Chapter 211 The temperature of death, the devil is locked!


By now.

If Lin Xian can still regard this house number as a coincidence, then don’t bother to find the devil and go straight to his hometown to sell sweet potatoes.

Every time 42 appears, it can’t be a coincidence!

Although 42 is not necessarily correct.

But when 42 appears, there must be time and space fluctuations around, and each 42 is reminding and guiding itself.

Recall carefully

Ever since I got on the plane that departed for the United States, 42 phenomena have swarmed and drowned myself.

The departure time of the plane is 12:42

Li Jing’s hotel room number is 1142

The operating room where Lei Haolong’s son is now, the house number is also 42

There must be some connection between these various signs!

Could it be that there is something that I have neglected?

Lin Xian was about to sit down and think about it when the familiar doctor suddenly greeted him and sighed:

“Sir, please be sorry, there is unfortunate news to tell you.

Lin Xian screamed in his heart:

“Is the baby’s operation failed?”

The doctor shook his head.

He stretched out his hand and motioned Lin Xian to look at the green light on the door of the operating room. It still showed “in operation”, which means that the operation is not over.

“Sorry, sir, it’s not the news of the baby. The unfortunate news comes from his mother. When you left, we received a message from 8501 CU. Li Jing’s rescue was ineffective and the brain death was confirmed.”


Although I was psychologically prepared.

But at the moment when he really heard the news, Lin Xian couldn’t help feeling a trace of sadness in his heart.

This is a high school classmate who has been with me for two years

I saw it at a class reunion last month

I was on the phone a few days ago

I met in the hotel two hours ago

It’s such a young girl who was originally youthful and beautiful, lively and vigorously, died so lightly!

“Well, can I go see her?”

Lin Xian asked softly.

The doctor nodded and led Lin Xian to the right corridor.

Winding east and west, the corridor here is like a maze.

After a few minutes.

Lin Xian came to a place similar to a morgue.

The surrounding walls are all freezers for storing dead bodies.

In the middle of the house, a trolley covered with white cloth was parked, and two medical staff stood beside it.

They nodded to Lin Xian without speaking.

It seems…

After Lin Xian watched Li Jing’s last time, they would store Li Jing in a certain morgue.

Lin Xian held his breath and came to the wheelbarrow.

I gently lifted the white cloth covering Li Jing’s body with my hands–

Li Jing’s expression was very calm.

But (cafd)’s face was extremely pale, without a trace of blood.

Lin Xian stared a few times

It is true that Li Jing is not fake, like a fake replacement.

He also touched the temperature of Li Jing’s forehead. Although it was not cold, it was much lower than the normal temperature of human beings.

[The temperature of the dead].

Seeing this scene, Lin Xian has no reason to suspect that Li Jing is [the devil].

The probability is 0.

It’s just like the [last letter] said.

Li Jing is indeed dead.

“No wonder that the facts stated in the letter are definitely correct. Is it really that I suspected the wrong direction?”

Lin Xian gently recovered the white cloth.

Step back.

Let the two staff members continue their work.

Under his gaze, the two staff members skillfully put Li Jing into a black bag.

Close the zipper.

Put it in Mortuary No. 12.

Lin Xian also made a special sweep.

There are only more than 20 morgues here, so there is no such thing as morgue 42.

“Doctor, what will happen to Ms. Li Jing’s body? Will it be transported to the crematorium for cremation?”

The doctor pushed the glasses and explained to Lin Xian:

“If the family cannot be contacted and the body is not claimed, it will be sent to the crematorium for cremation and then buried in the cemetery after it has been stored for a certain period of time, perhaps after the prepaid mortuary fee has been exhausted.”

“But as long as you can contact your family and how to deal with the remains, you need to listen to your family’s opinions.”

“Of course, it is best for the family to take care of it by themselves. If the family has any requirements, we will try our best to cooperate.”

“Excuse me, you and Ms. Li Jing are friends. Can you help us contact her family in Longguo?”

Lin Xian nodded.

Now that big data is so convenient, it shouldn’t be difficult.

“Anyway, Li Jing is already like this. Let’s go back and wait to see the results of the child’s surgery. Otherwise, would it be too cruel to report two bad news to her family in a row?”

The doctor thought about it, that’s the same thing.

So after starting the low-temperature refrigeration of the morgue, he took Lin Xian back to the door of the [intelligent robot operating room].

The two, together with many medical staff, sat in chairs and waited.

Lin Xian drags his cheeks to think

Now, Li Jing, who she thought was the first suspect of [Demon], was dead.

The only person who could be the [devil] was Lei Haolong’s son, the baby whose brain tumor was being removed in this operating room!

Although the future self said very clearly, the DNA of Lei Haolong’s son was also found under the cremation site

But in case…

Or is it because of the placenta?

Lin Xian poked the doctor next to him and asked in a low voice:

“Doctor, I’m sorry to ask, is there any treatment for the placenta after giving birth?”

The doctor showed a shocked expression:

“Fetus and placenta are medical waste! After cutting off the umbilical cord, we threw it directly into the medical waste bin.

“Cough sir, although I have heard of your Dragon State using placenta as medicine, but at this sad moment, I don’t think you would be willing to go to the trash can?’

Lin Xian hurriedly waved his hand in denial.

I am not a pervert.

Just curious


The two stopped talking.

Lin Xian checked his watch. It was already ten thirty in the evening.

The operation has been going on for two hours, I don’t know if it went smoothly

He raised his head and looked at the “in operation” indicator light.

Under the shining of green light

The 42 number on the house number is very strange.

at the same time.

In the operating room separated by a few thick insurance doors, everything is ready.

On various high-tech equipment, the light curve flickers continuously, showing the respective physiological indicators of the two babies.


There are two babies lying here.

This [intelligent robot operating room] itself was built to study Einstein’s brain.

we can even say

The entire hospital is a cover built for the purpose of researching and extorting Einstein’s confession.


In this cutting-edge and most advanced operating room, of course there is an elevator leading to the underground laboratory!

As soon as he entered the operating room, [Rage] took the elevator to the underground laboratory and carried the unconscious Einstein to another bed in the operating room.

Now, the two babies have been injected with anesthetic, lying on the operating table and sleeping soundly.

There are various catheters in their noses, bodies, and mouths.

Monitoring stickers are also posted everywhere on the body.

The sparse hair on the top of the head has also been shaved off by a high-precision robotic arm.

The various tools protruding from the ceiling, just like the octopus mechanical hands in science fiction movies, stopped in mid-air on standby.

As long as [Rage] gives an order.

These robotic arms will assist [Rage] to complete a series of difficult operations under the command of artificial intelligence.

It can be said

If the technology in this operating room leaked out, it would be enough to shock the whole world!

However, this is only the tip of the iceberg of research results in countless technology laboratories invested by [arrogance]

Einstein’s brain is like an inexhaustible treasure house.

And now

It is the critical moment to keep this treasure house alive!



[Rage] Flip the scalpel, use the deformed right index finger to pick up the hemostatic forceps, and look at the two smooth and smooth back heads in front of you

“Okay, kids~”

“The first brain transplant operation in human history has begun!”.

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