Chapter 213 Dead babies, interlaced lives, confused mysteries!

The ensuing 42, made Lin Xian too late to think about its precise meaning.

42 this night is too much.

It can be said to directly swipe the screen!

Now he has more important things to do.



At the moment the surgical cart was launched, the long-awaited doctors and nurses gathered around:

“Mr. David! How? Did the operation succeed? If this super-difficult tumor can succeed, your paper this year will surely make a sensation in the medical world again!”

“Dean David, how is the baby? Is the function of the cerebral cortex affected after the tumor is removed? Is everything normal?”

“This is a functional drink. Excuse me, please drink it. After 4 hours of continuous operation in it, I am afraid that you can’t hold it at such an advanced age? You must be very tired?”

“I’m really sorry that we didn’t keep the baby’s mother. When I was sent to the hospital, the amniotic fluid embolism was already serious. We really did our best.”

Facing everyone’s babbles.

This exhausted authoritative expert in brain science has no expression.

He lowered his head and said nothing.

The atmosphere suddenly became cold, and no one dared to speak

Lin Xian looked up and down the respected [Dean David Green].

From the taxi driver to the doctor in the hospital, everyone mentions the dean with stars in the eyes of admiration.

Without exception!

So Lin Xian did not doubt his medical skills at all.

This old dean is very tall, half a head taller than Lin Xian, and is estimated to be over 195 in height.

This is still old and the bones shrunk.

When he was young, his height must be more than 2 meters!

In addition to being tall, his second impression is thin.

However, most elderly people are very thin, and Lin Xian doesn’t care too much.

Other details “八ハ八五零”

Because he is wearing a loose surgical gown, a mask and a hat.

So I can’t see anything clearly.

Lin Xian is also very concerned about the life and death of babies.

But so many people were silent and did not speak. He was too embarrassed to say anything.

Can only silently wait for the old dean to speak.


After a long sigh.

Dean David Green shook his head regretfully:

“Sorry guys, I didn’t save this little angel after all.,

“His brain tumor is too big, it has been severely compressed to the functional areas of the cerebral cortex, and has even merged together.”

“I also made a very difficult decision before I made up my mind to perform this super-difficult operation. But when I cut his head and opened his skull, I realized that I had made a wrong decision.”

“I tried to remove the tumor, but everything was too late. The baby had no physical characteristics at the time. Even though the cardiopulmonary ventilator had been connected long ago. But the operation failed in the end. I couldn’t take this life back from death. ”

The old dean’s expression was very sad.

The doctors around are also people who are used to seeing life and death.

After a brief period of grief, they began to comfort the old dean:

“Dean David, you have done your best. Don’t let your emotions affect your body. There are more patients who need you.”

“Yes, yes, if this is in another hospital, I am afraid I will give up the treatment! Looking at the whole country, only you have the ability to rescue it. But the chance of successful surgery is still too low.”

“This is really terrible for mother and child. I don’t know if the baby’s tumor is directly related to the mother’s sucking du. It’s really a poor child.

The old dean looked very tired.

He waved his hand to signal everyone not to gather here and let everyone return to their respective jobs.

Then patted his assistant on the shoulder:

“According to the prescribed procedures, handle this matter properly. Contact the family members of the deceased as soon as possible to see what the family members mean to deal with the remains.”

“For the people of Longguo, the general choice is to cremate and transport the ashes back to their country, but how to get it is to wait until you contact your family. Please feel free to contact me if you have any progress.”

“Ah and more”

Originally, the old dean had already left, but he came back and seriously asked the assistant:

“We must do a good job of explaining the accompanying relatives and friends. We have indeed tried our best and hope they understand!

After all…

The old dean bent over and walked towards the private office on the other side of the corridor.After the old dean left, the assistant turned around and took Lin Xian’s hand:

“Mr. You have also heard, our Dean David did our best. Even on the operating table in the hospital, it is not the doctor who has the final say on life and death. I hope you can understand this.”

Lin Xian nodded.

He is not the kind of unreasonable person.

The hospital is not a place where resurrection coins are issued. How can it be possible for a person to rescue one?

Some people themselves are becoming blind.

If you can’t cure it, you can’t blame the doctor for his poor level.

He pointed to the peaceful baby in the surgical cart:

“Well, can I take a look at this kid? How can I say, I want to see him for the last time.”

Lin Xian only hated that he couldn’t squeeze two tears out of his eyes, and couldn’t act realistically.

But fortunately, the assistant speaks very well.

Signal Lin Xian to please.

At this time, the doctors and nurses waiting around had already left.

The indicator light above the operating room has gone out.

The operating door with house number 42 opened wide.

