Chapter 214 People who play with time and space will eventually be played with time and space!

For the next two days, Lin Xian stayed in the hotel and did not go out.

There are a lot of scratch papers on the table for reasoning.

But still can’t find a reasonable idea.

“It’s too difficult, it really is not easy to find [Devil].”

Before Lin Xian was full of confidence.

I think I can find [Demon].

Save the future world.

But now look

The future middle-aged Lin Xian, who has eaten more than himself for so many years, can’t find the [devil].

Where is my self-confidence in honey?

“Yeah, I am also me in the future, can I still live more and more regressively?,

“In fact, so far, what I can think of, I have already thought of the future; everything I have done, the future I have already done.”

“It can be said that I still haven’t been able to get out of [Time and Space Closed Loop], and I am still advancing along his old path.”

Lin Xian sighed helplessly.

This is the most desperate point.

If you just follow your own old road in the future, it is nothing more than re-acting the historical plot, and nothing can be changed.

Two days ago.

He witnessed the death of Li Jing and Lei Haolong’s son.

There is no doubt about this, both of them died thoroughly 20.

Lin Xian personally touched it.

The corpses were cold.

so …

How could two people who died in 2021 still be demons in 2041?

“This is not scientific at all, and even that these two people are going to be cremated to ashes today. How can there be a chance to become a [devil]?”

Secondly, the second point that makes Lin Xian feel at a loss is that

He has no goals!

Before, he suspected that many people were [devil].

With so many candidates, he naively thought that he could be sorted out even with the elimination method!

He had doubted Lei Haolong, but Lei Haolong died before his eyes.

He had doubted [Arrogance], and the arrogance died before his eyes.

He suspected Li Jing, and Li Jing died before his eyes.

In the end, there was no way. Lin Xian, who was desperate, went to unfoundedly suspect a newborn baby!

The result huh!

The little baby also died under Lin Xian’s nose.

“It feels too uncomfortable! It’s like being teased by someone, slapped me in the face like crazy!”

By now

All those who had been suspected by Lin Xian were already dead.

Once again, he fell into a dead end that no one could doubt.

“If I insist, I regret that the Mutual Aid Association has the last fish that slipped through the net [Rage].”

“But it has been analyzed before. [Rage] is absolutely impossible to be [Demon], because the purpose of [Demon] is to destroy the world, which is completely contrary to the purpose of [Rage]!”

“Dao are different and do not seek each other, so they are definitely not in the same group.

Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell, Jingle Bell–

Lin Xian’s phone rang.

It is the alarm clock he specially ordered.

Yesterday, the assistant to the dean in the hospital contacted him.

The assistant said that all the procedures and certifications have been completed, and the bodies of Li Jing’s mother and son will be sent to the crematorium for cremation tomorrow.

This is what the two said from the beginning. Lin Xian should be notified.


Lin Xian pressed off the alarm clock.

“It’s time to go out.”

“Anyway, today is Li Jing’s funeral, we still have to give them a good ride.”

Lin Xian is a very careful person.

He did his best to find the master who made wreaths in Chinatown and ordered two wreaths for Li Jing and her son.

There is an old saying in Longguo that the dead are the greatest.

Just let them two hard-working people take this last journey well.

Half an hour later, Lin Xian appeared at the gate of Prince University Hospital on time.

The assistant to the dean who met two days ago came out to greet him.

Then under Lin Xian’s gaze.

The funeral staff took out the bodies of Li Jing and her son and placed them on a black van.

“Mr. Lin, let’s go by car.

The assistant pointed to a black Cadillac car next to him and asked Lin Xian to sit in it.


The two vehicles are started simultaneously.

One after the other.

Drive towards [Princeton Crematorium] outside the suburbs.

Along the way, Lin Xian and the dean’s assistant had a little chat.

But his thoughts kept looking at the crematorium building that was faintly visible in the distance.

【Princeton Crematorium】

This is the second time he has come.

As early as the first day of coming to the United States, Lin Xian had already visited here.

Although nothing was found.

But anyway, it’s a step on it.

The United States is a society where rich people can do whatever they want.

Lin Xian is rich now.

So he used money to do a lot of things.

When their vehicles arrived at the crematorium, a series of decorations needed for the farewell ceremony were arranged in the hall in accordance with the tradition of the Long Kingdom.

What black and white portraits, white bandages, candle tributes, everything

Actually Lin Xian doesn’t understand these very well.

But it doesn’t hurt.

There are Chinese in Chinatown who specialize in this kind of business.

It can be done with money.

The whole ceremony proceeded step by step.

Familiar processes are everywhere.

When Lin Xian was a child, he never ate a funeral banquet in his hometown, and he was not unfamiliar with this kind of ceremony.

After everything is over.

It’s the cremation stage

According to regulations, cremation must be separated one by one.

Even a small baby who was born with a natural disaster is considered to be a person, so he must be cremated separately.

The two bodies were carried into two incinerators respectively.

Before starting, Lin Xian glanced at the two one last time.

Li Jing was already completely dead, her face pale, but fortunately she painted her body makeup, which was not so permeating.

“Li Jing, go all the way well. In the next life I hope you can live a little easier. Don’t think so much and look so far. Sometimes a quiet and ordinary life is good.”

When he said this, Lin Xian thought of Wen Ling.

Wen Ling once was a wealthy daughter.

Now she, although she has lost everything she once had, it does not prevent her from living happily.

People are contented.

In the time and space before the change.

Lei Haolong long ago died in the Chijiage Theater.

Li Jing naturally did not marry Lei Haolong and have children.

At that time, Li Jing was ordinary and poor

Anyway, it’s better to die than to live.

It’s better than now!

“Good luck tricks people.”

Lin Xian shook his head helplessly.

A slight change in time and space will trigger an unpredictable butterfly effect and change the destiny of countless people.


If not necessary, don’t play with time and space.

People who play with time and space will eventually be played with time and space!

This is the latest law of time and space that Lin Xian realized


Perhaps time and space itself is also conscious and resilient.

[In the closed loop of time and space, people who play with time and space will eventually be played with time and space. 】

[If you want to change the fate of being played by time and space, you must break out of the closed loop!]

Lin Xian stepped back.

Looking at the tall incinerator in front of me

Clench your fists.

He is still in the closed loop of time and space.

To win this [Hide and Seek of Gods and Demons]…

You must find the key to breaking through the closed loop!

And this key

what is it?

Where is it?

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