Chapter 215 The mystery of Einstein’s ashes! The only plumber who knows the truth!

Lin Xian turned around and walked to another incinerator.

There was a petite baby lying flat on it.

This is the son of Lei Haolong and Li Jing.

It’s a disaster when I was born.

Do not …

To be precise, before birth, he was forced to give birth prematurely.

That’s why the body is so small.

It weighs only about 3 kg, which is two laps smaller than a normal birth.


The body of this little baby is also pale, his eyes closed, and his expression is painful.

Lin Xian had only seen the back of his head before.

There is a shocking scar on it.

But now the body of the baby is lying flat.

So Lin Xian saw his face for the first time.

“The head is indeed a bit big, when this child grows up, he must be a big-headed son.”

“Uh, I don’t know what he will look like when he grows up. Will he be like a mother? Or will he be like a father?

Lin Xian tried to find some similarities in the distorted five senses of babies.

The nose is not like it.

The eyes are not like.

The mouth is not like it!


Lin Xian scratched his head awkwardly.

[How come this kid does not look like Lei Haolong or Li Jing?]

On the contrary, it looks like a mixed race from the nose!

Is it his own?

Is Lei Haolong being green?

“Maybe the five senses have not been opened yet, let alone a premature baby.”

Lin Xian heard from the elderly in the family before.

Newborn children are all wrinkled and ugly, and will not grow up until a few days later.

Perhaps this is the reason.

Lin Xian didn’t want to keep looking at the baby’s corpse, so he averted his gaze.

The staff at the crematorium pushed the remains into the incinerator.

Then activate the button.

The entire high-pressure and high-temperature incinerator began to roar.

Too noisy.

So Lin Xian and the hospital assistant walked to the yard of the crematorium and waited.

The hospital assistant sighed and loosened the tie around his neck.

Smiled to Lin Xian:

“Mr. Lin, do you mind if I smoke a cigarette?”

Lin Xian waved his hand, motioning for him to please.

“You smoke here, I’ll go around

The cremation time takes 2 hours.

Only by cremation for such a long time can the bones be completely burnt to ashes.

Lin Xian walked around the building of the crematorium.

Came to the empty courtyard behind.

There is an old boiler room, a transformer box, and a row of staff dormitories.

One corner of the courtyard is a place to store rubbish.

There is a pit half a meter deep there.

The soil in the pit was very new and very wet, and it was only turned out yesterday.

The curious Lin Xian walked over to check.

He grabbed a branch and pulled it.

The soil is very soft.

Just twice, white ashes came out!

“Squirting, I didn’t mean it, I’ll bury you n々.”

People in Longguo have a sense of awe for this kind of thing in their bones, and Lin Xian buried these ashes with branches.

He knows what it is.

When interviewing the crematorium boss by pretending to be a school reporter, the boss bluntly said:

“After each cremation and disposal of the ashes, the ashes scattered in the incinerator will be sucked together with a vacuum cleaner, and then they will be buried in a large pit at the back.”

Lin Xian threw away the branches.

Thinking with his chin.

Two hours later

The cremation of Li Jing and the baby is over.

Their ashes powder will inevitably fly into the incinerator and stick to the wall.

These ashes that are difficult to clean are generally not packed in cinerary caskets.

Only when the machine is cleaned, will the floating, deposited and scattered ashes in the machine be sucked up with a vacuum cleaner.

Then buried in the dirt pit in the backyard.

“So this is why the middle-aged me in the future will find the DNA of Li Jing and Lei Haolong’s son under the cremation site.”

“Sure enough, I am still very cautious in the future. The two [must be correct] facts he said are absolutely correct! No doubt!”

“After I return to China, let’s reason from these two [must be correct] facts.”

Two hours are fast.

Seeing Li Jing again.

She was already lying quietly in the urn.

The urn is small and light.

It is hard to imagine that after a person died, he was squeezed into such a small space.

“And this, Mr. Lin.”

The hospital assistant handed over another small urn.

