed time, abandoning the literary and artistic elements. The inspiration for these films must come from related scientific research.


Lin Xian means a lot~ he said.

He has indeed watched both movies.

It is not difficult to understand such an example.

It is said that art comes from life, maybe there are people who grow against time in this world!

Just like Benjamin Button, he was born 90 years old.

Then he lived younger and younger, and finally became a baby and died.

“But I want to add one more sentence.”

Liu Lu reminded over the phone:

“Movies are only movies after all, and such things cannot exist in real life. Unless

“[It’s a supernatural phenomenon that we can’t understand, just like 42!]”

Lin Xian nodded.


Then he hung up the phone and sat alone on the desk thinking.

Liu Lu’s words.

Provided myself with a brand new clue.

The birth of [Demon] may have something to do with the collision between positive sequence time and reverse sequence time.

“But this clue has no meaning in stopping [the devil].”

“After all, at the moment [Devil] was born, mankind had already lost.

“So, if you want to stop [Devil], you must be before the time and space shock! That is, before 00:42 on August 17!”

Lin Xian took out the pen and paper and began to sort out the clues.

Before the earthquake.

Lin Xian reasoned out 3 important pieces of information–

1. The true identity of [Rage] is the chief surgeon of Lei Haolong’s son, David Green.

2. Einstein was not cremated in the Princeton Crematorium, his life and death once again became a mystery.

3. There must be a problem with the Princeton University Hospital! Countless 42 are reminding themselves of this, this must be the birthplace of the [devil]!

“All in all, although I was a step late after all, I got a lot of important information.”

“Just let me in the past solve the remaining mysteries!”

In the next precious time, Lin Xian kept thinking about details that might have been missed.

The electronic watch on the table kept beating.

This means that Lei Haolong’s plane is getting closer and closer to the United States, and the time of his death is also getting closer and closer.

Lin Xian turned on his phone and checked the time.

Unconsciously, a few hours passed, and it is now 06:32 in the morning.

Another 11 minutes.

The alarm that used to wake up would sound.

“I only have (cafd) six hours left

Lin Xian smiled.

Death is not terrible.

The frightening thing is that you can never escape the future of closed-loop time and space.

“Huh? Wait a minute.”

Lin Xian opened his eyes wide.

Suddenly I thought of a very strange thing…

“[Demon] can’t use the phone?”

This whimsical idea is very important!

It is the key to solving the puzzle!

“Yes, if Lei Haolong wants to kill me, why not call [Devil] directly?”

Lin Xian stood up excitedly!

This doesn’t make sense!

If it doesn’t make sense, it means there is a loophole!

Lin Xian closed his eyes and started to imitate Lei Haolong’s thoughts

“It can be early, not late. If Lei Haolong really wants to kill me for revenge, then we should race against time.”

“Facts have proved that Lei Haolong is already racing against time. After the resurrection, he went straight to the airport and flew to the United States.”

“But the problem lies here. Now is the era when network communication is very developed. Why doesn’t Lei Haolong call [Devil] directly?”

Lin Xian opened his eyes!

“Listening to Lei Haolong, he clearly knows that [Devil] is in Princeton! He even knows the specific location and identity of [Devil]! Why doesn’t he call [Devil] directly?”

“Obviously, you only need to make a phone call to [Demon], and [Demon] can wipe me out with causal weapons, saving me long nights and dreams, and giving me time to write to the past.

“This is too unreasonable!”

Lin Xian paced faster and faster.

He feels

Only one step away from the truth!

Lei Haolong is not a fool, this kind of stupid behavior of “giving the enemy a breather” is not his style.

Just like the law of the dark forest, in order to prevent the other party from destroying yourself, you must destroy the other party as soon as you find the other party!

Any kindness and hesitation will bring disaster to oneself!

“There are only two possibilities for Lei Haolong not calling [Devil].

“1. Lei Haolong only knows where [Devil] is, but does not know the contact information of [Devil].

“2. [Devil] can’t use the phone, or can’t use the phone!”

This inference is too important!

Lin Xian immediately went back to the desk and worked hard.

The first guess is obviously impossible.

Since Lei Haolong is so confident, it means that he clearly knows who resurrected himself.

After all, this is his back hand!

If Lei Haolong secretly left a [suicide note] or something before he died

Maybe [Devil] resurrected him according to the plan of [Suicide Note]!

“Lei Haolong must know who resurrected him, there is no need to question it!”

“So, the truth of the matter is only one-”

Lin Xian suppressed the excitement, and directly crossed out the first guess, circled with the pen tip, and circled the second guess–

“This means that [the devil] can’t use a cell phone! Can’t even answer the phone!”

“People in this world who don’t know how to use mobile phones and telephones”

“[I am afraid there are only children under 3 years old!]”.

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