Chapter 212 The operation is over! Who the hell is this baby?

[Rage] First use a scalpel to cut off the back of [Baby No. 1]’s scalp.

Completely cut from top to bottom.

It’s called 【baby number one】.

Because this little baby has no name, it can only be written like this in various medical records.

“But it doesn’t matter what you call it. Anyway, after today, you will no longer exist in this world.”

After the scalp of baby No. 1 was cut, the technologically-sense mechanical arm quickly and accurately operated the ultra-small hemostatic forceps, opened and closed flexibly, and jammed the blood vessels at the scalp incision.

Taste! Taste! Taste! Taste!

There are a total of four bleeding ports, all of which are locked by the hemostatic forceps within 5 seconds!

This speed and accuracy.

Let all the doctors in the world be compared.

This is a task that only artificial intelligence and high-precision machinery can complete.

In exchange for anyone to see this scene.

You will definitely drop your chin!

I mistakenly thought that I had traveled into the world of science fiction in the future!

but …

[Rage] It’s already a bit strange.

Just like I said before.

[Arrogance] There are too many black technologies squeezed out of Einstein’s mind.

This is just the tip of the iceberg.

When [Rage] dealt with the back of Einstein’s scalp.

3 mechanical arms for precise operation, using a medical electric saw, cut the skull of baby No. 1 into a square from the back of the head



As the square skull was taken down, the brain wrapped in the meninges was exposed.

The entire operating room is in an absolutely sterile environment.

Under the superb precision cutting technology.

The brain did not even feel that the “roof” was lifted, and it was still squirming inside

Both babies were connected to a heart-lung ventilator.

Therefore, the short-term brain leaving does not affect the body’s functions.

For [Rage], only the body of baby No. 1 and Einstein’s brain are useful.

As for the rest, the brain of baby one and Einstein’s body.

To him, it is “medical waste”!

“No, no, no, it can’t be said to be useless rubbish, these two things are still useful.”

[Rage] It has been planned.

In order to let the civet cat change the prince undetected.

So, since a baby is pushed into the operating room, then a baby must be pushed out!

This way it won’t make people doubt.

After all, babies are not water vapor, how can they disappear out of thin air?

of course.

It doesn’t matter whether the pushed baby is dead or alive.

“The probability of surviving such a large brain tumor is too low. Even I am not confident that it can be removed perfectly.”

“So everyone can understand the death of this little baby.

Follow the plan of [Rage].

After the brain transplant is completed.

He will send baby No. 1 (with Einstein’s brain inside) through the secret elevator and return it to the underground laboratory for hiding.

There are plenty of medical equipment and artificial intelligence in the underground laboratory.

Enough to guarantee his survival.

As for the rest

With a little processing, you can achieve the effect of hiding from the sky–

Put the brain of baby No. 1 with a big tumor into Einstein’s brain.


at this time.

Both the brain and Einstein’s body are already dead.

He only needs to put Einstein’s brains together.

Then sew up the scalp.

A “fake baby” with a “fake baby” was created!

He has compared it just now.

The two babies are almost exactly the same size.

What’s even more coincidental is that they are both big heads!

This can be more fake!

After the operation is over, [Rage] will look sad and push the dead Einstein out of the operating room.

I regret to tell the colleagues outside the door:

“Sorry, I tried my best, but I still haven’t saved the little angel.”

The two babies are similar in nature, and no one else has any reason to doubt him.

Pushing the operating room is a premature baby with a big head.

It is also a premature baby with a big head.

Isn’t this reasonable?

Moreover, there is not much difference in appearance between the babies themselves.

Especially this premature baby was rushed to the operating room when he was born. Others couldn’t see the details and couldn’t remember the details.

[Rage] Believe.

Everyone outside the door will regard the dead infant Einstein as the premature baby just born.

One trick is to steal the beams, change the pillars, move the flowers and connect the trees, and it’s done ingeniously!

“The child is dead, and his mother is also dead. Then, as long as you send it to the crematorium for cremation as soon as possible, you can naturally destroy the corpse and cross the sea without knowing the sky!”

“Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ”

[Rage] Talking to myself while performing surgery, I feel happy!

His plan is flawless.

He knew about it before entering the operating room.

The death of the child’s mother is a foregone conclusion.

And there are no relatives in the United States.

There was only one friend who came to the hospital to give birth.

“It’s just a mere friend. It’s so foolish. What does he know?”

Right now, the operation has reached the most critical step, and [Rage] ordered the artificial intelligence:

“Inject inhibitory drugs and observe the rejection data at all times. If the critical point is exceeded, increase the amount of inhibitory drugs injected, and ensure that the body indicators of baby No. 1 are stable!”

…0 Seeking flowers………

“As for the baby over there, don’t worry about it. After the brain is removed, let him die.”

Several robotic arms shook up and down a few times as if nodding their heads.

Then quickly put into work.

Outside the operating room.

Lin Xian is already a little sleepy.

But at this time, how could he fall asleep?

He looked at his watch.

Two more hours passed.

It was already 12:40 in the morning late at night.

The green light above the operating room was still on.

The operation to remove the tumor from the brain has been carried out for four hours

Although Lin Xian does not understand medical knowledge.

But he also knows.


This is definitely not a simple minor operation!

Otherwise, there is no need for the seemingly respected “Dean David Green” to go out in person!

Lin Xian rubbed his eyes.

Recalling what the doctor said just now:

[The placenta is medical waste, it will be sent to a special garbage station for destruction, and it will never be mixed with general household waste. 】

In other words.

My self-confident “placental theory” has been denied.

“Looking at the two [must be correct] facts written in the last letter, they must be correct, indeed, I was overwhelmed.”

“Since it has been determined that the ashes of Lei Haolong’s son appeared in the ground of the crematorium, it means that this little baby must be dead, and this operation must have failed.”

Lin Xian sighed helplessly

It’s really good luck.

What was written in the last letter was absolutely correct.

I did witness the death of Li Jing’s mother and son in the United States.

I have seen Li Jing’s body just now.

It is estimated that…

I saw the baby’s body


The light board above the operating room suddenly made a beep.

The green light of “in operation” goes out.

It means the operation is complete!

Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng! Teng!

Lin Xian and all the long-awaited medical staff all stood up and greeted the results of the operation with fear!



The electric side door with house number 42 opens inward.

A tall and thin doctor with a sterile suit came out pushing the surgical cart

A small baby was lying peacefully on the operating cart.

at this time.

Lin Xian looked at his watch subconsciously, and the time happened to be–

00:42! What,

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