In front of this empty door, only Lin Xian and his assistant were left, as well as a stroller lying on the corpse of a small baby.

Lin Xian stepped forward.

Carefully observe the baby in the surgical cart.

The baby is lying on the soft cushion with his face down and the back of his head facing up.

Sure enough, I didn’t read it wrong before

Lei Haolong’s son has a big head!

Because he only glanced at it before, Lin Xian thought he was wrong.

Now he was sure. He was right. The baby’s head was indeed bigger than the average baby.

Not to mention that he is still a petite premature baby

“Poor boy, he has left this world without a name.”

Lin Xian is also a person who is about to get married.

I don’t hate children as much as before, but I still have a sense of intimacy.

He couldn’t help but want to touch the child’s head.


The blood-stained suture on the back of his head made him resist the urge to touch his head.

Don’t think about it.

The startling narrow wound on the back of the head from the top of the head to the neck was left over from brain surgery.

Of course, the suture has been sutured with surgical thread at this time.

Looking at the neatness of the stitching, it is not difficult to guess that it must be stitched by those high-precision robots in the [intelligent robot operating room].

Lin Xian covered the baby with a white cloth

At this point, it has been determined–

[Lei Haolong’s son has died. 】

What the letter said was right, and I witnessed the deaths of Li Jing, mother and son with my own eyes.


Two staff members came and pushed the trolley into the morgue.

They also put the baby’s body in a body bag and put it in one of the body cabinets.

Lin Xian saw everything in this whole process.

The baby’s corpse cabinet is next to Li Jing’s corpse cabinet.

Li Jing and her son, who were still “in the same room” four hours ago, are now separated in two corpse cabinets.

It’s really embarrassing.

So far, Lei Haolong’s family of three have all died

And Lin Xian’s reasoning has once again fallen into a dead end.

Before coming to the U.S., he believed that the first suspect of [Devil] was Li Jing.

Li Jing died.

Subsequently, according to the rule of elimination, he locked the [devil] suspects should be the children of Li Jing and Lei Haolong.

As a result, the little baby died before his eyes.

He touched the bodies of both people.

You can’t doubt them anymore, right?

“Hey [the devil]’s clue is broken again! It’s really irritating! Are all these pushes going to start again?”

Lin Xian scratched his head boredly.

At this moment, he really understood why the middle-aged man in the future could not find it out by himself [Devil] Who is it?

This is too difficult!

One doubt after another, not everyone.

There are almost 7 billion people in this world.

After getting out of the morgue.

The assistant invited Lin Xian to the meeting room and said sincerely:

“Sir, I have been so busy and haven’t asked your surname? How should I call you?”

“Minggui, the surname is Lin.

“Okay, Mr. Lin! We talked just now. You are currently the only Ms. Li Jing in the United States. I hope you can provide us with some help when dealing with the following matters.”

The assistant made Lin Xian a cup of coffee and handed it to Lin Xian.

This stayed up all day and night.

Lin Xian is indeed a little sleepy.

Take a sip of coffee ー-


Almost sprayed chu!

This coffee is worthy of being American, it’s too bitter.

never mind.…

Just be refreshed.

Lin Xian worked hard and drank half of this cup of coffee, instantly refreshed.

“Let’s talk if you need my help. Ms. Li Jing and I have been classmates and friends for many years. If I can help, I will definitely help.”

Chat room.

The assistant told Lin Xian about the follow-up arrangements.

First, you need to contact Li Jing’s immediate family members, that is, her parents in Longguo, and ask them for their opinions.

If they want to come to the United States to see Li Jing for the last time, then wait until they come to deal with it.

If they do not want to come, they will be sent to the crematorium for cremation, and then commissioned Lin Xian to bring the ashes back to the country for burial.

“If the remains are not cremated, the body is directly transported back to the country”

The assistant smiled bitterly and shook his head:

“In principle, there is no prohibition, but if you want to obtain various approvals, it is not something ordinary people can handle. It depends on the coordination between you.”

“In short, I hope that Mr. Lin, you can help us contact Li Jing’s parents and ask them what they mean. If necessary, I hope you can bring the ashes back to China for them and give them to Ms. Li Jing’s parents.”

Lin Xian nodded.

Anyway, it’s just a matter of effort.

Coupled with so many years of classmate friendship, I still have to help if I am busy..0

Lin Xian looked at the following table, and it was half past one in the morning, U.S. time.

Conversion based on time difference.

It is two o’clock in the afternoon in Longguo, when the sun is shining.

“Then contact Li Jing’s parents now.”

Through various relationships, it is not difficult to find the contact information of Li Jing’s parents.

The high schools where everyone is in Hangzhou are basically locals.

Contacted the former head teacher through the monitor Wang Hao, and then asked three questions and asked them out.