This urn is a bit smaller.

Don’t think about it.

It must be the ashes of Li Jing and Lei Haolong’s son.

“Mr. Lin, please take the two urns back to Long Nation according to what we said before, thank you for your hard work!”

Lin Xian nodded.

Go to the parking lot outside with two urns.

Behind him, there was the buzzing sound of a high-power vacuum cleaner.

The staff is cleaning the incinerator.

The ashes falling inside were all sucked into the vacuum cleaner.

Lin Xian remembers his name is

Old John!

“Wait, wait a minute!”

Lin Xian was stunned suddenly, holding the door of the car with his hand, and stopped there.

“Mr. Lin? What’s the matter with you? Have you forgotten something?”

The assistant sitting in the driver’s seat looked at Lin Xian suspiciously.

Lin Xian stretched out his hand to signal that he was okay.

“Thank you, please wait a minute and leave.”


Lin Xian closed his eyes and began to recall what the crematorium boss said when he evaluated Old John

“This old man is also an old employee here, the plumber here.”

“I should have fired him for his attitude to work! But this crematorium is too old, and the various underground pipelines are intricate, and it is really difficult for someone to figure it out. Only he can figure it out.”

“So there is no other way but to confess to him like this.

Lin Xian began to refine keywords–

[Old Staff], [Long Years], [Only He Knows…

Lin Xian opened his eyes suddenly!

“it’s him!”

“His qualifications are so old that he even knows the structure of the pipes under the cremation site. It is very likely–”

“[This old John has been working in the crematorium when he was young! He is the only person in this crematorium who knows whether Einstein was cremated here!]”

Lin Xian is happy to watch!

Excited by my discovery!


Einstein was a famous man in the world back then!

If he was really cremated in this crematorium, as an employee at the time, Old John would have heard of it!

At present, the sources of the ashes of Li Jing and Lei Haolong’s sons have been figured out.

Only the source of Einstein’s ashes remains a mystery.

Up to now, Lin Xian can only look at the problem with a skeptical attitude.

*… This old John is almost 90 years old by his grade! Ask him, you should know [Did Einstein be cremated here?]!”

Lin Xian hurried over and stopped the old man:

“Hi! Old sir, hello, may I ask you some questions?”

Old John burped.

Looking at Lin Xian with erratic eyes:

“Oh~ the people of Longguo! Very good. I like Longguo very much.

“Ask me questions?”

“Yes, of course! You have to know that there are too few people in this world who are still willing to take care of me, they all treat me like rubbish!”


This old gentleman is quite talkative.

Lin Xian also asked straightforwardly:

“Sir, I am an international student who likes to study history. This semester I have been studying our great men in Princeton Town.”

“Albert Einstein, you must have heard of it? I checked the information. He lived in Princeton for the rest of his life. So I want to ask.”

“Did Einstein be cremated here after he died?”

(Qian Li’s)

Old John laughed.

Then he dug his nostrils, and then said:

“No, he was not cremated here.

Such a quick answer makes Lin Xian doubt the authenticity of the information!

Did your old ear hear clearly?

“Sir, are you so sure? Don’t you need to remember it?”

Old John laughed again:

“What else needs to be thought of! Boy, do you know? Since this crematorium has just been established, I am working here.”

“At that time, there was only one incinerator, and there was wasteland where birds did not shit. Apart from the boss at the time, only a few of us dared to work here.

“At that time, transportation was not developed. We lived here for many years, so I knew everything about what happened here.”

“You have to know that crematoriums are not supermarkets. You can’t make a few deals in a day. At that time, there were not many people in the United States who were willing to cremation. So if a great man like Einstein was cremated here, how could it not cause a sensation? ?,

“Even if he himself is not willing to hold a farewell ceremony. But the masses and his admirers will spontaneously come here to mourn for him.

“So you don’t have to doubt this at all. I can tell you very responsibly! Tell you loose”

“[Albert Einstein, absolutely not cremated here!]”.

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