Finding contact information is not difficult.

The hard part is

How to speak!

Lin Xian looked at the phone number dialed on the screen of the phone, hesitated for a long time before daring to press the dial button.

How to say this…

It is said that Longguo people like to report good news but not bad news.

What I reported was not only worry, but also super worry!

The white-haired person gave the black-haired person, or the mother and child both died. For the parents, the blow was too great.

“Let’s first ask about the specific situation of Li Jing’s house.”

Lin Xian called Liu Yiyi and Wen Ling, and they had a good relationship with Li Jing when they were in school.

Lin Xian learned from two phone calls that Li Jing was born in a very ordinary rural family.

My parents have been farming all their lives and have never been out of that small village.

So from high school, Li Jing has studied hard, hoping to change his destiny by studying.

Later, I didn’t know much about the university

I saw her again when I was with Lei Hao Longwan at a class reunion.Although this combination is surprising.

But for Li Jing, who hopes to “turn Massachusetts into a Phoenix”, Lei Haolong does perfectly meet her criteria for choosing a mate, and it is considered a good match.

There is nothing to say about it.

Everyone has his own ambitions, and everyone has his own spouse choice.

At the same time, Lin Xian also learned that Li Jing has many brothers and sisters, including 2 older sisters and 1 younger brother.

This news also let Lin Xian breathe a sigh of relief.

It’s not an only child anyhow.

Although sadness is inevitable, but at least for Li Jing’s parents, there are other children to rely on, so that they will not be old and helpless.

“It’s all about fighting, every day or night.

Lin Xian gritted his teeth.

Called Li Jing’s father

After the call was connected, the other side was a simple and honest farmer.

Lin Xian first stated his identity, and then directly explained the series of things with a few questions.

Li Jing’s father knew about Lei Haolong’s death in a car accident.

Li Jing’s father also knew about Li Jing’s pregnancy.

When Li Jing died in the United States, the voice of the old father over there was obviously choked.

He told Lin Xian.

In fact, he has never been optimistic about the relationship between Li Jing and Lei Haolong, because their family has self-knowledge and is not worthy of Lei Haolong’s family.

The old father said with a long voice and a trembling voice:

“This is not a proper household, it’s easy to get into trouble. The child, Jingjing, born in a peasant family like ours, is there any kind of blessing to be a rich wife? This blessing is too big, she can’t stand it!!”

Lin Xian can only comfort the grieving father.

People in their entire lives like superstitions and talk about fortunes, blessings, and other messy things.

This is a very long call.

Played a full 40 minutes.

Lin Xian said whatever the old father asked.

Lin Xian listened to what the old father said.

The old father said more and more sad, and finally started crying, saying that for the time being 5.3 did not intend to tell the child the news to her mother.

Li Jing’s mother has not been in good health, for fear that she will not be able to bear it for a while.

When talking about how to deal with Li Jing’s mother and son’s remains, the old father sighed helplessly:

“We are all peasants who don’t know how to write a word. Don’t say go abroad. We haven’t even gone out in this village. At most, we go to the town to go to the market.”

“It’s not that we don’t want to see the last time of the child, it’s that we really don’t have this ability.”

Finally, after communication.

The old father chose to have the bodies of Li Jing and her son be cremated in the United States, and then troubled Lin Xian to take the ashes to Hangzhou and donate it to Li Jing’s parents.

Lin Xian also agreed to this request.

After hanging up, Lin Xian relayed the truth to the assistant.

“When will Ms. Li Jing and her child be sent to the crematorium for cremation?”

“Mr. Lin, I am afraid it will take a few days. We need to issue a death certificate, register, and some other procedures. It is estimated that it will take two or three days.”

Lin Xian nodded and exhorted:

“I hope you can notify me one day in advance after confirming the specific time. Although this is a foreign country, I still want to make a simple farewell ceremony for the two of them in accordance with the tradition of the Long Kingdom.”

“Okay Mr. Lin, don’t worry.

The assistant shook hands with Lin Xian in gratitude:

“Thank you for helping us. I will definitely inform you in advance.

It’s not too early.

Lin Xian plans to go back to the hotel and rest, waiting for news from the hospital.

Led by his assistant, he walked along the maze-like corridor to the entrance of the hospital.

When passing by [Smart Robot Operating Room] again

Lin Xian stared at house number 42 for a few seconds.


Why does the house number of this operating room happen to be 42?

Why does the time for the end of the operation happen to be 00:42?

Lin Xian remembered what Liu Lu said.

“In this world, there is no accident at all.

“Accidental is inevitable and inevitable!”

In the dark, Lin Xian felt one-

[There must be a problem with this hospital!],

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